If you want to judge the strongest boss in "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure", Kaz and Dio must be on the list. Of the two big bosses in their respective chapters, Dio and Kaz, which one has the strongest power in the "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" series?

2024/07/0120:14:32 hotcomm 1854


If you want to judge the strongest boss in "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure", Kaz, and dio must be on the list. Kaz is known as the "ultimate creature". He is almost immortal and can recover immediately no matter how injured he is. Even the hot volcanic lava cannot kill him. Dio is a high-level vampire. He is always young and can recover instantly even if his body is split in two. Dio in the first part has super powerful moves such as vaporization freezing method and sky-breaking eye sting. Dio in the third part has After a while, although he lost his vampire moves, he gained a stand-in "world" that could stop at all times. Dio and Kaz once put a lot of pressure on the Jojo protagonist group. Er Qiao and Jotaro spent a lot of effort to defeat these two bosses.

If you want to judge the strongest boss in

As for the two big bosses in their respective chapters, Dio and Kaz, which one has the strongest power in the "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" series? After some analysis, the editor found that Dio is slightly better than Kaz. First of all, the abilities that Dio can use are very diverse. In the third part, Dio has a substitute and has also cultivated a large group of subordinates with different abilities. If he adapts to Da Qiao's body, he is likely to regain his previous vampire abilities. Kaz's abilities are mainly focused on strengthening his own body, and there are not as many tricks as Dio's. Secondly, the time-stopping ability of dio's substitute "world", Kaz, is difficult to deal with. Dio can continuously consume Kaz with the time-stopping ability of "world". Finally, the plug-in that Dio got in the official extra is more powerful than Kaz. The plug-in that Kaz got is to copy the ability of the avatar, while the plug-in that Dio got is to rewrite reality. Below, the editor will give you a detailed analysis and compare the combat effectiveness of these two bosses.

If you want to judge the strongest boss in

1. There are many kinds of abilities and knowledge that Dio can use, but Kaz is relatively monotonous

After obtaining the Red Stone of Alger, Kaz evolved into the ultimate creature. His physical strength was greatly improved, and he was able to create animals out of thin air. Although Dio's physical strength is not as good as Kaz's, his creation ability is stronger than Kaz's. Kaz has never created any examples of intelligent creatures in either animation or comics. Dio can create vampires or human puppets by biting human flesh buds and other methods. Vampires and human puppets are intelligent creatures, and they all have more or less superpowers or substitute abilities. So even if Dio is alone, he can summon a large number of teammates at any time. Apart from his two pillar male teammates, Kaz has almost no helpers, so he has very few abilities that he can use. As the saying goes, two fists are no match for a hundred palms. Dio has many subordinates with very abnormal abilities. Although Kaz is not set to die, having dozens of Dio's subordinates attack together is enough for him to drink a pot.

If you want to judge the strongest boss in

Even if Dio and Kaz leave their teammates to fight alone, Dio may not lose, because Dio has better adaptability than Kaz and he is very good at taking advantage of the surrounding environment. After dio was fished out from the bottom of the sea, he has been studying hard and constantly adapting to modern society. After Kaz broke out of the wall, he has been chasing the red stone of Ai Zhe and has barely read any books. His super high IQ of 400 is completely useless. So when Dio and Kaz were duel, due to the gap in knowledge, Dio had many ways to deal with Kaz, while Kaz could only fight passively. With Dio's IQ, he can definitely lead Kaz into the volcano like Er Qiao, and then use the power of the volcano to send Kaz to heaven. But can Kaz be able to match wits with Dio like Jotaro? No, he doesn't have Jotaro's tactical literacy and wisdom.

If you want to judge the strongest boss in

2. Dio's time-stopping ability It is difficult for Kaz to crack

dio's stand-in "world" that can stop time for five seconds. After Dio and Da Qiao's bodies matched, the time-stopping time was extended to nine seconds. If the conditions are right, nine seconds is enough for Dio to deal with Kaz, and for Kaz, these nine seconds are a matter of life and death. Kaz’s body is harder than diamonds, and Dio’s substitute “World” will most likely not be able to break through his defenses, but Dio is not the kind of person who only keeps breaking through his defenses. When he hits Jotaro, he will run far away. Move the steamroller and use the steamroller to crush Jotaro to death. When he fights Kaz, he can also move various weapons from elsewhere. Although modern weapons may not kill Kaz, they can completely slow down Kaz's actions.dio's cooldown period is only a few breaths long. After his cooldown period, he can continue to consume Kaz. How to crack and stop

If you want to judge the strongest boss in

Kaz? All he can do is try his best to strengthen his body and avoid being hurt during the time stop . But Dio can deal with Kaz without directly hurting his body. The method is very simple. Just move Kaz to the crater like Er Qiao did. Kaz actually doesn't weigh much after evolving into the ultimate creature. If Kaz doesn't deliberately increase his weight, with the "World" A-level power, Dio can move Kaz around, just like he moved Boru at the top of the stairs. Then Leif moved it up and down. If Kaz had been prepared and increased his weight to dozens of tons, Dio could have directly penetrated the surface in nine seconds and sent Kaz to the underground river, letting him drift with the current. Jotaro's stand Platinum Star can open mountains with his bare hands. Although "The World" is a little weaker than Platinum Star, it will not be a problem to penetrate the surface in nine seconds.

If you want to judge the strongest boss in

3. Kaz's official plug-in is not as good as dio

"Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" has many wild and wild extras, some of which like to add plug-ins to previous bosses. In the officially recognized extra "George Joestar", Kaz also Has its own plug-in: " copies and strengthens the ability to attack its own stand-in ". That is to say, once Dio uses Time Stop on Kaz, after Kaz survives nine seconds, he can return Dio with a ninety-second Time Stop package. Seeing this, many people may be surprised: ", then dio can't beat the cheating Kaz ." No, no, dio also got a very powerful cheat in the game "Eye of Heaven". Dio in this game reaches heaven and gains the ability of "World Beyond Heaven", which can rewrite reality. The explanation of rewriting reality in the game is to rewrite the things you touch with your hands into how you like.

If you want to judge the strongest boss in

In other words, with dio enabled, Kaz can be destroyed directly as long as his hands touch Kaz. Of course, rewriting reality requires a huge amount of soul energy, so Tiandi only has one chance to defeat the copy of Kaz, but as long as he seizes this opportunity, he can use his hands to turn Kaz into a girl, kitten or puppy, or directly change the card. With the setting that Kaz is immortal and he is judged to be dead, Kaz is finished. The biggest limitation of Paradise Dio is that to activate its ability, you need to touch the target with both hands. As long as the target of the attack loses his hands, Paradise Dio will be weakened by more than half. However, only a few protagonists in the game know this secret. Kaz completely Unaware, so without the information being made public, in order to absorb Dio's stand-in ability, Kaz might have allowed Dio to attack him with both hands, and now he would have fallen into Dio's trap.

If you want to judge the strongest boss in

Editor's summary:

In summary, Dio's hard power as a boss is stronger than Kaz. Dio is very good at developing his own abilities. He can also control people by planting flesh sprouts to obtain a variety of stand-in abilities. After Kaz became the ultimate creature, he only had a few more superpowers, which were pitifully few compared to Dio, so Dio could use a variety of abilities to deal with Kaz. Secondly, the nine-second time stop of Dio's stand-in "World" is enough for Dio to deal with Kaz. Kaz can only break the time stop with his physical hardness, but he has no stand-in ability, so he cannot attack Dio's stand-in "World", "World" Then you can attack Kaz at will. Kaz, who gained the ability to stand as a substitute in the extra story and whose strength was greatly enhanced, still cannot defeat Dio Tian, ​​who has obtained a stronger plug-in. Dio Tian's ability to rewrite reality is an ability that can change the world line. No matter how powerful Kaz is, the ultimate creature, he can't beat it. It's impossible to directly rewrite and subvert reality like Tenten Dio, unless he sucks Mr. Kishibe Rohan's "Heaven's Gate", what do you think? Welcome to leave a comment below and let’s discuss together~

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