Sports Lottery results: The lottery numbers for the 22072nd issue of the Lotto are: 01 12 13 15 30 + 03 07, the lottery sequence is: "15 30 01 12 13", and the back area is: "07 03".

2024/07/0119:37:32 hotcomm 1473

On June 27, the prizes awarded include Sports Lottery Lotto Issue 22072, Ranking Three/Fifth Issue 22168, as well as Welfare Lottery Happy 8 Issue 22168, Seven Lottery 22072 Issue, and Welfare Lottery 3D 22168 Issue.

sports lottery results:

Lotto No. 22072 lottery numbers are: 01 12 13 15 30 + 03 07, the lottery sequence is: "15 30 01 12 13", and the back area is: "07 03".

The winning numbers for the 22168th issue of the third/fifth ranking are: 5 5 3 9 9

The straight winning numbers for the third and fifth rankings are 8,820 bets, and the first prize for the fifth ranking is 57 bets!

Sports Lottery results: The lottery numbers for the 22072nd issue of the Lotto are: 01 12 13 15 30 + 03 07, the lottery sequence is:

Sports lottery details

Among them, the odd-even ratio of the lottery is 3:2, the size ratio is 1:4, the sum value is 71, and the interval ratio is 2:2:1.

The first prize of this issue comes from: Jiangsu (basic 1 note plus 1 additional note), Gansu (basic 1 note plus 1 additional note), with a maximum single bet of 17.61 million yuan.

754,035,319.29 yuan bonus will be rolled into the next prize pool.

The deadline for redeeming prizes in this period is August 26, 2022. Overdue prizes will be forfeited.

Sports Lottery results: The lottery numbers for the 22072nd issue of the Lotto are: 01 12 13 15 30 + 03 07, the lottery sequence is:

Lotto lottery details

Welfare lottery results:

Seven Lottery 22072 lottery numbers: 02 12 17 21 25 26 27 + 08

Seven Lottery first prize winning situation: 0 note. The cumulative amount of the next Seven Lottery prize pool: 2,199,346 yuan

Welfare Lottery 3D No. 22168 lottery number: 2 0 3

Sales amount of this period: 80,067,108 yuan

Happy 8 No. 22168 lottery number: 03 04 11 16 19 27 29 35 40 42 49 50 54 62 63 72 74 75 79 80

Happy 8 "Select Ten" first prize: Henan 1 bet, single bet bonus 10 million. The sales amount of this period: 105,961,058 yuan, the prize pool amount of the "Select Ten" gameplay: 65582819.70 yuan.

The balance of the special prizes for the next period's specific gameplay is: 24202508.40 yuan

The amount of the special prizes for the next period's special prizes: 5000000.00 yuan

The amount of the special prizes for the next period's nine Nine special prizes: 600000.00 yuan

Sports Lottery results: The lottery numbers for the 22072nd issue of the Lotto are: 01 12 13 15 30 + 03 07, the lottery sequence is:

Welfare lottery details

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