This meme is very popular and can be found in many fan works. For example, after A in the original style licks B, he will immediately change into a JOJO style and say this line.

2024/07/0119:12:33 hotcomm 1005

Hello friends, welcome to today’s cloud JO classroom and JOJO review guide (error). What I want to share with you today are some hilarious memes in JOJO. You are welcome to keep reading and find your own stand-in as soon as possible.

JOJO, are you looking at me?

This joke comes from the third part. At that time, JOJO and his group, whose destination was Egypt, arrived in Singapore. In order to find out the news about DIO, Erqiao tested his reading and writing skills on the TV. Kakyoin appeared on the TV, and he was Information from DIO's men.

This meme is very popular and can be found in many fan works. For example, after A in the original style licks B, he will immediately change into a JOJO style and say this line. - DayDayNews

Just when Er Qiao was shocked, the TV screen suddenly changed. DIO appeared and turned around in a very aggressive manner and said: "JOJO, you are looking at me, right!" Then the TV exploded. When you find someone peeking at you, you might as well put on the same pose as Master DIO and say this joke.

I am so HIGH!

This joke also comes from the third part. During the final battle, DIO drank Er Qiao's blood and regained all his abilities as a vampire. He even became a stand-in for "THE WORLD" (cross out Varudo). The ability to stop time has also been greatly improved.

This meme is very popular and can be found in many fan works. For example, after A in the original style licks B, he will immediately change into a JOJO style and say this line. - DayDayNews

During the pause, due to his excitement, DIO inserted his finger into his brain and started spinning it. At the same time, DIO said this line. Later, it was generally cited by Chef JO when he was extremely excited, or used as death FLAG. In many ghost works about JOJO, the first line is also extremely high. The smell of the smell of lying!

This meme comes from the first episode of the fifth part of the JOJO animation. Bucciarati came into contact with GIOGIO in order to investigate the cause of teary Luca's death. Bucciarati has the ability to judge whether a person is lying by identifying the smell of sweat. He used his stand-in ability to put the tearful Luca's eyes into GIOGIO's hands. When GIOGIO was sweating in panic, he licked his sweat and said: This line.

This meme is very popular and can be found in many fan works. For example, after A in the original style licks B, he will immediately change into a JOJO style and say this line. - DayDayNews

This meme is very popular. This scene can be seen in many fan works. For example, after A in the original style licks B, he will immediately change into a JOJO style and say this line. Some people even combined this meme with the voice actor's meme and the chef's little master. When Bucciarati licked GIOGIO's sweat and said this line, he also said a food review about sweat. It's onions, I added onions.

Don’t come near me!

This line comes from the final BOSS Diavolo in the fifth part of JOJO. Because of the substitute ability of GIOGIO Golden Experience Requiem, he will always experience the experience of death, and he will never be able to reach the reality of death. After experiencing death many times, Diavolo was finally frightened by an ordinary little loli and had a nervous breakdown, shouting out this line: "Don't come near me ah ah."

This meme is very popular and can be found in many fan works. For example, after A in the original style licks B, he will immediately change into a JOJO style and say this line. - DayDayNews

can be called the most miserable and contemptuous BOSS in JOJO’s history. It has a wide range of uses. All in all, just shout when you don’t want to be approached by someone!

Noriaki Porridge

This stem comes from the third part. JOJO and his group were attacked by the baby's stand-in messenger. After defeating them, only Kakyoin knew the truth and the baby's true identity. Although due to humane reasons, a baby cannot be attacked, but in order to punish the baby, Kakyoin mixed the baby's flesh into the porridge, and let the unknowing Erqiao and Bobo force-feed the baby.

This meme is very popular and can be found in many fan works. For example, after A in the original style licks B, he will immediately change into a JOJO style and say this line. - DayDayNews

Finally, I would like to remind all fans that the meme mentioned today has caused resentment among many JO chefs because it has been played too much and can be seen everywhere. Friends, please follow the posts and pay attention to the occasion. Please also ask all JO fans not to speculate on others with malicious thoughts. Making memes is a way for everyone to express their love for JOJO.

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