A few days ago, the "Sailor Moon" fan circle in Europe and the United States launched a "Sailor Moon Redraw Campaign" to redraw a classic shot from the animation that year.

2024/07/0118:13:33 hotcomm 1038

strange things sailor month .

The article is reprinted from: Earthling Research Report
ID: diqiuren005
Editor: darlene7

A few days ago, the "Sailor Moon" fan circle in Europe and the United States launched a "Sailor Moon Redrawing Campaign" to repaint a classic shot from the animation that year. painted. As a series of works that was once popular all over the world, this event soon attracted the active participation of many painters in Europe and the United States.

A few days ago, the

Redraw object ↑ This shot comes from Chapter 125 of "Sailor Moon S" (1994 version)

They used the hashtag #Sailormoon redraw to pass on their redraw work on Twitter as a tribute to their childhood and this work pay tribute.

As one of the participating painters said, how can you resist this kind of activity?

A few days ago, the

As the topic spread further, the wave of redrawing activities finally reached the Japanese comics industry.

Drawing a fanfic is their traditional art. Now such a big bait appears out of thin air, and it is an opportunity to show off one's unique skills, and it can also serve as the honor of protecting the Japanese comic industry. Not surprisingly, the big guys in the comics industry have taken the bait one after another:

came to us first. Yes, it's Okawa Okawa, the original author of "The Daily Life of POP and PIPI":

A few days ago, the

Then, Kohei Ashiya, the drawing director of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure":

"Did I paint it a little too thick..."

A few days ago, the

Of course, Since he dared to draw, no wonder the audience was making fun of him below. Enthusiastic viewers captioned the picture:

"Now... I want to represent the moon and blow your ass off!!! Go ahead, moon beam." ! ! 呲呲呲呲呲岲岲岲岲岲!

A few days ago, the

Then continue, "Takagi-san who is good at teasing" author Yamamoto Soichiro:

"The popular Sailor Moon My style of painting."

A few days ago, the

"Xenoblade Chronicles" character designer Raita Kazama:

A few days ago, the

In addition to the original character who took the bait and completed the redrawing with his own style, there are also some well-known works of the big guys who can't be caught. The participation of many fan artists gave them a sufficient sense of participation in the event.

For example, the painting style:

A few days ago, the

Then, the painting style of "Gambling Apocalypse":

"Gambling Girl Kaiji: Then, let me represent the moon... and punish you!!"

A few days ago, the

specializes in "Crayon Shin-chan" The fan artist ちばん

A few days ago, the

"I can also draw Sailor Moon. If you don't believe it, look at it:"

A few days ago, the

Then there is "Popeye". Although the painting style is different, in a sense, this linkage is logical, but it is " The difference between "Sailor Popper" and "Sailor Moon".

A few days ago, the

In addition, they are all blond, let's link up:

A few days ago, the


"I will give you the strongest sailor month in the whole."

Yes, quite strong.

A few days ago, the

Later, this massive publicity event finally alerted the creator of the original animation picture itself - the original picture supervisor of "Sailor Moon" himself, Hisashi Kagawa.

"When it comes to restoring the original work, maybe no one can restore it better than myself, but, I think it's fun to make do with another style without imitating the previous one."

A few days ago, the

Well, the original author has entered the scene , the world line seems to be able to end here.

However, judging from the attitude released by Kagawa Jiu, he himself also encourages innovation. Therefore, we only need to regard the participation of "myself" this time as another beginning. As the repaint activity becomes more and more popular on Twitter, more exciting repaints gradually emerge.

The next person who came to me was a phalanx of color painters led by the "amusement park tycoon" Mr. Sui Ryukei.

A few days ago, the

Suiryu Kei is followed by the feminist fighter Asanagi:

A few days ago, the

Then there is the Taiwanese artist’s thoughtful “complete-style” redrawing of the original image:

A few days ago, the

And Flou: Sailor Meow who has completed the original image too completely to be released:

A few days ago, the


A few days ago, the

The code I typed is

. I guess after the above three consecutive times, everyone has taken off half of their pants, so I just put down this:

A few days ago, the


has finally reached the stream of consciousness square. This is the most "artistic" field in the entire collection of entries, but all of these arts are full of wild energy.

Let’s first appreciate the works of the real artist Mr. Nito Kento:

A few days ago, the

Then let’s go to the down-to-earth, regular low-cost Cosplay from Thailand’s royal COS boss.

A few days ago, the

is followed by... If I don’t think about it carefully, I almost forget who you are!

A few days ago, the

@Art of Nate

There is also a more unrestrained artist, Hakana, who is good at painting backgrounds. He even only painted a background? ? ?

A few days ago, the

If you don’t know how to draw people, why not draw something?


A few days ago, the

? ? ?

A few days ago, the

The genre of stream of consciousness has gone further and further on the road of "redrawing" Sailor Moon, which has also made the creators who participated later gradually lose their minds.

Things seem to be getting worse and worse, so that only a few painters are left. At the last second of their consciousness after being swallowed by Sailor Moon, they rise up and reveal the current situation of your circle:

A few days ago, the

Every time a painting is "redrawn", there are A Sailor Moon loses his knee with a crowd of spectators.

So here I can only use the last ripple to shout to all the painters:

Cherish life and do it faster!

* This article is reproduced from the WeChat public account "Earthlings Research Report". The alien aunt tells you about the confusing human beings and strange science on the earth.

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