Everyone has told lies, whether intentionally or unintentionally, with good intentions or malicious intent. But it doesn't matter. Lying is just a means to achieve an end. As long as the purpose is good, it doesn't matter if you lie occasionally.

2024/07/0117:12:32 hotcomm 1830

Everyone has told lies, whether intentionally or unintentionally, with good intentions or malicious intent. But it doesn't matter. Lying is just a means to achieve an end. As long as the purpose is good, it doesn't matter if you lie occasionally. - DayDayNews

Everyone has lied, whether intentionally or unintentionally, with good intentions or malicious intent. But it doesn't matter. Lying is just a means to achieve an end. As long as the purpose is good, it doesn't matter if you lie occasionally.

But how can we reach the highest level of lying? I guess many people don't know, so their lies are easily exposed.

The general way of lying is mechanical. For example, if you answer a phone call at home and the other party asks you if you are at home, you say you are not. This kind of lie is the easiest to expose. After all, you can tell whether you are at home or not by just coming over and taking a look.

There is another kind of lie, that is, there is truth in the lie. For example:

A parent asked his son: What score did you get in the exam?

My son said: It’s almost 90 points.

The parent nodded: Well, not bad, let me take a look. Um? Why only 70 points? Didn’t you say it’s almost 90 minutes?

The son asked back: Isn’t 70 points almost 90?

parent: Oh, that’s right.

So does this count as lying? I think it counts. The parent asked his son how many points he got on the test, and the son answered that it was almost 90 points. When the son said this, the parents subconsciously thought that the score should be 88 or 89. With this feeling, parents are likely to be happy and stop asking questions. The son thus avoids the danger of being punished by his parents. In fact, this is likely to be the son's ultimate goal.

So, real lying is actually to make the other party have the association you want.

I only need to start with it, and then you will automatically associate it with exactly what I want. And the way to lie is not just words, all information can be used to lie.

For example, in a video of a security guard beating someone, the cause and effect were omitted, and only the scene of the security guard beating the person was shown. Netizens thought that the security guard was bullying someone again, so they criticized the security guard. In fact, the reason was that the security guard was besieged by many people and had to fight back. The person who posted the video actually edited it like this for his own purpose. They want to stimulate the audience's emotions through such shots and achieve their own goals.

Another example is the photos of snow on the Internet. Most of them are beautiful. Many people are envious and wish they could have snow there and see this beautiful scenery. However, the truth is: those who are willing to upload photos to the Internet are those who have really photographed beautiful snow scenes. How many people will take photos of unsightly snow scenes and upload them? I think very few people would be in the mood to share such terrible photos, right?

If everyone, regardless of whether the snow scene they took is beautiful or not, good-looking or not, uploads it to the Internet, then the online evaluation of the snow scene will be very objective and worthy of belief. But now, only those netizens who think the snow scene is beautiful share the photos, while those who don’t think the snow scene is beautiful do not share. As a result, all the snow photos appearing online are beautiful, which will mislead other netizens and they will think it is snowing. They are all beautiful.

I don’t know if you have noticed: in the above two examples, the beating by the security guard is also real, and the beautiful snow scene photos are also real. So why do netizens feel like they are being cheated by such real pictures?

The reason is that they know the highest level of lying: everything I say is true, but I hide something. No matter how freely you use the known information, it is the result I want.

For example: A reporter secretly photographed a certain celebrity and a girl visiting a night market together. The fan base was in an uproar, speculating whether the idol had a girlfriend.

In fact, the reporter may have secretly photographed only a few scenes, or may have secretly photographed the entire content, but only a few scenes were uploaded to the Internet, and the rest was left to the free imagination of netizens.

Why is it that shopping with a girl is a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend? Is this necessarily related? Just going for a walk.

But that’s what gossip reporters are for. They only need to show one or two scenes, and the crowd will be free to do whatever they want, triggering a feast of gossip.Wait until the popularity subsides, then release other details, and then the plot will reverse, triggering another gossip feast.

From beginning to end, the media only needs to release little details bit by bit, and the people who eat melons will eat one big melon after another. The media makes money, and the people who eat melons also have a carnival, and no one loses. .

Repeat it again:

The highest level of lying is: everything I say is true, but I conceal something. Therefore, to determine whether a sentence is a lie or not, you need to try your best to restore the whole story and look at the overall situation, rather than hearing it one by one.

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