See China Taiwan Network's report on June 23. According to the Hong Kong China Review News Agency, this year's "Wan'an Exercise" will be launched on July 25. The Taipei Civil Affairs Bureau recently supervised public places in 12 districts and the city's 456 district offices. Fro

2024/07/0314:36:33 hotcomm 1819

See China Taiwan Network's report on June 23. According to the Hong Kong China Review News Agency, this year's

saw the report of China Taiwan Network on June 23. According to the Hong Kong China Review News Agency, this year's "Wan'an Exercise" will be launched on July 25. The Taipei Civil Affairs Bureau has recently supervised public places in 12 districts and the city's 456 district offices. , conducted 456 "air defense evacuation" reconnaissance drills from June 16 to July 20, and became familiar with evacuation routes.

The Taipei Civil Affairs Bureau stated that this is the largest and unprecedented air defense evacuation drill in Taipei City.

After reading this news, two questions naturally came to mind: Who should I "act" for? Is it useful to "act"?

1. Who is "acting" for?

The first thing is to "act" for the mainland. It means, come on, we are not afraid. We are ready for everything. This is to convey to the mainland the determination to fight to the death.

The second is to "act" for the international community to see. It means, come and see, the mainland is going to use force against us, making us feel insecure. This is to "ask for help" from the international community and win international sympathy in order to prevent the mainland from reunifying Taiwan by force.

The third thing is to "perform" it to the people of Taiwan. It means that the mainland is going to use force against us. This is how they treat Taiwan. Do you still want to reunify? This is intended to create cross-strait hostility, undermine the public opinion foundation for reunification, and create public opinion obstacles to reunification. The Taiwan authorities are kidnapping public opinion and using ordinary people as human shields.

2. Is it useful to "act"? Of course

is useless. This is purely a "drama" performance, with more symbolic meaning than practical significance, and more political intent than practicality.

The first is that there is no need for air defense at all. The mainland has repeatedly emphasized that it is targeting Taiwan independence elements and fighting separatism. The majority of Taiwan compatriots should join hands with their mainland compatriots to jointly promote reunification. If the mainland implements force to reunify Taiwan, it will not be an indiscriminate bombing without a target, but a precise strike, hitting key military targets point-to-point. Ordinary people can sit back and relax, just stand aside and watch the show.

The second is that there is no way to prevent air crashes. If an air strike is really going to be carried out, can you prevent it? Where can you hide to be safe? In modern warfare, there are many ways of fighting that are different from traditional warfare. In precision-guided strikes, any bunker is useless and cannot hide people. There are also some missiles that can penetrate buildings, which are also designed to attack targets and people hiding in the depths.

The safest thing to do is not to support Taiwan independence, overthrow Taiwan independence rule, or start an uprising on the spot, seize Taiwan independence elements, and welcome liberation.

The third thing is basically to prevent the "empty" problem. It is difficult to create something out of nothing. "There are no things much ado about". In fact, for ordinary Taiwanese people, the biggest disaster is Taiwan independence, and it happens to be the DPP authorities who are creating the disaster. The so-called air crash is an apparent disaster that might not have happened. This is just a topic created by the DPP. This is not a drill, but a play.

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