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2024/07/0313:06:33 hotcomm 1558

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Qingdao Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee Notice

Li Xueyue is involved in gangs and evil and related party members and cadres

Typical issues of acting as a "protective umbrella" for him

Recently, the Qingdao Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision The committee, together with the Shibei District Discipline Inspection Commission and the Supervisory Committee, seriously investigated and dealt with the issue of Li Xueyue, a party member of Taidong 6th Road Community, Taitung Street, Shibei District, who was involved in gangs and evil and related party members and cadres acting as a "protective umbrella" for him. The relevant situation is now reported as follows. After investigation,

found that from July 2013 to November 2017, Li Xueyue's criminal gang illegally rented and set up stalls at the Nanshan Market in Shibei District, and used threats and intimidation to extort, extort, and force transactions against other business owners. The public reacted strongly to illegal and criminal acts. In May 2018, Li Xueyue was expelled from the party, and his suspected crimes have been prosecuted by the judicial authorities. Relevant party members and cadres who acted as a "protective umbrella" for Li Xueyue's gangs involved in gangs and crimes were severely held accountable.

Wang Jun, former party secretary and director of the Shibei District Market Construction Service Center, Yang Jun, former director of the Nanshan Market Management Office of the Shibei District Market Construction Service Center, and Xu Sigang, director of the Shibei District Market Construction Service Center, acted as problems. In September 2013 and April 2014, with Wang Jun’s consent, the Nanshan Market Management Office signed night market stall rental contracts with Li Xueyue twice in violation of regulations, and charged high fees for illegally subletting stalls and privately setting up stalls by Li Xueyue’s criminal gang. The issue of expenses was not effectively supervised and allowed for a long time, which created conditions for Li Xueyue's gangs involved in gangs to make illegal profits and caused a negative impact. In addition, Nanshan Market Management Office also has the problem of defrauding compensation for subway construction land occupation by signing false lease contracts. For the above-mentioned issues, Wang Jun bears the main leadership responsibility and was punished by removal from party positions and administrative dismissal; Yang Jun and Xu Siguang were directly responsible, and both received serious warnings from the party and administrative demerits.

Sang Youhai, the second-level chief clerk of the squadron of the former City Management Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau of Shibei District Dengzhou Road, and Qu Yongjian, the squadron leader of the second squadron directly under the Shibei District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade, failed to perform their law enforcement and supervision duties. From July 2013 to November 2017, Sang Youhai and Qu Yongjian successively served as squadron leaders of the Dengzhou Road Squadron of the former Urban Management and Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau of Shibei District. During this period, they failed to perform their law enforcement and supervision duties and investigated Li Xueyue for his involvement in gangs. Evil gangs have long been illegally setting up night market stall rentals and other issues that have not been investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law, creating conditions for them to illegally make profits. Sang Youhai and Qu Yongjian were both severely warned by the party and punished for major demerits in government affairs.

Song Qingyou, general manager of Qingdao Forestry Investment and Development Co., Ltd., was investigated

Song Qingyou, general manager of Qingdao Forestry Investment and Development Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of disciplines and laws. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Qingdao Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Municipal Supervisory Committee.

The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee of Dongying City reported 3 cases of corruption and work style issues in the field of poverty alleviation

Geng Peiguang, former vice chairman and party member of the Dongying District Disabled Persons’ Federation, was lax in reviewing the applications for employment poverty alleviation bases for persons with disabilities. In 2013, when Geng Peiguang was in charge of the Education Department of the Dongying District Disabled Persons’ Federation, a professional cooperative of vegetable farmers in Dongying District applied to the district Disabled Persons’ Federation to create a district-level employment and poverty alleviation base for disabled people. As the leader in charge at the time, Geng Peiguang failed in his duties and failed to supervise, resulting in The cooperative passed the inspection and acceptance without meeting the approval conditions, and was approved to create a district-level employment and poverty alleviation base for disabled people, and received 50,000 yuan in district financial support funds. In March 2018, Geng Peiguang received a warning from the party.

Yang Yuguo, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Youyi Village, Xinhu Town, Hekou District, , neglected his duty in the renovation of dilapidated buildings. In 2016, Wang Moumou, a villager in Youyi Village, had already applied for dilapidated house renovation subsidy funds in 2015 and did not meet the annual dilapidated house renovation qualifications. He committed fraud and applied for dilapidated house renovation funds in his brother's name. He actually built a new house by himself and live. During this period, Yang Yuguo discovered the problem but did not stop or correct it. After Wang Moumou's house was completed, it passed the inspection in his brother's name and received a subsidy of 25,000 yuan for the renovation of dilapidated houses. In June 2018, Yang Yuguo was warned and punished by the party.

Kenli District Zhong Lijun, Party branch secretary of Shuangyihe Village, Huanghekou Town, examines the problem of lax control in the identification of poor households. In October 2016, during the primary selection of poor households, Zhong Lijun did not strictly check and did not find that Li was an enterprise employee and his family income did not meet the standards for poor households. As a result, Li's family was determined to be a poor household and successively A total of 6,600 yuan was obtained from subsidy funds and dividends from poverty alleviation projects. In August 2018, Zhong Lijun was warned and punished by the party.

Dongying Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision notified 3 cases of

typical mental issues that violated the eight central regulations

Lijin County Liu Yanjun, secretary of the Party branch of Zaoliu Village, Mingji Township, and two other people were involved in the abuse of subsidies. In February 2017, Liu Yanjun, then secretary of the Party branch of Zaoliu Village, and Xin Yongjie, a member of the Party branch and clerk, took advantage of their positions to arbitrarily decide to pay themselves bonuses when the village collectively spent relevant expenses while already receiving village cadre salaries. Lost work allowance, and received 3,150 yuan and 3,450 yuan respectively in the name of others. In March 2018, Liu Yanjun and Xin Yongjie were warned and punished by the party, and the disciplinary funds were turned over to the village accounts.

Guangrao County Daozhuang Town Renjia Daying Village Party Branch Secretary and Village Committee Director Ren Shuzhong was involved in eating and drinking with public funds in violation of regulations. From 2013 to 2014, the Renjia Daying Village spent a total of 21,775 yuan on food and drinks on the pretext of coordinating oil-land relations. In August 2016, Ren Shuzhong paid the fee with village collective funds. In August 2018, Ren Shuzhong was warned and punished by the party.

Wang Jiaoxin, the former party branch secretary of Liwang Village, Kenli Street, Kenli District, investigated the issue of illegal use of village collective funds. From 2013 to 2014, Wang Jiaoxin took advantage of his position to arbitrarily decide to spend village collective funds to purchase rice, tea, cooking oil and other items for visits, spending a total of 9,150 yuan. In August 2018, Wang Jiaoxin received a warning from the party.

Yin Jianlin, deputy investigator of the Dongying Municipal Transportation Bureau, was "double fired"

A few days ago, the Dongying Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Dongying Municipal Supervisory Committee launched a case review and investigation into Yin Jianlin, deputy investigator of the Dongying Municipal Transportation Bureau, who seriously violated disciplines and laws and was suspected of duty-related crimes.

After investigation, Yin Jianlin seriously violated political discipline and political rules, failed to truthfully report the situation to the organization, and resisted organizational review; violated integrity discipline and used the influence of his position to benefit the business activities of his relatives; violated work discipline and interfered in construction projects in violation of regulations Project contracting; violation of national laws and regulations, establishment and use of "small treasury". Taking advantage of one's position to embezzle off-book funds of the unit is suspected of corruption; taking advantage of one's position to seek benefits for others and accepting property is suspected of bribery; abusing one's power and causing losses to state-owned assets is suspected of abusing one's power.

As a party member and leading cadre, Yin Jianlin has lost his ideals and beliefs, seriously violated the party's disciplines and national laws and regulations, and did not restrain or stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. He is suspected of committing a crime and should be severely dealt with. In accordance with the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China" and other relevant provisions, after study at the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection Standing Committee meeting and the Municipal Supervisory Committee meeting and submitted to the Municipal Party Committee for approval, it was decided to expel Yin Jianlin from the Party and public office. In accordance with the "Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant provisions, the suspected criminal issues and the money and property involved will be transferred to the judicial authorities for handling according to law.

The Rizhao Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection reported 3 typical cases of failure to take responsibility.

Zhang Chuangui, former party member and deputy director of the Municipal Agriculture Bureau, did not perform his duties conscientiously, resulting in the city's tea garden green prevention and control items not being distributed in a timely manner and not in place. In 2017, the municipal government issued relevant documents on tea industry support policies, requiring the Municipal Agriculture Bureau to be responsible for the specific implementation and supervision of green prevention and control projects in tea gardens across the city. As the leader in charge, Zhang Chuangui used power for personal gain during the bidding process for green prevention and control items, accepting benefits from relevant companies and operating in violation of regulations to help win the bid. In the later process of distributing prevention and control items, the performance of duties was not fulfilled, and the implementation at the grassroots level was not effectively supervised. This resulted in problems such as untimely distribution, idleness and waste during the distribution of green prevention and control items, which greatly reduced the implementation effect of green prevention and control projects. . In addition, Zhang Chuangui also had other serious disciplinary violations.In July 2018, the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee gave Zhang Chuangui expulsion from the party, removal from government affairs, and demotion to clerk.

Lanshan District Jufeng Town Party Committee did not pay enough attention to forest fire prevention work, and relevant personnel failed in their duties, resulting in large-scale forest fires in the jurisdiction. The Party Committee of Jufeng Town, Lanshan District, does not pay enough attention to forest fire prevention work. The relevant fire prevention systems are not strictly implemented, work measures are not implemented in place, and there is a lack of education and supervision on the people's prohibited behaviors such as going to graves and burning paper in the forest fire prevention area, resulting in Beidoo within the jurisdiction. A forest fire broke out in Shanshan on February 13, 2018, causing considerable losses and adverse effects. In March 2018, the Lanshan District Party Committee demanded clear responsibilities and serious accountability; the Lanshan District Discipline Inspection Commission gave Chen Lei, a member of the Jufeng Town Party Committee and Minister of the Armed Forces Department with direct leadership responsibilities, and Bo Li, the former secretary of the Bojiakou Village Party Branch and director of the village committee, Two people were given serious warnings within the party. Tian Wenjian, deputy secretary of the Jufeng Town Party Committee and mayor, who has major leadership responsibilities, was given an intra-party warning. Zhang Feng, the former party secretary of Jufeng Town who had important leadership responsibilities, was given a warning speech.

Sun Wei, the former party secretary and director of the Juxian Tourism Bureau and director of the Fulaishan Scenic Area Management Committee, neglected his duties, which led to the problem of fake religious personnel engaged in profit-making activities in the scenic area. In October 2007, the Management Committee of Fulaishan Scenic Area in Ju County signed a contract with an individual in violation of regulations and illegally contracted the religious-related merit boxes, merit books and other matters related to Dinglin Temple in the scenic area to individuals and charged contract fees, resulting in the scenic area being damaged. Problems such as impersonating religious clergy to conduct illegal religious activities, setting up merit boxes in violation of regulations, and collecting religious donations have caused serious adverse effects. Sun Wei bears the main leadership responsibility for this. In March 2018, the Juxian County Commission for Discipline Inspection gave Sun Wei an intra-party warning.

Cheng Jianmin, president of Linyi City Planning and Architectural Design Institute, is under review and investigation

Cheng Jianmin, president of Linyi City Planning and Architectural Design Institute, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently under disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Supervisory Committee.

Cheng Jianmin, male, Han nationality, born in April 1962 in Lanshan District, Linyi City, has a university degree. He joined the Party in October 1994 and started working in July 1985. In August 1995, he was appointed as the deputy director (in charge of work) of the Hedong Office of the Linyi Municipal Construction Committee Planning Bureau. In October 1998, he was appointed as the director of the Lanshan Management Division of the Linyi Municipal Planning Bureau. In October 2003, he was appointed as the planning preparation and management section of the Linyi Municipal Urban Planning Bureau. Section Chief, served as assistant researcher of Linyi City Urban Planning Bureau in September 2005, and served as President (deputy county level) of Linyi City Planning and Architectural Design Institute from July 2008 to present.

Wang Xiuxia, deputy director of the Management Committee of Lubei High-tech Development Zone and member of the Party Working Committee of

, is under review and investigation.

Wang Xiuxia, deputy director of the Management Committee of Lubei High-tech Development Zone and member of the Party Working Committee, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently under investigation by Binzhou City. Disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

Wang Xiuxia, female, Han nationality, was born in February 1965 in Wudi, Shandong Province. She is a member of the Communist Party of China and holds a bachelor's degree from the Provincial Party School. She started working in August 1984 and joined the Communist Party of China in August 1987. He once served as deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Shejia Township in Wudi County, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Chengkou Town, and mayor of the town. From March 2008 to December 2009, he served as Secretary of the Party Committee of Liubao Township, Wudi County; from December 2009 to January 2011, he served as Director of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Party Secretary, and Office Director of the Charity Federation of Wudi County; from January 2011 to In January 2012, he served as the director of the Wudi County Oil Area Work Office and the party secretary; from January 2012 to November 2015, he served as the deputy director of the Lubei High-tech Development Zone Management Committee and a member of the Party Working Committee, and worked in the Wudi County Oil Area Office Director and Party Secretary; in November 2015, he served as deputy director of the Management Committee and member of the Party Working Committee of Lubei High-tech Development Zone.

source|Qingdao, Dongying, Rizhao, Linyi, Binzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision website

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