Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother "rescue" many times.

2024/07/0114:46:32 hotcomm 1067

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

Although brothers Abe Shinzo and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother "rescue" many times.

| Author: Ershui

| Editor: Xiao Ying

My elder brother resigned and his younger brother joined the cabinet!

This morning, Japan’s former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held an interim cabinet meeting, compiled the resignation letters of cabinet members, and announced the resignation of all cabinet members. This also means that the second Abe regime, which lasted 7 years and 8 months, has officially come to an end.

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

· On his last day in office, Abe posted a commemorative video farewell on Twitter. (Video screenshot)

In the afternoon, Japan Liberal Democratic Party President Yoshihide Suga was elected as the 99th Prime Minister of Japan in the interim parliamentary prime minister nomination election.

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

· On September 16, at the House of Representatives of the Japanese Parliament in Tokyo, Liberal Democratic Party President Yoshihide Suga (middle) stood up to express his thanks. Source: Xinhua News Agency Photo by Du Xiaoyi

Subsequently, Yoshihide Suga’s cabinet members were also officially disclosed.

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

·The list of Yoshihide Suga’s cabinet released by Japanese media.

It is worth noting that Shinzo Abe’s brother and former deputy foreign minister Nobuo Kishi will serve as defense minister in the "Suga Cabinet". This is also the first time he has been selected into the cabinet.

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

· Shinzo Abe (left) and Nobuo Kishi.

Since two people are brothers, why do they have different surnames? That's because Nobuo Kishi was adopted as the adopted son of his uncle Nobuka Kishi, who had no children, since he was a child.

Although the two brothers are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother "rescue" many times.

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

My brother became my cousin

Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi were born into political families. They are both the sons of Japan's former Foreign Minister Shintaro Abe and Yoko, the daughter of former Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke.

html For many years, Yoko has been most worried about the issue of political "successors". And "adoption" can be said to be an old tradition in her family.

Yoko's grandfather, Hidesuke Kishi, married Shigeyo, the daughter of the Sato family, a famous brewer in his hometown of Yamaguchi Prefecture, and later had two sons, one named Kishi Nobusuke and the other Kishi Eisaku. Shortly after Kishi Eisaku was born, he was adopted into the Sato family as the heir to the liquor business and was renamed "Sato Eisaku".

Therefore, the matter of "adoption" is no longer strange to Yoko.

Yoko and Shintaro Abe gave birth to three sons in total. The eldest was Kannobu Abe, the second was Shinzo Abe, and Nobuo Kishi was the youngest. Seeing that her brother, Nobukazu Kishi, who was the chairman of Western Petroleum, had no children, she discussed with her husband that she should adopt her younger son to her brother to raise.

As a result, his maternal grandfather Nobusuke Kishi became Nobuo Kishi's "grandfather", and his brother Shinzo Abe became his "cousin".

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

· From left to right are Nobusuke Kishi, Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi.

After Nobuo Kishi arrived at the Kishi family, he was regarded as his own by Nobuo Kishi. He received elite education since childhood. The kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and high school he attended were all affiliated schools of Keio University, a famous private university in Japan.

In 1977, 18-year-old Nobuo Kishi was admitted to the Department of Economics of Keio University. When he went to the government agency to obtain household registration information, he was surprised to find the word "adopted son" written on the household registration book.

Nobuo Kishi couldn't believe his eyes at the time. He was greatly hit by this and was depressed for a whole month, complaining all the time about why his family didn't tell him.

4 years later, Nobuo Kishi graduated from Keio University and joined Sumitomo Corporation Co., Ltd., one of the top five trading companies in Japan, to work in the grain department. He was sent to the United States, Vietnam , Australia and other countries to work for many years.

Although Nobuo Kishi has been in business for many years, he has the political blood of the Abe family in his heart, and he has always wanted to find a suitable opportunity to abandon business and enter politics.

In 2002, Nobuo Kishi left Sumitomo Corporation, where he had worked for more than 20 years, and prepared to enter politics.After working hard for more than two years, he was finally elected to the Senate as a candidate of the Liberal Democratic Party in July 2004.

At this time, Shinzo Abe had been in the political arena for many years and became the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary. He also stole the limelight for his tough attitude towards North Korea and was regarded as the most eye-catching Junichiro Koizumi regime. rising political star.

Although Nobuo Kishi's political achievements are not as good as those of his brother, he still relies on his own efforts and has served as the Administrative Officer of the Defense Department since 2008.

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

"recovering the aftermath" for his brother

As the saying goes, "brothers fighting tigers, father and son fight in battle", the same is true between Nobuo Kishi and Shinzo Abe.

In 2012, when Shinzo Abe ran for president of the Liberal Democratic Party, Nobuo Kishi was at the forefront and worked hard to build momentum for his brother.

Later, Shinzo Abe was elected president of the Liberal Democratic Party. Nobuo Kishi proudly said to the people around him, "Today is just the election of a new leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. I cannot be happy forever. The presidential election is over, but the real battle has just begun."

On December 26, 2012, Shinzo Abe became the Prime Minister of Japan for the second time, and he also began to secretly "pave the way" for his younger brother.

When Shinzo Abe reorganized his cabinet, he first placed Nobuo Kishi in the position of deputy minister of foreign affairs. He also took Nobuo Kishi to dinner parties and played golf on many occasions. He strongly recommended Nobuo Kishi to his supporters and helped him win votes from parliamentarians. .

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

· From left to right are Akie Abe, , Shinzo Abe, Nobuo Kishi and Nobuo Kishi’s wife.

In addition, the brothers are also keen to visit the Yasukuni Shrine.

When Shinzo Abe was first elected as prime minister, he was asked by reporters about his visit to the Yasukuni Shrine. He only said that he would not "officially visit the shrine", but did not rule out the possibility of secretly visiting the shrine.

In December 2013, Shinzo Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine, arousing dissatisfaction from international public opinion. In the afternoon of the same day, Nobuo Kishi was called to Shinzo Abe’s Prime Minister’s Office, and the two talked in secret for nearly an hour. Although the content of the conversation is unknown, some analysts believe that Yasukuni Shrine is an inevitable topic.

Later, the then President of the United States, Obama, asked Japan to improve relations with its neighboring countries. Due to his dissatisfaction, Shinzo Abe urgently sent his younger brother to the United States to "put out the fire" for him.

Although he helped his brother as a lobbyist, Nobuo Kishi himself has visited the shrine many times.

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

· Nobuo Kishi

In addition, Nobuo Kishi is also a member of the cross-party parliamentary alliance "Members of Parliament to Visit the Yasukuni Shrine Together".

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

The political heir of the Abe family

In recent years, Shinzo Abe has been in poor health. Because he has no children, the matter of the political "successor" of the Abe family has once again become Yoko's concern.

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

· Abe Yoko

A reporter who once followed Shintaro Abe revealed: "Mrs. Yoko's biggest wish is not to cut off the political bloodline of the Kishi family and the Abe family. Although she succeeded in making her son the prime minister, she always She was worried about his health. Mrs. Yoko always wanted to cultivate another successful successor for the family while she was still alive. "

Soon, Yoko targeted Shinzo Abe's brother, Kannobu Abe. (Mitsubishi Corporation Chairman)’s eldest son Hiroto Abe, and Nobuo Kishi’s eldest son Chise Kishi.

Initially, Yoko wanted to choose Hiroto Abe as his "successor". Hiroto Abe graduated from the Faculty of Law at Keio University and has the same hobby as his uncle - archery.

Hiroto Abe was a member of the archery club in high school and college. Shinzo Abe was also proficient in archery. He once specially gave his nephew a new bow and arrow, and taught him archery step by step.

However, Abe finally chose the latter between family expectations and self-ideal. He gave up being the fourth generation heir of the Abe family and decided to pursue his career as a lawyer. He also told the media, "Even if he realizes his dream of being a lawyer in the future, he will not change his career to become a politician."

In this way, Nobuo Kishi's son Chiyo Kishi has become the last choice of the Abe family.

Compared with Hiroto Abe, Chise Kishi has more ambitions to enter the political arena. He once said to people around him: "If Hiroto doesn't want to become a politician, I am willing to be Prime Minister Abe's adopted son."

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

· First row From left to right are Nobuo Kishi’s wife, Nobuo Kishi, Chiyo Kishi and Shinzo Abe.

Chise Kishi joined Fuji TV after graduating from university. Previously, she worked in the social department of the TV station as a news source for the Metropolitan Police Department. In 2017, he was selected as a line reporter in charge of news coverage for the Imperial Household Agency, the department that assists the Japanese imperial family.

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

· Kishino Chise

Coincidentally, there has been a precedent for line reporters responsible for such news entering the political arena.

Daijiro Hashimoto, who has worked as a reporter for the Japan Broadcasting Corporation for 20 years, is a line reporter who has been engaged in reporting on the Emperor for many years. He entered politics in 1991 as the governor of Kochi Prefecture.

Although Chise Kishi has publicly stated many times that he wants to be the "successor" of the Abe family, Yoko and Shinzo Abe have not expressed their stance, and whether he can become the "successor" has always been unknown.

According to the custom of the Abe family, once he is designated as the successor, he will first be sent to the current prime minister to be his secretary for a few years, so that he can get close contact and learn from him.

Now, Shinzo Abe has resigned due to illness. In order to continue and strengthen the political vitality of the Abe family, the 92-year-old Yoko has to take action again!

But no matter who the "successor" of the Abe family is, how to face history, treat historical issues with caution, and learn lessons from historical issues will be the primary issue he faces!

Although brothers Shinzo Abe and Nobuo Kishi are not in the same household registration, blood is thicker than water after all. Whenever Shinzo Abe encounters a problem, Nobuo Kishi always rushes to the front and helps his brother

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