Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and

2024/07/0112:57:33 hotcomm 1982
Why can't

United States be cleared dynamically? Why can't

Europe be cleared dynamically?

Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and  - DayDayNews

In fact, there is a fundamental problem here, which is the social system and institutional problem. Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of financial power and money. However, socialist countriessuch as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for The broadest public and people, we can achieve the dynamic clearing of and , and capitalist society is measured by money. If you want to clear it, you have to buy it with money and use money to make yourself happy. Clear it out, this is its essence.

Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and  - DayDayNews

Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and  - DayDayNews

For example, if an American is in the hospital due to the COVID-19 epidemic, he needs to spend a lot of dollars every day. This is an objective fact that it is directly consumed by money. It may cost at least tens of thousands or tens of thousands from treatment to discharge. US dollars are used to spend, and in China, the state undertakes (these expenses); what belongs to the whole people belongs to the state. In the end, the source bears and pays the bill. At this point, we understand that this is a question of the superiority of a system and a country! Make a judgment. How to judge a system and how to judge the quality of a country? The COVID-19 epidemic is a huge testing agent. In the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, China is the winner and the top student, while the United States and Europe are the inferior students. Therefore, this is why the United States has now become the hardest hit area by the COVID-19 epidemic and has the highest number of deaths due to the COVID-19 epidemic in the world. The country with the largest number of people, bar none.

Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and  - DayDayNews

Why can’t the United States and Europe be cleared and dynamically cleared? The reason is that it is capitalism private ownership . If the capitalists themselves are willing to spend money to treat what they consider to be the "poor and despicable lives", then can they still be called capitalists? This is simply not the behavior of a capitalist country. Some people in China are making noise, saying that neither the United States nor Europe implements dynamic clearing, and only China is doing such dynamic clearing. The essence is that the United States and Europe are not unwilling, but unable to implement it.

Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and  - DayDayNews

The real rich people in the United States, including Europe, enjoy superb and high-end medical resources and services and do not worry about being infected; but ordinary people are different. They have no money and no power. Those who are powerless cannot enjoy such better medical resources. Therefore, the U.S. government leaders (whether in front of or behind the scenes), or the U.S. capital group and its supporters, control the machinery of society and its superior resources, so they are not worried about themselves. Whether they are infected with the new crown epidemic, even if they are infected, they have good enough services and strong enough medical resources to ensure that they can recover again. But the same cannot be said for ordinary people and ordinary people. People at the bottom sometimes have difficulty even surviving and living. How can they have money for treatment? Moreover, this is a high cost.

Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and  - DayDayNews

Besides, the class basis of the United States is not serving the people , not the broad masses of ordinary people, but serving the capitalists, the bourgeoisie , and the small and powerful class. The people in power in the United States are using facts to tell the people at the bottom of their country: COVID-19 medicine is very expensive and you cannot afford it. It costs too much, so just don’t use it. Just hold on for one day, one day, until Which day is it? Forget it. One day, everyone will be collectively immune, and you will be saved (so, now the collective immunity of and has become a joke). This kind of behavior is simply killing people, but it is very popular in the United States. Therefore, this is an essential difference between the United States and China, which has also led to two completely different situations in the process and results of the COVID-19 epidemic in the two countries. Which one is better,

Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and  - DayDayNews

Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and  - DayDayNews

? Who is really safeguarding and protecting human rights and protecting people's lives? I believe this is something a free man can see at a glance.What's more, according to Russia's "special military operation" against Ukraine , that is, a punishment war, Russia used facts and evidence to tell people all over the world that it discovered that the actual manufacturer of the new coronavirus came from the biological experiment in the United States. Room (with the color of the US military), this kind of harmful and "butcher" behavior in the United States must be punished by God.

Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and  - DayDayNews

Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and  - DayDayNews

The controllers behind the United States believe that they are so-called high-group people who want to eliminate most of the races and ethnic groups in the world, and then enslave them, enslave the whole world, and occupy the world's resources. This is the existence of a terrible devil in the world (their so-called religion calls this behavior Satan). In fact, they themselves have become the so-called Satan. So when they were developing this virus . The purpose is to target other ethnic groups around the world, especially people from China and the Chinese ethnic group. Unexpectedly, he shot himself in the foot. He really wanted to harm others, but in the end he harmed himself. This The virus fought back and returned "home", so the United States was swallowed up by the new coronavirus. At present, the United States itself does not have better medical methods to cure it.

Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and  - DayDayNews

Capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe are characterized by the supremacy of money and power, while socialist countries such as China are fair, just, popular, and people's countries and doctrines. Therefore, for the public interest, for the broadest public and  - DayDayNews

This is the current situation of the West, led by the United States. They want to engage in dynamic zeroing and also want to learn from China. The first problem is that they can't do it, and the second problem is that they can't clear it. This is the " prisoner's dilemma " they are facing, and yet they are still talking nonsense, scolding China, suppressing Russia, and practicing political correctness. I wonder if they will wait until their people are almost dead before they look back?

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