Mr. Xie, the person in charge of Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.: When we made the steel structure shaft, we completed it at the Water Resources Department. One unit was completed in one day. After hoisting, I made the foundation. The entire shaft hoisting can be comp

2024/07/0109:32:32 hotcomm 1039


The owner of Building No. 5 of Jinxing Community

applied for a 100,000 yuan subsidy for installing an elevator

Submitted the required information and received the window

Part of the subsidy is reserved for elevator maintenance

According to the "Changsha City Existing Multi-story Residential Residential Building Detailed Procedures for Adding Elevators" According to regulations, projects that pass the acceptance inspection will be given a subsidy of 100,000 yuan for each elevator. Located in Building No. 5 of Jinxing Community, Yuelu District, Changsha, this community was the first to add an elevator and it has been completed and put into use. At present, the residents' application materials for subsidies have been submitted to the window.

Mr. Xie, the person in charge of Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.: When we made the steel structure shaft, we completed it at the Water Resources Department. One unit was completed in one day. After hoisting, I made the foundation. The entire shaft hoisting can be comp - DayDayNews

Jinxing Community is located near Yinshuang Road, Yuelu District, Changsha. Since 2017, the owners of Building 5 of the community have discussed building an elevator. As the first batch of "crab-eating" owners in the community, now all residents of Building 5 live in one. The "elevator room" of the year.

Mr. Xie, the person in charge of Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.: When we made the steel structure shaft, we completed it at the Water Resources Department. One unit was completed in one day. After hoisting, I made the foundation. The entire shaft hoisting can be comp - DayDayNews

"Good policy, early construction", now the owners of Building 5 have applied to the Yuelu District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau for a 100,000 yuan subsidy for installing an elevator.

Mr. Xie, the person in charge of Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.: When we made the steel structure shaft, we completed it at the Water Resources Department. One unit was completed in one day. After hoisting, I made the foundation. The entire shaft hoisting can be comp - DayDayNews

resident : We are currently applying for subsidies and have reached the final step and have entered the window.

Reporter : The planning permit for the construction project, including the age mark of the elevator, has passed the acceptance inspection. Now our subsidy application materials have also been received.

Resident : We have entered the window. This is our request as the owner to the district Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau to apply for government subsidies for adding elevators to existing multi-story residences.

Mr. Xie, the person in charge of Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.: When we made the steel structure shaft, we completed it at the Water Resources Department. One unit was completed in one day. After hoisting, I made the foundation. The entire shaft hoisting can be comp - DayDayNews

Everything is ready. Residents expect to receive subsidies soon. Everyone has even discussed how to spend the money.

Mr. Xie, the person in charge of Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.: When we made the steel structure shaft, we completed it at the Water Resources Department. One unit was completed in one day. After hoisting, I made the foundation. The entire shaft hoisting can be comp - DayDayNews

Even as a citizen, he can receive subsidies. Seeing that the elevator in Building 5 is built, other buildings cannot fall behind.

Mr. Xie, the person in charge of Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.: When we made the steel structure shaft, we completed it at the Water Resources Department. One unit was completed in one day. After hoisting, I made the foundation. The entire shaft hoisting can be comp - DayDayNews

Today, in this community with only 10 houses, 3 units have been built, another 2 units are under construction, and 2 more units have been applied for construction.

Mr. Xie, the person in charge of Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.: When we made the steel structure shaft, we completed it at the Water Resources Department. One unit was completed in one day. After hoisting, I made the foundation. The entire shaft hoisting can be comp - DayDayNews

Resident : There is no elevator, so it is very troublesome to go up and down the stairs.

Reporter : You live on the fifth floor and you are over 80 years old.

resident : So we are grateful to the government, and it also gives us certain subsidies.

Mr. Xie, the person in charge of Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.: When we made the steel structure shaft, we completed it at the Water Resources Department. One unit was completed in one day. After hoisting, I made the foundation. The entire shaft hoisting can be comp - DayDayNews


The steel structure elevator construction period is as fast as half a month

Enjoys one-year free warranty

For special families

Cost-sharing discounts or even free

Mr. Xie, the person in charge of Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.: When we made the steel structure shaft, we completed it at the Water Resources Department. One unit was completed in one day. After hoisting, I made the foundation. The entire shaft hoisting can be comp - DayDayNews-day joint review, completed in 3 days

Yuelu District's new elevator installation speed

According to the reporter's understanding For the installation of elevators in old residential areas in Changsha, owners' self-raised funds are shared in proportion. Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd. said that for special household users, the shared cost of installing elevators can be discounted by 50% or even free.

Mr. Xie, the person in charge of Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.: When we made the steel structure shaft, we completed it at the Water Resources Department. One unit was completed in one day. After hoisting, I made the foundation. The entire shaft hoisting can be comp - DayDayNews

Regarding the installation of elevators in old communities, the company responsible for installing elevators in Jinxing Community said that it only takes half a month to build a steel structure elevator at the fastest.

Mr. 7 to 10 days, this is the fastest. If it is made of concrete, the shaft construction period will take 3 months. The concrete shaft is affected by the weather and environment. We have delivered about 70 units now and are constructing more than 40 units. There are nearly 20 units undergoing preliminary design, geological survey, and construction application processes.

The person in charge said that the additional elevators will provide a one-year free warranty, and thereafter the annual maintenance fee for each elevator will be 6,000 yuan. At the same time, during the installation process, special families such as veterans and disabled people will receive a 50% discount or even free of charge on the basis of sharing the cost of the elevator.

Mr. Xie, the person in charge of Hunan Zhaoyu Elevator Engineering Co., Ltd.: When we made the steel structure shaft, we completed it at the Water Resources Department. One unit was completed in one day. After hoisting, I made the foundation. The entire shaft hoisting can be comp - DayDayNews

At the same time, the reporter learned from the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Yuelu District, Changsha that in March this year, after residents of the 38th Building of the Hunan Art School on Lushan South Road submitted for the installation of an elevator, they were processed through one window with dedicated people, special seals, special windows, Based on the principle of exclusive handling, we efficiently handled the joint filing of the elevator installation project for two units in the community, achieving another breakthrough of "joint review in one day and completion in three days". Owners and owner representatives who need to apply in the future can Approval procedures can be processed through this window.

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