The e-commerce arena in 2021 is not only a competition between new platforms and old platforms, but also a game between new players and old players. In the current e-commerce environment, veteran players generally prefer to stick to Tmall, and then use the short video platform as

2024/06/2916:15:33 hotcomm 1204

The e-commerce arena in 2021 is not only a competition between new platforms and old platforms, but also a game between new players and old players.

In the current e-commerce environment, veteran players generally prefer to stick to Tmall, and then use the short video platform as a supplement to the traffic channel, while exploring the private domain layout of WeChat.

The e-commerce arena in 2021 is not only a competition between new platforms and old platforms, but also a game between new players and old players. In the current e-commerce environment, veteran players generally prefer to stick to Tmall, and then use the short video platform as - DayDayNews

New players prefer short videos and new channels. They believe that great efforts can produce miracles and look forward to overtaking in corners.

Because in the constant "conflict" between traditional e-commerce and emerging e-commerce, the most difficult thing is the merchants in the middle. The old platform is the foundation, and the new platform is the next outlet. The former must hold on to the latter, but cannot Lost, so confusion and impetuosity have become the main emotions of current e-commerce merchants.

In the uncertain future, how should we operate the store?

We might as well look at the future direction from two aspects:

1, Taobao, Jingdong, Pinpin’s current situation

2, Doukuai’s future road

The first

The e-commerce arena in 2021 is not only a competition between new platforms and old platforms, but also a game between new players and old players. In the current e-commerce environment, veteran players generally prefer to stick to Tmall, and then use the short video platform as - DayDayNews

As an old e-commerce platform, Taobao and have gone through many The position of the link-wide ecological path has been stable in the past 20 years. Even if there are many new players emerging, they cannot break through the defense lines of Alibaba and, and can only look for opportunities in the middle and lower reaches.

This confirms the invincibility of the established e-commerce platform! !

Although the entire market is now pessimizing traditional platforms, we can be sure that Taojingpin still has super high value and incomparable advantages. In addition to meeting consumer needs in multiple dimensions, more importantly Although people in Generation Z do not have "loyalty" due to their deep-rooted habits, it is undeniable that the three traditional platforms are the mainstream markets for their consumption.

The e-commerce arena in 2021 is not only a competition between new platforms and old platforms, but also a game between new players and old players. In the current e-commerce environment, veteran players generally prefer to stick to Tmall, and then use the short video platform as - DayDayNews

From the perspective of traffic, although the increase is slowing down and the inventory is insufficient, this is a general problem, so everyone is still on the same starting line, but many merchants are trapped in "traffic dependence" and have not paid any attention to "brand awareness" importance.

So your sales are not good and you are still stuck in the original stage! !

From the perspective of customer acquisition, using "low-price diversion" to break homogeneity is undoubtedly digging your own grave, especially on the Pinduoduo platform. This method is always time-sensitive. Only by increasing the awareness of the brand can " Breaking".

Remember, the easiest way to break "involution" is "branding"! !

The private domain is to solve the above two problems, but there is a prerequisite for trust, and where does trust come from?

brand, only brand can bring trust! !

The e-commerce arena in 2021 is not only a competition between new platforms and old platforms, but also a game between new players and old players. In the current e-commerce environment, veteran players generally prefer to stick to Tmall, and then use the short video platform as - DayDayNews

The brand is just like the current diploma. Although it does not represent personal quality, knowledge, or experience, it is an indispensable stepping stone. Without this so-called diploma, you will not be able to enter the threshold of many companies, let alone Talk about other things.

Although brands also have traffic anxiety problems, once you have the characteristics of the brand, you can then break the situation. Brands generally face the following two problems:

① Technology involution

② Product homogenization

and break these two aspects The problem can also be approached from two aspects -

solution ① user-driven operation

solution ② data creation difference

The so-called user-driven operation is to use users’ understanding of their own products to build new ideas that meet user expectations. This kind of "thousands of people, thousands of faces" "The operating method is the best way to break through technological involution.

The essence of creating differentiation through data is the idea of ​​"segmentation first", combining market data to find out the differences in homogeneous Zhongtong attributes, and taking this as the main direction of advancement. The differentiation here is not the difference from others, but the different marketing points among the similarities.

(described in detail in the previous article, so I won’t go into details here)


The e-commerce arena in 2021 is not only a competition between new platforms and old platforms, but also a game between new players and old players. In the current e-commerce environment, veteran players generally prefer to stick to Tmall, and then use the short video platform as - DayDayNews

Doukuai, as a new commercial circulation channel, has taken away half of Taojingpin’s traffic in just a few years. It is indeed worthy of pride, but based on Doukuai Judging from the positioning of the platform, this situation has limitations.

We often say "where the users are, the brand will go." As a giant in short videos, Doukuai has already formed a huge traffic pool. Many brands are ready to join the game, but is live streaming really suitable for all businesses?

DouKuai's live broadcast of goods is just a new model extended in the e-commerce scenario.

The current Doukuai e-commerce can be roughly divided into two types:

1, Doukuai store

2, and live broadcast

The e-commerce arena in 2021 is not only a competition between new platforms and old platforms, but also a game between new players and old players. In the current e-commerce environment, veteran players generally prefer to stick to Tmall, and then use the short video platform as - DayDayNews

. The store has gradually become a live broadcast carrier after many platform updates and plans. It itself has a single traffic channel (short video). , information flow advertising) and traffic drainage cost limitations do not have good conversion capabilities. The only good thing is that you can join the selected alliance (similar to Taoke, Jingtiaoke, Duoduo Jinbao) and let others bring goods.

DouKuai Store should have been the mainstream promotion direction, but it has become a carrier of live broadcast. This deviates from the basic characteristics of Internet e-commerce. Therefore, if the DouKuai platform wants to surpass Taojingpin, the best way out is to The Douyin platform has built another e-commerce platform for streaming carriers, just like WeChat and Pinduoduo did in previous years.

The e-commerce arena in 2021 is not only a competition between new platforms and old platforms, but also a game between new players and old players. In the current e-commerce environment, veteran players generally prefer to stick to Tmall, and then use the short video platform as - DayDayNews

Live broadcasts are currently divided into four types:

1, self-broadcasters (individuals with supply chains or products)

2, KOL anchors (anchors who use certain skills or characteristics to accumulate a large number of fans)

3, celebrities (with a large number of fans and influence) Powerful public figures)

4, MCN organizations (companies that operate KOLs, celebrities and supply chains to generate monetization)

Among them, self-broadcasting and cooperation with MCN organizations are the most commonly used methods by current e-commerce practitioners. Due to the current bargaining power of leading anchors The ability and circulation ability have led to the polarization of the platform, so the current platform policy strongly encourages merchants to self-broadcast and gives a huge traffic tilt.

Therefore, e-commerce practitioners can build their own live broadcast rooms to expand channels, or directly cooperate with MCN organizations to promote product sales. However, you need to pay attention to a few points when looking for MCN organizations and anchors:

The e-commerce arena in 2021 is not only a competition between new platforms and old platforms, but also a game between new players and old players. In the current e-commerce environment, veteran players generally prefer to stick to Tmall, and then use the short video platform as - DayDayNews

1. You can find professional anchors to bring goods. Use the data platform to view MCN rankings and anchor live broadcast data, such as: Cicada Mama, New List, Huge Volume, etc.

2. Implement details such as ROI, guaranteed sales, replacement of anchors, and broadcast duration in the contract.

ROI calculation formula = turnover GMV÷ (pit fee + commission), if the brand invests 10,000 to bring goods and the revenue reaches 20,000, then the ROI is 2. However, most current ROI calculations from the MCN perspective do not include commissions, so they are calculated in different scenarios. There may be some deviations in the method.

3. Big anchors are not necessarily good. You need to look for small and medium-sized anchors that suit your product characteristics, because they have the characteristics of accurate users and high stickiness.

In short, when choosing a brand, do not blindly follow the law of "the head is really fragrant".

The e-commerce arena in 2021 is not only a competition between new platforms and old platforms, but also a game between new players and old players. In the current e-commerce environment, veteran players generally prefer to stick to Tmall, and then use the short video platform as - DayDayNews

Judging from the current short video platform, the serious polarization of the platform's head and waist and substandard management will continue for a period of time. This period of time is the bonus period for e-commerce practitioners.

etc. In one or two years, after the short video platform is "reformed", this kind of sales will still be "involved", so Dokuai Short Video will be the only way to build its own e-commerce platform.

Therefore, although Doukuai and Taojingpin have invisibly formed two competitive models, which has caused people to be confused, no matter how the new model is iterated, as long as we maintain the spirit of exploration, we will definitely live up to expectations.

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