In life, they are the four sisters who follow each other like a shadow. They love beauty, know how to live, and have deep feelings for rural farmers. At work, they are resolute women who are good at thinking, creative, and make business successful.

2024/06/2915:01:33 hotcomm 1366

Source: Yantai Daily - Big and Small News

In life, they are the four sisters who follow each other like a shadow. They love beauty, know how to live, and have deep feelings for rural farmers. At work, they are resolute women who are good at thinking, creative, and make business successful. - DayDayNews

Big and Small News April 2nd (YMG All-Media Reporter Zhong Jialin Correspondent Yan Fuxuan Photo Report) In Tianjia Village, Daxindian Town, Penglai City, Shandong Province, there is such a women's entrepreneurial team: Tian after 80s Chunying, born in 1985 Tian Dongying, born in 1990s Tian Junying, born in 1995 Tian Wenxin, they are the four sisters of the Tian family. In life, they are the four sisters who follow each other like a shadow. They love beauty, know how to live, and have deep feelings for rural farmers. At work, they are resolute women who are good at thinking, creative, and make business successful.

They founded the company from scratch in 2015. So far, it has won the first prize in the Shandong Province Women's Entrepreneurship Competition, Yantai City E-commerce Demonstration Enterprise, Penglai Leading E-commerce Enterprise and many other honors. Now, "Tian + Net" founded by the four sisters has become a leading enterprise in Shandong, and has appeared on the big screen of CCTV four times. They used their diligence and wisdom to create a new idea for IoT sales that drives economic income for fruit farmers.

The four sisters all had good jobs in big cities. The eldest sister Tian Chunying had even reached the middle level in a company in Shanghai and received an annual salary. Now she has returned to the village and sold apples. Especially after being elected as the part-time vice chairman of the Women's Federation of Liujiagou Town, Penglai City, Tian Chunying felt that her responsibilities were heavier. She hit it off with the three sisters and decided to work together to create a new way of online sales.

In 2014, the four sisters returned to Penglai, and the villagers gathered around them for help: "We have a few promising girls who work in big cities. We can't sell the apples at home. We are so anxious. Please help us take them out to sell." Sell ​​it.” In those years, the Internet had a great impact on the real economy, and cold storage and transportation businesses were difficult to do. Seeing the villagers working hard for a year, but having apples smashed into their hands, the four sisters felt uncomfortable. Although everyone in the family objected, they thought about it, resigned, and returned to their hometown in Penglai to find ways to help the villagers sell apples.

In life, they are the four sisters who follow each other like a shadow. They love beauty, know how to live, and have deep feelings for rural farmers. At work, they are resolute women who are good at thinking, creative, and make business successful. - DayDayNews

The eldest sister who used to do brand planning first thought of online e-commerce - online shopping is so popular nowadays, e-commerce fruit must be profitable. The four sisters’ idea also received support from Penglai Nonggao District, which exempted them from site fees for three years, and their entrepreneurial journey began.

They discovered that the villagers had been using large corrugated cardboard boxes to pack fruits, weighing dozens of kilograms per box, which was very difficult to transport and affected sales. The four sisters first worked hard on packaging. After many communications with the boss of the carton factory, they designed personalized packaging and established their own brand - "Tianjia Orchard", which they began to promote on the Internet.

Because the fruits from my hometown taste good and are exquisitely packaged, customer feedback has been very good. From the initial dozens of orders per day to the later hundreds of orders, Taobao stores and Weidian stores gradually became prosperous. When they were popular, they exceeded 10,000 orders, and the peak was one day. More than 100,000 kilograms of fruit were distributed, with annual sales of more than 20 million yuan.

While the four sisters have grown stronger, their original intention of helping the fellow villagers has never changed. For fruit farmers, apples with spots and scars are difficult to handle, so they can only be sold at the market; if they are kept for a long time in summer, they will rot in a few days. The four sisters found a way to contact a store in Beijing that sells fresh fruit juice, and shipped out large quantities of defective fruit from their fellow villagers at a price slightly higher than the market price. They could digest several kilograms of fruit every week. In the past few years, the four sisters have been helping a grandfather in the village sell his black plums . When the fruit is ripe, they organize people to go to the fields to pick it. The price given to Grandpa is more than one yuan higher than the market price, and it can be distributed within a few days. Grandpa was very happy. He didn’t have to wake up early and bargain with others, and he could earn two to three thousand more every year. The four sisters also tried to use an app to help fellow villagers sell unsalable apricots. In two days, they helped the fellow villagers raise nearly 10,000 kilograms of apricots, which solved their big problem.

The process of starting a business was not smooth sailing. Seeing the four sisters making money, more and more people are following the trend and doing e-commerce. An uncle who has been working with them for a long time often advises his sisters: "Girl, it's not easy to get into this industry. If you are capable, you should change careers as soon as possible." The sisters

understand the difficulty of fellow villagers. Farming really depends on the weather. For fruit farmers, rain can be a good thing or a disaster if it rains at the right time.When harvesting cherries, I am afraid of rain. When it rains, the cherries will explode and cannot be sold at a high price. If the rain falls in the wrong direction, the apples will easily attract bacteria and diseases. In May 2018, large hailstones, as big as eggs, fell for about 10 minutes in the two towns of Penglai, Daxindian, and Xiaomenjia. Not to mention the loss of cherries, one-third of the apples that had just been bagged by the affected fruit farmers in the central area were hit by hail, severely affecting the harvest, and the whole year's work might have been in vain. The sisters saw it in their eyes and felt worried in their hearts.

In life, they are the four sisters who follow each other like a shadow. They love beauty, know how to live, and have deep feelings for rural farmers. At work, they are resolute women who are good at thinking, creative, and make business successful. - DayDayNews

In order to minimize this loss to fellow villagers, the four sisters signed a contract for several thousand acres of base in the high-quality area of ​​Penglai, established the Yuezhitian Farm Super Planting Cooperative, and signed a contract for 500 acres of apples, 600 acres of cherries, and 2,000 acres of selenium-rich base. At the same time, they also plan to continue to lengthen the industrial chain, using seasonal fruits to make dried fruits, fruit vinegar, juice, jam, and fruit masks to increase the added value of agricultural products and help fellow villagers increase their income to the greatest extent.

Affected by the epidemic this year, the market has been closed and consumers have lost a large number of people. There has been a large backlog of agricultural products and they have fallen into unsalable difficulties. As a typical example of outstanding leaders in rural innovation and entrepreneurship across the country, the four sisters of the Tian family have used their own online marketing platform to start a business to help farmers. agricultural action.

In order to solve the problem of unsalable apples in the villagers, the four sisters teamed up with representatives of fruit farmers to draft a letter of help and sent it to major platforms and logistics companies. They received responses from all walks of life and created the "Women Red Huinong Live Broadcast Platform". With the help of Alibaba 's " The " Taobao Village Bo" online sales platform, with its amazing traffic and magical sales model, helps farmers broaden their sales channels and at the same time, it also turns more Penglai high-quality specialty agricultural products into "Internet celebrity hits".

In life, they are the four sisters who follow each other like a shadow. They love beauty, know how to live, and have deep feelings for rural farmers. At work, they are resolute women who are good at thinking, creative, and make business successful. - DayDayNews

Starting from the second day of the Lunar New Year, the four sisters of the Tian family started online Taobao village broadcasting. They not only used their own advantages on various platforms, but also cooperated with the village secretaries and representatives of fruit farmers to carry out live broadcast promotion day and night. The live broadcast was no less than 3 hours a day, with an average of one A single product of apples during the live broadcast weighed more than 5,000 kilograms. We strived for the support of major platforms and organized the live broadcast of "Four Sisters Warm the Spring and Fight the Epidemic". We held three large-scale events in a row, with daily orders exceeding 4,000. Establishing epidemic links allows more anchors to engage in cross-marketing campaigns, attracting more repurchases and online orders, and establishes Haojiacun brand advantage links, which has become the only high-priced and high-quality apple brand in Taobao.

During the epidemic, the four sisters from the Tian family helped villagers live broadcast the sale of unsaleable apples, which attracted the attention of CCTV. The "Field Demonstration Show" column reported on the four sisters, and they jointly helped fruit farmers sell unsaleable apples. The four sisters, who are "women and men", also opened up a bright road for fruit farmers when they sold apples one after another.

Editor in charge: Weiye

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