Hu Kan Education: A graduate of 985 University, he will tell you the most "informative" news about Chinese education from a unique perspective. He has opinions, depth, and attitude! I don't know when there were "literary thieves". This is special Refers to those who specialize in

2024/06/2904:03:32 hotcomm 1251

Hu Kan Education: A graduate of 985 University, he will tell you the most "informative" news about Chinese education from a unique perspective, with viewpoints, depth, and attitude!

Hu Kan Education: A graduate of 985 University, he will tell you the most

I don’t know when there were “literary thieves”, which specifically refers to those who specialize in plagiarizing other people’s articles.

Incidents of plagiarized papers have always been common in academia. This is a very hateful phenomenon. At the same time, this kind of dishonest behavior will also affect the scientific development of our country.

In order to curb this unhealthy trend, the state has taken heavy measures to combat academic misconduct. Although plagiarism incidents have decreased after was rectified, there are still some people who take risks for profit.

Hu Kan Education: A graduate of 985 University, he will tell you the most

1. In order to gain fame and fortune, "literary thieves" constantly go out of their way to engage in academic misconduct

After all, after a paper is published, only those specific groups of people will pay attention, so some people think this loophole can be exploited, and after the success of It can also make you famous and wealthy.

More importantly, major universities, scientific research institutions, professors, and students publish countless papers every year, and not all plagiarized papers can be discovered.

Those who plagiarize other people's papers just submit their papers with such a sense of luck. At worst, if plagiarism is discovered by some editorial department, the paper will be rejected at most, which is not a big deal.

Hu Kan Education: A graduate of 985 University, he will tell you the most

2. A male doctor from Xiamen University plagiarized the paper for profit. Now the incident has been publicized by the journal.

But from now on, those who want to easily make money from the paper may have a hard time. This journal and magazine will give all the plagiarism reports. A wake-up call.

It turns out that the journal recently received a paper signed by Yang Moumou. The content of Yang Moumou's paper involves export trade and transnational technology licensing.

It was this paper that showed its true colors under the review of the editorial department. It was an obvious plagiarism. The theory, structure, conclusion, and many important data and charts of the

paper are all obviously plagiarized from a paper published in a certain journal in Taiwan.

Hu Kan Education: A graduate of 985 University, he will tell you the most

The original paper was published in 2016. Perhaps the plagiarist felt that this paper was "old enough" and had long been forgotten by people, so he dared to plagiarize so boldly, and even changed many places without changing it. medicine.

did not expect that "Economics" not only did not allow his paper to be published, but also dealt with it very seriously. The

plagiarist Yang Moumou will not be able to submit any papers to the "Economics" magazine for the next 10 years, and even if he submits it, it will not be accepted.

And the most amazing thing is that Yang’s name will be publicized on the journal’s homepage for two years, which is very embarrassing!

Hu Kan Education: A graduate of 985 University, he will tell you the most

3. Why do so many people commit the crime if they know that their degree will not be guaranteed if they are discovered?

It is not a good thing to be caught stealing other people's things. Such a scandal will be publicized for two years.

I estimate that this Yang will definitely find it difficult to move forward in the academic world in the future, and will encounter difficulties and obstacles wherever he goes.

Yang Moumou, who was suspected of the plagiarism incident, was confirmed to be a doctoral student at Xiamen University. He enrolled in Xiamen University Law School in 2017 to study for a master's degree in , and later started studying for a doctoral degree in 2019.

It can be seen from this that Yang must have performed very well in school to graduate with a master's degree so quickly, and he was once sent to the United States as a visiting student by the school as an outstanding student.

Hu Kan Education: A graduate of 985 University, he will tell you the most

Maybe he was thinking that he would graduate soon, so he thought of publishing a paper by any means possible.

Xiamen University is now aware of this matter and attaches great importance to the outcome of the matter. The Academic Style Committee of Xiamen University promises to deal with it seriously.

According to past experience, Yang XX’s doctoral diploma is probably “in vain”, and if the circumstances are serious, it may even affect his master’s and undergraduate diplomas!

After experiencing this incident, Yang Moumou has almost ruined his entire future. It can be said that one mistake will lead to eternal regret!

Hu Kan Education: A graduate of 985 University, he will tell you the most

Many people think that it is not worth it for Yang Moumou to do it. Why do he still do it when he knows there are risks?

is actually very simple. Once the plagiarized paper is successful, the benefits Yang will gain will be huge. Hu Kan Education hopes that the relevant departments can increase the punishment for such incidents so that no one dares to go beyond the limit. The incident of

is also a reminder to everyone, never let academic misconduct become a stain in your life!

Hu Kan Education: A graduate of 985 University, he will tell you the most

I am Hu Kan Education. I write the most authentic Chinese education with my heart. Follow me and I will help you gain knowledge together every day!

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