Jing Jian’s words Now in the United States, when you open a newspaper, turn on the TV, and swipe your mobile phone, the name “Donald Trump” (also translated as “Trump”) is everywhere. As a real estate tycoon, he officially announced his candidacy for the 2016 US presidential elec

2024/06/2811:01:33 hotcomm 1035

Mirror words

Today in the United States, when you open a newspaper, turn on the TV, and swipe your mobile phone, the name "Donald Trump" (also translated as "Trump") is everywhere. As a real estate tycoon, he officially announced his candidacy for the 2016 US presidential election on June 16. A poll released by Fox News on the 4th showed that Trump received 26% support, far ahead among the 17 Republican candidates.

Trump’s bold words have touched several sensitive nerves in American society. How far can his presidential dream go? Mirror invites Wen Xian, a senior journalist based in the United States, to talk to you.

Wen Xian

html The 169-year-old Trump has long been a celebrity, but he has never been exposed with such high density, large scale, and all-media coverage as he is now. His son muttered after seeing this: This is actually beneficial to the Trump family industry.

Jing Jian’s words Now in the United States, when you open a newspaper, turn on the TV, and swipe your mobile phone, the name “Donald Trump” (also translated as “Trump”) is everywhere. As a real estate tycoon, he officially announced his candidacy for the 2016 US presidential elec - DayDayNews

On July 10, Trump spoke to the media in Beverly Hills, California. Xinhua News Agency posted

Trump is a billionaire. The 58-story Trump Tower at 725 Fifth Avenue in New York is the landmark building of the Trump industry. Now, the old post office building on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington is surrounded by advertising fences with "Trump" written in white letters on a blue background, indicating that Trump's real estate industry has penetrated into the core area of ​​the capital Washington. In addition to the real estate industry, Trump has run beauty pageants such as "Miss Universe", appeared in movies and TV shows, bought a sports team, and published a book... Now Trump wants to be the president of the United States!

I met Mr. Rong Anlan from the Stimson Center that day at a seminar on Sino-US relations at the Brookings Institution. I asked him what he thought of Trump running for president of the United States, and he blurted out: "Trump is a joke..."

Many people said so. But what I want to explore more is, is obviously a joke, why in multiple poll results, Trump ranks first among the 17 Republican presidential candidates, leaving Jeb Bush in second place by more than a dozen percentage points, making him stand in the middle position at the first debate of Republican presidential candidates held on the evening of August 6.

html On June 16, Trump officially announced his candidacy for the 2016 U.S. presidential election, immediately adding an entertainment effect to the U.S. presidential campaign. Trump is a typical representative of "having money means being willful". In front of the powerful political machine in Washington, he is a spoiler who does not play by the rules, a voice who despises "political correctness", and a subversive who enjoys the pleasure of poking holes in society. , a "big mouth" that refuses to be left alone, calls some illegal Mexican immigrants "criminals" and "rapists"; it claims that senior U.S. Senator John McCain, who was a prisoner in the Vietnam War, is not a "hero" at all. ; Said that the United States is "now in a situation that it can never win", which is all blamed on the "stupid" American leaders...

Jing Jian’s words Now in the United States, when you open a newspaper, turn on the TV, and swipe your mobile phone, the name “Donald Trump” (also translated as “Trump”) is everywhere. As a real estate tycoon, he officially announced his candidacy for the 2016 US presidential elec - DayDayNews

On June 16, supporters of the American real estate tycoon Donald Trump gathered in Manhattan, New York, USA Trump Tower. Xinhua News Agency reported

Tired of high-sounding politicians, they have a "big mouth" that speaks loudly at everyone. Some of the anger, frustration, and dissatisfaction accumulated in American society have found some kind of outlet. Trump’s bold words touched several sensitive nerves in American society. Those poll results, which cannot be fully believed and cannot be ignored, reveal more or less part of the reality of American society.

The first Republican presidential debate hosted by Fox News was watched by 24 million Americans, setting a record for the highest ratings for a non-sports cable TV program in American history. In this debate, Trump inadvertently revealed a corner of the shady story of America's "money lord politics".

Standing at the center of the stage, Trump, a former Democrat, was asked why he provided donations to Democratic politicians and used donations to let these politicians "do whatever you want them to do." Trump spread his hands, looked around at the politicians on both sides, and said, I have given money to everyone on this stage. He specifically pointed at Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky who criticized him for "bribing politicians" and said: "I bought you too! When you called, I sent the money."Trump did not deny that "money means willfulness." "You'd better believe this fact... As soon as I call them, they will show up. He said he did donate to the Clinton Foundation in return for Hillary Clinton attending his wedding. "I said, 'Come to my wedding,' and she came over." She had no choice because I donated money to her foundation. Frankly speaking, that foundation is supposed to be used to do good things, and I had no idea she would spend money to fly around the world on private jets. "

Regarding Trump's confession, all the other debaters on the stage were speechless. As the only debater on the stage who had participated in the presidential election, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee said: "The question It is we who have the axis of power from Wall Street to Washington that controls the political climate in the United States. The donor class feeds the political class, and the political class dances to the demands of the donor class.

Jing Jian’s words Now in the United States, when you open a newspaper, turn on the TV, and swipe your mobile phone, the name “Donald Trump” (also translated as “Trump”) is everywhere. As a real estate tycoon, he officially announced his candidacy for the 2016 US presidential elec - DayDayNews

html On the evening of August 6, the Republican candidates for the 2016 U.S. presidential election held their first television debate in Cleveland, Ohio. Internet picture

In this debate organized by the Republican media base, It did not touch on social inequality, racial conflict, climate change and other topics that Democrats are passionate about, but China, which was not a topic in the first place, was still mentioned by many people. Trump said that the United States is now in many difficulties and is losing to China in the trade field. . In response to the fact that China is currently the largest holder of U.S. Treasury bonds, Rand Paul said: “We should not borrow money from China and then distribute it everywhere. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz from Texas criticized the consequences of Obama and Hillary Clinton's foreign policies over the past few years, saying China was waging a cyber war against the United States. On a previous occasion, U.S. Senator from South Carolina Senator Graham directly claimed that China "cheated" the United States.

Obviously, China is an unavoidable topic in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The U.S. presidential election process has its own unspoken rules, and attacking the current president's weakness is one of them. 1. To show strength, you need a target, and the ever-developing China has become a topic. This must be the "fashion" of the 2016 US presidential election. "Finding faults" is the ironclad rule of the US presidential election process. Who will be hunted down? At the first debate, Trump was "booed" by the audience many times, so much so that Trump said, "They don't like me very much." When Kelly asked Trump why he often calls women “fat pigs,” “dogs,” and “slobs,” Trump responded: “To be honest, if you don’t like me, there’s nothing I can do about it. You're nice, but what did you do to me? I probably shouldn't have been so nice to you!" This performance was widely criticized by the American media. The next day, Trump fought back in an interview with CNN, saying that Kelly's "eyes were bleeding, and there was blood everywhere" when he hosted the debate, implying that Kelly was in her menstrual period that day, so she had a bad temper. This "bloody" theory once again caused an uproar. Trump’s insistence on going his own way eventually led Stone, his political think tank of more than 20 years, to announce his withdrawal from his campaign team on the 8th.

The U.S. presidential election has already turned out like this before the two armies confront each other, which makes the drama in the future destined to be exciting. The Democratic Party is also holding back its own drama. There is news that the current Vice President Biden has been considering whether to come out and compete with Hillary Clinton. He said that his motivation was the last ditch effort of his father, Biden’s son who passed away not long ago. . There are many people who want to be the president of the United States, and they all want to make a fuss. The process must be full of scandals, odors, and paranoia. It must be a chaotic scene where you sing and then I appear. Instant ups and downs are the norm.

How far can Trump’s presidential dream go? Judging from the current situation, many "bubbly" people are far less powerful than this "bloody" one, but may the "bloody" one finally be a bubbling one? Let’s wait and see.

Editor of this issue: Dubule Zhou

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