The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019.

2024/06/2807:46:33 hotcomm 1395

Jilin Provincial Health Commission

Recently released

The province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019

Eleven people have died due to Class B infectious diseases

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019. - DayDayNews

April 2019 (0:00 on April 1, 2019 to April 24:00 on the 30th), the province reported a total of 5,674 cases of notifiable infectious diseases and 11 deaths. Among them, there were no reported cases of morbidity or death among Class A infectious diseases.

There are 14 types of Class B infectious diseases reported, with a total of 3466 reported cases and 11 deaths (8 AIDS, 2 tuberculosis, 1 malaria). The top five reported diseases are: tuberculosis, hepatitis, syphilis, Scarlet fever and brucellosis accounted for 94.20% of the total reported incidences of Class B infectious diseases.

During the same period, 5 Category C infectious diseases were reported in the province, with a total of 2,208 reported cases. The order of reported incidence numbers from high to low is: influenza , mumps, other infectious diarrheal diseases, rubella , and hand, foot and mouth disease.

Influenza, mumps,

other infectious diarrheal diseases,

rubella, hand, foot and mouth disease

have entered a period of high incidence,

everyone must be careful! !

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019. - DayDayNews


How to distinguish influenza and common cold ,

you need to take a closer look!


Influenza is caused by viruses. It often has an acute onset, with symptoms such as fever, headache, and body aches. Generally, the fever will be around 39~40°C;


The common cold generally does not have an acute onset, and may start with symptoms. Symptoms such as sore throat and runny nose occur. Experts say that if a child is diagnosed with a common cold, they should rest at home as much as possible.

The most effective way to prevent influenza is vaccination.

The World Health Organization recommends that the elderly, children, pregnant women and other groups should be vaccinated every year.

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019. - DayDayNews

However, it should be noted that there is a time lag in the response of the vaccine, which generally takes 2 to 3 weeks after vaccination to start to take effect. Children who have recently suffered from influenza will produce a large number of antibodies in their bodies and are less likely to be infected by the same virus again in a short period of time.

Do not take anti-inflammatory drugs blindly.

Do not take anti-inflammatory drugs blindly. If necessary, do a blood test first.

The flu is caused by viruses, while some colds are caused by bacteria. Therefore, when facing cold symptoms, do not rush to take anti-inflammatory drugs. This will not only have no effect on the virus, but also increase drug resistance. If necessary, you should go to the hospital for a blood test before making a decision.

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019. - DayDayNews


Mumps is an acute infectious disease caused by the mumps virus and is mainly spread through droplets.

After the onset, chills, headache, loss of appetite, and general malaise occur. One or two days later, there is swelling and pain in one or both parotid glands and/or other salivary glands. The pain intensifies when opening the mouth, chewing, or eating acidic food. Parotid gland enlargement usually lasts 7-10 days.

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019. - DayDayNews

Prevention and control measures

1. Vaccination mumps vaccine is an effective means to prevent mumps.

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019. - DayDayNews

2. Develop good personal hygiene and living habits. Change, wash, and dry clothes and bedding frequently. Wash your hands immediately after touching respiratory secretions (such as sneezing, blowing your nose), and avoid touching your mouth, eyes, and nose with dirty hands.

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019. - DayDayNews

3. During the peak period of the epidemic, you should avoid going to crowded places. If relevant symptoms occur, you should seek medical treatment in time, reduce contact with others, and try to rest at home. Boil and disinfect the tableware, towels, etc. used by the patient, and open windows for ventilation several times a day to keep the indoor air fresh.

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019. - DayDayNews

Infectious diarrhea

Infectious diarrhea is a viral gastrointestinal disease caused by norovirus. It has the characteristics of acute onset, rapid spread and wide spread.

infected people have a sudden onset, with the main symptoms being nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping pain and diarrhea, which usually last for 1 to 2 days. Vomiting is common in children, and diarrhea is more common in adults. Diarrhea occurs 4 to 8 times within 24 hours. The stool is watery or watery, without mucus, pus, or blood. However, the course of the disease is short, usually 2 to 3 days.

Prevention and control measures

Pay attention to diet and personal hygiene, and avoid eating raw, cold and uncooked food, especially shellfish and other aquatic products. Once suspected symptoms appear, seek medical treatment promptly and receive standardized treatment.

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019. - DayDayNews

Hand, foot and mouth disease

New types of hand, foot and mouth disease appear in many places!

1. Recently, a new type of hand, foot and mouth disease appeared in Fujian, and a 3-year-old boy, Xiao Ming, suffered from this disease. Starting last week, he suddenly developed a high fever, which reached 39°C. Later, his mother discovered a blister in his mouth. Immediately afterwards, large herpes, the size of rice grains, began to appear on his face, body, hands and feet. When he went to the hospital for examination, the doctor said that Xiao Ming had a new type of hand, foot and mouth disease. After isolation and anti-viral treatment, Xiao Ming's hand, foot and mouth disease is slowly improving. Fujian Provincial Hospital Pediatrics, four or five cases have been discovered this week, and this new type of hand, foot and mouth disease has broken out in many places in our country.

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019. - DayDayNews

2. Mengmeng, who lives in Pukou, Nanjing, is five years old. She suddenly had a fever two nights ago, which lasted until the next day, with many rashes appearing all over her body. The family quickly took her to the hospital for treatment. When they saw Mengmeng’s body rash accompanied by high fever, they immediately asked for hospitalization, and Mengmeng was admitted to the hospital for treatment. The examination revealed that the child had red maculopapular rashes all over his body and herpes on his elbows. Doctors said that CVA6 has become another major common pathogen after CVA16 and EV71. CVA6 infection has a larger range of skin lesions and is significantly different from the rash of hand, foot and mouth disease caused by traditional viral infection.

What is the difference between traditional and new types of hand, foot and mouth disease?

Traditional virus-infected hand, foot and mouth disease: rash characteristics: no pain, no itching, no scabs, no scarring. The rash has thick walls and is not easy to rupture.

New type of hand, foot and mouth disease (CV-A6 infection): The skin lesions involve a large area and the herpes are dense. They are mostly characterized by bullous rashes accompanied by itching and pain. The early rash is characterized by skin-colored rice-sized papules with slight surroundings. There is a redness, and then the herpes quickly enlarges to form thin-walled herpes, and some of the rashes can fuse; as the disease progresses, ulceration, scabs, and peeling will appear; some children are prone to peeling of the fingers (toes) during the recovery period, which lasts for about 20 years About % of children develop onycholysis 2 to 4 weeks into the recovery period.

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019. - DayDayNews

How to deal with the new type of hand, foot and mouth disease?

If your child has the following symptoms, you need to seek medical attention promptly: 1. High fever that persists for more than 24 hours, even if oral antipyretic drugs are taken, it is difficult to reduce the fever, urine is significantly reduced, and you are irritable; 2. Frequent vomiting, especially jet-like Vomiting; 3. Unbearable headache; 4. Listlessness, irritability, drowsiness or even coma; 5. Shaking limbs and unsteady standing; 6. Shortness of breath, or pale face, cold limbs, and sweating profusely , these symptoms indicate that the child's condition is serious. Preventing hand, foot and mouth disease during the peak season:

The peak season of hand, foot and mouth disease

We must learn to prevent it correctly!

The Jilin Provincial Health Commission recently released the province's statutory reportable infectious disease epidemic in April 2019. Eleven people died due to Class B infectious diseases in April 2019. - DayDayNews

Nothing is more important than the health of your family.

Repost this article to let more people know about it!

Article source: Changchun Evening News WeChat comprehensively compiled from the official website of the Jilin Provincial Health Commission, People's Daily, and the Internet, Changchun Women

Copyright: Jiujiang Radio and Television Station, please indicate the source for reprinting

Editor: Ta Liang, Feng Yu, Guo Qinglian, Yu Zhenning Sun Xue

Editor in charge: Yang Jianmei

Producer: Sun Wenguang

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