In 180 BC, just after Empress Lu died, a group of heroes, led by Zhou Bo, Chen Ping, Lu Jia and others, massacred the Lu family. It can be seen from this that Liu Bang did not kill too many heroes, but too few.

2024/06/2723:41:34 hotcomm 1753

In 180 BC, just after Empress Lu died, a group of heroes, led by Zhou Bo, Chen Ping, Lu Jia and others, massacred the Lu family. It can be seen from this that Liu Bang did not kill too many heroes, but too few. - DayDayNews

Speaking of Liu Bang, the first impression may be that of the massacre of heroes. But can you believe it? Liu Bang may actually be one of the founding monarchs who treated his heroes the most kindly. Judging from historical records, from 202 BC to 195 BC, as many as 143 people were awarded the title of marquis. Except for Han Xin, the Marquis of Huaiyin who rebelled, all the heroes died with high titles and wealth, and their titles and fiefs were passed on to their descendants, forming a powerful interest group - the hero group.

In fact, the only heroes who were really killed were the princes and kings of one side of the separatist regime, such as Han Xin, Han Wangxin, Yingbu, Peng Yue and others. Really comparing the absolute numbers, in terms of killing heroes, Liu Bang was not as good as Li Shimin of later generations, let alone Zhu Yuanzhang.

However, the heroes did not show mercy to Liu Bang's descendants because of Liu Bang's favor. In 180 BC, just after Empress Lu died, the hero group, led by Zhou Bo, Chen Ping, Lu Jia and others, massacred the Lu family. What is often overlooked is that those who were slaughtered were also Liu Bang's direct descendants, namely the Han Hui Emperor line. This tragedy begins with the arrangements made before Liu Bang's death.

In 180 BC, just after Empress Lu died, a group of heroes, led by Zhou Bo, Chen Ping, Lu Jia and others, massacred the Lu family. It can be seen from this that Liu Bang did not kill too many heroes, but too few. - DayDayNews

In 195 BC, Liu Bang's injury from an arrow worsened, and his life had entered a countdown. Because the prince Liu Ying was weak, Liu Bang entrusted the affairs of the country to the resolute and ruthless Empress Lu. Before her deathbed, Empress Lu once asked Liu Bang:

"Your Majesty, a hundred years later, Xiao He will also die. Who can act as the agent of the state?"

Liu Bang replied in a dying voice:

" Cao Shen can do it. After Cao Shen dies, it can be done by Wang. However, Wang Ling is too upright and can be assisted by Chen Ping. This is because Chen Ping is too smart to serve alone. Although Zhou Bo is rich in literature, he must be the one who can control Liu. Taiwei."

Later, Empress Lu asked Wang Ling and Zhou Bo who they could trust in the future. Liu Bang sighed: "Then I don't know!"

In 180 BC, just after Empress Lu died, a group of heroes, led by Zhou Bo, Chen Ping, Lu Jia and others, massacred the Lu family. It can be seen from this that Liu Bang did not kill too many heroes, but too few. - DayDayNews

In this way, Liu Bang made arrangements for his posthumous affairs and achieved a triangular balance in the country among Queen Lu, heroes and princes and kings with the same surname.

However, compared to the powerful group of heroes and the dozens of princes and kings who frequently connected the city, Empress Lu was really alone, and her son was also weak and incompetent and was not effective at all. Therefore, Empress Lu was worried about the meritorious officials internally and jealous of the princes externally, and she frowned every day.

Originally, Empress Lu wanted to work with her confidant Shen Shiqi to catch all the heroes in one fell swoop. However, the appeal of the heroes was too great, so Empress Lu had to give up. In the end, Empress Lu and the heroes reached a compromise at Liu Bang's funeral, that is, Empress Lu canonized her Lu family members as kings to enhance the strength of the Lu family lineage, which actually consolidated the rule of Han Hui Emperor Liu Ying.

However, making the Lu family king obviously violated the contract between Liu Bang and the heroes - "If you are not Liu, you will not be king, and if you are not meritorious, you will not be a marquis." Although Queen Lu knew the risks of this move, she had to do it in order to consolidate her power.

In 180 BC, just after Empress Lu died, a group of heroes, led by Zhou Bo, Chen Ping, Lu Jia and others, massacred the Lu family. It can be seen from this that Liu Bang did not kill too many heroes, but too few. - DayDayNews

In 188 BC, Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty passed away, leaving behind six sons, namely Liu Gong, Hou Han Young Emperor , Liang Wang, Huaiyang King, Changshan King , and Zhihou Liu Chao. The young emperor of the former Han Dynasty who succeeded him to the throne was actually Liu Gong, the son of a beautiful woman in the harem. However, in order to deceive others, Empress Lu poisoned Liu Gong's biological mother.

When Liu Gong grew up, he gradually heard that he was not the son of Han Hui Emperor and Empress Zhang Yan, so he secretly complained to Empress Lu. After Empress Lu learned of this, she killed Liu Gong without hesitation. On May 11th, the fourth year after Han Gao (184 BC), Empress Lu established Liu Yi, King of Changshan (King of Hengshan), another son of Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty, as emperor, and changed his name to Liu Hong, and was known as the Young Emperor of the Later Han Dynasty in history.

With the help of the two young emperors of Han Dynasty, Empress Lu and the heroes maintained a delicate balance. But as Empress Lu gets older, this balance will be broken sooner or later. In July 180 BC, Empress Lu died of illness. The princes and kings of the Lu family were afraid of the persecution of the Liu family, so in September of the same year, Lu Lu secretly discussed the rebellion at home.And because the wife of Liu Zhang, the younger brother of King Qi Liu Xiang, was born in the Lu family, he learned this news. As a result, Liu Xiang got in touch with the heroes of Guanzhong - Zhou Bo, Chen Ping, Lu Jia and others, and prepared intensively for the "Operation to Kill Lu".

In 180 BC, just after Empress Lu died, a group of heroes, led by Zhou Bo, Chen Ping, Lu Jia and others, massacred the Lu family. It can be seen from this that Liu Bang did not kill too many heroes, but too few. - DayDayNews

However, judging from the subsequent development of Lu Group, it seems that it has never thought about replacing Liu Group. If they really wanted to do this, then why did Lu Lu, who was in charge of the military power of the Northern Army, give up the military power to the hero so easily? Therefore, in the view of many scholars, the so-called "Lu family's conspiracy to cause rebellion" is completely a conspiracy concocted by the heroes. Why do the heroes of

do this? This is because the power of the imperial court was inherently overpopulated, and the Lu family, who had lost the protection of Empress Lu, occupied too many political resources. As the saying goes, "It is a crime to have a jade in your arms." If the heroes didn't massacre the Lu family, who else would they kill?

Zhou Bo and Chen Ping used Lu Lu's good friend Li Ji to defraud the Northern Army's seal and ribbon. Afterwards, Zhou Bochi entered the Northern Army camp and successfully seized the military power of the Northern Army. Once the heroes gained military power, the Lu family was destined to perish.

In 180 BC, just after Empress Lu died, a group of heroes, led by Zhou Bo, Chen Ping, Lu Jia and others, massacred the Lu family. It can be seen from this that Liu Bang did not kill too many heroes, but too few. - DayDayNews

Later, Cao Shen's son Cao Cheng informed the Imperial Guards that Prime Minister Lu Chan was not allowed to enter the palace gate. Later, Zhou Bo and Zhu Xuhou Liu Zhang led troops to raid Lu Chan and killed him in a toilet. After Lu Chan's death, the Southern Army under his control was also captured by the heroes. Afterwards, the heroes attacked in different directions, regardless of their age, and killed all Zhu Lu.

After the demise of the Lu family, the heroes did not stop. Since Lu was the uncle of the Young Emperor of the Han Dynasty, Zhou Bo and Chen Ping were worried that there would be a situation where "(the Young Emperor) would be employed for a long time, and I would be incomparable". Therefore, they secretly conspired and decided to "legally" kill all the descendants of Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty. So they announced to the public:

"The young emperor and the kings of Liang, Huaiyang, and Changshan are not true filial piety and Hui's son. Empress Lu used a trick to falsely name his son, killed his mother, raised a harem, ordered Xiao Hui's son, and established him as his queen. All kings, use the strength of the Lu family."

In other words, the so-called sons of Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty in the palace were not his biological children. In fact, they were all the products of Empress Lu's conspiracy. In fact, Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty did not have a son.

In 180 BC, just after Empress Lu died, a group of heroes, led by Zhou Bo, Chen Ping, Lu Jia and others, massacred the Lu family. It can be seen from this that Liu Bang did not kill too many heroes, but too few. - DayDayNews

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand how these princes could not be the sons of Emperor Hui of Han Dynasty. Let me ask who would give his own son and create 6 fake sons. At the same time, judging from historical records, the four words "phase and conspiracy" were used to identify the identities of these princes. Sima Qian and Ban Gu were politically correct, although they did not directly point out the slander that the heroes had against the descendants of Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty. But they still used Chunqiu Qubi to express their attitude.

In the end, the heroes entered the palace and killed the Han Shao Emperor, Liang Wang, Huaiyang King, Changshan King and others. In this way, all Liu Bang's direct descendants were killed by the butcher's knives of the heroes. Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty was notorious for his incompetent personality. Later, for their own benefit, the heroes welcomed Liu Bang's descendants, the Daiwang Liu Heng, into Chang'an , and excluded them from the execution of the princes. Lu Zhong made great contributions to the line of Qi kings. Obviously, in the eyes of the heroes, Liu Heng from the collateral branch is easier to control.

In 180 BC, just after Empress Lu died, a group of heroes, led by Zhou Bo, Chen Ping, Lu Jia and others, massacred the Lu family. It can be seen from this that Liu Bang did not kill too many heroes, but too few. - DayDayNews

What is even more paradoxical is that before and after Liu Heng became emperor, his queen and four legitimate sons died mysteriously. In this regard, there is only a brief record in the history books:

"The life and death of the king and the queen were difficult. The previous king died before he was established as the emperor. The king and the king were established as emperor, and the four sons born to the queen even died of illness."

No matter from which point of view, Look, this result is too cold and weird. Therefore, some people have been speculating that the queen and the four princes died abnormally. When Empress Lu was still alive, in order to enhance the power of the Lu family, she arranged for the princes and kings surnamed Liu to marry the daughters of the Lu family. And Liu Heng may be no exception. If this is true, the heroes are likely to kill the acting queen of the Lu family and the four sons of the Lu family to prevent the Lu family's relatives from resurrecting and counterattacking.

Writing this, the author is really frightened by the ruthlessness, ruthlessness and ability of the heroes to make up lies. It can be seen from this that Liu Bang did not kill too many heroes, but too few. "If the king is weak and his ministers are strong," the heroes will almost certainly cause chaos.Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang killed the heroes after the untimely death of the prince Zhu Biaoying. In fact, he was paving the way for the emperor's grandson Zhu Yunwen . Obviously, Zhu Yuanzhang learned Liu Bang's lesson.

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