Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting.

2024/06/2717:41:35 hotcomm 1724

False faucet

Morphological characteristics:

Perennial herbaceous plant. Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. The leaves are opposite, -lanceolate, and have finely serrated edges. Blooms from summer to autumn , terminal, spike-shaped inflorescence, lip-shaped corolla, the inflorescence gradually blooms from the bottom to the top, long-lasting flowering period . Flower colors include light red, purple or variegated leaves.

Growth habits:

likes loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam , and will grow poorly if it is dry in summer. The flowering period is from July to September. It grows into a cluster, with blooming flower spikes swaying in the wind, graceful and graceful. It is strong in nature and can easily produce seedlings on its underground stolons. After one plant is cultivated, it often reproduces numerous seedlings on its own.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Sui Hua Po Na

Morphological characteristics:

Po Po Na genus of Scrophulariaceae, a perennial cold-resistant herb , with a plant height of about 45 cm. The leaves are opposite, lanceolate to oval, nearly sessile, 5 to 20 cm long, and serrated. The flowers are blue or pink; the diameter of the small flowers is 4 to 6 mm, forming a tight terminal raceme. The flowering period is from June to August. .

Growth Habit:

naturally grows in calcareous meadows and gravelly mountains. likes light and tolerates semi-shade . It can grow well on various soils and avoid soil moisture in winter.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

Perennial herbaceous plant, up to 30-50 cm high, with upright, cylindrical stems, pale green, smooth, broad linear leaves, pale green, slightly whitened, mostly curved, with infolded leaves. The base is sheath-like, the flowers are blue-purple and clustered on the top of the branches, covered with 2 bracts of different lengths, about 2-3 cm in diameter, 3 sepals, green, stamens Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews, filament hairs in the shape of beads, flowering period 5-7 In month , a single flower blooms for only 1 day.

Growth habits:

It is native to North America and is commonly cultivated in my country. It likes full sunshine, but can also tolerate half shade. Purple grass is strong and cold-resistant, and can survive the winter in the open field in North China. The soil requirements are not strict.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Mars flower

Morphological characteristics:

A perennial herbaceous bulbous plant with three flower colors of red, orange and yellow, and resistant to intense heat. In mid-summer, flowers bloom continuously. It is a good material for arranging flower borders, flower beds and making cut flowers.

Growth habits:

likes plenty of sunshine and is cold-resistant . In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, bulbs can survive the winter in the open. It is suitable for growing in well-drained, loose and fertile sandy loam soil. The soil requires sufficient moisture during the growth period.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

Perennial dense bush herb. The flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from June to September.

growth habits:

is native to my country and is also distributed wildly in Central Asia and North Korea. It is resistant to salt and alkali, resistant to trampling, and has a well-developed root system. It grows on wasteland roadside, hillside grass, and saline-alkali meadows. It can be used for soil and water conservation, saline-alkali land, and industrial wasteland transformation, and as ground cover, bordering, or solitary planting in landscaping. The whole plant is used as medicine and has the functions of clearing away heat, stopping bleeding and detoxifying. The leaves can be used as materials for tying and straw weaving.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

Shrub, up to 2 meters high. The stems and old branches are cylindrical, with dark gray cortex, irregular longitudinal cracks, and massive peeling. The young branches are quadrangular and densely covered with white star-like fine hairs. Leaves are often clustered on branches, with very short stalks or sessile, linear leaves, 1-2.5 cm long, 1-2 mm wide, blunt apex, attenuate base, entire edge, curled back, leathery, slightly above. Glossy, almost hairless, densely covered with white star-shaped hairs underneath.

Growth habits:

Rosemary likes warm climates , but it grows slowly during the high temperature period in Taiwan. The temperature without cold snaps in winter is more suitable for its growth. In terms of water supply, rosemary leaves themselves are leathery and are more resistant. Drought, so the soil for planting should be rich in sand and well-drained, which is more conducive to growth and development. It is worth noting that rosemary grows slowly , which also means that its regeneration ability is not strong . When pruning and harvesting You must be particularly careful, especially as old branches lignify quickly. Excessive pruning at once often results in the plant being unable to germinate. A safer approach is not to cut more than half of the branch length each time.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Fruit orchid

Morphological characteristics:

Lamiaceae, genus Silver Caddis; evergreen shrub, whole plant silver-gray, blue flowers, flowering period in spring ;

Growth habit:

likes light, strong adaptability, rapid growth, and tolerance Pruning; suitable for flower border configuration and hedge .

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

An aromatic shrub of the order Lamiales, Verbenaceae, with the scientific name Vitex agnus-castus. The plant reaches a height of 5 meters. Flowers rose red-lavender, clustered into spikes. The twigs are soft and can be used to weave baskets. The fruit is red and used for seasoning. The leaves are 5-7 lobed, and the backs of the leaves and branches are covered with white felt-like hairs. It is native to Eurasia and has been successfully introduced in North America.

Growth habits:

likes light, tolerates cold, heat, drought and barrenness, has strong growth potential, strong resistance, and few pests and diseases; the plant has strong branching, is resistant to pruning, and repeated pruning is beneficial to plant formation and flowering , pruning the remaining flowers after flowering can extend the flowering period.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

is also known as orchid herb and mountain mint. Perennial herb, 35-90 cm tall. The tail has downward white pubescence. The single leaves are opposite; the petiole is 3 to 4 mm long. The flower is blue-purple, solitary in the leaf axil; the flower stalk is slender, with a pair of short linear bracts in the middle and upper parts; the calyx has a short tube, with pubescence and golden glandular spots outside, 5 lobes, and the lobes are oval; the corolla has 4 lobes. . Margin entire; stamens 4, spatulate, 2 strong; pistil 1, inflorescence slender, smooth, 2-lobed at the top, ovary superior, densely pubescent. Capsule, with long bristles. blooms in April .

Growth Habits:

is born in mountains and roadsides. Distributed in Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other places. likes light, is cold-tolerant, drought-tolerant, and tolerates poor soil .

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

American Forsythia

Morphological characteristics:

Forsythia genus, Oleaceae, Hybrid of Forsythia and Forsythia , branches arched, flaky pith, leaves oblong to ovate-lanceolate, sometimes 3-deeply lobed It has 3 small leaves, golden color, blooms in dry spring, and the flowering period is from March to April. It grows vigorously and has long green leaves from March to January of the following year. It is a green landscape in late autumn and early winter.

Growth habits:

is a strong positive tree species and is resistant to drought. It should be planted in deep soil. It has a long flowering period and strong cold resistance. It is resistant to pruning, has strong adaptability, and can be vigorously promoted.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Yinji Xiaowa

Morphological characteristics:

Ligustrum lucidum is an evergreen shrub of the family Oleaceae, with a plant height of about 1.5 to 1.8 meters; leaves are opposite, oval-shaped, with white markings embedded on them; panicles terminal, white , flowering period is from June to July .

Growth habits:

likes light, does not choose soil, grows quickly, has strong germination ability, and is resistant to pruning. Yinji small wax leaves are beautiful in color, vigorous in growth, evergreen all year round, and it is an excellent flower border plant.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Strong-scented jasmine

Morphological characteristics:

Evergreen shrub, branches and fine leaves in the shape of vines, pinnately compound leaves, alternate, 5-7 leaflets, cymes, fragrant flowers, bright yellow, flowering period from May to June , the fruiting period is from October to November .

Growth habits:

likes light, tolerates semi-shade , is cold and drought tolerant, does not care about the soil, and requires fertile, moist and well-drained soil. It likes a warm and humid climate, is relatively cold-tolerant, and likes acidic soil. It is a potted plant in the south of the Yangtze River. It needs to be placed in a greenhouse to prevent freezing and defoliation in winter.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

Evergreen low shrub. The branches spread out into neat two rows. The leaves are small, thickly leathery, nearly round or broadly oval, with acute apex, cuneate base, entire margin, and sparsely flattened pubescence on the back. Flowers are small, sessile, solitary or 2 side by side, pink. flowering period is from May to June . The fruit is nearly spherical, bright red. The fruiting period is from September to December.

Growth habits:

Cotoneaster likes a humid environment and is more drought-tolerant. If it is not too dry during the growth period, it can basically grow naturally, but it should be poured with thawing water and frozen water in early spring and early winter.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Mediterranean Viburnum

Morphological characteristics:

Lonicerae evergreen shrub, multi-branched, cymes, pink buds, buds appear in autumn, do not bloom until spring of the second year, white flowers, winter and spring have their own special features The viewing features of . It has luxuriant branches and leaves and is resistant to pruning. Its shaping can be referred to that of oleander. Maintenance and pruning is mainly thin pruning, which should be carried out in late spring after flowering.

Growth habits:

Mediterranean viburnum is easier to differentiate flower buds, and it is common for one or two-year-old saplings to bloom. If the vegetative growth is properly controlled, it can also bloom in summer or autumn, and when planted in groups, flowering plants can be common throughout the year.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Mosaic elderberry

Morphological characteristics:

Elderberry plant of the Caprifoliaceae family. Purple leaves and dark pink flowers have a lemony scent. Strong, light-loving, cold-resistant and drought-tolerant. The root system is well developed and the sprouting ability is strong. The branches have lenticels, are smooth and hairless, and the pith is light yellowish brown.

Growth habits:

likes light, is tolerant to shade, cold and drought. Grow strong and avoid waterlogging. is suitable for planting on waterside and forest edge lawns.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Large-flowered golden-leafed six-spotted tree

Morphological characteristics:

is a hybrid of glutinous rice strips and single-flowered six-spotted tree. This golden-leaf variety can reach 1.5 meters, with thin and round branchlets, purple-red sunny side, and an arch shape. The leaves are small, long and oval, 2.5-3.0 cm long and 1.2 cm wide, with sparse and shallow teeth on the edges. They are golden yellow in the sun and turn green when the light is insufficient. Conical cymes, small flowers, white with pink, luxuriant and fragrant, flowering period from June to November . Growth habits of


likes light, is heat-resistant, and can withstand low temperatures of -10Β°C. It can survive the winter safely even when planted in the open field in Nanjing, and has strong adaptability to soil. has strong branching ability and is resistant to pruning. It is necessary to strengthen pruning during the growth period and early spring to prevent bare branches and leaves, so as to maintain the full shape of the tree...

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Hairy core wood

Morphological characteristics:

"Hairy core wood" is The tree is a deciduous shrub of the Caprifoliaceae family, with a tree height of up to 1.5 to 2.0 meters, and its branches are densely arched and soft. In the Shanghai area, it usually sprouts in early March and falls in early December. The leaves are oval, small and densely grown. The flowering period is from July to August . The flowers are small and light pink in color. After the flowers wither, they form round berries, which grow in clusters on long branches. In late autumn, the fruits turn red, which is extremely beautiful and ornamental. The value is extremely high and the fruit will continue to bear fruit until early spring of the following year. The entire fruit-bearing period is as long as four months .

Growth habits:

"Hairy core wood" has strong adaptability , is cold-resistant, heat-resistant, moisture-resistant, and barren-resistant, has very few pests and diseases, and has strong branch sprouting ability. After the branches droop to the ground, they can take root and grow in the internodes.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Bright green honeysuckle

Morphological characteristics:

The main characteristics are that is evergreen all year round and the leaves are bright green.

Growth habits:

has vigorous growth, strong germination, dense branches, and is extremely resistant to pruning; it has strong cold tolerance and can withstand low temperatures of -20Β°C, as well as high temperatures; it is not sensitive to light, grows well in full sunlight, and can also tolerate shade; It has no strict requirements on soil and can adapt to acidic soil, neutral soil and light saline-alkali soil. Due to the above-mentioned advantages, Lonicera japonica has become a leader among the creeping woody cover plants.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Snowball ice-growing mulberry

Morphological characteristics:

Plant height is 0.4 to 0.6 meters, crown width is 1.0 to 1.2 meters, hemispherical, with dense and soft branches. Single leaves are opposite, lanceolate, bright green, turning red in autumn. The flowering period is from April to May. has panicles with small white, star-shaped flowers, which are extremely luxuriant. Because the entire plant is densely covered with white flowers when it blooms, it is called "Snowball".

Growth Habit:

likes light and tolerates some shade, so it should be planted in a place with good drainage.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Colorful Willow

Morphological characteristics:

Deciduous shrub, 1-3 meters high, with a broad crown and new leaves with milky white and pink spots.

Growth habits:

likes light, is cold-tolerant, moisture-tolerant, and has strong growth potential. needs to be pruned intensively in late winter.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Weeping pot grass

Morphological characteristics:

Perennial fleshy herb, sterile branches prostrate and rooted, strong branches upright, 10 to 20 cm long. The flowers are light yellow, the flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from July to August.

Growth habits:

are born on hillside rocks or cultivated . Distributed in the north and south of my country.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

German Sedum

Morphological characteristics:

Perennial succulent grass, potted plant 40 to 50 cm high. There are nodes, slightly white powder, the stem is thick and columnar, and is light green. The leaves are grey-green, oval or oval, flat and fleshy, and the upper edge of the leaves sometimes has slightly wavy teeth.

Growth Habits:

likes a sunny, warm, dry and ventilated environment, avoids water and moisture, and has no strict requirements on soil . It is relatively cold-resistant and drought-tolerant.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Buddha's grass

Morphological characteristics:

Perennial herb, hairless. , the flowering period is from April to May, , and the fruiting period is from June to July.

Growth habits:

Buddha grass is extremely adaptable, regardless of soil, and has strong cold tolerance. It is a succulent plant with extremely high water content. The cuticles on the epidermis of its leaves and stems have extraordinary properties of preventing water evaporation. There is no need to water even on dry roofs in summer. Its drought tolerance can be as long as one month. While other weeds cultivated at the same time as the Buddha's grass have long since dried up and died, the Buddha's grass is safe and sound, maintaining its vibrant green color.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Sedum rotundum

Morphological characteristics:

Tianke perennial evergreen plant. The stem is oblique or drooping, thin, round, and fleshy. The leaves are opposite, the leaves are fan-shaped to round, the leaf margins are slightly wavy, the leaves are green and reddish, especially the old leaves are dark purple, the petioles are very short, the flower heads are hemispherical, and they are born at the top of the stem, with pink florets.

Growth habits:

likes a cool, humid and semi-shaded environment , has strong cold tolerance, and is intolerant of high temperatures and sunlight in summer. Requires loose, fertile, sandy loam soil.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Large-flowered coreopsis

Morphological characteristics:

Perennial herb, plant height 30 to 60 cm. Stem erect and multi-branched. The flower head is 4 to 7.5 cm in diameter, with a long stalk, a round tongue-shaped flower on the edge, and the other tubular flowers. There are usually 8 ligulate flowers, yellow, with three lobes at the top; horticultural varieties have double petals (that is, multiple rounds of ligulate flowers). Achenes are round, with broad and thin membranous wings. flowering period is from June to August .

Growth habits:

is not strict with the soil and prefers fertile, moist and well-drained sandy loam . It is drought-resistant, cold-resistant and heat-resistant.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Double Coreopsis

Asteraceae , Coreopsis genus, evergreen herb, flowers are double, yellow, plant height is larger than Coreopsis and shorter, other characteristics are the same as Coreopsis.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

Perennial herbaceous plant with stem height of 40 to 100 cm. The basal leaves are oblanceolate with long stalks, and the stem leaves are sessile and linear. The flower head is solitary on the top of the stem. tongue-shaped flowers are white and fragrant ; tubular flowers are bisexual and yellow. flowering period from June to July ; achene, fruit ripening period from August to September.

Growth Habit:

likes sunshine, and the suitable temperature is 15 to 30℃. It can grow in garden soil, sandy loam soil, slightly alkaline or slightly acidic soil, regardless of soil.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

Annual or perennial herb, pinnate leaves with fine lobes, white flowers, yellow center, blooming in summer. The whole plant has an aroma, and the leaves have a slight aroma of grass and apple .

Growth Habit:

likes sunshine, well-drained sandy loam or deep soil, and the soil is neutral or slightly alkaline.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Artemisia annua

Morphological characteristics:

Artemisia genus Asteraceae Artemisia genus Asteraceae Artemisia genus is a perennial herb, sometimes semi-shrublike. The main root is woody, diagonally downward; the rhizome is thin or slightly thick, prostrate or diagonally upward, with vegetative branches and densely grown vegetative leaves. Both sides of stems, branches, leaves and the back of involucral bracts are densely covered with silvery white or light grayish yellow slightly silky hairs. Artemisia annua has slender leaves and silvery gray-green leaves. It is an excellent border and ground cover plant. It can be used in flower beds or borders.

Growth habits:

is resistant to pruning and has strong tillering ability; it likes light and avoids hot and rainy summers; it can be used in perennial flower beds, flower borders or forest edges.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Golden disc phoenix

Morphological characteristics:

Perennial semi-evergreen ground cover, perennial herb, 40~50 cm high. The leaves are clinging to the stem, alternate, pinnately compound, elliptical-lanceolate; the leaflets are pinnately lobed, the rachis extends downward, and they are fragrant. The flower head is densely packed into an umbrella shape, with a diameter of more than 10 cm; tongue-shaped flowers are yellow, the flowering period is from July to August, and the fruiting period is from August to September. Its cultivated varieties and varieties include red, pink, dark yellow and white.

Growth habits:

is not tolerant to water and moisture, has umbels, yellow flowers, can reach a maximum of 80 cm or more when blooming .

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Morphological characteristics:

tongue-shaped flowers are white, tubular flowers are yellow, pink or purple, flowering period is from June to August .

Perennial Heliotrope

Morphological characteristics:

It is a perennial herb with a plant height of 50 to 90 cm. The whole plant is densely covered with coarse hairs. The leaves are alternate, with entire to wavy pinnate margins. The flower head is solitary on the top of the stem, 5 to 7 cm in diameter. The upper part of the tongue-shaped flower is yellow and the base is purple; the tubular flower is purple-brown. Achenes are all densely hairy.

Growth Habits:

is strong in nature, resistant to heat and drought. It likes a sunny, well-ventilated environment and well-drained soil; in moist and fertile soil, it has few flowers and many leaves and the seedlings will die easily.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

Evergreen subshrub, clustered. The leaf margins are silvery white, and small golden flowers bloom in late autumn with large flowers. Origin: Originated in my country, also distributed in the former Soviet Union and North Korea.

Growth habits:

is highly adaptable, resistant to heat and cold, and can survive the winter in the open field in Shanghai.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Dutch chrysanthemum

Morphological characteristics:

Aster of the Asteraceae family is a perennial herb, semi-evergreen, with a flowering period of August to October.

Growth habits:

likes light, is cold-tolerant, drought-tolerant, and the soil must be well-drained. is suitable for arranging flower borders and flower beds, and can also be used as potted plants for viewing .

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Silver Chrysanthemum

Morphological characteristics:

Evergreen perennial herb, with dense branches and leaves, soft new shoots, gray-white pubescence, silver-gray leaves and yellow flowers. It likes light, tolerates heat, and avoids soil moisture. The leaves are light green in shade and humid conditions. flowers are yellow, like buttons, blooming from June to July .

Growth habits:

is resistant to drought, barrenness, high temperature, pruning, and is fragrant. Its unique leaf color can also bring a cool feeling to the hot summer.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Purple ball Dutch chrysanthemum

Morphological characteristics:

Aster genus, Asteraceae, perennial herb, flowers purple, flowering in summer , plant height 50-60 cm;

Growth habits:

cold-resistant, drought-resistant, soil drainage should be good. is suitable for arranging flower mirrors and flower beds . Perennial herbs.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

Echinacea is a perennial herbaceous plant in the family Asteraceae, with a plant height of 60-150 cm. The whole plant has coarse hairs, and the stem is upright; the basal leaves are oval or triangular, and the stem leaves are ovate-lanceolate. Shape, the base of the petiole slightly hugs the stem; the flower head is solitary on the top of the branch, or several in clusters, the flower diameter is up to 10 cm, the tongue-shaped flowers are purple-red, and the tubular flowers are orange-yellow. flowering period is June-July .

Growth habits:

is distributed in North America and is cultivated in many parts of the world. It is slightly cold-tolerant and likes to grow in warm and sunny places. It likes fertile, deep soil rich in organic matter.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Red Shansan

Morphological characteristics:

Perennial herbaceous plant, 50 cm tall, with clusters. The branches, petioles and leaf midribs of young plants are purple in spring, and the mature leaves are green in summer, with a rusty red halo in the center, and the leaf edges are lavender. Red, flower head, often borne on the top of the stem, with pink or white flowers blooming from July to August, and black oval achenes after flowering.

Growth habits:

likes light and is tolerant of shade, cold and barren.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

One-leaf orchid

Morphological characteristics:

Liliaceae, spider egg genus, also known as spider egg and Ruoye. Its underground part has a thick rhizome, and the petiole grows directly from the underground stem, with one stalk and one leaf, with a stem. Green leaves with straight petioles rise from the ground.

Growth habits:

likes warm, moist, barren, not cold-tolerant, extremely shade-tolerant, and prefers loose, fertile, well-drained sandy loam.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Beautiful evening primrose

Morphological characteristics:

The root is cylindrical, the stem is upright, and it is rosette-shaped in the seedling stage. The base has long red hairs. The leaves are alternate, the lower part of the stem is stalked, and the upper leaves are sessile; the leaves are oblong or lanceolate. Shape, with sparsely serrated edges, and white pubescence on both sides. The flowers are solitary in the leaf axil at the branch end, arranged in a sparse spike shape, and the calyx tube is slender. flowers are white to pink.

Growth habits:

has strong adaptability, acid and drought resistance, and has no strict requirements on soil. It can generally grow on neutral, slightly alkaline or slightly acidic loose soil. But if the soil is too wet, the roots are prone to disease.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Willow leaf saddlegrass

Morphological characteristics:

Verbenaceae perennial herb. Upright, dark green leaves, clustered at the base. The stems are upright, slender and tough. The inflorescences are terminal and the flowers are tiny, blue-purple, with a crown diameter of 60 cm. They bloom in summer and autumn. Willow Verbena has a swaying figure, delicate flower colors, and a luxuriant and long viewing period . The flowering plant can be as high as 1.5 meters. The flowers are tall but not lodging. The soft color is especially suitable for arrangement with other plants. is most suitable for planting. Flower border background material .

Growth habits:

Willow Verbena likes warm climates. The suitable growth temperature is 20~30℃. It is not cold-tolerant. It grows slowly below 10℃. It is better to grow in an environment with full sunshine. If it grows in an environment with insufficient sunshine, Cultivation will cause poor growth, can bloom all year round, has a long flowering period, and has high ornamental value. Spring, summer, and autumn bloom best , while winter has poor or no flowering. The soil selection is not strict, and good drainage is enough. It is tolerant. It has strong drought ability and medium water requirement.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Perennial beauty cherry

Morphological characteristics:

Stems and leaves have fine hairs, and the branches and leaves are prostrate. The leaves are opposite, with 2 pinnate and deeply lobed flowers. The flowers are terminal and in dense umbels. The flowers are peach red with a rich red center. The small flowers are densely gathered into groups, which is extremely beautiful. The flowering period is from spring to autumn. .

growth habits:

is native to Brazil , Uruguay and other places in South America, and is now distributed in a small number of areas in my country. It likes a warm and humid climate and has a certain degree of cold tolerance. likes full sunshine but cannot tolerate shade . The soil requirements are not strict, but it likes fertile loam and will rarely bloom on poor soil. The flowering period is from May to October, mostly due to cross-pollination.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Houttuynia cordata

Morphological characteristics:

It is a perennial herb, 30 to 50 cm high, The whole plant has a fishy smell ; the upper part of the stem is upright, often purple-red, and the lower part is creeping, with small whorls of roots growing on the nodes. The leaves are alternate, thin paper, with glandular spots, especially on the back, ovate or broadly ovate, 4 to 10 cm long, 2.5 to 6 cm wide, heart-shaped at the base, entire edge, often purplish red on the back.

Growth habits:

grows beside ditches, streams and under moist sparse forests . Distributed in Shaanxi, Gansu and south of the Yangtze River Basin.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Purple-leaf duckweed

Morphological characteristics:

is a horticultural cultivar of duckweed in the family Apiaceae. It is a perennial herbaceous plant. Flowering period is from April to May.

Growth habits: The suitable growth temperature of

duck celery is the daily average temperature of 10-25℃. Its plant height growth and the growth of new leaves at the base are both fast, but it is not resistant to high temperatures and its growth slows down significantly above 25℃. When the temperature is above 30℃, the lower leaves will start to turn yellow, but they are more tolerant to low temperatures. Yaerqin has low requirements for light intensity, but under low temperature conditions, excessive light will have no adverse effects on it; When high temperatures are accompanied by strong light, the plants are prone to yellowing . Yaerqin has no strict soil requirements and is suitable for growing in sandy loam with fertile soil, rich organic matter, loose structure, good ventilation, moist environment and slightly acidic environment.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Ground cover Dianthus

Morphological characteristics:

Dianthus is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Caryophyllaceae family. The plants are clustered, with creeping stems, leaves 5 cm long, 0.1-0.2 cm high, dark green, smooth and slightly white, with terminal umbels, and flower colors include deep red, deep pink, white, complex colors, etc.

Growth habits:

Dianthus has extremely strong drought tolerance, natural rainfall can meet its demand for water , so in water management, we must master the principle of preferring dryness to wet. As long as the drought does not kill it, do not water it. water. There is a spring drought in most areas of our country, so watering once in spring is very beneficial to the growth and flowering of the ground cover Dianthus.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Golden leaf calamus

Morphological characteristics:

Evergreen herb, the whole plant has aroma. The plant height is 20-40 cm, the leaves are strip-shaped, with yellow stripes, tough and shiny. Spadix inflorescence, yellow-green. The flowering period is from April to May.

Growth Habits:

likes a moist environment and is slightly cold-tolerant. Strong adaptability and strong growth.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Bell Willow

Morphological characteristics:

Perennial herb, cultivated as an annual, 50 cm high, the whole plant is covered with tomentose. Bushy, with erect stems. The leaves are alternate and lanceolate. The flowers are solitary or 3 to 4 are borne on the leaf axils and common stems, forming a terminal cone-shaped inflorescence with tube-shaped flowers in red, purple, white and other colors. The flowering period is from May to October.

Growth Habits:

likes a warm, well-lit and ventilated environment. avoids high temperatures and drought in summer.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Sedum sinensis

Morphological characteristics:

evergreen, green leaves, leaves fine and compact, gray-green leaf color, rapid growth. The flowers are white and the flowering period is from May to June.

Growth habits:

likes light, suitable for ground covers, roofs, flower borders, etc. to create .

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Red Ice Flower

Morphological characteristics:

Perennial succulent herb or subshrub, with cylindrical leaves, thick and fleshy. Blooms in spring, with rich pink corolla. When in full bloom, it is lush and quite delicate and spectacular. It is most suitable for planting on courtyard stone walls and slopes to form a good ground landscape. Also suitable for potted plants.

Growth habits:

The stems are elongated, spreading or climbing. It likes coolness, avoids high temperature and humidity, tolerates drought, and likes plenty of sunshine. Fertile and well-drained sandy loam soil is preferred.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Jade belt grass

Morphological characteristics:

The root is thick and knotty. The stalk is 1 to 3 meters high, and the stem is thick and nearly woody. The leaves are 1 to 3.5 cm wide. The panicle is 10 to 40 cm long, and the spikelet usually contains 4 to 7 florets. The inflorescence is shaped like a broom. The leaves are alternate, arranged in two rows, drooping, with white stripes. The above-ground stems are straight and have internodes, like bamboo .

Growth habits:

usually grows beside rivers, ponds, and lakes, often growing in large areas to form reed marshes. It likes warmth and light, and is more tolerant of humidity than cold. In the north, it needs protection for overwintering. The cultivation management of is very extensive, and can be planted in the open field or in pots for viewing. During the growth period, pay attention to pulling out weeds and maintaining humidity. No special maintenance is required.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Fine-leaf Miscanthus

Morphological characteristics:

The flower color is red at first, and turns to silvery white in autumn, September to October.

Growth habits:

is tolerant to semi-shade, drought, waterlogging, dryness and humidity. No pests or diseases. The aboveground parts die with in winter.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Silver-edged Miscanthus

Morphological characteristics:

Plant height is 60~100 cm, with white vertical stripes on the leaf surface.

Growth habits:

likes light, tolerates semi-shade, is cold-resistant and drought-resistant.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Dwarf pampas grass

Morphological characteristics:

An evergreen perennial herb with a plant height of 120 cm. The leaves are clustered at the base, long and narrow, with fine teeth on the edges. The panicles are large, feathery, and silvery white.

Growth Habit:

likes light, is cold-tolerant, and requires good soil drainage. The famous foreign ornamental grass . For landscaping or shore use.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Pampas grass

Morphological characteristics:

The stems are clustered, dioecious, and the leaves are mostly gathered at the base. They are extremely narrow, about 1 meter long and 2 centimeters wide, drooping, with finely toothed edges, gray-green, and covered with short hairs. The panicle is large, the female flower spike is silvery white and shiny, the rachis node of the spikelet is densely covered with silky hairs, and the spikelet is composed of 2-3 flowers. The tassels are wide and tower-shaped, sparse and weak. Flowering period is September-October.

Growth habits:

Dwarf pampas grass is strong, cold-resistant, and likes a warm, sunny and humid climate .

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Stipa tenuifolia

Morphological characteristics:

Stipa tenuifolia is a mesic xeric grass, a typical steppe grassland plant.

Growth habits:

It has a narrow ecological range and generally grows on steep sunny slopes in mountains at an altitude of 1200-1700m. The soil is dark chestnut soil, with thick surface organic matter and strong water retention properties. Stipa tenuifolia is not drought tolerant. It has thin stems, rolled leaves, and a short growth period. It quickly completes its life cycle in early summer to adapt to the dry climate of the outside world. The growth period of Stipa tenuifolia is short, turning green in mid-April, heading in mid-May, and maturing in mid-June. The leaves remain green after the seeds mature.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Blue Carex

Morphological characteristics: evergreen, blue-gray leaves, recommended planting density: 25 plants/square meter.

growth habits: strong adaptability.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

Evergreen, perennial herb, strip-shaped leaves, dark green, shiny, spike-like inflorescences.

Growth habits:

likes light and moisture. It often grows in streams and is relatively cold-resistant. can be used as evergreen aquatic plants .

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

Pelargonium young plants are fleshy herbs, and old plants are semi-lignified; their leaves are opposite, and the leaves are round, kidney-shaped or fan-shaped; the flower colors are white, red, purple, pink, orange and so on. Umbell-shaped inflorescences bloom in all seasons, peaking in spring. Geranium is a very good flower for decorating windowsills in the West. It is especially common in continental Europe, such as Germany and Austria.

Growth Habit:

likes a warm, humid and sunny environment. It has poor cold resistance and is afraid of water, humidity and high temperatures . The suitable growth temperature is 13-19℃ from March to September, and the temperature in winter is 10-12℃. It is in a semi-dormant state from June to July and watering should be strictly controlled. Fertile, loose and well-drained sandy loam soil is suitable. The temperature in winter is not lower than 10℃, and it can withstand low temperatures of 5℃ in a short period of time. Single-petal varieties require artificial pollination to increase seed setting rate. The seeds mature about 40 to 50 days after flowering.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

A biennial herb, it is a horticultural variant of edible cabbage (cabbage, cabbage). After one year of cultivation, the plants form rosette-shaped leaves. After being exposed to low temperatures in winter, they will bloom and bear fruit in the next year. The racemes are terminal, and the flowering period is from April to May. They are insect-pollinated flowers. The fruits are siliques, oblate, and the seeds are spherical, brown, and weigh about 4 grams per thousand seeds. Horticultural varieties have various forms, and can be divided into tall and dwarf types according to height; according to leaf shape, they can be divided into wrinkled leaf, non-wrinkled leaf and deeply lobed leaf varieties; according to color, edge leaves include emerald green, dark green, gray green, yellow green, The central leaves are available in pure white, light yellow, flesh color, rose red, purple and other varieties.

Growth habits:

likes cool climate, is extremely cold-resistant, can tolerate multiple short-term frosts, is also very heat-resistant, has strong growth potential, is easy to cultivate, likes sunlight, tolerates salt and alkali, and likes fertile soil. The suitable temperature for growth is 20β„ƒο½ž25℃, and the suitable temperature for seed germination is 18β„ƒο½ž25℃.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Five-color grass

Morphological characteristics:

Perennial herb. The plant height is 15-20 cm, up to 90 cm, often lignified and with few branches. The leaves are opposite, oval, and the leaves are colorful. Depending on the variety, there are yellow, red, purple, orange, green and other colorful markings. Flowering period: summer and autumn , panicles, small flowers, light blue or white. Growth habits of


likes plenty of sunshine and tolerates a little shade; it likes warmth and moisture and is afraid of cold; it is intolerant to drought and waterlogging; it overwinters in a greenhouse at about 15 to 20Β°C, and cold damage occurs at low temperatures. The high temperatures in summer also cause poor growth, so pay attention to spraying water to cool down. Grows best on fertile, dry, well-drained sandy soil. It is a temperature-loving plant with strong adaptability. The temperature in winter should not be lower than 10℃, and it needs a little shade when the temperature is high in summer. likes plenty of sunshine. Sufficient light can make the leaves brightly colored .

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Blue fescue

Morphological characteristics:

Cold season type. It grows in clusters, with a plant height of about 40cm and a plant diameter of about 40cm. Upright and smooth, the leaves are strongly involute and almost become needle-like or hair-like, blue-green, with silvery white frost. is blue in spring and autumn. . Panicles, 10cm long, flowering in May.

Growth habits:

likes light, is cold-tolerant, drought-tolerant, and barren. It grows best in neutral or weakly acidic loose soil and is slightly tolerant of salt and alkali. It grows well in full sun or partial shade. Avoid low-lying water. It is cold-resistant to minus 35 degrees Celsius and should be watered appropriately when drought continues.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Golden-leaf Ligustrum

Morphological characteristics:

The leaves are slightly smaller than those of Ligustrum lucidum, single leaves are opposite, oval or egg-elliptical, 2 to 5 cm long. The flowering period is June and the fruiting period is October. The drupe is broadly oval, purple-black. The leaves of Ligustrum lucidum are golden in color, especially in spring and autumn. The color is more bright and beautiful.

Growth habits:

Ligustrum lucidum prefers light, has poor shade tolerance, medium cold tolerance, strong adaptability, and is not strict on soil requirements, but loose, fertile, and well-permeable sandy loam is best. It can be used to form characters or patterns in green squares and can also be used to decorate small courtyards.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Melilotus odorifera

Morphological characteristics:

is a biennial or annual herb. The main root is less than 2 meters deep. The stem is upright, multi-branched, 50-120 cm high, up to more than 2 meters high. The flowers are small, 3 to 4 mm long, the calyx is bell-shaped, with 5 teeth, the corolla is butterfly-shaped, yellow, and the flag petals are longer than the wing petals. The pods are oval or nearly spherical, about 3.5 mm long, almost black when mature, with net patterns, and contain 1 seed.

Growth habits:

has strong drought tolerance . It can germinate when the soil moisture content is 9%. It is also strong in cold resistance and barrenness tolerance. It also has a certain salt tolerance and is not strict on the soil.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

Small dragon cypress

Morphological characteristics:

The bark is dark gray and there are vertical cracks on the trunk surface. Crown cylindrical. Most of the leaves are scaly leaves (the main difference from juniper), and a few are spiny leaves, which are closely arranged in cross-opposition along the branches.

Growth Habit:

likes plenty of sunshine , and is suitable for planting on well-drained sandy soil.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

February orchid plant height is 20-70 cm, usually 30-50 cm. The stem is erect and has only a single stem. The racemes are terminal and bear 5-20 flowers. There are fine veins in the petals. The flowers are mostly blue-purple or light red. As the flowering period continues, the flower color gradually turns lighter and finally turns to white.

Growth habits:

has strong cold resistance, is evergreen in winter . It is also relatively shade-tolerant. is used as ground cover , and the coverage effect is good. The leaves are lush and green, which is very popular.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews


Morphological characteristics:

A perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Delphinium in the Ranunculaceae family. It is named because of its unique flower shape, which resembles a swallow. The flower diameter is about 4 cm, the shape is elegant and attractive; the height is 35-65 cm, the stems are sparsely branched, and the leaves are palmately divided. Racemes with 3-15 flowers, petal-shaped, blue or purple-blue, 1.5-1.8 cm long.

Growth habits:

is born on hillsides, grasslands, and fixed sand dunes. It likes a cool, ventilated, dry environment with plenty of sunshine and sandy loam soil with good drainage.

Perennial herb, plant height 60-120 cm, stems square. It blooms from summer to autumn, with terminal, spike-like inflorescences and lip-shaped corollas. The inflorescences bloom gradually from the bottom to the top, and the flowering period is long-lasting. - DayDayNews

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