1 "Struggles and Dreams—Chinese People's Hundred-Year Dream-Chasing Course in Modern Times" To achieve national rejuvenation, we must complete three historic leaps: completely get rid of historical misfortune, win the victory of the Chinese revolution, and make great strides to c

2024/06/2621:49:33 hotcomm 1906
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1 "Struggles and Dreams—Chinese People’s Centenary Dream Pursuit in Modern Times"


by Li Jie

Pricing: 98.00 yuan

ISBN: 978-7-5203-8378-3

Content Introduction

Since modern times, China has been unremitting in pursuing the ideal of a better society. The pursuit is concentrated on realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In order to realize the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must complete the three historic leaps of completely getting rid of historical misfortune, winning the victory of the Chinese revolution, and making great strides to catch up with the trend of the times, realize the historical leap of the Chinese nation from standing up to becoming rich, and lead the Chinese people Entering a new era of strength. For this goal, countless people with lofty ideals in China have made successive struggles and explorations since modern times, but it is the Communist Party of China that can truly realize this national dream. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, when the first centenary goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been achieved and the country has begun to move forward towards the second centenary goal, this book traces back to 1840 with detailed historical materials and a grand historical perspective. The struggle and dream journey that the Chinese people have experienced over the past 20 years to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation demonstrates the great changes spanning nearly 200 years, the immortal national spirit and the ideal of peaceful development that run through it, and provides the international community and friendly people with an in-depth understanding of contemporary China and The spiritual world of the Chinese people provides a key to history.

2 "A Brief History of Reform and Opening Up "


Author: Book Writing Group

Price: 32.00 yuan (32 karat)

37.00 yuan (16 karat)

ISBN: 978-7-01-023186-0 (32 karat)

ISBN: 978 -7-01-023727-5 (16 open)

Content introduction

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, "A Brief History of Reform and Opening Up" organized by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and other departments was officially published and distributed. The book has 7 chapters and 44 sections in total. It provides a complete and systematic review of the Communist Party of China's development over the past 40 years under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. During the different stages of reform and opening up, including the initial period, the period of creating new situations, the period of deepening in scientific development, and the period of entering a new era, we have united and led the people of all ethnic groups in the country to emancipate their minds, seek truth from facts, open up a new path for the construction of socialist society with Chinese characteristics, and pioneer reform and opening up. and the new situation of socialist modernization, continue to keep pace with the times, pioneer and innovate, withstand various difficulties and risk tests, achieve comprehensive victory in the fight against poverty, achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects as scheduled, and successfully advance the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics journey of struggle.

This book combines narrative and discussion, historical theory , and the theory is derived from history. It is logically rigorous and easy to understand. It is an authoritative work for the majority of party members, cadres, and the masses to study the history of reform and opening up.


"Concise Chinese Modern History Reader"


Zhang Haipeng and Zhai Jinyi

Price: 89.00 yuan

ISBN: 978-7-5203-1035-2

Content introduction

China's modern history is not only a history of humiliation, but also the Chinese people's struggle for national independence and national independence. A history of prosperity and perseverance. The so-called humiliation is mainly reflected in the "sinking" period of history, and the so-called struggle is mainly reflected in the "rising" period of history. This is not to say that there was no struggle during the "sinking" period of history. The Chinese people had many struggles during that period. However, due to insufficient awakening, insufficient material strength, and insufficient struggle experience, the Chinese people's struggles at that time were not enough to stop China. The "sink" of society; the period of "rising" in history was not without humiliation. Japanese imperialism's aggression against China was even more serious than the damage caused to China by previous imperialist aggressions. However, due to the unprecedented national awakening of the Chinese people With unprecedented hard work, Chinese society not only avoided further "sinking", but also won a complete victory in the country's anti-aggression war, laying the foundation for China's modernization.


"The Development Trend of Communist Parties in Various Countries and the International Communist Movement (Complete Two Volumes)"


Editor-in-Chief Wang Weiguang

Pricing: 339.00 yuan

ISBN: 978-7-5203-9938-8

Content Introduction

This book is "World Socialism and The fifth research result of the "Research on the Future and Destiny of Capitalism and Contemporary International Situation " series mainly focuses on the development trends of communist parties in various countries and the international communist movement in the world today, including seven parts: scientific socialism and the international communist movement have bright prospects; New trends and new characteristics of world socialism and the international communist movement; the great victory of scientific socialism in China; the reform and innovation of the ruling parties in socialist countries; the experience, lessons and current situation of the failure of the ruling parties in the Soviet and Eastern European socialist countries; The current situation and latest trends of the communist parties and socialist movements in developed capitalist countries; the exploration and trends of the communist parties and communist movements in developing countries.

5 "The Rise and Fall of Systems and the Success or Failure of Paths: A Comparative Analysis of World Politics"


by Zhang Shuhua

Pricing: 188.00 yuan

ISBN: 978-7-5203-1857-0

Content Introduction

We are living in an era full of challenges, but also one full of hope. era. Today's world's economic, technological, cultural, security, and political landscapes are undergoing rapid adjustments. The sudden epidemic in 2020 is a test of the political and economic systems of various countries. In the context of this comprehensive and profound challenge, the pattern contrast and political picture of "rising in the east and falling in the west", "governing China" and "chaos in the west" have become increasingly clear. Cold War The profound changes in the world's political ecology in the past 30 years have overturned the traditional understanding of Western politics, and have also impacted the Western ideological and academic systems that have had the aura of a "city on a hill" for more than a century. The concepts and logic of Western political science, which have always been regarded as gods, are no longer able to explain the "Chaos in the West", let alone answer questions such as "What's wrong with the world" and "Where is the world going?" Every ups and downs in world history have deep political roots. To understand the changes and adjustments in today's world, and to understand China's breakthroughs and transcendences, we need to scientifically understand the characteristics and logic of world political evolution over the past century, identify the genetic flaws and logical traps of Western-style liberal democracy, break the myth of Western-style "democracy and human rights", and persist in Political self-confidence and academic self-awareness. China’s governance shines brightly, and China’s narrative is at its peak.

6 " Chinese Experience and Chinese Economics "


Zhang Xiaojing

Pricing: 98.00 yuan

ISBN: 978-7-5227-0133-2

Content Introduction

The book is based on the crisis of Western mainstream economics and the evolution of modern economics , demonstrating the theoretical innovation and theoretical confidence of Chinese economics based on great practice: grasping the Chinese characteristics of stabilization policies from "learning from China", and grasping the Chinese version of the new stage that is about to enter the threshold of a high-income economy. The characteristics of development economics are to theoretically respond to Chinese-style modernization and grasp the historical mission of Chinese economics, scientifically answer questions about China, the world, the people, and the times, and create a new situation in the development of Chinese economics. The book consists of eleven chapters, divided into two parts. There are three key words in the previous article: reform, development, and stability. Summarizing China’s experience since its reform and opening up cannot be separated from these three points. Chapter 1 talks about reform, Chapters 2 and 3 talk about development, and Chapters 4 to 6 talk about stability. Without the launch of reforms in the late 1970s, there would have been no development over the next forty years, let alone long-term social stability; and without a stable social environment, it would be difficult to promote reform and development. The trinity and three-dimensional unity of reform, development and stability are fundamentally different from the "Washington Consensus" and "shock therapy". It is the magic weapon for China to create the "two miracles" of rapid economic growth and long-term social stability. It is truly unique and worthy. Learn from China’s experience. Facing the world's major changes unseen in a century and domestic economic and social transformation, only by grasping the dialectical relationship among the three can China's aircraft carrier make steady progress.The next part consists of five chapters, divided into two parts: Chapters 7 and 8 discuss the crisis and solutions of mainstream economics; Chapters 9 to 11 discuss the exploration of Chinese economics. The 2008 international financial crisis brought an unprecedented impact to mainstream economics, forming the third "paradigm revolution", which brought opportunities for the development of Chinese economics. The exploration of Chinese economics is mainly reflected in three directions: new paradigm macroeconomics, Chinese version of development economics, and Chinese economics in a more general sense focusing on Chinese-style modernization.

7 " China's Plan for Globalization "


by Dai Wensheng

Pricing: 78.00 yuan

ISBN: 978-7-5203-9081-1

Content Introduction

This book is based on the hypothesis that the essence of "human nature" is the pursuit of freedom and liberation. Based on this, it demonstrates the inevitability of people-oriented and mass line. Starting from the analysis of the "people-oriented" fundamental orientation of national development of New China under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, it discusses China's education system, infrastructure construction, financial service entity policies, promising government and Combining effective market and other socialist practices with Chinese characteristics, we can logically conclude that the Chinese Communist Party must be "able", Marxism must be "practical", and socialism with Chinese characteristics must be "good". China's practice is the global community of a shared future for mankind. The conclusion of the best model for the new concept.

8 "Introduction to Mao Zedong's Methodology"


Li Jingyuan, Li Weishan, etc.

Pricing: 118.00 yuan

ISBN: 978-7-5203-3742-7

Content Introduction

Being good at raising and solving problems from the perspective of philosophical methodology is a distinctive feature of the entire system of Mao Zedong's philosophical thought. . Among Mao Zedong's theoretical writings, writings on philosophical methodology, including chapters and titles on ideological methods, working methods, and leadership methods, occupy a considerable number and occupy a prominent position. Mao Zedong’s philosophical views and methodological thoughts are not only reflected in his specialized philosophical writings, but also throughout all his works, including works on politics, military, economics, culture, party building, etc., and are therefore also reflected in his leadership of the Chinese revolution and in all practical activities of construction. Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, using philosophy as a methodology for understanding problems has become a fine tradition of the Chinese Communists.


"Entering Philosophy: Cultivating a Critical Mind"


Li Deshun, editor-in-chief

Pricing: 99.00 yuan

ISBN: 978-7-5203-8567-1

Content Introduction

This book is a unique record of philosophy classroom teaching. The title of the course is "Philosophical Methodology". Based on the understanding of philosophy as a "systematized theorized worldview" and "a worldview itself as a methodology", the course moderator (editor-in-chief of this book) has a unique approach to the design of the course. It does not repeat certain teaching contents on the history of philosophy and principles of philosophy, nor does it The general theory of philosophy methods is taught abstractly, but through various forms of teacher-student cooperation, combining practical problems and experiences into philosophical situations, and "learning to see things clearly, think through problems thoroughly, and explain the truth clearly." To achieve the course objectives, practical philosophical thinking and thinking ability training are carried out. The course is divided into "field observation training", "text observation training", "case analysis training" and summary application "comprehensive training". Each link is based on vivid and exciting real-life materials. Teachers and students work together to analyze, discuss and even Through the way of mutual debate, you can experience the realm and charm of philosophy and receive the effectiveness of training ideological methods.


"History of Western Public Administration Thought"


Written by Li Shuijin

Pricing: 139.00 yuan

ISBN: 978-7-5203-9086-6

Content Introduction

The history of human development is, to a certain extent, a period of public administration constantly pursuing good human governance and The history of a life well lived. Although public administration as an independent discipline is recognized as beginning in Wilson's "Study of Administration" in 1887, we have expanded our research horizons to the ancient Greece and ancient Roman era more than 2,000 years ago. From the vast public administration literature, more than twenty theoretical schools and more than sixty administrative thinkers were selected for research.Judging from the time and space of the development of public administration for more than two thousand years, various public administration ideas, theories and schools have collided with, criticized and absorbed each other, thus forming a dazzling and colorful history of the rise and fall of national governance. "Lake history as a mirror to know the ups and downs." Listening to wise men in the field of public administration for thousands of years explore the ways of governing the country, the principles of running the world, the wisdom of strengthening the country, and the art of enriching the people. It will provide insights into promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities under China's rule. The innovation and transcendence of China's public administration theory and practice have important enlightenment significance.

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