Yesterday happened to be the time when the Florist Information Department was going to visit the tribe, so I went with everyone because I had to make a report later, so I took some photos. This photo was taken from the perspective of the tribe towards the Lianwai Road, surrounded

2024/06/2323:56:32 hotcomm 1945

Yesterday, the Florist Information Department was going to visit the tribe, so I went with everyone.

Because I had to make a report later, I took some photos.

Yesterday happened to be the time when the Florist Information Department was going to visit the tribe, so I went with everyone because I had to make a report later, so I took some photos. This photo was taken from the perspective of the tribe towards the Lianwai Road, surrounded - DayDayNews

This photo was taken from the tribe’s perspective towards the Lianwai Road.

The whole It is surrounded by mountains and has a super clean stream. It is like a fairyland.

- Back to the topic.

The first trip was to make traditional Taroko jewelry.

Yesterday happened to be the time when the Florist Information Department was going to visit the tribe, so I went with everyone because I had to make a report later, so I took some photos. This photo was taken from the perspective of the tribe towards the Lianwai Road, surrounded - DayDayNews

But I didn’t finish it because I was extremely unlucky with my hands. haha

According to the traditions of the Taroko people

The diamond shape on this pendant represents the eyes of the ancestral spirits.

In addition to the role of the ancestral spirits in protecting themselves, the pendant also represents the eyes of the ancestral spirits that are watching you at any time and have the function of being vigilant about themselves.

The second one The itinerary is an aboriginal traditional archery experience

Here is the heroic archery of our principal haha ​​

Yesterday happened to be the time when the Florist Information Department was going to visit the tribe, so I went with everyone because I had to make a report later, so I took some photos. This photo was taken from the perspective of the tribe towards the Lianwai Road, surrounded - DayDayNews

Archery is a very important culture for the aborigines

Many different tribes or ethnic groups have archery culture

And archery also represents A test of whether a boy is brave and strong

Original post: My arms were sore for a long time today because of bow-drawing QQ

The third itinerary is leaf rubbing

I skipped this because I forgot to take a photo haha ​​

Next is the local cuisine

It should be tribal The dishes

prepared for us by the tribesmen include grilled fish, mountain pork, grilled chicken wings and some unknown dishes

All of them are super delicious!

Yesterday happened to be the time when the Florist Information Department was going to visit the tribe, so I went with everyone because I had to make a report later, so I took some photos. This photo was taken from the perspective of the tribe towards the Lianwai Road, surrounded - DayDayNewsYesterday happened to be the time when the Florist Information Department was going to visit the tribe, so I went with everyone because I had to make a report later, so I took some photos. This photo was taken from the perspective of the tribe towards the Lianwai Road, surrounded - DayDayNewsYesterday happened to be the time when the Florist Information Department was going to visit the tribe, so I went with everyone because I had to make a report later, so I took some photos. This photo was taken from the perspective of the tribe towards the Lianwai Road, surrounded - DayDayNewsYesterday happened to be the time when the Florist Information Department was going to visit the tribe, so I went with everyone because I had to make a report later, so I took some photos. This photo was taken from the perspective of the tribe towards the Lianwai Road, surrounded - DayDayNewsYesterday happened to be the time when the Florist Information Department was going to visit the tribe, so I went with everyone because I had to make a report later, so I took some photos. This photo was taken from the perspective of the tribe towards the Lianwai Road, surrounded - DayDayNews

All of them are super delicious food. I really appreciate the delicious food they prepared for us one hundred little kids.

Then the afternoon trip was to make bamboo tube rice and twine balls.

Yesterday happened to be the time when the Florist Information Department was going to visit the tribe, so I went with everyone because I had to make a report later, so I took some photos. This photo was taken from the perspective of the tribe towards the Lianwai Road, surrounded - DayDayNews

I also included the bamboo tube rice for lunch because I forgot about it during this trip. We took pictures QQ

and then everyone made and played with bamboo tubes. After dinner, the school asked us to dress up and go into the water to cool off! ! !

Yesterday happened to be the time when the Florist Information Department was going to visit the tribe, so I went with everyone because I had to make a report later, so I took some photos. This photo was taken from the perspective of the tribe towards the Lianwai Road, surrounded - DayDayNews

The stream here is really super clean

and the ecology of the stream is also very good due to the long-term conservation of the local tribe.

And there is a legend in this tribe

Once upon a time, there was a couple and the husband wanted to go hunting

but the wife stopped him and said that there was a Crab told her that she could not go hunting today.

However, her husband believed in the Sicilian bird as a belief in the tribe, so he went out hunting but never came back.

And the wife cried sadly by the stream until she turned into stone and then split.

Therefore, she was For the Bradan tribe, crabs are their patron saint

and it is said that when you look into the stream, the light on the water is like the tears of a wife waiting forever for her husband to come back


This visit to the tribe is really meaningful

Moreover, my mother is from the Amis ethnic group, so she is also concerned about the aboriginal affairs.

These cultural traditions are something worth preserving for Hualien.

And environmental protection is also relatively important.

I hope everyone can also do it after visiting. Do your best for environmental protection

Taiwan‧Hualien‧Free Travel


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