[PConline News] After more than a year of gestation, Acer, which has transformed and reborn in the face of adversity, will choose the auspicious day of "Tiangongsheng" on the ninth day of the Lunar New Year as its birth day at the beginning of spring in 2015 to welcome the arriva

2024/06/2211:02:33 hotcomm 1289

[PConline information ] After more than a year of gestation, Acer, which has transformed and reborn in adversity, will choose the auspicious day of "Tiangongsheng" on the ninth day of the lunar year as the birth day at the beginning of spring in 2015 to welcome the new Acer era. 's arrival The new Acer combines basic hardware, software for developing applications, and "people"-centered services, with the New C C initiative of the new era as the main axis, and is matched with various devices to enter a new era together. Shi Zhenrong, honorary chairman of

, used the pregnancy process as a metaphor for the birth of the new Acer, "The day when the new Acer was conceived was November 5th of the year before last. After more than a year of gestation, from the initial stage of joy to the birth of the new Acer, During the unadaptation period, not only the organization was reorganized, but also the personnel were adjusted a lot. Everyone went through the running-in stage, and then began to slowly reverse, climb, and gradually get better. By this year, we can already see good results. This is called New. Acer's "new life" is about to be born now! "

[PConline News] After more than a year of gestation, Acer, which has transformed and reborn in the face of adversity, will choose the auspicious day of

Dignified guests from left to right: Mr. Chen Xin, Vice Chairman of Acer Communications Company

Chairman of Acer Communications Company, Mr. Huang Shaohua, Chairman of Acer Company

Mr. Shi Zhenrong, Honorary Chairman of Acer Company

Mr. Chen Junsheng, CEO of Acer

Mr. Shi Xuanhui, General Manager of Acer's tablet and self-built cloud business group

Since the first year of the new Acer, New C C has been used as the main axis, combined with Computing and Communication, to launch two new dual-intelligence clouds in different fields. Application solutions: The abPBX plus series is suitable for use in businesses or offices, and the aBeing series can be used across homes, personal and office areas. These new cloud application solutions can be used with various smart mobile devices in individuals or enterprises, transcending the concept of "Internet of Things" where everything is connected to the Internet, and realizing a humanistic "Intelligent Internet". In Acer's self-built cloud Communicate, integrate or share information with each other within the environment using highly secure communication technologies.

abPBX plus series is a new generation of communication concept that breaks the traditional switch system, adopts All IP (Internet protocol) communication method, integrates and is compatible with old and new systems, and combines traditional office telephone systems and fixed telephones. Integrate emerging mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones to provide corporate users with global intranet calls, mobile phone functions as a portable landline/extension, instant messaging software and public groups, using high-level information security protection and BYOC information Encrypted transmission technology can speed up work efficiency, significantly reduce costs, and improve customer service quality. It is a great weapon for the New C C launched by the new Acer. The Super Intelligence series is expected to be launched in the second quarter. The

aBeing series is a cross-generation integrated intelligent center and a diversified series of products designed to welcome the cloud service era. It combines the new AOP 3.0 (Acer Open CC Platform) core technology and is suitable for various environments ranging from individuals to large office areas; it can span the gap between CPU, OS and public and private clouds, and can be matched with various devices. The core concept is: computers are ubiquitous, so any device can be used as a computer. Users can integrate and share information or control various devices in the Internet of Things through an intelligent center with powerful cross-platform integration capabilities. In the

Wuzhi series, the development platform nicknamed "Azhi" by Honorary Chairman Shi Zhenrong is based on BYOC self-built cloud, which can take into account the two major advantages of information security and privacy protection, as well as reducing development costs; this platform can provide future research and development The foundation and beginning of various cloud service matching products, it is planned to use "Azhi No. 1 self-built cloud open platform" as the primary service platform and an experimental platform for various cloud services of allies, combined with hardware + AOP 3.0 and BYOC Various combinations and development models, such as client services, create various smart life innovative application models, cloud services that can be applied to various industries, and smart life application projects that can also provide various smart home products, thereby integrating with various industries. Allies cooperate to develop and promote Wuzhi multi-series products.

In response to the development of the Achi series of products, Acer will develop a user fan page or community called the "Azhi Support Club" to collect feedback from users who have creative or new ideas for smart life, as a way to develop new models. The creative library of Wuzhi series products. In addition, related activities such as developer forums or exchange conferences are also held regularly to invite various software developers to communicate with each other. Welcome to join the Acer Blue Sky Intelligence Immigration Program and jointly develop various solutions in the Acer Intelligent Series, so that each other's creativity can resonate and let a hundred flowers bloom. Towards a new win-win situation. The

Wuzhi series is expected to be launched in the third quarter. In May, a wisdom filling event will be held as a warm-up. Heroes from various fields will be invited to add wisdom to it, and provide innovative planning and new forms for internal and external cloud services in various industries. Applications, with the kingly spirit of co-prosperity and co-existence, cooperate with each other to create new opportunities in the cloud era ecosystem!

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