March 1st is Fuzhou's traditional "Niaojiu Festival". In order to carry forward the traditional virtues of respecting and loving the elderly of the Chinese nation, and to cultivate and practice the core socialist values, the Provincial Party Committee's Veteran Cadres Bureau team

2024/06/1902:10:32 hotcomm 1473
March 1st is Fuzhou's traditional

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March 1st is Fuzhou's traditional March 1st is Fuzhou's traditional




March 1st is Fuzhou's traditional March 1st is Fuzhou's traditional

Strong feelings and love for the elderly and relatives; one porridge and one taste warms the heart. March 1st is Fuzhou's traditional "Niaojiu Festival". In order to carry forward the traditional virtues of respecting and loving the elderly of the Chinese nation, and to cultivate and practice the core socialist values ​​​​, the Provincial Party Committee's Veteran Cadres Bureau teamed up with Fuzhou Charity Community and other units to carry out " Our festival "Aojiu Festival" - "Respecting the Elderly and Blessing Porridge on the Aojiu Festival" is a new era civilized practice activity.

March 1st is Fuzhou's traditional

At the activity site, volunteers served steaming 拋九 porridge to the elderly in the community with smiles on their faces, expressing their respect and blessings to the elderly with the sweet porridge that symbolizes blessings. Some volunteers patiently guided veteran comrades to participate in games and cheered them up; some volunteers publicized knowledge on changing customs, garbage classification, anti-fraud, and anti-cults to residents. The atmosphere at the scene was harmonious and the elderly people had happy smiles on their faces.

March 1st is Fuzhou's traditional

Zheng Mingqin, the former deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee’s Bureau of Veteran Cadres, also carefully prepared the calligraphy and painting works "The Benevolent Live Longevity" and "Hundred Good Deeds and Filial Piety First" to be presented to the charity community.

March 1st is Fuzhou's traditional

This event not only promotes the volunteer service spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual help, and progress", inherits folk culture, but also jointly promotes party building work in neighboring countries. In the next step, the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Provincial Party Committee will continue to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party and the 11th Party Congress of the Provincial Party Committee, combining "our festivals", "promoting Lei Feng's spirit and deepening civilized practice" and "five blessings, Fujian Fujian "Fu" cultural and civilized practices and publicity and promotion activities organized volunteers to participate in civilized practices in the new era and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.


Source: Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Provincial Party Committee

Production: Fujian Elderly Newspaper

Editor: Chen Xinhai

Proofreading: Lin Qiao

Review: Chen Hao Pei Shanshan

March 1st is Fuzhou's traditional

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