Nanjing is a wonderful place with outstanding people and one of the ancient capitals of six dynasties in my country. However, such an ancient city with prosperous culture was looted by the Japanese invaders in December 1937 and turned into a hell on earth.

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Nanjing is a good place with outstanding people and one of the six ancient capitals of my country. However, such an ancient city with prosperous culture was looted by the Japanese invaders in December 1937 and turned into a hell on earth.

In December 1937, the Japanese army captured Nanjing and committed countless crimes against the city, massacring more than 300,000 soldiers and civilians.

Nanjing is a wonderful place with outstanding people and one of the ancient capitals of six dynasties in my country. However, such an ancient city with prosperous culture was looted by the Japanese invaders in December 1937 and turned into a hell on earth. - DayDayNews

Massacre by the Japanese Army

In addition to the massacre, in order to satisfy their animalistic desires, the Japanese army extended its black hands to defenseless women and forced them to be comfort women, even 9-year-old children.

After the Japanese army captured Nanjing, their military discipline was loose. They burned, killed and looted wherever they went, committing all kinds of evil and becoming inhumane. In Tangshan Town, Nanjing, a 9-year-old girl was cooking in a kitchen hall and was forcibly violated by two Japanese soldiers who broke in.

Unlucky Girl Lei Guiying

During the Republic of China, warlords fought in a melee and ordinary people struggled to survive. Lei Guiying was born in Jiangning, Nanjing in February 1928. Her family was poor and she had lived a life of not having enough to eat since she was a child.

Originally, Lei Guiying had a happy family. Her parents loved her and loved her. Until she was seven years old, her father died of illness and her mother was robbed by robbers while offering sacrifices to her grave. Lei Guiying became an orphan.

Nanjing is a wonderful place with outstanding people and one of the ancient capitals of six dynasties in my country. However, such an ancient city with prosperous culture was looted by the Japanese invaders in December 1937 and turned into a hell on earth. - DayDayNews

Poor children

During the war, it is hard to imagine how difficult the living environment of a seven-year-old girl was. In order to survive, Lei Guiying begged for a living and lived from Shangfeng Village in Jiangning to in Tangshan Town.

There was a family in Tangshan Town. Seeing that Lei Guiying was well-behaved and sensible, they adopted her as a child bride.

In this way, Lei Guiying temporarily settled down in Tangshan Town for two years.

After the July 7th Incident in 1937, the Japanese army fully invaded China. In December of the same year, after the Japanese army occupied Nanjing, they burned, killed and looted in Nanjing.

Lei Guiying is unfortunate, she did not escape this disaster.

The Japanese army raided Tangshan Town, searching from house to house. They killed men when they saw them, looted food when they saw them, and violated women when they saw them. Such atrocities were no different from animals.

Lei Guiying's family was very scared. They hid in a hole for several days during the Japanese raids, but after all, people have to eat.

Nanjing is a wonderful place with outstanding people and one of the ancient capitals of six dynasties in my country. However, such an ancient city with prosperous culture was looted by the Japanese invaders in December 1937 and turned into a hell on earth. - DayDayNews

Japanese army raids

One day, Lei Guiying walked out of the cave and went to the kitchen stove to light a fire to cook. Unfortunately, he was discovered by the Japanese army during the raid.

2 Japanese soldiers rushed into Lei Guiying's house with rifles with bayonets. When they saw that she was a childish girl, they became malicious, lustful, showed a perverted smile, and killed her in the kitchen. Lei Guiying violated.

Lei Guiying struggled desperately, but the two Japanese soldiers were indifferent. They did not care that she was a little girl and did such a shocking thing.

Afterwards, the Japanese soldiers walked away with a smile. Lei Guiying curled up into a ball. She was crying, helpless, and her eyes were dull. A little girl was ruined by the Japanese soldiers.

The crimes committed by the Japanese army in the Nanjing Massacre were successively reported by many Chinese and foreign media including " The New York Times " and "Central Daily News". It aroused a very strong response. The international community condemned the atrocities committed by the Japanese army and demanded severe punishment for the Japanese invaders.

Nanjing is a wonderful place with outstanding people and one of the ancient capitals of six dynasties in my country. However, such an ancient city with prosperous culture was looted by the Japanese invaders in December 1937 and turned into a hell on earth. - DayDayNews

Foreign media reported the Nanjing Massacre

When the people of Nanjing were helpless, some international friends provided help and rescued a small number of people, such as Rabe, a German who and other staff rescued tens of thousands of people. Nanjing refugees.

Some people are lucky enough to escape from the clutches of the Japanese army, but Lei Guiying is the unlucky one. After she was violated by two Japanese soldiers at home for the first time, not long after another group of Japanese soldiers came to Tangshan Town, she and several other children in the same room The girl was raped a second time.

Lei Guiying became numb. She saw the Japanese army killing people with her own eyes. She was just a lamb to be slaughtered, with no ability to resist.

For the third time, a Japanese soldier came to Lei Guiying's home. She could not escape her bad luck. Afterwards, the Japanese soldier killed an old woman on the roadside in front of Lei Guiying.

For the fourth time, the hungry Lei Guiying had to venture out to dig wild vegetables. On the way, she met a Japanese soldier. She fell into the clutches of the enemy again before she could escape.

Nanjing is a wonderful place with outstanding people and one of the ancient capitals of six dynasties in my country. However, such an ancient city with prosperous culture was looted by the Japanese invaders in December 1937 and turned into a hell on earth. - DayDayNews

The girl digging wild vegetables

The fifth time, still on the way to dig wild vegetables, Lei Guiying was discovered by a Japanese soldier riding a horse, and naturally he would not let her go.

In just a few months, the Japanese army assaulted Lei Guiying five times in succession, leaving a lifelong shadow on her.

In August 1941, Lei Guiying, who was seeking a living abroad, was deceived into taking care of a child in a Japanese family in Nanjing. In fact, she was working as a comfort woman. Lei Guiying, who lost her freedom, was forced to receive 3-6 Japanese soldiers every day, which severely damaged her body.

Lei Guiying had a strong personality and would resist when faced with Japanese aggression. Therefore, she was often beaten severely and had many stab wounds on her body.

Nanjing is a wonderful place with outstanding people and one of the ancient capitals of six dynasties in my country. However, such an ancient city with prosperous culture was looted by the Japanese invaders in December 1937 and turned into a hell on earth. - DayDayNews

Comfort women

Once, due to Lei Guiying's resistance, a Japanese soldier hit her on the head twice with a rifle butt, leaving permanent injuries on Lei Guiying's head.

Lei Guiying has been violated for a long time, which made her unable to get pregnant. For a woman, it is equivalent to losing an opportunity to be a mother.

During more than a year of being imprisoned in the comfort station, Lei Guiying thought about how to escape every day. She carefully observed the terrain and looked for suitable opportunities to prepare to escape from the clutches of the Japanese army.

One night in March 1943, Lei Guiying planned everything. He took advantage of the cover of night and lied that he had diarrhea and needed to go to the toilet. He escaped without the attention of the Japanese army and saved his life.

Bravely accuse the Japanese army of war crimes

During the Anti-Japanese War , there were more than 200,000 comfort women in our country, and most of them were brutally murdered by the Japanese army.

In order to cover up their crimes, the Japanese army often destroyed corpses and destroyed traces, but there is no airtight wall in the world, and nothing can be hidden.

After Lei Guiying escaped from the comfort station, she wandered around and made a living by begging. When she was 17 years old, she married someone else. Because she lost her fertility, she had no biological children of her own. She adopted a boy and a girl, and she and her husband Buying breakfast on the street for a living.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Lei Guiying and many living comfort women did not seek justice from Japan, nor did they hear an apology from Japan.

Nanjing is a wonderful place with outstanding people and one of the ancient capitals of six dynasties in my country. However, such an ancient city with prosperous culture was looted by the Japanese invaders in December 1937 and turned into a hell on earth. - DayDayNews

Comfort women

Lei Guiying's family lived a very difficult life. It was not until the reform and opening up that things improved slightly. With the help of the state, they lived on land acquisition compensation and subsistence allowance subsidies.

Lei Guiying does not want to recall the past when she was a comfort woman. It will be a shadow for her life.

Until 2006, Lei Guiying was inspired by North Korean comfort women Park Yong-shim to identify the comfort station sites and accuse the Japanese army of atrocities. She also bravely stood up and, as a client, publicly testified to the relevant media about the Japanese invaders in Nanjing. crimes committed.

Lei Guiying actively cooperated with historians and provided relevant testimony, clearly pointing out the two comfort stations in Nanjing that year.

In addition, under great pressure, Lei Guiying donated a disinfectant called potassium permanganate that was distributed to the comfort women by the comfort station to be used to disinfect the bodies of the comfort women.

The Japanese army caused deep harm to Lei Guiying, and she never waited for an apology from Japan.

On April 25, 2007, Lei Guiying died suddenly of cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 79.

Nanjing is a wonderful place with outstanding people and one of the ancient capitals of six dynasties in my country. However, such an ancient city with prosperous culture was looted by the Japanese invaders in December 1937 and turned into a hell on earth. - DayDayNews

Lei Guiying

After learning that Lei Guiying was critically ill, Nanjing citizens raised hundreds of thousands of medical expenses for her to help this woman who had suffered all her life.

Jing Shenghong, professor of history at Nanjing Normal University, said:

Lei Guiying was the first living witness in Nanjing who dared to publicly expose the atrocities committed by the Japanese army against Chinese women. Unfortunately, the old man has left us forever.

The comfort women are getting older, and Japan's unwillingness to admit its crimes shows that they are unwilling to face history and have not reflected on their mistakes.

We must remember history and humiliation, work hard as a nation, and prevent historical tragedies from happening again.

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