Wang Yi issued a stern warning regarding the Czech Senate Speaker’s visit to Taiwan, saying that he will have to pay a heavy price! On August 31, local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was visiting Germany, told reporters that Taiwan is Chinese territory an

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html Tuesday, September 1st, the 14th day of the seventh lunar month

Cover News

Wang Yi issued a stern warning regarding the Czech Senate Speaker’s visit to Taiwan, and he will have to pay a heavy price!

On August 31, local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was visiting Germany, told reporters on the Czech Senate Speaker’s visit to Taiwan that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. To challenge the one-China principle on the Taiwan issue is to become an enemy of the 1.4 billion Chinese people and an act of international breach of trust. Regarding the open provocation of the Czech Senate Speaker and the anti-China forces behind it, the Chinese government and people will never let it go and sit idly by. They must make him pay a heavy price for his short-sighted behavior and political speculation.

Wang Yi issued a stern warning regarding the Czech Senate Speaker’s visit to Taiwan, saying that he will have to pay a heavy price! On August 31, local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was visiting Germany, told reporters that Taiwan is Chinese territory an - DayDayNews

Important News


1. The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting yesterday to review the "Outline Plan for Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development in the Yellow River Basin" and the "Comprehensive Report on the Fifth Round of Inspections of the 19th Central Committee." Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

2. National Health Commission: On August 30, 17 new cases were reported in 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, all of which were imported from abroad.

3. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: announced yesterday that at the invitation of the governments of Myanmar, Spain, and Greece, Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission, will pay official visits to the above three countries from September 1 to 4.

4. Ministry of Commerce: issued an announcement yesterday, deciding to conduct a countervailing investigation on imported wine originating in Australia and packed in containers of 2 liters and below. This investigation should usually be concluded before August 31, 2021, and may be extended to February 28, 2022 under special circumstances.

5. Ministry of Public Security: Yesterday, announced that schools are starting to resume in various places. Under normalized epidemic prevention and control conditions, public security agencies across the country have set up 150,000 "school care posts" to strengthen school bus management and maintenance of order around campuses; currently, campuses have been inspected across the country There are 10,499 internal safety hazards.

6. Ministry of Education: Recently, the "Interim Measures for Naming Colleges and Universities" were formulated and officially issued. According to regulations, when using regional fields in the names of higher education institutions, in principle, they are not allowed to be named with "China", "China", "National", "International" and other commonly used words that represent China and the world, nor are they allowed to be named with "North China", "East China", and "Northeast China" "Southwest" and other regions and regional variations.

7. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: recently issued the "Regulations on the Management of Communication Short Message and Voice Call Services (Draft for Comments)", which stipulates that no organization or individual may send commercial messages to users without their consent or request, or if the user explicitly refuses. Sexual text messages or commercial sex phone calls. If the user does not explicitly agree, it will be deemed as rejection.

8. The National Health Commission: recently recommended that healthy adults consume no more than 25 grams of cooking oil per day.

9. National Bureau of Statistics: released data yesterday. In August, China's manufacturing purchasing managers index was 51.0%, standing above the 50% line for six consecutive months.

10. The State Post Bureau: issued a notice on August 28, requiring effective delivery channel safety service guarantees during the Service Trade Fair. The notice requires that the Beijing Postal Administration deploys "secondary security inspections" from August 31 to September 10, and urges and guides delivery companies to carry out pre-delivery "secondary security inspections" for all express mail entering Beijing.

11. Central Meteorological Observatory: issued a blue typhoon warning at 6 o'clock yesterday. This year's No. 9 typhoon "Mesak" will move into the southeastern part of the East China Sea early this morning, and its maximum strength can reach super typhoon level. It is expected that as of 8 o'clock today, there will be strong winds of magnitude 7 to 9 in the ocean east of Taiwan, most of the East China Sea, the northeast coast of Taiwan Island, and the coast of Zhejiang.


1. United States: As of 17:28 local time on August 30, a total of nearly 6 million cases have been diagnosed. As of that day, at least 36 states in the United States had reported more than 8,700 confirmed cases in colleges and universities with positive COVID-19 test results. Due to the continuous outbreak of cluster infections in major universities in the United States, teachers unions in many places in the United States have strongly resisted plans to reopen schools.

2. United States: The Massachusetts government recently mandated that students should get flu shots. On August 30, hundreds of people held a rally on the streets of Boston, the state's capital, to protest against the local government's new regulations.

3. United States: On the afternoon of August 29, thousands of people took to the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin, to hold peaceful demonstrations, calling for fairness and justice for Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old black man who was shot from behind by the police on the 23rd.

4. South Korea: A private car was involved in a rear-end collision with a US military armored vehicle stationed in South Korea on the evening of August 30. All four people in the private car were killed; the tracks of the armored vehicle fell off, and a US military stationed in South Korea was injured. It is currently unclear what caused the accident.

5. Japan: Fumio Kishida, Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party Political Affairs Investigation, held talks with Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso in Tokyo on August 30. After the meeting, Kishida said that he had told Aso that he would run for the next president of the Liberal Democratic Party.

6. Philippines: President Duterte visited the scene of a series of bombings in the south of the country on August 30 to express condolences for the victims. During the period, he knelt down and kissed the ground to express his condolences for the victims. On the 24th, two explosions occurred in Cholo Town in the southern Philippines. At least 10 people, including soldiers, were killed and 17 other soldiers were injured.

7. France: The Paris city government said on the 31st that it plans to provide free new coronavirus testing in 20 districts across the capital to combat signs of the virus's "resurgence" in France.

8. Italy: A boat transporting refugees exploded on August 30, killing 4, injuring 7, and injuring 2 people missing. Cause of the accident is being investigated.

9. New Zealand: Auckland officially ended level 3 prevention and control on August 31, and the epidemic alert level was reduced to level 2.5. The rest of New Zealand is currently at alert level 2.

10. Israel: Prime Minister Netanyahu said in Jerusalem on the 30th that Israel is currently conducting "secret dialogue" with a number of Arab countries on the issue of normalization of relations.

Looking at China from overseas

Foreign media: India withdrew from Russian multinational military exercises due to China-related reasons.

According to a report on the Hindustan Times website on August 30, people familiar with the matter revealed on the 29th that India has withdrawn from the multinational military exercise hosted by Russia. The exercise is scheduled to be held next month and is expected to involve about 20 countries, including China. According to TASS News Agency in New Delhi, Indian media quoted sources from the Indian Ministry of Defense as reporting that India will give up participating in this exercise because soldiers from China and Pakistan also plan to participate in the exercise, and India's relations with these two countries have deteriorated recently.

Hot search

Zhao Lijian: Pompeo should take a good look in the mirror.

According to reports, US Secretary of State Pompeo tweeted on August 29 that China is responsible for nearly 30% of global plastic pollution and is the largest emitter of mercury, marine debris and greenhouse gases. In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said yesterday that Mr. Pompeo should take a good look in the mirror and ask himself why the United States withdrew from the Paris Agreement. As the country with the largest cumulative emissions of greenhouse gases in the world, the United States has neither ratified the Kyoto Protocol nor withdrawn from the Paris Agreement, completely outside the global carbon emission system and arrangements. At the same time, as the world's largest exporter of solid waste As a major per capita consumer of plastics, the United States has not ratified the Basel Convention, and has also set up obstacles in the global plastic waste management process. It has transferred large amounts of waste waste to developing countries, causing great harm to the local and global environment.

Wang Yi issued a stern warning regarding the Czech Senate Speaker’s visit to Taiwan, saying that he will have to pay a heavy price! On August 31, local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was visiting Germany, told reporters that Taiwan is Chinese territory an - DayDayNews

Jiangxi prosecutors prosecuted Lao Rongzhi on suspicion of intentional homicide, kidnapping, and robbery.

Yesterday, the People's Procuratorate of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province filed a public prosecution in Nanchang Intermediate People's Court against Lao Rongzhi on suspicion of intentional homicide, kidnapping, and robbery in accordance with the law. The case is under further processing. From 1996 to 1999, Lao Rongzhi used the "immortal jump" method to travel to many places with her boyfriend Faziying to commit crimes, killing 7 people. In November 2019, Lao Rongzhi was taken away by the police in the shopping mall where he worked in Xiamen.The police reported that Lao Rongzhi's traces were discovered through big data information analysis.

Wang Yi issued a stern warning regarding the Czech Senate Speaker’s visit to Taiwan, saying that he will have to pay a heavy price! On August 31, local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was visiting Germany, told reporters that Taiwan is Chinese territory an - DayDayNews

"When I come back this time, I want you to stay with me longer."

Many college students have been away from campus for several months. When they finally return to school, many colleges and universities use banners and slogans to welcome students home. Zhuhai College of Jilin University: "When I come back this time, I want you to stay with me longer." Henan University of Science and Technology: "I look forward to seeing you every day. It's great." Student: It touches my little heart.

Wang Yi issued a stern warning regarding the Czech Senate Speaker’s visit to Taiwan, saying that he will have to pay a heavy price! On August 31, local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was visiting Germany, told reporters that Taiwan is Chinese territory an - DayDayNews

strange news

see you soon! Tourist resorts that only accept "positive" tourists have appeared...

CNN reported on August 29 that Rosa, a government official in Pernambuco state in northeastern Brazil, announced on the 27th that if tourists want to board the state's Fernando de Noronha Islands "needs to present proof of a positive nucleic acid test result for the new coronavirus taken within at least 20 days, or a serological test result proving that antibodies to the new coronavirus have been produced in the body." Rocha did not provide a reason for the request.

Wang Yi issued a stern warning regarding the Czech Senate Speaker’s visit to Taiwan, saying that he will have to pay a heavy price! On August 31, local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was visiting Germany, told reporters that Taiwan is Chinese territory an - DayDayNewsWang Yi issued a stern warning regarding the Czech Senate Speaker’s visit to Taiwan, saying that he will have to pay a heavy price! On August 31, local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was visiting Germany, told reporters that Taiwan is Chinese territory an - DayDayNews

Today’s weather

Capital weather: Thunderstorms in Beijing have turned sunny, 32℃/20℃, west wind, air quality: good.

National weather: There will be moderate to heavy rains in parts of the central and eastern Northeastern region, central and northern Jiangsu, and central Anhui. Among them, there will be heavy rains or heavy rains in some areas of central and eastern Jilin, central and northern Liaoning, and eastern Liaoning.

Wang Yi issued a stern warning regarding the Czech Senate Speaker’s visit to Taiwan, saying that he will have to pay a heavy price! On August 31, local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was visiting Germany, told reporters that Taiwan is Chinese territory an - DayDayNews

Text source: Xinhuanet, People's Daily Online, Global Daily, China Economic Net, CCTV News, China News Network, Reference News, China Weather Network, @People's Daily, @新华Viewpoint,, @headline news, @利Videos, etc.

Editor of this issue: Mumo Responsible editor: Li Xiaobai

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Wang Yi issued a stern warning regarding the Czech Senate Speaker’s visit to Taiwan, saying that he will have to pay a heavy price! On August 31, local time, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who was visiting Germany, told reporters that Taiwan is Chinese territory an - DayDayNews

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