Seven years ago, when Wang Erfeng walked into Foxconn's internal "Foxconn People" editorial department with trepidation, he never imagined that today would happen. For this "old boy" who was born in poverty and thought he would be a bachelor for the rest of his life, although hap

2024/06/1706:11:33 hotcomm 1551

"Only when you are 40 years old can you taste the warmth of home!"

The Spring Festival holiday in 2017 has a special meaning for Foxconn New PCEBG business group employee Wang Erfeng -

This year, he opened a new chapter in his life : On January 21st, he went back to Sichuan with his girlfriend Yufen to celebrate the New Year. He met Yufen’s parents and relatives, and the two formally confirmed their relationship; on New Year’s Eve, the family sat around the table, and it was his first time in more than 20 years. It was the first time he had a real reunion dinner; on the first day of the new year, his father-in-law-to-be said to him in front of all relatives: "From now on, you will be the master of this family!"

Seven years ago, Wang Erfeng walked in with anxiety. When I was working in the editorial department of "Foxconn People" inside Foxconn, I never imagined that today would happen.

For this "old boy" who was born in poverty and thought he would be a bachelor for the rest of his life, although happiness came late, it was extremely sweet; although life was full of twists and turns, it was still wonderful. On this Valentine's Day in 2017, he had an extremely down-to-earth and sweet life.

Seven years ago, when Wang Erfeng walked into Foxconn's internal

Wang Erfeng gave out wedding candy

Apply for marriage: catch the duck and put it on the shelves

Wang Erfeng was born in 1977 in a poor farm family deep in the Qinling Mountains of Shangluo, Shaanxi.

When he was 11 years old, his mother died of a heart attack; when he was 13 years old, a flood washed away his father, who was working in a gold mine in Henan, and he has not been heard from since.

He has three sisters and one brother. In the winter of 1986, the brothers went to play in their uncle's mill. By accident, the brother's right arm was caught in the gear of the working flour mill... After being sent to the hospital, My brother's right forearm was amputated.

To this day, Wang Erfeng can still clearly remember the blood spattering and cotton wool flying in the air when the incident occurred.

Having lost his parents, his brother is disabled, and his three sisters are getting married one after another, life cruelly deprives a child of the most important support in his growth.

Wang Erfeng, who only went to the third grade of primary school, went out to work at the age of 16. He served dishes in restaurants, dug coal in kilns, and moved bricks on construction sites. He did almost all kinds of hard and tiring work, and tasted all kinds of human life. The bitterness and hardship of the world.

From 20 to 25 years old are the golden years of life. Young people of the same age as Wang Erfeng have already built houses, arranged for wives, and married wives and started families under the arrangement of their parents.

At this time, Wang Erfeng could only dig coal underground in a small coal kiln where accidents might occur at any time. He lamented the injustice of fate and felt that a happy life is like the stars in the sky, which can be seen but can never be touched.

may be destiny. After working in circles for more than ten years, he fell into the arms of Foxconn. On August 5, 2010, he joined Guanlan Foxconn and became a member of this Fortune 500 company. In June 2013, the department was relocated, and he moved to the Longhua factory with the large army. The more than six years he spent at Foxconn was the most stable period of his life, and he cherished this job very much.

was born in a poor family, with little education and low income. His past experiences made Wang Erfeng feel inferior and introverted. As time passed and he got older, he gradually lost hope in his lifelong career.

In September 2014, by chance, Wang Erfeng became the subject of an interview for Foxconn's internal newspaper "Foxconn People". Colleagues in the editorial department all thought he was a good person. After learning about his situation, everyone gave him advice and suggested that he seek marriage through the "Foxconn Appointment" of Renmin Daily.

At the beginning, he strongly disagreed. He felt that his conditions were poor and he was old, and he was afraid that he would be laughed at by his fellow workers in the workshop after being published in the newspaper. His colleagues in the editorial department patiently did his ideological work, unable to withstand everyone's enthusiastic persuasion. A few days later, Wang Erfeng finally "shyly" came to the editorial department, filled in the information, took photos, and went back with anxiety. .

After the marriage proposal was published in the newspaper, Wang Erfeng didn't wait for the girl to contact him. He picked up the newspaper and read it carefully, only to discover that because he was too nervous, he wrote down his QQ number incorrectly when filling out the marriage information.

had already been published in the newspaper anyway, so there was nothing to worry about. Wang Erfeng called the editorial department and changed his QQ number. "Foxconn Appointment" helped him publish it in the newspaper again. It was this "appearance" in Renmin Bao that brought an important turning point in his life.

Seven years ago, when Wang Erfeng walked into Foxconn's internal

Internet Encounter: Love Meets Around the Corner

After the 195th issue of "Foxconn People" published Wang Erfeng's marriage information, seven or eight girls added Wang Erfeng's QQ and became friends with him. This made him a little excited - after all, living to the age of 37 was the first time for him to have such an experience.

However, as soon as they started communicating, they asked him whether he had a house, how much his monthly income was, and what his family conditions were. After Wang Erfeng answered truthfully, some of them directly expressed that he was not suitable, and some stopped contacting him. The cruel reality slowly extinguished his newly ignited hope.

While Wang Erfeng was distressed by love, thousands of miles away in the Chengdu campus, a female Foxconn worker named Liang Yufen was also looking for the true love in her life. 35-year-old Yufen once had a failed marriage. After the divorce, she lived alone with her 13-year-old daughter, and later went to work at Foxconn in Chengdu.

One day in October 2014, Yufen’s roommate brought back a copy of “Foxconn People” that had been published for several weeks, and she picked it up and started browsing. When she turned to the eighth page, Wang Erfeng, who was ranked first in the current issue of "Foxconn Appointment", caught her attention:

Although this young man is a bit old, he looks energetic and has a good appearance, which makes her feel like a good match. . More importantly, Wang Erfeng's requirements for choosing a spouse are: honesty, kindness, divorced, widowed, or raising children, and can come to your home. Recalling her acquaintance with Wang Erfeng, Yufen said frankly: "This is what makes me feel particularly special about him."

Yufen added Wang Erfeng's QQ, and the two quickly chatted online. Unlike others, Yufen did not inquire about Er Feng's salary, income, or property ownership, but was very concerned about his past experience, current life, and future plans.

Erfeng thinks that Yufen is kind and considerate, while Yufen thinks that Erfeng is down-to-earth and thoughtful. One has experienced the hardships of life, and the other has been hurt by life. The two have a sympathy for each other and regret meeting each other late.

They are thousands of miles apart, so they can only express their feelings to each other through the Internet and phone calls. Their hearts gradually become attached and concerned about each other. For the first time in his life, Wang Erfeng, an older young man, experienced what it was like to like someone.

"I always want to talk to her, always want to see her. I call and chat with her every day for more than an hour. Every month, the phone and data charges cost three to four hundred yuan!" Erfeng said.

Slowly, videos and phone calls can no longer resolve their lovesickness. In May 2015, Yufen resigned from Chengdu Foxconn, took all her luggage and went south to Shenzhen to "defect" Wang Erfeng. On May 21st, Erfeng rushed to Guangzhou Railway Station early to pick up Yufen.

It rained heavily that day and the train was delayed for some reason. Erfeng waited from two o'clock in the afternoon until ten o'clock in the evening to pick up Yufen. He waited in the rain for eight hours without an umbrella and was soaked like a drowned rat. When he saw Yufen for the first time, he was so excited: "She is even more beautiful and younger than what I saw online!"

Seven years ago, when Wang Erfeng walked into Foxconn's internal

Shuang Fei Shuang Qi: Ordinaryness is the truth

"There used to be a woman in the family, and it was my mother more than 20 years ago. When I was alive..."

Wang Erfeng, who had no concept of family for many years, suddenly had a woman taking care of him. This feeling of happiness made him not sure how to express it: he was a little moved and a little sentimental.

Before Yufen came to Shenzhen, he had already rented a house in Fuhao New Village, Shuidou, Longhua; as soon as Yufen arrived in Shenzhen, he moved out of the company dormitory and took her into his love nest. After settling in, he helped Yufen find a job in a nearby factory.

With love, no matter how simple a house is, it is still a home, and no matter how ordinary life is, it has flavor.

The lovers, like ants moving, purchased the necessary furniture and electrical appliances for living at home one by one.

Yufen is a woman who loves to be clean and can't sit still. After coming home from get off work, she is busy doing housework, washing clothes, cooking, and tidying up the room. She always keeps the rental house neat and tidy. She is also good at cooking, and cooks whenever she has time to cook a delicious meal for herself and Er Feng.During holidays, she would take Er Feng shopping with her and use her salary to buy him clothes and shoes. No matter how much it cost, she would not even frown.

Erfeng said: "I didn't bother to buy clothes before. I always wore work clothes no matter when I went to or from get off work. In less than a year since she came here, she bought me several sets of clothes and several pairs of shoes. When I find such a woman, I What else is there to be dissatisfied with?”

Erfeng also consciously took on the responsibilities of a man, covering all living expenses for the family. On weekends when he didn’t work overtime, he took Yufen to visit scenic spots in the city, Fairy Lake Botanical Garden. , Lotus Mountain and other places have left their footprints. Erfeng bought Yufen a bracelet worth more than 4,000 yuan. He often called Yufen's parents and daughter, and sometimes bought them mobile phones, clothes and some daily necessities online.

Looking at the fully furnished room and Yufen busy in the room, Wang Erfeng feels that life is becoming more and more ambitious and he spares no effort in his work. Different from other people's love, their love lacks romance, but it has a stronger flavor of human fireworks, which makes them feel at ease and practical.

The days of flying and living together are sweet at first, then dull; in ordinary life, it is inevitable that there will be some bumps and bumps.

In Yufen's view, Wang Erfeng, who came out of the mountains, had some bad habits. For example, he didn't like to sit on a stool when eating. He either sat cross-legged on the bed or squatted on the floor of the room; he was not hygienic and threw things away as he used them. Often destroying the fruits of Yufen's labor; for a while, Erfeng also fell in love with "Beijing Racing" (an online gambling similar to the underground Mark Six Lottery) and lost some money.

For these reasons, Yufen used both hard and soft tactics and criticized Erfeng many times. Erfeng also felt that Yufen had a bad temper and was not gentle enough. Sometimes, the two of them would have some misunderstandings and quarrels, but "husband and wife never had an overnight feud." They had quarrels and quickly reconciled.

After all, these episodes are just the spices in their lives. True love can change people and make them more tolerant. Erfeng said: "I have been afraid of being a bachelor for so many years. When a man has a woman, life becomes like life!"

Seven years ago, when Wang Erfeng walked into Foxconn's internal

Trip to Sichuan: Take reassurance

On January 21, 2017, Wang Erfeng and Liang Yufen embarked on the journey hand in hand The train bound for Sichuan - returning to Yufen's hometown to celebrate the Lunar New Year, this is something they have discussed long ago.

has been in love with Yufen for more than two years, and this is the first time Wang Erfeng has gone home with her to meet her family. He is full of expectations, but also has the uneasiness of "an ugly daughter-in-law meeting her parents-in-law." On the evening of the 22nd, they successfully arrived in Longchang County, Sichuan. Wang Erfeng was warmly welcomed by Yufen's family, and all his worries quickly disappeared.

The Liang family is a large family, with a fairly well-off family background and considerable prestige in the local area: Yufen's father is a Vietnam War veteran. He was injured in the war. After he retired, he was assigned to work in a state-owned coal mine. He is now retired. He will retire in 2020. The salary is more than 4,000 yuan; my brother is a high school teacher and has two houses in Chengdu; my sister-in-law is an only daughter; her parents are retired civil servants; my second uncle is in business and has a net worth of tens of millions.

html A few days ago, in the commercial house Yufen bought in the town, Erfeng was cleaning the table and wiping the glass, working happily, which made his prospective father-in-law and mother-in-law very satisfied. The mother-in-law-to-be was also very considerate and caring to him: putting out face wash for him every morning and foot wash for him at night. Knowing that he liked to eat pasta, she even specially bought steamed buns for him for breakfast.

Yufen's father took him to have a long talk and learned that Erfeng's brother was still single because of his disability and had not made any money from starting a cattle farm. He also lost more than 100,000 yuan that Erfeng had earned from years of hard work.

Not only did the prospective father-in-law have no complaints, he also said to Er Feng: "We all have a hard life, and your brother is even more in trouble, so we should help him. There is nothing wrong with suffering and poverty. As long as people live up to their expectations, they will live a good life sooner or later. I I believe you!" The second forward was very encouraged by what he said.

At that time, Yufen’s daughter Lili was in the third grade of junior high school. She was smart and hard-working, and her academic performance was always the first in the class. When he returned home this time, Wang Erfeng bought Lily a suitcase that she liked and also bought her online learning courseware online.

"Mom, you have become younger!" Lily blurted out the first time she saw her mother. Although the child is still young, he also understands that the reason why her mother has changed like this is because she has an uncle who treats her well.

Lily and Wang Erfeng were also very close. They called each other "uncle", which made Erfeng feel happy. She even whispered to her mother: "I hate my uncle a little because he took away your love for me!" . Yufen's younger brother brought back several bottles of Moutai . During the dinner, while drinking Moutai , tasting delicacies, and chatting about home-cooked things, Erfeng shed tears unknowingly: "I only have one brother, which actually means I don't have one." Home. I haven’t celebrated the New Year at home for more than ten years, and today I finally know what a reunion dinner is and what it feels like to be at home!”

Erfeng’s emotion made everyone sigh, and Yufen’s parents even got wet.

learned that Yufen had brought back her boyfriend. On the first day of the new year, all the important relatives came to her house to pay New Year greetings. There were more than 20 people crowded into the house. Yufen's father introduced Er Feng to all the guests and made Er Feng's identity clear. Not only that, the prospective father-in-law also held his hand in front of all the relatives and said: "From now on, you will be the master of this family!"

During the days when he and Yufen were together, he had been looking forward to such a day; when this When the day really came, he felt suddenly again - the happiness of having his life-long event settled and the heavy responsibility of being the head of the family hit him at the same time, catching him off guard. He also promised Yufen's parents that he would go to Sichuan to be his son-in-law and take care of them with Yufen in their old age.

Parting reluctantly: The future will be better

Because he had little savings, Wang Erfeng only brought 5,000 yuan when he came to Sichuan this time.

The money includes not only the round trip expenses and expenses, but also the meeting gifts for Yufen’s family. Compared with other people's betrothal gifts, which often cost tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, this is really shabby, but Yufen's parents don't care at all.

When he set off back to Shenzhen on February 4, the mother-in-law-to-be wanted to stuff her kitchen into Erfeng’s luggage: a large bucket of home-produced rapeseed oil, bean poles, bacon, sausages, homemade fermented bean curd, dried beans... until it couldn’t fit anymore. Just gave up. The father-in-law took Er Feng to the station all the time, his words full of care and concern for them.

When he was about to get in the car, Erfeng expressed his attitude to his father-in-law: "Please rest assured, I will take good care of your daughter and prevent her from suffering!" From the eyes of his father-in-law, Wang Erfeng saw the trust in him.

As the Spring Festival approaches, Erfeng and Yufen start a new life and work. On Valentine's Day, Erfeng bought nine roses for Yufen, which means "long-lasting love." This was the first time he gave Yufen a gift. In March, Erfeng took Yufen back to Shaanxi to register for marriage and hold a wedding banquet. For him, the dream of having a family became a reality, and a beautiful life had just begun.

At the end of 2017, Wang Erfeng, who had been suffering for half his life, finally had his own child. On the day his son was born, he was so happy that he burst into tears. This child from a poor family finally ushered in the spring of his life. (Author: Wang Xianyou)

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