As the 2022 China Central Radio and Television Station Spring Festival Gala showed to the national audience, under the comprehensive deployment and overall planning of the National Rural Revitalization Plan,, as a new entity enterprise, has gone deep into the countryside a

2024/06/1706:01:33 hotcomm 1702

"From the beginning of the Spring Festival Gala to now, nearly ten million high-quality agricultural products have entered thousands of households through the platform, including king crabs from Suqian, Jiangsu, and kiwis from Xiuwen, Guizhou."

Just like the 2022 China Central Radio and Television Station Spring Festival What the gala showed to the national audience was that under the comprehensive deployment and overall planning of the National Rural Revitalization Plan,, as a new entity enterprise, has gone deep into the countryside, using its technical capabilities and successful experience in supply chain management, brand operations, etc., combined with The existing resources and pain points of the rural economy are targeted with precise policies and practical assistance, laying a solid foundation and paving the way for rural economic development, opening up the path from rural revitalization to common prosperity, and thus creating the "Benfu Village" represented by new rural economy.

As the 2022 China Central Radio and Television Station Spring Festival Gala showed to the national audience, under the comprehensive deployment and overall planning of the National Rural Revitalization Plan,, as a new entity enterprise, has gone deep into the countryside a - DayDayNews’s “Benfu Villages” are a large number of new rural villages that have emerged across the country and have adapted to local conditions and formed a characteristic economy. Their “Benfu Road” is closely connected with, linking rural construction related industries in the corresponding In terms of its digital and intelligent social supply chain capabilities, has become a new rural economy that drives rural income increase and employment. On New Year's Eve this year,'s "Benfu Village" and its outstanding achievements in high-quality agricultural products appeared on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala with, reaching more consumers' dining tables, demonstrating the phased results of China's rural revitalization.

Minli Village, more than 20 kilometers away from Longfengshan Reservoir in Wuchang City, has been growing Wuchang rice since 185 years ago. However, due to the individual farming production model and lack of regional brand awareness, the income of local farmers is very meager. In order to increase the income of farmers, combines the "Ten Segments of Sugarcane" theory, that is, the value chain of the retail and consumer goods industries is divided into ten links including creativity, design, R&D, manufacturing, pricing, marketing, trading, warehousing, distribution, and after-sales. Full access to Wuchang rice production and sales links.

In terms of transportation, proactively provides door-to-door pickup services, assists in formulating product and industry standards, connects the upstream and downstream industries, and helps improve product quality; in terms of product design, based on market consumption insights, it assists companies in packaging design to increase product added value. ; Using media resources and live broadcasts to promote Minli Village from multiple angles, it has enhanced the brand value and product reputation, and used platform experience to expand the market, increase sales, and bring more benefits to enterprises and farmers.

As the 2022 China Central Radio and Television Station Spring Festival Gala showed to the national audience, under the comprehensive deployment and overall planning of the National Rural Revitalization Plan,, as a new entity enterprise, has gone deep into the countryside a - DayDayNews

According to statistics, after Wuchang Rice entered, the market share of "real rice" increased by 500%, with cumulative sales of 120 million in two years. At the same time, the brand value of Wuchang rice has reached 70.327 billion yuan in 2021, an increase of 6.372 billion yuan from 2016. The improvement in brand power has also led to a significant increase in the income of local rice farmers. During the 2021 11.11 Shopping Festival, the sales volume of Wuchang rice with official traceability and anti-counterfeiting labels in JD supermarkets increased by 249.85% year-on-year, and farmers' income increased by 200% year-on-year.

"Suyou Qianxiang·King Crab" in Yanji Village, Suqian has also grown into a hot product in cooperation with Also during the JD 11.11 period, the transaction volume of "Suyou Qianxiang·King Crab" increased by 400% year-on-year in the first 10 minutes of the promotion, and sales increased 600 times during the entire JD 11.11 period. Correspondingly, the villagers of Yanji Village have actually enjoyed the dividends of high-quality crabs sold at excellent prices. Compared with the past, the income of farmers can increase by about 1,200 yuan per mu. "King Crab" has also become the "fourth business card" of Suqian after " The Hometown of King Xiang", "China's Wine Capital" and "Famous Water City".

As the 2022 China Central Radio and Television Station Spring Festival Gala showed to the national audience, under the comprehensive deployment and overall planning of the National Rural Revitalization Plan,, as a new entity enterprise, has gone deep into the countryside a - DayDayNews

Based on's digital intelligent social supply chain, more and more high-quality specialty agricultural products are moving towards a larger market. This "higher quality - more satisfied consumers - higher income for farmers - improved production - provision The positive cycle of "more high-quality agricultural products" promotes the positive cycle of production and sales of local agricultural products and also increases the income of villagers.

What’s more noteworthy is that in the process of assisting rural revitalization, also combines its five core capabilities of supply chain, logistics, finance, technology and services to open up the entire industrial chain for’s “Benfu Village”.

Digital transformation has improved the efficiency of agricultural production and marketing, and the per capita income of villagers has increased by more than 4%

In Yongshou Town, Meishan City, citrus and pickles are the two main local fresh food industries. However, due to the lack of professional business awareness and capabilities, the local fresh food industry has not been able to achieve production standardization, nor can it achieve large-scale production, increase food sales, and expand economic scale. After having an in-depth understanding of the development difficulties of Yongshou Town , quickly provided a complete solution for its shortcomings.

In April 2019, JD Cloud (Dongpo) Digital Economic Industrial Park officially launched in Meishan . Relying on cutting-edge technologies such as AI, big data, and cloud computing, as well as related ecological resources such as JD Group Mall and logistics, JD Cloud Smart City is Yongshou Town has built digital agricultural infrastructure, opening a new chapter in the high-quality development of Dongpo's rural economy.

As the 2022 China Central Radio and Television Station Spring Festival Gala showed to the national audience, under the comprehensive deployment and overall planning of the National Rural Revitalization Plan,, as a new entity enterprise, has gone deep into the countryside a - DayDayNews

displays the digital industrial ecological panorama of the two specialty industries of citrus and pickles through digital smart screens. Yongshou Town has realized the mutual driving of supply and demand, and the supply chain and production chain have been further optimized. In addition, the Jingdong smart farm incubated by JD Cloud Smart City, while helping "China's late-maturing citrus" gradually form an industrial scale, also cooperated with the local government to build a "fruit picking industry belt + e-commerce town" development idea. "Chinese specialty? Yongshou Town Hall". Through JD Cloud Smart City's characteristic C2M reverse customization, agricultural product upstreaming, and live streaming, a number of online e-commerce brands have been created, opening up the "cloud" sales of local specialty agricultural products, and driving the sales of local enterprises. income.

During 618 in 2021, the total sales of agricultural products in Dongpo District, Meishan City through channels exceeded 60.92 million, a year-on-year increase of 42% in 2020. Since the Yongshou Town Specialty Hall opened from September to December 2021, its sales have exceeded 3.12 million yuan, and the collective economic income has exceeded 200,000 yuan. At present, the number of companies settled in the JD Cloud (Dongpo) Digital Economy Industrial Park has reached more than 200, with overall annual sales exceeding 1.65 billion yuan.

"Yayi Employment Village" has driven regional economic development, and thousands of villagers have realized their dream of high-quality local employment.

In Xiangtang Town, Nanchang, the weak industrial structure once caused great problems for the employment of local people. However, with the launch of JD Logistics Asia No. 1 in 2020, the JD supply chain ecosystem has taken root in Xiangtang Town , which has also provided new solutions to the employment problems of surrounding residents, and the local economic development of Xiangtang has also therefore Gained new vitality.

39-year-old Yin Qin has been working in other places for a long time, but her concern for the elderly and children at home made her determined to return to her hometown to work. In 2015, Yin Qin officially became an employee of JD Logistics. In 6 years, she was promoted step by step from ordinary sorter to sorting team leader, and her work location is getting closer and closer to home. Yin Qin said, " I feel very satisfied with my current life.”

The establishment of Jingdong Asia No. 1 has also helped fresh graduates like Wang Liting, born in the 2000s, realize their desire to stay in their hometown for employment. JD Logistics’ “New Star” recruitment program for locals has provided fresh graduates with a large number of local employment opportunities. In Wang Liting’s words, “In sorting, warehousing, terminal theaters, etc., you can always find something that suits you.” positions. Moreover, the company trains us very carefully, and the channels for advancement are broad.”

As the 2022 China Central Radio and Television Station Spring Festival Gala showed to the national audience, under the comprehensive deployment and overall planning of the National Rural Revitalization Plan,, as a new entity enterprise, has gone deep into the countryside a - DayDayNews

So far, Jingdong Logistics Asia No. 1 in Xiangtang Town has employed nearly a thousand people in the surrounding area, and plans to employ more than 600 people next year. With the settlement and gradual development of JD Logistics Park, the surrounding villages have developed into the "Yayi Employment Village" relying on JD Logistics Asia One. The number of households and shops in the village has gradually increased, the income of villagers has continued to increase, and the local Economic development has also moved to a new level.

Behind the stories of getting rich, and the local government have jointly created a new rural economy model that is dynamic, positive, sustainable, and replicable, and has begun to take shape. With the accelerated advancement of's "Benfu Plan" for rural revitalization, in October 2020, proposed that it would drive rural areas to achieve an output value of RMB 1 trillion within three years. As of the end of 2021, it has achieved RMB 320 billion, and is expected to achieve its goal ahead of schedule.The digital and intelligent social supply chain is becoming a new generation of infrastructure to enhance rural industrial capabilities and increase farmers' income, and's "Benfu Village" model has also become a wealth-making force that cannot be ignored on the road to rural revitalization.

As a new entity enterprise, is rooted in the real economy and serves the national rural revitalization strategy with its solid infrastructure, efficient digital and intelligent social supply chain, and innovative digital technology capabilities. At the 2022 China Central Radio and Television Station Spring Festival Gala, appeared as an exclusive interactive partner, and joined hands with’s “Benfu Village” to share the fruits of the past year’s harvest and wealth with audiences across the country and welcome the new year together. In the future, will continue to support rural revitalization and consumption upgrading, continue to drive high-quality growth of new rural economies, and enable more “Benfu Villages” to embark on a broader “Benfu Road.”

This article comes from financial information

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