To the National Games 800-meter championship. He missed the final due to a slight difference of 0.1 seconds. Like many sports students, his idea at that time was to go to a good university and then find a good job after graduation.

2024/06/1700:11:33 hotcomm 1785

It took four years to go from being an athlete of the Tsinghua Sports Team to National Games 800m champion

Li Junlin

His first participation in the National Games

He missed the final due to a slight difference of 0.1 seconds

This did not affect his ability to move forward. The footsteps

turned it into the driving force for 's continuous breakthroughs

Before standing on the National Games track again

What he kept doing day after day, year after year

was to run.

Finally, four years later, in the competition

He entered the finals as he wished

and won the championship

Behind the flowers and applause

He knew better than anyone

that this medal was hard-won

Let us take a look at the story of Li Junlin ~

From a middle school sports student When college athlete

was in middle school, Li Junlin was an ordinary student with sports talents. Like many sports students, his idea at that time was to go to a good university and then find a good job after graduation. As for the content of professional competitive sports such as registering for a provincial team, participating in professional competitions, and even winning glory for the country in international competitions, he had no idea, let alone any hope.

Hard work pays off. In July 2016, Li Junlin was admitted to the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University as a high-level athlete. From then on, as a student-athlete of the Tsinghua Sports Team, he began a life of attending classes in the morning and doing sports training in the afternoon.

Sports Department Cao Zhenshui teacher brought a very professional and systematic training plan to Li Junlin. He felt that the amount of training he did in middle school was completely different from that here. At first, it was difficult for Li Junlin to keep up with the rhythm when training in the team, but every time he trained, he told himself: One more lap, one hundred meters more. continued to improve step by step in this way, and it took a year to gradually adapt to the intensity of team training. He kept training and never stopped running. In the hot summer, he had to splash water on his body during each section of running to avoid heat stroke. In the freezing winter, he often practiced against the biting cold wind from dawn to dusk. is just like this. I practice it until my leg muscles are unbearably sore, and I practice it until I feel dizzy and unsteady. Even when I really can't stand it, Li Junlin tells himself to persist. Slowly, he also learned about national professional-level competitions and became familiar with the history and traditions of the Tsinghua middle-distance running team. Li Junlin followed the example of outstanding senior middle-distance runners such as Li Xiangyu, Li Guangming, and Teng Haining in the team, and was inspired by their achievements to move forward.

To the National Games 800-meter championship. He missed the final due to a slight difference of 0.1 seconds. Like many sports students, his idea at that time was to go to a good university and then find a good job after graduation. - DayDayNews

Li Junlin went from the national competition to the Asian Games in the Student Track and Field Games

in one year. In 2018, Li Junlin registered under the Shanxi Provincial Team and began his journey to participate in national professional competitions. He also began to leave and compete with Tsinghua Park again and again. return. As a fledgling, he understood that professional competitions and college amateur competitions are completely different concepts. When they step onto the field, they are all elite athletes from various provinces. They need to actively mobilize themselves, complete their skills and tactics reasonably, and fully display their own status to win in national competitions. to the ideal ranking. In April 2018, the first National Track and Field Grand Prix was held in Zhaoqing, Guangdong. In the 800-meter race, he won his first national championship and reached the standard of a national-level athlete for the first time. After winning the first battle, within a year, Li Junlin maintained his leading position in the 800-meter competition in national events and won the annual Grand Slam in this event.

With his outstanding performance in a season, Li Junlin was honored to be selected into the Chinese sports delegation for the 18th Asian Games, and went abroad to fight for the country for the first time. Leaving Tsinghua this time, Li Junlin's mood was quite different. He was excited to create good results and win glory for the country, but also worried that he would not perform well and live up to expectations. But no matter what, Li Junlin cherished the opportunity given to him by his motherland and secretly told himself that he must go all out.

The semi-finals of the men's 800-meter race were canceled due to the reduction in the number of people. The three shots were changed to two. Only by giving your best in the first shot can you get a ticket to the finals of this Asian Games.He felt very uneasy when he saw that the best scores of athletes from various countries in the order book were several seconds higher than Li Junlin's best score. You must know that in the competition of top 800-meter athletes, these few seconds are a gap of nearly 20 meters, which is difficult to overcome. But the coach told him not to think too much, just run at your own pace, and strive to create the best results under the leadership of high-level athletes. In the end, Li Junlin ranked ninth overall in the preliminaries, only 0.1 seconds behind eighth place, and missed the final. This result made Li Junlin happy and sad. He was happy that he improved his personal best time by more than one second. He was sad that he was the only member of the Chinese men's 800 meters in this Asian Games, but he failed to bring China Red to the finals. But this experience also allowed Li Junlin to see the gap between Chinese athletes and the international level in this event, which further inspired his fighting spirit to move forward and make continuous breakthroughs.

To the National Games 800-meter championship. He missed the final due to a slight difference of 0.1 seconds. Like many sports students, his idea at that time was to go to a good university and then find a good job after graduation. - DayDayNews

Li Junlin competed in the Asian Games

My university has no winter and summer vacations

In 2019, Li Junlin broke the 16-year-old national indoor 800-meter record in the first competition of the National Indoor Track and Field Championships Divisional Competition (4) . Later in the year, he represented the country in many international events, such as the Asian Championships, the China-Japan-Korea Competition, the IAAF World Challenge, the World University Games , etc., and repeatedly exceeded his personal best results. , won fifth place in the Asian Championships, and entered the World University Games finals.

After a busy season, there will often be a short adjustment period, and then training will resume immediately to prepare for the next stage of winter training. Therefore, Li Junlin has more time to stay on campus in the fall semester, attending classes every morning and training in the afternoon, experiencing a regular and fulfilling campus life. This year, due to the high frequency of participating in domestic and foreign competitions, he had very little time in campus life. Whenever he leaves Tsinghua, Li Junlin's heart is filled with a strong sense of mission and responsibility, hoping to better achieve the goal of amateurs catching up with professionals and interpreting the spirit of "no sports, no Tsinghua". Whenever he returns to the garden after the game, Li Junlin will feel a familiar and long-lost peace and joy in his heart, because this is his home, and it is his base camp where he once again strengthens his troops after a long journey and long battles on the battlefield.

There are no winter or summer vacations in Li Junlin's college life. Every summer vacation, he goes to Inner Mongolia for training, and during winter vacation, he goes to Yunnan for training. So far, he has spent seven Spring Festivals in foreign places. When other students were dragging their suitcases to leave school and go home during the holidays, Li Junlin had to drag their suitcases to train on the plateau; when other students were traveling on vacation, he ran intensive classes on a plateau at an altitude of 1,800 meters; While showing off his colorful life, he could only complete the training tasks lap after lap on the 400-meter playground. In the boring year after year, Li Junlin persisted by relying on his desire to constantly surpass himself. Li Junlin's parents never complained because he rarely came home. They gave them all support and encouragement. No matter how difficult or tiring the road was, they told Li Junlin that everything was worth it and he should be the best version of himself. However, throughout 2020, due to the impact of the epidemic, there was only one national championship, and it was impossible to participate in international competitions. Li Junlin lost the opportunity to further improve his best results during the prime time of his career. His form has been sluggish throughout the year. Even in this only game, he lost by 0.04 seconds and only finished second. This is the first time that Li Junlin has missed the championship in a major domestic event since his debut. Competitive sports are cruel, especially the middle-distance running event that does not attract much attention. The taste of defeat makes Li Junlin feel a little bitter. But this competition also allowed him to see clearly his weak areas and strengthened training to target his shortcomings.

To the National Games 800-meter championship. He missed the final due to a slight difference of 0.1 seconds. Like many sports students, his idea at that time was to go to a good university and then find a good job after graduation. - DayDayNews

After graduating with an undergraduate degree, I won the National Games championship

In 2021, the domestic epidemic was under control, and related sports events were carried out one after another. In some small events, Li Junlin began to continuously regain his absolute lead in the 800-meter event.In the 59th Capital University Games held at Tsinghua University in May, Li Junlin won two gold medals in the 800 meters and 1500 meters, and significantly refreshed the Capital University Games record with a time of 1 minute, 48 seconds and 23 seconds. This result is close to his personal With the best result, Li Junlin's confidence and enthusiasm have rebounded significantly. In the following period, Li Junlin went all out to prepare for the National Games qualifiers, while preparing for his graduation thesis and defense, which doubled his pressure.

The National Games held every four years is a dream stage for all sports people in the country, and the National Games qualifiers in June are also the only chance for many contestants to win tickets to the National Games, so everyone will go all out . Li Junlin's undergraduate graduation season has therefore become busy and simple. As soon as his graduation defense was over, he went to Chongqing to participate in the National Games qualifiers. However, due to the pressure of his previous graduation thesis, Li Junlin's special training was not systematic enough, and his competition status declined. In the end, he was narrowly qualified for the National Games.

There are gains and losses. While fully preparing for the National Games competitions and training, Li Junlin also quietly bid farewell to his undergraduate career: not only did he lose the opportunity to take photos with school teachers and classmates, he did not even have an undergraduate graduation ceremony. Can participate. When Li Junlin’s classmates choose to attend a job induction or graduate school opening ceremony to start a new stage of life, for him, between the end of undergraduate graduation and the starting point of graduate career, the most grand ceremony is the one that attracts the most attention. The 14th National Games. Since Li Junlin became a professional athlete and won the national championship in 2018, the National Games has become his dream. For this dream, Li Junlin has been repeating one thing over the past four years - running non-stop. The four years have passed unknowingly through self-discipline day after day and hard work year after year.

However, in the preliminaries, Li Junlin only finished third in the group and was in danger of advancing to the finals. This performance disappointed both himself and his coach. On the eve of the finals, the coach gave Li Junlin full psychological guidance and motivation, telling him that there was no problem in training. As long as he found the feeling of being invincible in the game, he would surely have the last laugh. The 800m is a traditional event of the Tsinghua middle-distance running team. In the past, under the leadership of the coach, senior brother Li Xiangyu won the 800m gold medal in two consecutive National Games, and Teng Haining once broke the national 800m record. These past glories of Tsinghua University made Li Junlin tell himself: "I can't lose, I want to continue to continue the glory of the team. Standing in the 800-meter final venue of the National Games, I am confident and high-spirited, and I am bound to win this battle. ."

After the shot was fired, Li Junlin rushed directly to the front of the 11 contestants. This is a tactic he rarely uses, and for this competition, the coach also made adjustments to his tactics. Sure enough, the coach's idea played a very important role. When had 300 meters left, an opponent took the lead. Li Junlin followed closely and broke away from the group. When he entered the last 100 meters of the straight, he gritted his teeth and sprinted hard, feeling peaceful in his heart. The limbs were highly tense, not daring to relax at all, and took the lead in "jumping" across the finish line. The scene of winning the National Games has been simulated in Li Junlin's mind many times. Years of hard work finally turned this scene into reality. At this moment, his pressure was finally released. Li Junlin told himself "I did it!" This is a Tsinghua student. Won three consecutive National Games 800m championships. Li Junlin also proved once again that Tsinghua's team has maintained the highest level of 800 meters in China in the past 20 years.

To the National Games 800-meter championship. He missed the final due to a slight difference of 0.1 seconds. Like many sports students, his idea at that time was to go to a good university and then find a good job after graduation. - DayDayNews

Li Junlin won the 800m gold medal in the National Games

Returning to Tsinghua University again, Li Junlin is already a master of physical education and continues to work hard for higher goals. At the same time, he is also actively involved in mass sports, serving as a horse coach in multiple departments, passing on professional sports knowledge and skills to students, and leading everyone to contact and understand sports more efficiently.

As an athlete, their greatest desire is to perform and show themselves in the competition field and to continuously improve their competitive level. This year’s Omicron wave of epidemics once again caused all domestic and international competitions in 2022 to be suspended and postponed. There is no chance to participate now, and whether there will be competitions in the future is always unknown. can only perform boring training every day. In this case, strong willpower is really needed.

But Li Junlin has already thought about it: Even if the road ahead is full of unknowns, he must be prepared now. When the epidemic is over, I hope I will still have the opportunity to put on the national uniform and achieve dazzling results!

Li Junlin , Tsinghua University Undergraduate student of the School of Economics and Management in 2016, Master of Physical Education in Tsinghua University in 2021, won the title of national athlete in 2018, and won the men's 800m championship in the 14th National Games.

Source | Tsinghua Career Counseling

Typesetting Editor | Yang Tianshu

To the National Games 800-meter championship. He missed the final due to a slight difference of 0.1 seconds. Like many sports students, his idea at that time was to go to a good university and then find a good job after graduation. - DayDayNews





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To the National Games 800-meter championship. He missed the final due to a slight difference of 0.1 seconds. Like many sports students, his idea at that time was to go to a good university and then find a good job after graduation. - DayDayNewsTo the National Games 800-meter championship. He missed the final due to a slight difference of 0.1 seconds. Like many sports students, his idea at that time was to go to a good university and then find a good job after graduation. - DayDayNews

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To the National Games 800-meter championship. He missed the final due to a slight difference of 0.1 seconds. Like many sports students, his idea at that time was to go to a good university and then find a good job after graduation. - DayDayNews

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