A total of 53 suspects were arrested in this case, 2 cars, more than 200 mobile phones, and a large number of "two cards" were seized, more than 1 million yuan of funds were frozen, 11 fraud dens were destroyed, and more than 150 cases were involved, with an amount of more than 1

2024/06/1700:03:33 hotcomm 1992

Captured 53 suspects and destroyed 11 fraud dens

The Lizhou District Branch of the Guangyuan City Public Security Bureau in Sichuan Province successfully cracked the "5.02" large series of telecommunications fraud cases

On July 3, two buses traveling day and night arrived in Guangyuan, Sichuan Province At the exit of the East Expressway, the "5.02" extremely large series of telecom fraud case task force of the Lizhou District Branch of the Guangyuan Municipal Public Security Bureau captured multiple suspects suspected of telecom fraud in Fujian, Hainan and other places and were successfully escorted back to Guangzhou.

The Guangyuan Municipal Public Security Bureau and Lizhou District Public Security Bureau held a simple but grand welcome ceremony at the exit of the expressway.

A total of 53 suspects were arrested in this case, 2 cars, more than 200 mobile phones, and a large number of A total of 53 suspects were arrested in this case, 2 cars, more than 200 mobile phones, and a large number of

At this point, the "5.02" extremely large series of telecommunications fraud cases have been successfully solved. A total of 53 suspects were arrested in this case, 2 cars, more than 200 mobile phones, and a large number of "two cards" were seized, more than 1 million yuan of funds were frozen, 11 fraud dens were destroyed, and more than 150 cases were involved, with an amount of more than 13 million yuan. The entire chain has eliminated a criminal group entrenched in my country that committed "pig-killing plate" telecommunications network fraud.

Follow the lead - the fraud gang surfaced

On the afternoon of May 2 this year, the Lizhou District Public Security Bureau received a call from Peng Moumou, a member of the area, saying that he met a man named Peng Moumou through a marriage APP on April 25, 2022. The man of "Wang Yu", "Wang Yu" asked Peng to download the "Bat" software to facilitate chatting, and often greeted Peng with greetings and expressed his intention to pursue Peng. The long-lost warmth made Peng very excited.

In the chat, "Wang Yu" claimed to work at the Agricultural Bank of Xindu District, Chengdu. He told Peng that he had an acquaintance who knew inside information about the rise and fall of gold, and induced Peng to invest and buy gold on a website to make money. Peng Moumou, who was in a daze, believed in the words of "Wang Yu". Peng Moumou followed the guidance of "Wang Yu" and tried several investments, all of which made considerable profits and successfully withdrew cash. Overjoyed, Peng Moumou increased his investment and successively transferred a total of 140,000 yuan to the bank account provided by the website's customer service to purchase gold.

However, a few days later, Peng found that the website kept showing "system maintenance" and that the balance in his account on the website could not be withdrawn. The anxious Peng tried to contact "Wang Yu", but found that "Wang Yu" had already After disappearing without a trace, Peng Moumou woke up from a dream and quickly called the police.

A total of 53 suspects were arrested in this case, 2 cars, more than 200 mobile phones, and a large number of

Fraud website screenshot

After receiving the alarm, the Lizhou District Public Security Bureau attached great importance to it. Focusing on the "Cloud Sword 2022" special operation, it established the "5.02" special series of telecommunications fraud case task force and mobilized many capable police officers from the branch to participate in the battle. The task force organized the police to investigate from the investment website.

After preliminary research and judgment, a huge "pig-killing plate" telecommunications fraud criminal group gradually surfaced.

Uncovering the Organizational Structure of the Fraud Gang After the investigation of the case

entered a new stage, the police on the task force overcame various difficulties and conducted comprehensive analysis and judgment on a large number of clues and data day and night, and screened out one piece of information from tens of thousands of pieces of information. Important clues identified the identity of the leader and several key members of the criminal gang. The police found that the suspects were located in Putian City, Fujian Province, Quanzhou City, Wenchang City, Hainan Province and other places. The

A total of 53 suspects were arrested in this case, 2 cars, more than 200 mobile phones, and a large number of A total of 53 suspects were arrested in this case, 2 cars, more than 200 mobile phones, and a large number of

task force immediately sent investigators to the local area overnight to carry out investigation and investigation work. They quickly found out the organizational structure, division of labor and specific locations of the fraud gang, and successfully identified Yang Moumou and other criminal suspects. The time was ripe to close the network.

struck hard - centralized network closure to achieve a full-chain crackdown on

In the early morning of June 30, the leaders of the task force made careful arrangements, and multiple arrest teams attacked at the same time, successfully arresting 53 criminal suspects, including the gang leader Yang Moumou. , 2 cars, more than 200 mobile phones, and a large number of "two cards" were seized, more than 1 million yuan of funds were frozen, and 11 fraud dens were destroyed.

A total of 53 suspects were arrested in this case, 2 cars, more than 200 mobile phones, and a large number of

Through a surprise interrogation, the criminal suspect Yang confessed that since 2022, he had recruited and instructed a number of social workers to establish a "love relationship" with the victim through online dating. After gaining the victim's trust, he induced the victim to Invest in gold on a fraudulent website established by his organization. After the victim invests, Yang arranges for someone to artificially control the rise, fall, profit and loss of gold from the backend of the website, luring the victim to make additional large investments step by step until he finally loses all his money. . And when the victim wants to withdraw money midway, the platform will refuse it for various reasons. By the time the victim found out that he had been deceived, the victim's funds had already been divided up by the suspects...

Under the powerful interrogation offensive of the task force, 53 criminal suspects were defeated one by one, and they all truthfully confessed the facts of their crimes.

A total of 53 suspects were arrested in this case, 2 cars, more than 200 mobile phones, and a large number of

Fighting for the people, glorious triumph

The "5.02" large-scale telecom fraud case task force of the Lizhou District Branch of the Guangyuan City Public Security Bureau in Sichuan Province fought fiercely for more than a month and successfully arrested including the behind-the-scenes financial backers, gang backbones, backend customer service, and network maintenance There are 53 criminal suspects in various aspects of , domain name sales, "card dealers" and other frauds, of which 37 are under criminal detention and 316 are on bail pending trial. At this point, this "pig-killing plate" telecom fraud criminal group entrenched in the country, with a clear division of labor and extremely harmful, has been completely destroyed by the entire chain, dealing a heavy blow to the arrogance of fraud criminals.

A total of 53 suspects were arrested in this case, 2 cars, more than 200 mobile phones, and a large number of A total of 53 suspects were arrested in this case, 2 cars, more than 200 mobile phones, and a large number of

Source: Sichuan Changan Network

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