Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀ Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, officially announced this week that they will cooperate with South Korea's SBS TV station to launch the e-sports show "LoL the Next 2021". Riot Games and LCK official , hoping to use the form of variety

2024/06/1622:17:33 hotcomm 1264

Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀

Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, officially announced this week that they will cooperate with South Korea's SBS TV station to launch the e-sports show "LoL the Next 2021".

Riot Games and LCK officials hope to tap more new generation players in the LCK region through variety shows and find potential newcomers like Faker.

If you usually pay attention to the news in the LCK region, you should know that a similar program was held last year. , "LoL the Next 2020" is an attempt before the LCK league enters the league.

LCK officials invited the former SKT team's auxiliary player Wolf, the former top laner Marin, and the former KT team's first season program last summer. Mid laner PawN and former bottom laner PraY serve as mentors for the program.

Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀ Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, officially announced this week that they will cooperate with South Korea's SBS TV station to launch the e-sports show

They compete in pairs, audition and screen players through multiple episodes of the program, and teach game knowledge and tactical routines for each position. This variety show

It is worth mentioning that the current T1 team jungler Oner, substitute top laner Zesu, and GEN team substitute top laner Burdol all participated in this program last year. , "LoL the Next" does not have many restrictions, no matter you are a rookie player, retired player or amateur player, you can sign up to participate.

The last "LoL the Next" was recorded at the LCK venue LOL PARK, and the program production team It is the LCK broadcast team. With the addition of SBS TV station, which is good at producing entertainment programs, the broadcast quality and program effect of "LoL the Next" in the second season should be significantly improved compared to last year. The modification, registration and audition stages have long ended. This program attracted about 800 players over the age of 12 who have never participated in any professional League of Legends competition. 100 of them advanced to the main stage.

Therefore, this year’s competition. More rookie players will appear in "LoL the Next", and they will show fierce competition on the stage.

Players will then be divided into different teams to compete, and the five winning players will receive a bonus of 100 million won. , and will also receive special coaching courses and training subsidies from the coaching team.

The LCK team will also pay attention to the development of this variety show. If there are good prospects, they will naturally sign them as trainees. The current LCK league's secondary league system is doing very well. OK.

Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀ Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, officially announced this week that they will cooperate with South Korea's SBS TV station to launch the e-sports show

It’s unclear who the guests will be in “LoL the Next” this time. The hosts are FTISLAND’s Lee Hong-ki, Weki Meki and SBS broadcast host Lee In-kwon who love League of Legends.

In addition, well-known e-sports hosts Quan Yongjun, CloudTemplar Lee Hyun-woo, GGoGGo Go Soo-jin and other commentators will also participate in the program, providing exciting game broadcasts for League of Legends fans. This season's program will be broadcast for the first time on November 14 at 13:15 pm, and one episode is expected to be updated every Sunday.

The person in charge of the LCK League said, "As a top global event, the LCK League attracts more than 4 million viewers every day. I hope that newcomers can have a stage to express themselves, and I also hope that "LoL the Next" can become more "It is a channel for people to understand the charm of League of Legends and e-sports." The producer of

SBS TV station said, "With e-sports being selected as an official event at the Hangzhou Asian Games, people are becoming more and more interested in e-sports. We are growing. We will do our best to create a show that can resonate with Millennials. We will create a new way of e-sports entertainment, showcasing the talents of professional players while puncturing real stories."

Author: NGA-♀りAsakawa Rui (♀ Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, officially announced this week that they will cooperate with South Korea's SBS TV station to launch the e-sports show

If nothing unexpected happens, "LoL the Next" will It will be broadcast through two channels: live online and live TV. This will be the first e-sports show broadcast on a TV station in South Korea, and the ratings should be higher than last year. After the general live broadcast of

, the LCK official channel will upload the game video. Domestic viewers who are interested can also watch it in advance. Let us wait and see whether some new Korean geniuses will appear in this competition.

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