From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners.

2024/06/1619:11:34 hotcomm 1606

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies were unable to sustain themselves and closed down, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. The home decoration industry has once again been pushed to the forefront, and it has also sounded the alarm to many owners who are about to decorate, making their choices more prudent.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

With the advent of the Internet+ era, every company wants to enjoy the dividends of the Internet+ boom and quickly adopt various methods, hoping to complete a gorgeous transformation in a short period of time and give the company a head start in development. The wish is good, but the reality is extremely cruel. Whether it is a good intention (hoping for the company to develop) or a bad intention from the beginning (to make quick money), many decoration companies blindly join the melee without a scientific operating model. It's like drinking poison to quench thirst. It's hard to escape the fate of layoffs, store closures, or even bankruptcy or absconding.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

(Xingjie Design Team discusses the design plan)

The changes in the era call for an industry reshuffle, but standardization takes a long time. So in the existing complex market environment and the unpredictable changes of the times, decoration Especially for owners of high-end decoration, how can they keep their eyes open during the long and complicated decoration process so that every penny is spent well instead of wasting money?

Today, Xingbao will use its 18 years of experience in the industry to tell you: How to have a "safe, worry-free and money-saving" decoration experience?

1. Don’t be dazzled by the dazzling publicity!

Decoration is a traditional industry after all. It is the most typical O2O industry and offline is more important than online. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is completely "human work". In this extensive labor-intensive type of work, everyone Nodes, every process, and every operation are closely related to workers.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

(Protective Measures for Villa Construction Sites)

So let’s save money. Article 1 : Look at the essence through the phenomenon. No matter how good it is, or how much propaganda it is, it is not as good as reading the reviews, visiting the construction site, and looking at the company’s standards and regulations in person. Professionalism of personnel.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

This requires our owners, especially the owners of villas and mansions, to never take chances when choosing a decoration company - every company has good workers. Before making a decision, you must comprehensively evaluate the company's strength, especially the voices of past old customers. These can not only help you choose the right decoration company, but can even help you find the most compatible designers and construction teams.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

Of course, decoration companies like Xingjie with very high praise rates are not the only ones. To choose again among companies with good reputations, you need to conduct a comprehensive evaluation based on the company's construction site, workers, service system, etc., but you can win You can basically choose a company with excellent reputation. I believe they will decorate your house well and respect your wallet.

2. It is an irrefutable truth that you get what you pay for.

Owners who have bought a house all know that from the time they get the house, their mobile phones have not stopped. There are a lot of marketing that are really too attractive and not very rational. It's easy to fall into the trap. Therefore, before renovating, you must understand that "pie in the sky will never fall". A company without profits cannot survive. Even if it does not collapse now, there will always be a minefield.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

(Designers select soft furnishings for customers)

Especially for owners of villas and mansions, many decoration companies will do anything to attract customers. will even promise "free design". At this time, you must be vigilant: How can a company that doesn't respect professionalism or knowledge respect your "home"? Paying for professionalism is the most basic professional rule. Paying for a good design is a must for customers, decoration companies, and designers.

Of course, saying this does not mean that everyone should ignore budget and quotation. No matter what kind of decoration company you choose, you must not be careless about the budget. You must be well aware of it. You must believe that designers who are good enough will produce the best results within your budget if your budget is reasonable.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

Generally speaking, the budgets of many decoration companies only include basic decoration and main materials. However, there are also high-end companies such as Xingjie International Design that do full-scale decoration. The budget will include equipment, soft furnishings, etc., so that the total amount can be calculated. It is said that it will be much higher, but if you check it carefully, most of them will save money and worry than the owner purchasing it alone.

The omission of items during decoration is also a trick played by many irregular companies. They either undercount or omit materials, or undercount the amount of work, which makes you look much cheaper on the surface. Once the project starts, they will Calculate it little by little, and regret it after pretending half the time.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

To make every penny well spent, you must pay attention to these quotation traps listed by Xingbao and avoid them before signing the contract.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

3. Repeated changes in plans are the most wasteful

Decoration is definitely one of the most time-consuming, labor-intensive and money-consuming projects in household consumption. It is also a decisive factor in whether your life will be comfortable or not in the future, so we pay special attention to it. We all want to strive for perfection and hope that every dream can be realized.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

(furniture entry)

This feeling is completely understandable. If you have a complete idea during the planning process, it is completely achievable. The most fearful thing is that the decoration is already in progress, but your ideas change again and again. , This will not only lead to the inability to guarantee the construction period, but also the completed project may have to be reworked. Not only will it not get better, it may also get worse.

To prevent this situation from happening, owners and friends must have a definite idea before decorating. If you have decoration experience and are very clear about the effect you want, then you must fully communicate with the designer, let them understand every one of your ideas, and evaluate whether it can be realized? How much does it cost to implement?

If you only have a vague concept, then you need to fully communicate with the designer, trust their professionalism, be as accurate as possible when expressing your ideas, confirm them in place when confirming the renderings, and implement the details of every idea . During the more than ten years that Xingbao has been working in Xingjie International Design, we often encounter situations where owners think that multiple communications are too troublesome. If they have this idea, it will be almost impossible to meet subsequent needs.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

(Quality Inspection Team Completion Acceptance)

For a truly pleasant and effective decoration, the owner, designer and construction team must reach a high degree of agreement. Designers must be good at listening to the real needs of owners, so that the plan can fully adapt to the owner's family situation, and be as functional and efficient as possible based on a reasonable layout to create value for customers. As owners who are not professional enough, they must try their best to listen to the designers' opinions on professional issues. If they have any questions, they must be raised in time to ensure that they are resolved before the start of construction.

4. Professional advice is a great way to save money

High-end owners who have entered the new consumption era have increasingly understood the importance of all-inclusive services. Almost all the main materials for basic decoration are left to decoration companies, but there are still some Some owners are still not able to fully adapt to the decoration mode of furnishing the entire house and moving in with your bags.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

(Complete delivery)

Especially when it comes to the configuration of soft furnishings, many owners will choose to choose it themselves or let designers recommend it. Little do they know that soft furnishings are also an extremely important part of the design, which will not only greatly affect the overall budget, but also greatly affect the overall budget. Later effects. "A slight difference can make a difference", maybe just a change in sofa style will affect the overall effect and feeling of your stay.

It is a woman’s nature to like shopping and shopping, but when it comes to buying materials and furniture, unless you are also in the industry, it is easy to go astray when buying by yourself, because the overall style of a home is more important. For example, Xingjie's decoration butlers are very familiar with the brands, materials, advantages, disadvantages, prices, etc. of materials on the market. Having them accompany you in selecting materials will not only save time and energy, but also a lot of real money.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

If you still like to buy and buy by yourself, then I also suggest that you must complete the basic selection before starting work, so that the renderings can be truly restored.Of course, to achieve this is a test for the decoration company. For example, Xingjie International Design's precision laying out can restore the decoration effect before starting work, which not only guarantees the construction period, but also allows you to avoid later rework and waste caused by inappropriate materials and furniture. However, there are not many decoration companies that actually use this highly technical process on a large scale, so you need to choose carefully.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

In short, in order to make every penny spent on decoration work wisely and ensure the effect, you must remember the wise saying: Nothing is difficult in the world, only those who are willing to do so. Listen more, see more, communicate more.


Stop at the most beautiful. More than beauty

Stop at the most beautiful spirit of excellence.

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’s unremitting efforts in 2018,

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to give you star-like glory and classics.

From 2017 to the first half of 2018, many online and low-price package home improvement companies closed down due to unsustainability, including many large and well-known platforms and companies, which caused very heavy losses to many owners. - DayDayNews

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