Recently, Actelion, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson's Janssen Pharmaceutical Company, announced that Bosentan dispersible tablets (Quancoli®) (specification: 32 mg) has been approved by the National Medical Products Administration for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hyperte

2024/06/1608:03:33 hotcomm 1156

Recently, Actelion, a Janssen Pharmaceutical Company of Johnson & Johnson , announced that Bosentan dispersible tablets (Quankeli®) (specification: 32 mg) has been approved by the National Medical Products Administration for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children. Bosentan dispersible tablets (Quankeli®) thus became the first domestically approved drug for children with pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Recently, Actelion, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson's Janssen Pharmaceutical Company, announced that Bosentan dispersible tablets (Quancoli®) (specification: 32 mg) has been approved by the National Medical Products Administration for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hyperte - DayDayNews

Pulmonary hypertension is a chronic, life-threatening disease in which pulmonary artery pressure will significantly increase, leading to right heart failure and severe loss of exercise tolerance. In severe cases, the patient may die. Because the prognosis is similar to that of some cancers, some people call it "the cancer of cardiovascular disease."

It is reported that Actelon is currently making every effort to accelerate the introduction of this treatment plan to serve Chinese patients as soon as possible.

In June 2017, Actelon joined Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. Its pulmonary hypertension treatment products cover the entire disease process from WHO functional classification II to IV. According to the official website of Xi'an Janssen , currently, Xi'an Janssen has included pulmonary hypertension as a key treatment area.

Source of this article:

Xi'an Janssen official website 2019-09-10 "Bosentan dispersible tablets (Quankeli®) approved in China for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension in children"

(Editor in charge: Zheng Xinxin)

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