In the summer of 1975, after a heavy rain, an old man was rushing home along Gele Mountain as usual, when he suddenly noticed something unusual in the grass. When he took a closer look, he couldn't help but take a breath! It turned out that after being washed away by the heavy ra

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In the summer of 1975, after a heavy rain, an old man was rushing home along Gele Mountain as usual. Suddenly he found something unusual in the grass. When he took a closer look, he couldn't help but take a breath!

It turned out that after the heavy rain washed away, a female corpse with decayed bones was gradually exposed. The rusty handcuffs on the wrists of the female corpse gave off a cold light, and huge fear and confusion also lingered in the old man's heart.

Who is this female corpse? Why did a female corpse appear out of thin air in this wilderness far away from the village and nowhere near the store?

He did not dare to be careless, so he hurriedly told the news to his children who came to look for him. Soon, the county government sent someone to verify the origin of the body, and only then did a mystery from 26 years ago be revealed.

It turns out that this unknown female corpse is the martyr Wu Ming in Zhazidong, in Chongqing, and was deeply valued by Mr. Zhu. In addition, she also has a more prominent identity, that is, Yang Hanxiu, the niece of the Kuomintang warlord Yang Sen.

In the summer of 1975, after a heavy rain, an old man was rushing home along Gele Mountain as usual, when he suddenly noticed something unusual in the grass. When he took a closer look, he couldn't help but take a breath! It turned out that after being washed away by the heavy ra - DayDayNews

Why were former martyrs and wealthy daughters brutally killed and their bodies exposed in the wilderness? What really happened 26 years ago?

The daughter of a wealthy family received enlightenment with revolutionary ideas

In 1912, in the landlord's manor "Yang's Zelu" in Guang'an County, Sichuan, a baby girl was born. Her father was the younger brother of Yang Sen, a famous warlord in central Sichuan at that time. He held an important position in the military at that time, and the Yang family was a prominent family in the local area. Therefore, everyone paid great attention to the birth of the "eldest lady".

Yang Hanxiu grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth and was exposed to the most advanced education since he was a child. One of her first teachers was Zhu De who had returned from the Soviet Union. At that time, waves of democratic revolution were setting off in the country, and the Beiyang warlords were fighting against each other. Zhu De was ordered to contact Yang Sen with the purpose of persuading Yang Sen to establish a united front and save the country.

After just a few meetings, Yang Hanxiu was deeply impressed by "Uncle Zhu" and gained a comprehensive understanding of the critical international and domestic situation. At a young age, she understood that the important responsibilities of the country lay on her shoulders, and that she must join the revolution and liberate the people in order to achieve independence, prosperity and strength. I'm afraid Zhu De himself didn't expect that his words back then would unintentionally change this little girl's life.

After the end of the National War, the Yang family returned to a peaceful life, Yang Hanxiu was no longer willing to be a "rich lady". Her once blocked brain accepted the new ideas, and her body, which was imprisoned by feudal shackles, was now eager to She longed for independence and escape, so she began to plan the first step to resolutely withdraw from the arranged marriage arranged by her family.

This shocked the Yang family, but it could not stop Yang Hanxiu's choice and decision. In the end, she not only successfully broke off the engagement, but also achieved free love and marriage, and married Zhao Zhihe, a primary school teacher from a poor family. In this battle, she faced off against her own warlord family for the first time and won a great victory.

In the summer of 1975, after a heavy rain, an old man was rushing home along Gele Mountain as usual, when he suddenly noticed something unusual in the grass. When he took a closer look, he couldn't help but take a breath! It turned out that after being washed away by the heavy ra - DayDayNews

After getting married, she and her husband had the same heart and cherished each other, and they were both deeply worried about the future and destiny of the country. So, when he came to Shanghai, he came into contact with countless lofty ideals and patriotic young people, and received a comprehensive ideological baptism. At this time, Yang Hanxiu did not know that he would become a qualified Communist Party member in the future.

Determined to join the revolution, he did not hesitate to sever ties with his family.

In the third year after the marriage, her husband died of illness, leaving behind a pair of children waiting to be fed. Yang Hanxiu had to return to his hometown Qu County. July 7th of this year was the "July 7th Incident" that shocked China and foreign countries. Japan launched a full-scale war of aggression against China. Because the Kuomintang army adopted a policy of non-resistance, the Yan'an Revolutionary Base became a bright light for domestic patriots at that time.

This is especially true for Yang Hanxiu. Once, she read a newspaper and learned that "Uncle Zhu" was appointed commander-in-chief of the Eighth Route Army and led the troops to fight behind enemy lines. A strong impulse arose in her heart. She wanted to go to Yan'an to find "Uncle Zhu"!

This is the second break between Yang Hanxiu and his family, but it is much more severe than the first time . Regardless of her family's firm opposition, she resolutely embarked on the road to defect to Yan'an.However, this journey is full of unimaginable difficulties.

In Baoji, she was chased by a group of Kuomintang troops and had to change her route to Shanxi. When she crossed the Yellow River, she fell into the hands of Kuomintang general Pang Bingxun. The witty Yang Hanxiu was eloquent and used the style of "Miss Yang" to deceive her. Survived. In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg. More dangers and suspicions have been averted by Yang Hanxiu's intelligence.

Finally, in the winter of 1940, Yang Hanxiu successfully arrived at Qixianzhuang, the Eighth Route Army Office in Xi'an, and met "Uncle Zhu" after more than ten years of absence.

She was so excited that she immediately told "Uncle Zhu":

"I am determined to be a rebel from a warlord and landlord family. I must resolutely and completely transform myself, including my name and surname. I will follow the Communist revolution to the end and remain nameless." It's definitely not Yang."

In the summer of 1975, after a heavy rain, an old man was rushing home along Gele Mountain as usual, when he suddenly noticed something unusual in the grass. When he took a closer look, he couldn't help but take a breath! It turned out that after being washed away by the heavy ra - DayDayNews

Zhu De agreed to her request and suggested that she change her name to "Wu Ming", which was in line with her original intention of being "nameless". From then on, the world lost a warlord daughter named Yang Hanxiu, and gained a heroic revolutionary warrior named "Wu Ming". The name

was used until Yang Hanxiu's death. Even many years later, Long Qian, who went to Zhazi Cave to pay homage to his fallen comrades, specifically inquired about this Comrade "Wu Ming". After the search was fruitless, he composed a poem "In Memory of Martyr Wu Ming". :

"... How can you be a prisoner of Chu in the Zhazi Cave and bow your head for torture? A powerful and powerful woman cannot be subjugated, and the devil's tricks will stop you. There is no need to fear death in life. The red-blooded and loyal heart will always be here. If one person dies, thousands will follow, and the whole world will be affected. Victory is just around the corner. China’s daughters are the most affectionate and affectionate for the people. I think there are examples of martyrs, and their literary talents are still alive today."

On her side, Yang Hanxiu began to join the revolution under the name "Wu Ming", and she participated in the rectification movement. , large-scale production movement, etc., she has been unanimously recognized and loved by the revolutionary comrades in the base area. She no longer regards her origin as a grudge and sincerely accepts her as a member of the revolutionary warriors. Yang Hanxiu himself is also constantly learning revolutionary knowledge and striving to join the Chinese Communist Party Communist Party.

Successfully joined the party, but was arrested three times and imprisoned three times

In 1942, Yang Hanxiu's long-standing party membership issue was finally resolved. When she finally stood under the party flag and took the oath, tears of excitement flowed down. Her privileged background brought her endless suspicion. Why a rich girl wants to engage in revolution is the question she is asked most often, and now she can finally answer them straightly: I am a Communist Party member.

At the same time, Yang Hanxiu also received a new task secretly dispatched by the party organization: to go to Sichuan to carry out an armed struggle against Chiang Kai-shek.

Yang Hanxiu immediately flew back to Chongqing. Unexpectedly, Sichuan spies got the news early in the morning, and Yang Hanxiu was closely supervised as soon as he got off the plane. Seeing that the task could not be completed, she was anxious, but she always remained calm. In the name of "Ms. Yang", she entertained guests, visited relatives and friends, contacted local revolutionaries, and helped deliver secret messages.

And her activities soon aroused the vigilance of the local Kuomintang . In 1947, spies broke into Yang Hanxiu's home and arrested her and imprisoned her. Facing the crying child who couldn't bear to be separated from her, Yang Hanxiu warned with tears:

"Mom is not afraid of death, so don't be afraid either! Whether mom comes back or not, she may die. Even if I am killed, someone will take care of you brothers and sisters." You must be stronger and become a brave young man, a progressive young man, and avenge his mother when he grows up!"

In the summer of 1975, after a heavy rain, an old man was rushing home along Gele Mountain as usual, when he suddenly noticed something unusual in the grass. When he took a closer look, he couldn't help but take a breath! It turned out that after being washed away by the heavy ra - DayDayNews

With the help of many people, Yang Hanxiu was released from prison safely. This thrilling experience did not dissuade her from thinking, but instead strengthened her revolutionary fighting spirit. As soon as she was released from prison, she worked hard to raise funds and guns for the underground organization's activities, and often left money from her private treasury to fund the construction of the underground party.

During this period, the underground party in Sichuan flourished, which was not unrelated to Yang Hanxiu's work. However, due to a spy report, Yang Hanxiu was arrested and imprisoned again in 1948. This time, she was sent to Zhazidong in Chongqing.

In the eyes of Chongqing people, Zhazidong is a place where people eat people without spitting out their bones, pepper water, tiger benches... The famous novel " Hongyan" tells the story of Sister Jiang and other revolutionary martyrs in Zhazidong. Facing this hell on earth in front of her, Yang Hanxiu was not afraid. Just like when she broke up with her family at the beginning, she had already prepared to regard death as home.

In Zhazi Cave, the spies were a little wary because of Yang Hanxiu's special identity. Yang Hanxiu used this opportunity to contact the inmates in prison, singing red songs and asking for medicine. She always put the needs of the inmates first. And he is active in Zhazidong, encouraging everyone to keep fighting and not give up. In January 1949, the whole country was in jubilation, and the revolutionary struggle was about to win.

Yang Hanxiu came forward to negotiate with the warden and requested to hold a New Year's party. In the dark and humid environment of Zhazidong, the victims finally gathered together to watch and perform a party, which also conveyed the hope of life in everyone's heart.

html In April, under the bail of his uncle, Yang Hanxiu walked out of Zhazi Cave, but was transferred to Chongqing Qingmin Hospital for "recuperation" in name, but in reality "monitoring." Even so, Yang Hanxiu did not give up lobbying his uncle Yang Sen, which made Yang Sen burst into rage and walked away, completely breaking up with his niece.

In the summer of 1975, after a heavy rain, an old man was rushing home along Gele Mountain as usual, when he suddenly noticed something unusual in the grass. When he took a closer look, he couldn't help but take a breath! It turned out that after being washed away by the heavy ra - DayDayNews

Despite the risk of death, he refused to change his wish, and finally sacrificed a heroic sacrifice.

When the National Revolutionary War was in full swing, Yang Sen was stretched thin, and Yang Hanxiu took this opportunity to secretly return to Guang'an. She could have lived in a corner and enjoyed the fruits of the victory of the revolution. , but the woman who refused to stop fighting took to the streets again.

This time, she pointed the finger at her biological uncle, Yang Sen. Yang Hanxiu sneered at Yang Sen's use of the "92 Fire" incident in Chongqing to deliberately discredit the Communists and shake the hearts and minds of the people in Chongqing. She shouted loudly, calling on the people to see the truth clearly and not to be deceived by Yang Sen. She pointed out that the initiator behind all this was Yang Sen.

At this time, Yang Sen no longer had family affection in his heart, and he viciously ordered to arrest Yang Hanxiu again.

And Yang Hanxiu also understood that her death was in danger, and when she was about to die, she was not afraid at all and went to die with courage. Under the noose of the secret agents, Communist Yang Hanxiu died heroically at the age of 39. From then on, there was no more Han beauty in Gele Mountain, and there was an unknown loyal person in the vast grass. It took nearly thirty years for her to re-enter people's field of vision.

After research by many scholars, the fact that Yang Hanxiu was the martyr Wu Ming was finally recognized. In today's Gelesan Martyrs Cemetery , Yang Hanxiu's tombstone stands. During the Qingming Festival, people who come to worship always stop here and silently admire the heroic deeds of this heroine.

In the summer of 1975, after a heavy rain, an old man was rushing home along Gele Mountain as usual, when he suddenly noticed something unusual in the grass. When he took a closer look, he couldn't help but take a breath! It turned out that after being washed away by the heavy ra - DayDayNews

Although Yang Hanxiu was born in a wealthy family, Yang Hanxiu resolutely devoted himself to the communist revolutionary struggle as a "family rebel". The most distinctive background of her life is that she hates evil and cares about everyone. She no longer represents The warlord’s eldest daughter is a small microcosm of the thousands of heroic sons and daughters in Sichuan striving for national liberation and independence.

"The noble lady of the Wang clan has a hatred and hatred, and she is quiet and unconventional. She swears to end her family name for the revolution, and her nameless name will remain in the dark." When people sing this song, for Yang Hanxiu himself, "nameless" is The choice she least regrets is . Although she is "unknown", the career she has devoted herself to is one of the greatest paths in the world.

Today, we live in a new China without war or gunpowder smoke. The rapid development of science and technology, culture and economy is a future that Yang Hanxiu and others never dared to imagine. For us, being born here should feel extremely lucky and incomparable. Glory. And those "Yang Hanxiu" who sacrificed their lives for the realization of modern China are monuments in the sands of history.

Although the hero is "unknown", this struggle for the liberation of the Chinese nation has long been remembered by history.

Author: Jiezi Xumi

Topic selection: Kaka

Editor: Yayu

Typesetting: Mu Xi

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