On October 1, 1949, during the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower: "The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China has been established!" Today, 2019 means that China has celebrated i

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On October 1, 1949, during the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower: "The Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China has been established!" Today, 2019 means that China has celebrated its 70th anniversary.

As the motherland becomes stronger and stronger, our country's higher education is getting better and better and thriving. So today we will take stock of the top universities established after the founding of New China. They have also grown and grown with the motherland. What are these colleges and universities?

1. University of Science and Technology of China

On October 1, 1949, during the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower:

Pictures come from the Internet

was founded in Beijing in September 1958. The first president was concurrently served by Guo Moruo. Its establishment has been called "a major event in the history of education and science in our country." In the second year after its establishment, it was listed as a national key university.

In early 1970, the school moved to Hefei City, Anhui Province and started its second business.

Difficulty of applying: ★★★★★

The annual admissions ranking of HKUST is within 400 in the province. Such score requirements are still very high. It is really difficult to pass the exam if you are not a top student. However, when HKUST recruits students in advance batches (such as Anhui), the ranking will be slightly lower, around 600 in the province. Therefore, outstanding science students should not only pay attention to HKUST’s undergraduate admissions, but also pay attention to early approval. Of course, you can apply for whatever you want at the God of Study level.

Recommendation Index: ★★★★★

The Junior College of HKUST is known as the “cradle of genius” and is highly praised by outstanding students from all walks of life. The annual study abroad rate of HKUST is one of the best among universities in the country. After undergraduates enter the society after graduation, major companies will basically compete for offers. What reason is there not to love such a top institution?

2.Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

On October 1, 1949, during the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower:

The picture comes from the Internet

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics was founded in 1952. It was the first aerospace science and technology institute in New China formed by the merger of the aviation departments of eight universities including Tsinghua University. University.

Difficulty of application: ★★★★☆

In recent years, Beihang’s admission scores have been getting higher and higher, and its admission rankings have become higher and higher. People are becoming more and more enthusiastic about applying for Beihang, so the score requirements are also relatively high. High. In 2019, Anhui’s science rankings in the province were 872 and liberal arts rankings were 451.

Recommendation index: ★★★★★

Beihang University’s dominant disciplines are computers, software, aerospace engineering, materials, mechanics, instrumentation and control science. Science candidates who are interested in these engineering directions and have adequate scores can give priority consideration.

3. Xi'an Jiaotong University

On October 1, 1949, during the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower:

The picture comes from the Internet

In 1956, the State Council decided to move Jiaotong University to Xi'an and became the Xi'an part of Jiaotong University. In 1959, it was named Xi'an Jiaotong University.

Difficulty of application: ★★★★

Many people talk about C9 and will mention that there is a certain gap between Xi'an Jiaotong University and Harbin Institute of Technology and the previous seven schools. However, from a practical point of view, Xi'an Jiaotong University's scientific research strength and discipline construction strength They are steadily improving, and their scores are relatively high every year. In 2019, Anhui’s lowest ranking for science subjects was 1439, and the lowest ranking for liberal arts subjects was 716. However, Xi'an Jiaotong University also recruits some majors in the early batch, and the scores will be relatively lower. Students who are interested in this university can pay attention.

recommendation index: ★★★★★

Xi'an Jiaotong University, as the university with the highest score in the northwest region and a member of C9, has a very strong overall strength. Because it is located in the northwest, many candidates from the east are reluctant to apply, which to some extent lowers the admission line for this university. However, this school is still very strong in engineering and cannot get into the candidates from the north of Qing Dynasty and the southern part of Zhejiang and Konan. You can still consider this school. And Xi'an is a tourist city and a famous historical and cultural city. Candidates who like to travel may wish to make this school their first choice.

4. National University of Defense Technology

On October 1, 1949, during the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower:

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The school was formerly the Military Engineering College of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (known as "Harbin Military Engineering") founded in Harbin in 1953. General Chen Geng served as the first dean and political commissar. In 1970, the main body of the college moved south to Changsha and was renamed Changsha Institute of Technology. In 1978, the school was restructured into the National University of Defense Technology under the direct care of Deng Xiaoping.

Difficulty of applying: ★★★★

The National University of Defense Technology’s submission scores are above 600 every year. In 2019, the score for the non-command category reached 630 points, and the score for the command category is also above 600 points, and must go through strict military examinations. Check. The overall requirements for students are relatively high.

Recommendation Index: ★★★★★

The National University of Defense Technology is known as the "Tsinghua University in the Military". It can be seen that the school's admissions threshold is very high, and it is also the cradle of training senior military officers. If you can enter this top military academy, your future prospects are limitless.

5. Huazhong University of Science and Technology

On October 1, 1949, during the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower:

Pictures come from the Internet

The school's predecessors are the Huazhong Institute of Technology, one of the four major engineering colleges established in 1952, the Shanghai Devin Medical College established in 1907, and the Hubei University of Science and Technology established in 1898. Craft school. After inheritance and development, it was established in 2000 by the merger of the original Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Tongji Medical University, and Wuhan Urban Construction College.

Difficulty of application: ★★★☆

Huake The admission ranking of science subjects in the province each year is around 2,500. Such scores are still a bit difficult for ordinary candidates, but for top academics, the difficulty is still relatively small.

recommendation index: ★★★★

Huake is similar to Southeast University . It is a low-key but super powerful university and is a very pragmatic university. In 2018, 11 undergraduate students from Huake had their diplomas changed to associate degrees because their credits were not up to standard, which also reflects that this university is very rigorous in its academic studies.

6. South China University of Technology

On October 1, 1949, during the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower:

Pictures come from the Internet

South China University of Technology, formerly known as South China Institute of Technology , was established in 1952 during the national adjustment of colleges and universities. It consists of Sun Yat-sen University School of Engineering, South China United University Institute of Technology, and Lingnan University Institute of Technology. Based on the engineering departments and majors of the college and Guangdong Industrial College, it was established in 1988 by transferring part of the engineering departments and majors from 5 universities including Hunan University, Wuchang Zhonghua University, Wuhan Jiaotong University, Nanchang University, and Guangxi University. It was renamed in 2006.

Difficulty of application: ★★★

South China University of Technology is one of the four major engineering colleges established after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Its overall strength is also very strong, and it is located in the metropolis of Guangzhou. From the admission point of view, the difficulty level is above average, 19 In 2016, the minimum admission grade for science in Anhui Province was 3,700, and the lowest for liberal arts was 1,112.

Recommendation index: ★★★★

South China University of Technology is a university with a relatively strong concentration in chemistry and is a member of the Eight Old Schools of Architecture. It is located in the metropolis of Guangzhou and has very good development prospects, so candidates are still recommended to apply. .

7. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

On October 1, 1949, during the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower:

Pictures come from the Internet

The school was formerly known as Chengdu Institute of Telecommunications Engineering. In 1956, it was established by Jiaotong University (now Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xi'an Jiaotong University), Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University), and South China Institute of Technology. It was created by merging the telecommunications engineering related majors of South China University of Technology (now South China University of Technology); in 1961, it was designated as one of the seven national defense industry colleges by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In 1988, it was renamed University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. In 2000, it was transferred from the former Ministry of Information Industry to the Ministry of Education.

Difficulty of application: ★★★

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China is somewhat similar to Dalian University of Technology. There are independent enrollments in branch campuses and Sino-foreign cooperation in branch campuses. The admission number of the main campus is about 3,500. The scores of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China have also been rising in recent years. If you want to enter its advantageous majors, it is still relatively difficult.

Recommendation Index: ★★★★

As a member of the “Two Electronics and One Mail”, we can see the advantageous position of the University of Electronic Science and Technology in electronic information and communications. In addition, the admission scores of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China have also been rising year by year in recent years, and the school is also well-known. . In addition, graduates from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China are also the most popular.

school is also one of the 985 universities that is seriously underestimated, on the one hand because of its location, and on the other hand because it has a certain military background.

8. Central South University

On October 1, 1949, during the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower:

Pictures come from the Internet

Central South University was established in 2000 by the merger of the original Central South University of Technology , Changsha Railway Institute , and Hunan Medical University. The earliest traces can be traced back to the Hunan Higher Industrial School founded in 1903. and Xiangya Medical College founded in 1914. It is a comprehensive research university specializing in engineering and medicine, covering science, literature, law, economics, management, philosophy, education, history, art, and radiating military science.

Difficulty of application: ★★★

Central South University’s score is at the lower end of the double-first-class universities. The annual admission score is about 5,000, and in 2019, Central South University recruited geological and mineral majors in science in advance. , the score is also low.

Recommendation index: ★★★

Central South University’s Xiangya Medical College is well-known in the medical community. It has the same name as Peking Union Medical College. Of course, Xiangya Medical College’s score is also very high. Located in Changsha, a famous revolutionary and historical city, the school's scores are also on the rise, making it a relatively cost-effective school.

9. Dalian University of Technology

On October 1, 1949, during the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao solemnly announced on the Tiananmen Gate Tower:

The picture comes from the Internet

The predecessor of Dalian University of Technology was Dalian University College of Engineering, which was founded in April 1949. In July 1950, the organizational structure of Dalian University was abolished, and Dalian University College of Technology became independent as Dalian University of Technology. The college was renamed Dalian University of Technology in March 1988.

Difficulty of applying: ★★☆

I only gave 2 and a half stars for the difficulty of applying for Dalian University of Technology. This is because of the Sino-foreign cooperation of Dalian University of Technology, as well as the Sino-foreign cooperation of Panjin campus and Panjin campus. There are a total of four independent admissions. In this way, the lowest ranking dropped to more than 26,000, which is actually very low. Moreover, Dalian University of Technology’s Panjin campus and Sino-foreign cooperative enrollment are an important way to get high grades with low scores. Students who want to get into prestigious schools with low scores should pay attention to this university.

Recommendation index: ★★★

Dalian is the most economically developed city in the three northeastern provinces, and it is also a coastal city. It is known as one of the "most beautiful cities in China". Dalian Polytechnic University is the institution with the highest admission score in Liaoning Province and is highly regarded by the local people. Favored by top academics. Students who want to experience the northern coastal customs may consider it.

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