@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted.

2024/06/1604:36:32 hotcomm 1087

Every summer vacation is a good time for parents to take their children on vacation. Just scroll through Moments, and youā€™ll see beautiful pictures of loving parents and well-behaved babies.

However, in the past few days, HKUST has received messages from several mothers, expressing their concerns about parent-child travel.

felt their anxiety through the mobile phone screen.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

@äŗ‘äø¹é£Žé’: My child has been slightly ill recently, but the parent-child trip that was arranged a long time ago is also recent. Do I still want to go now?

@ suiyuan: On this family trip during our summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car for a self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted.

@ Contentment Changle: My child has a poor physical constitution and has been more prone to getting sick than others since he was a child. He wants to go out to play during the summer vacation, but I am worried that he will feel uncomfortable halfway, so I think he should not go and just play at home.

@ tranquility Zhiyuan: My child is really a "naughty child". He is like a wild horse running wild when he goes out. He likes to look here and there, but he can't stand it at all and feels tired.

When I think of summer parent-child travel, all kinds of troubles or problems arise. I believe many mothers are afraid to try it.

But! Moms, please calm down. Parent-child travel has many benefits for babies. What are the specific benefits?

Letā€™s listen to what HKUST will tell you.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

There are so many benefits to traveling with your baby!

1. Brain development cannot be ignored.

American biologist Mark Rozweig conducted an experiment:

mice with the same genetic qualifications were divided into three groups:

The first group was placed in an iron cage as a reference.

The second group was kept in a cage with dim lighting and opaque sides. The third group of

was kept in a large and spacious cage with plenty of light and toys such as swings, slides, large ladders, and small bridges.

A few months later, the mice in the rich environment group were smart and active, but the mice in the poor environment group were dull and honest. After the brains of the mice were dissected, it was found that the cerebral cortex of the former group was thicker, protein content, cell size, etc. than the other two groups. The mice in the group have an advantage.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

So science shows that if you take your baby on a trip and let your baby grow up in a rich environment, wonderful changes will occur inside the brain, which can promote brain development and make your baby smarter!

2. Developing will is actually very simple

Traveling is actually a very good exercise for the baby's will and courage. Faced with difficulties during the trip, parents can help the baby learn to overcome and persist on their own through correct guidance and encouragement. , exercise your willpower.

In addition, for older children, parents can actively choose challenging projects such as mountain climbing, hiking, and camping to exercise their children's will and body. It is a very beneficial exercise opportunity for children.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

3. Social skills have nothing to do with personality and have to do with education.

When children are at home or at school, they face their parents and peers. In fact, the interactions these environments can provide for children are relatively single and sparse.

However, during the trip, children can interact and communicate with people of all ages and from all over the world, which can increase the communication between the baby and the outside world, broaden the child's horizons, and cultivate social skills and the formation of good character.

Especially during the journey to experience the cultural customs in a different place, small things such as asking for directions and buying things can be left to the baby. Such small tasks are more like an interesting game for them and are also conducive to their cultivation. Childrenā€™s independent survival skills.

4. "Fighting virus with poison" to enhance physical fitness

Many parents believe that children with poor immunity are prone to bacterial infection and illness, so they often try their best to create a clean environment in life. But in fact, an overly clean environment isolates children from contact with nature, which is not conducive to children's resistance to bacteria and viruses. This also leads to adverse reactions in the body when sometimes casual contact with a few bacteria.

In fact, in the process of exploring nature, it seems that he is dealing with many so-called "dirty things", but this is how immunity is "trained". Allowing children to have appropriate contact with "dirty things" is conducive to training the child's immune system and enhancing the child's resistance.

How much do you know about the hidden dangers during travel?

Seeing this, are mothers already impatient to make arrangements?

No, you donā€™t want to!

Although for the sake of your baby's happiness, it doesn't matter if you are tired during the journey, but you must be aware of many hidden dangers that affect your baby's health.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

Many mothers have also asked HKUST why their originally healthy babies still become sick after the trip despite being fully prepared before traveling.

Thatā€™s because many mothers ignore this invisible enemy- bacteria .

āœ” When the baby comes to the beach, the sand on the beach becomes a toy.

āœ” When the baby comes to the amusement park and touches here and there, everything feels fresh.

āœ” When babies come to the swimming pool, the swimming pool becomes their happy little world.

But at the same time of joy, whether it is sand, public entertainment facilities or swimming pools, there are hidden threats of bacteria.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

So here, the University of Science and Technology must teach parents a lesson. If you donā€™t clean your babyā€™s skin well when you go out, which troublesome problems are most likely to occur:

1, allergies

In the new environment, many adults They often cause problems such as skin itching, allergic redness and swelling, not to mention babies with delicate skin.

The main reason why babies are more likely to develop allergies is because:

The skin's immunity is poor

The immunity of children's skin is low, especially in a new environment.

Whether it is eating or skin contact with the outside world, it is easy to come into contact with various allergens , so skin allergy symptoms such as erythema, papules, and blisters will appear.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

The area/weight ratio is large

The ratio of baby's skin area to weight is much larger than that of adults. The amount of sweat evaporated from the skin is 42 times that of adults.

Especially in the hot summer, sticky sweat residue on the skin can easily breed bacteria and cause allergies.

In addition, babies' skin reacts more sensitively and strongly to allergic substances or toxic substances than adults' skin.

When the baby feels uncomfortable when he is away from home, the parents are the most worried. So how to prevent it?

āœ” First of all, parents should understand the allergens that cause allergies in their babies and try to avoid them.

āœ” If you are allergic to pollen, prepare masks, light long clothes, trousers, hats, etc. for your children. Try to cover your skin and avoid going to places with many flowers, plants and trees.

āœ” If you are allergic to mold/dust, parents can prepare clean bedding, blankets, and even pillows for your children.

After all, no matter how clean the hotel is, it is not as safe to use as your own.

āœ” If you are allergic to animal hair, you should stay away from pets and avoid going to the zoo.

What should I do if my baby accidentally develops an allergy? Parents, don't worry.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

can be used externally calamine lotion and borate zinc oxide ointment .

If secondary infection occurs, cetirizine, Claritan or chromone drugs can be taken orally.

2. Mosquito bites

When traveling in summer, the most worrying thing is to protect yourself from mosquitoes. If you accidentally get bitten by a few bumps, which are red and itchy, how can you have fun and have fun?

Therefore, parents can apply diluted toilet water on their babies before departure, and choose clothing with light colors and low brightness.

When playing in grass or bushes, your baby should choose tight-fitting long-sleeved pants and socks to prevent mosquitoes. The rooms where

stays should be equipped with mosquito nets to prevent mosquitoes and spray repellents acceptable to children.

But cunning mosquitoes are still difficult to completely avoid. If your baby is bitten, the swelling and itching department has a great trick:

āœ” You can use alkaline soapy water or calamine and apply it on the skin of the swelling. Babies over 2 years old can also use peppermint ointment.

āœ” If the bite is accidentally scratched, you can apply erythromycin ointment .

āœ” If angioedema occurs and the itching is severe, you can seek help from a doctor in the scenic area and take antihistamines or topical hormone ointments under the guidance of the doctor.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

3. Hand, foot and mouth disease

Eating unhygienic food during the trip or not keeping the baby's body clean properly may cause hand, foot and mouth disease.

The most obvious symptom is herpes on the little hands, feet, buttocks and mouth.

At this time, "symptomatic care" is the focus, because there is no specific medicine for hand, foot and mouth.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

The prerequisite for letting children explore the world independently is health and safety!

has said so much, parents, donā€™t be discouraged, HKUST is not finished yet.

In fact, by doing preventive work, many annoying problems can be avoided at the source? !

The most important thing to do preventive work is to resist the "invasion" of bacteria

From the age of 3, babies have entered a period of strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge. At this stage, in fact, not only when traveling, but also in daily life In life, parents must also learn to let go boldly and let their children explore the world independently.

This not only helps to enhance the baby's resistance and adaptability, but also gives the child the opportunity to independently expand his or her knowledge and enrich his experiences.

When it is integrated into the natural environment, it will show its unexpected abilities.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

In the process of exploring the world, you will inevitably come into contact with various objects. Coupled with the high temperature and humidity in summer, you are easily threatened by bacteria.

Therefore, whether you are going out for fun or in daily life, you need to use appropriate cleaning and toiletries to help your baby develop good hygiene habits and protect their health.

Taking a shower and washing hands may seem like a simple matter, but in fact there is a lot more knowledge ! Baby's skin is delicate. When choosing toiletries for your child, the safety of ingredients is the first factor.

In addition, children's activeness and curiosity will naturally "attract" a lot of bacteria, so the cleaning power of toiletries is also very important.

Speaking of which, HKUST would like to introduce a "superstar" to all mothers - Safeguard LINE FRIENDS Bubble Shower Gel, which is very suitable for babies' delicate skin and personality that loves to explore the world, and can support the baby's resistance in time. A protective umbrella for bacteria.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

Without further ado, letā€™s invite this ā€œsuperstarā€ to appear next.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

1, two "magic weapons" to protect the parent-child time of babies and parents

Safeguard Bubble Shower Gel , as a gentle guardian, has two magic weapons - pure plant extract amino acid formula and long-term protection .

āœ” Safeguard Bubble Shower Gel uses the mild formula of pure plant-derived amino acids, which is very suitable for children's delicate skin, and the tear-free formula that is carefully cared for will not irritate the baby's eyes at all.

When bathing becomes safe, fun and comfortable, not only will the mother feel at ease, but the baby's independence and hygiene habits will naturally develop.

āœ” In addition, Safeguard has long-lasting protective power, protecting your baby's skin health for a long time, and the plant extracts can also enhance the skin's resistance.

Parents let their children freely explore the world independently, and they will not let sudden allergies and various skin diseases ruin the pleasant parent-child travel and warm daily life.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

2. Intimate design, baby's progress can be seen

Taking into account the baby's small strength, the considerate Safeguard Bubble Shower Gel uses the Japanese children's engineering pump head specially designed for children.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

As long as you press it with your little hands, you can press out dense and rich foam . Not only can you save the lathering step, but the ingredients do not contain soap base , so it will be clean as soon as you rinse it. Children do not have to worry about not getting it clean when they wash it themselves. .

The formation of every good habit starts from small things. Every small thing done is a big progress and growth for the baby, and independence is the first step for the baby's growth.

The thoughtful design of Safeguard Bubble Shower Gel helps babies learn to bathe independently and develop good habits. When the baby is washed clean and happy, the mother does not have to worry about uneven foam application, incomplete rinsing, or long-term washing time. The problem of catching cold.

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

3. Hidden hard-core technology

Safeguard Bubble Shower Gel is developed by 50 pediatric skin experts and adopts the leading technology from the three countries of the world:

āœ” American gentle skin cleansing technology to protect baby's delicate skin and enhance skin resistance .

āœ”Singapore ā€™s foam gold gas-liquid ratio technology creates rich bubbles and is easy to clean without leaving any residue.

āœ”Japanese children's engineering pump head and humanized design cultivate baby's independence and develop good hygiene habits.

Moreover, the product has gone through many formula experiments, scientific inspections and pre-sales tests. Only through strict control at all levels can we have close contact with the baby and protect the baby's health.

Even kindergarten directors in Korea and Singapore trust Safeguard Bubble Shower Gel!

@ suiyuan: During our family trip during the summer vacation, a large suitcase was filled with all the things the children had to bring. Fortunately, it was convenient to have a car during the self-driving trip, otherwise his dad and I would have been really exhausted. - DayDayNews

In fact, the health of your baby is the happiness of the whole family.

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