China News Service, Beijing, May 15. Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, pointed out in Beijing on the 15th that for some time, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have been setting up obstacles to cross-strait personnel exchanges

2024/06/1520:29:32 hotcomm 1245

China News Service, Beijing, May 15 (Yang Chengchen and Li Hanxue) Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, pointed out in Beijing on the 15th that for some time, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have been setting up obstacles to cross-strait personnel exchanges out of selfish interests of the party and their own interests. , which has seriously harmed the interests of Taiwan compatriots. This approach is unpopular.

China News Service, Beijing, May 15. Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, pointed out in Beijing on the 15th that for some time, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have been setting up obstacles to cross-strait personnel exchanges  - DayDayNewshtml On May 15, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference in Beijing. Spokesperson Ma Xiaoguang attended and answered reporters' questions. Photo by China News Service reporter Zhang Yu

At the regular press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held that day, a reporter asked Ma Ying-jeou, Wu Dunyi and others who originally planned to visit the mainland this year that they were banned again. Ma Xiaoguang made the above response.

He pointed out that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have conducted exchanges and dialogues in various forms, strengthened communication and cooperation, and played an important role in improving and developing cross-Strait relations and enhancing the interests and well-being of our compatriots. The mainland is willing to continue to deepen exchanges and exchanges with various parties, groups and individuals in Taiwan on the political basis of adhering to the " 1992 Consensus" and opposing "Taiwan independence", and work with the majority of Taiwan compatriots to jointly push cross-strait relations in the right direction develop.

When responding to Taiwan’s Ministry of Education’s recent ban on Taiwanese students from going to the mainland for internships, Ma Xiaoguang pointed out that the DPP authorities have gone to great lengths to block normal cross-strait exchanges in various fields. Their actions are ugly and despicable. The majority of Taiwan compatriots will recognize from the series of actions of the DPP authorities that they seek selfish interests for the party and themselves and gain electoral benefits at the expense of damaging cross-strait relations.

Regarding the Taiwan authorities’ claim that Taiwanese people’s personal information may be collected when shopping on Taobao, which may then influence their voting behavior, Ma Xiaoguang said that this is completely specious, fabricated out of thin air, confusing right and wrong, and very irresponsible. The DPP authorities are now not only tightening various controls on the island, dividing Taiwanese society, suppressing those who advocate the development of cross-strait relations, and creating a so-called "green terror". They are also trying to shift the focus and put the blame on others to desperately incite cross-strait relations. Confrontation increases cross-strait hostility. Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait will not be fooled.

Regarding Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council’s plan to impose penalties on Taiwan compatriots who receive mainland residence permits, Ma Xiaoguang reiterated that issuing residence permits for Taiwan residents is to facilitate Taiwan compatriots to live, work, and study in the mainland and to provide them with equal treatment. It is a positive Respond to the demands of Taiwan compatriots over the years and solve the practical difficulties and specific problems that have plagued Taiwan compatriots. The people know very well that this approach of the Taiwan authorities will only further lose public support in the end.

In addition, Ma Xiaoguang also responded to the inquiry and said that after the "nine-in-one" election in Taiwan last year, mainland tourists' travel to Taiwan showed obvious signs of recovery. In particular, the opening of regular flights from Shanghai to Penghu and the resumption of cruise routes from Xiamen to Kaohsiung have greatly facilitated mainland tourists to travel to counties and cities in central and southern Taiwan. On May 8th, 9th, and 11th after the May Day holiday, three more cruise ships loaded with tourists left Xiamen for Penghu and Kaohsiung.

Ma Xiaoguang said that only when cross-strait relations are good, Taiwan will be good. As long as the "1992 Consensus" is adhered to, whether it is tourism to Taiwan or exchanges with counties and cities, it can continue to bring tangible benefits to Taiwan compatriots. (End)

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