Recently, Jay Chou's new song "The Greatest Work" was finally released at noon on the 6th. Jay Chou, who is very talented but has been happy for several years, finally released a new song. It immediately became a trending topic and made me, a half-fan, very excited. After watchin

2024/06/1516:36:33 hotcomm 1428

Recently, Jay Chou 's new song "The Greatest Work" was finally released at noon on the 6th. Jay Chou, who has been happily lying down for several years, finally released a new song. immediately hit the hot search, which also made me, a half-fan, excited. Not only that, after watching this MV shot in Paris, there are not only time travel memes but also artist memes. I can’t help but mix his favorite magic tricks, showing his ability to combine music, art and culture to create the most beautiful music. Ambition, no wonder it is called "The Greatest Work".

Recently, Jay Chou's new song

MV mentioned the names and representative paintings of many painters. It seems that now you need to understand the art of painting when listening to music. So today’s trivial question is, in the lyrics of Jaylen ’s new song "The Greatest Work", mention How many works and artists are there?

My answer is: seven painters, nearly twenty works, is it what you think? You are also welcome to have a happy discussion and eat melon together.

MV shooting location - La Samaritaine

The MV started with the old French department store La Samaritaine. When watching the MV, I felt that the style of the vine decoration on the exterior wall was very similar to the Art Nouveau style, and the natural curve style of the interior was also very similar. , after checking it turned out to be true. I won’t go into details here, but let me study it carefully next time before gossiping with you. The time-travel theme of

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MV is that Jay Chou traveled back to Paris around 1920 and met many literati painters. In Europe, the 1920s were called Les Annees Folle the Roaring 20s, and Paris became the capital of art and a place for cultural exchange and integration.

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In fact, the lyrics of the song "The Greatest Work" are not arranged in the order of the painter's genre, and the paintings are not necessarily created in France. There are artistic reinterpretations. Let's talk about these painters according to their lyrics. Jay Chou's lyrics are the Chinese translation of painters in Taiwan, China. They are slightly different, but they are actually the same person.

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MV screenshot

[Paranoid is the apple that Magritte was conjured by me / Surreal is me / Or the clown he originally wanted to draw / The pipe is not a pipe / The doves on the face did not fly away]

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Recently, Jay Chou's new song

MV screenshot

Magritte René François Ghislain Magritte (1898-1967)

After the magic at the beginning, the lyrics mention Belgian Surrealist painter René François Ghislain Magritte René François Ghislain Magritte is also one of my favorite painters.

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René François Ghislain Magritte

He likes to break and combine everyday objects to form surreal and slightly humorous pictures. The visual impression of the pictures is not strong, but the colors are soft, the composition is harmonious, and it has a sense of sketch.

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The Listening Room, 1952, Rene Magritte

The painting with the face obscured by the apple is "The Son of Man/The Man in the Black Hat Le fils de l'homme" is a painting painted by Magritte in 1964 and has also been analyzed as his self-portrait , this painting has a very Freudian psychological mapping feel.

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The Son of Man/The Man in the Black HatLe fils de l'homme

In Magritte's own words: All the things we see always obscure each other, and we always want to see what is blocked... .We are always interested in the hidden parts. Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see. There is an interest in that which is hidden and which the visible does not show us.

There is actually a similar half-length painting, just of an apple Replaced with pigeons, it was called "Man in a Bowler Hat" and was also created in the same year. Maybe it's the origin of the lyrics "The doves on my face haven't flown away". Speaking of Magritte's paintings, doves, men in top hats, fruits and windows are all recurring themes.

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Man in a Bowler Hat

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The Large Family, 1963, Rene Magritte

"Clown" may just be a combination of a top hat and a red nose, but it reminds me of another of his 1951 paintings "Leprêtre marié (The Married Priest)" translated into Chinese It is "The Married Priest". The painting is inspired by the novel "The Married Priest" by the French short story writer Jules Amédée Barbey D'Aurevilly. I wonder if the lyrics are slightly inspired by this.

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Leprêtre marié (The Married Priest)

Speaking of pipes, "The Treachery of Images (This is not a pipe)" is also one of his most well-known works. After creating the first version of the painting from 1928 to 1929, he painted several different versions one after another. This painting shows Magritte's humorous and rebellious side.

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There is a pipe in the picture, but it cannot be used like a real pipe. The text "This is not a pipe" is also written below to deny it. Whether the image itself can represent the object itself creates a sense of contradiction, showing a bit of philosophy. mean.

[Who gave Dali the thought/I bent the spoon and borrowed your inspiration without giving it back to me/What melted was the clock on the wall or the cheese/Lobster, you didn’t even answer me on the other end of the phone]

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Recently, Jay Chou's new song

Salvador Dali Salvador Dali (1904-1989)

Another surrealist painter is mentioned here, the artist Salvador Dali from Spain. He is a talented painter and a master of self-marketing. The shape of his mustache also makes people... People are impressed.

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Salvador Dali

His pictures are different from Magritte's. The perspective of the pictures is wider. Animals and plants, including objects, are disassembled, broken, stretched or deformed, which is more absurd. In the lyrics of

, "What is melting is the clock on the wall." Of course, many of Dali's works have the theme of melting clocks. The most famous one is probably "The Persistence of Memory," which was painted in 1931. Drawn in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City since 1934, the painting's elements of a melting clock, walking ants, and a partial display of a human face are often repurposed in popular culture. creation.

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Dali once said that the soft watch was inspired not by the theory of relativity, but by the surreal perception of Camembert cheese melting in the sun. The picture shows a Freudian grotesque dream. The concepts of soft and hard conflict with our common sense. The fragmentary arrangement of the picture elements seems real and illusory.

The "Lobster Phone" comes from his surrealist works. For the Surrealist painters, combining completely unrelated things could produce works that were both interesting and impactful. For Dali, lobsters were closely associated with telephones and secret desires.

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In 1935, Dali was commissioned by the magazine "US Weekly" to create a series of paintings based on his impressions of New York. One painting is titled "New York Dreams - Lobsters are discovered in place of telephones." A similar drawing was printed in The Secret Life of Salvador Dali, who also jokingly wrote: I don't know why, when I order grilled lobster in a restaurant, I never get a call that's cooked.

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Face of Mae West Which May Be Used as an Apartment

In fact, I personally prefer his other work "Face of Mae West Which May Be Used as an Apartment", which was also remade by another directorTasim Sim Interpretation, as the cover of the movie "The Fall".

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The Fall

[Nostalgia across the sea/Only the tender/lonely branches that have nothing can grow the flowers Sanyu wants]

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Painter - Sanyu San Yu (1895-1966)

Painter Sanyu as a French Impressionist 2 At the same time, there was a Chinese painter living in France who was a son of a wealthy family when he was young. Later, he was unable to sell his paintings and lived a squandered life, leading a dissolute and wandering life. Xu Zhimo published the book "Le Claws in Paris" in 1927. It contains articles about the romantic life of a Chinese painter and a French model, and it talks about Sanyu.

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Recently, Jay Chou's new song

Sleeping Beauty Nu endormi

He likes to use bold strokes to depict the curves of women, flowers, birds, fish and insects, and potted flowers are also one of the themes he repeatedly depicts. The most well-known of them should be "Ju Rui Ying Xin" created in 1966, which should also be the source of inspiration in the MV. The thick lines show the charm of Chinese painting brush strokes, the bright red background is like Chinese red paint, and the potted flowers stretch upward like antler branches, which is elegant and beautiful.

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Ju Ruiyingxin

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His "Ju Rui Yingxiang" is a companion piece to this painting. "Chrysanthemums Blooming in a Blue Flower Pot" is also very beautiful, with a paper-cut beauty.

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Jurui Yingxiang

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Chrysanthemums blooming in a blue flower pot

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Speaking of which, the MV also features Sanyu’s only painting that purely uses goldfish as the theme, "Eight-tailed Goldfish", which is full of oriental freehand spirit and humanistic interest. , and is similar to "Goldfish" written by Fauvist painterHenri Matisse.

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Eight-tailed Goldfish, Sanyu

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Recently, Jay Chou's new song

Goldfish, Henri Matisse

Sanyu is actually a painter who has been highly praised by everyone in recent years. Personally, I feel that before everyone was keen on Impressionism , the master works have been repeatedly excavated. At this time, Sanyu's craze has started. His paintings have the wild side of French abstraction, and some of his brushstrokes have the charm and style of Chinese brush and ink compositions. This may be the reason why he is so popular.

I really like his last posthumous work "Little Running Elephant". In the picture, the little elephant exists alone and stubbornly, and it is a bit innocent and cute.

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Running baby elephant

[Small boat going back and forth quietly / Matisse's coast / Night under the stars / Leave it to Van Gogh to light]

Henri Matisse (1869-1954)

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Henri Matisse

Here is "Mati" "S" should be the French Fauvist artist Henri Matisse we are talking about. Among them, the painting "Open Window, Collioure" that is loved by many people was created in the French Mediterranean. Collioure, a small town along the coast.

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Open Window, Collioure, Henri Matisse,1905

In this painting, Matisse broke the logic of chiaroscuro and used green and red to distinguish the two sides of the picture. The picture frame is vertical and horizontal, the room in the close shot, the balcony in the middle shot and Vegetation, to the ships in the distance, are spread across the picture, making the whole picture open, bright and dazzling.

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Interior at Nice, 1921, Henri Matisse

Speaking of which, he came to the famous French seaside city-Nice in 1917 and spent the rest of his life, leaving many works depicting beach scenery.

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The Bay of Nice, Henri Matisse

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Vincent Willem van Gogh Vincent Willem van Gogh (1853-1890)

Van Gogh is what we call Post-Impressionist Painter Vincent Willem van Gogh, maybe Because of his madness and early death, and perhaps because of his wild and gorgeous painting style, he should be one of the most well-known painters in China.

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Vincent van Gogh, Self-Portrait, oil on board, 1887

The paintings in the lyrics should come from his two works that depict the beauty of the night sky and the twinkling stars. One is the famous "The Starry Night" and the other It's "Starry Night Over the Rhone".

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The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh, 1889

"The Starry Night" was created in 1889, which heralded the emotional display of mood, expression and symbolism in modern painting. The picture is inspired by the scenery outside the window of the St. Paul de Mosole Mental Hospital in Saint-Remy in the south of France. Vivid blues and yellows cover the picture. The night sky flows because of the brushstrokes, the stars sparkle, the village at the foot of the mountain, and the huge cypress trees. has been rearranged and interpreted.

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Cypresses in Starry Night, a reed pen drawing executed by Van Gogh after the painting in 1889.

"Starry Night Over the Rhone" created a year earlier in 1888, although not as famous as Starry Night, has a different composition and color Another flavor.

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Starry Night Over the Rhone, Vincent van Gogh, 1888 Starry Night Over the Rhone, Vincent van Gogh, 1888

[A dream is too short/Munch’s Scream on the Bridge]

Painter- Edvard Munch Edvard Munch (1863-1944 )

The character in "The Scream on Munch's Bridge" in the lyrics The Norwegian expressionist painter Edvard Munch painted "The Scream" that is often ridiculed by contemporary people as a panic emoticon.

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The Scream, oil, tempera and pastel on cardboard,1893, Edvard Munch

This painting was painted in 1893. There were many different versions in the later period, which should include two oil painting versions and two pastel versions, as well as a lithograph, including several Two prints of survive. Both painted versions were stolen but later recovered.

Munch recalled that he went for a walk at sunset, and suddenly the rays of the setting sun dyed the clouds blood red. He felt "a scream through nature." The painting also became the ultimate visual representation of human anxiety.

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Some researchers have also analyzed that perhaps what Munch saw was the pearly clouds that appeared after the eruption of Krakatoa , also called the polar stratosphere. It is quite similar to the look and feel of the brightly colored clouds flowing in the picture.

[The sunshine flowing in the garden/the air swaying with the fragrance of flowers/I ask Monet for a favor/can you take a self-portrait]

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Claude Monet (1840-1926)

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Claude Monet

Monet is the one we talked about before The leading figure of Impressionism Claude Monet Claude Monet, his "Impression Sunrise" is the origin of the name "Impressionism".

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Impression, Sunrise, Claude Monet, 1872

The lyrics talk about self-portraits, because portraits are not a theme that Monet loves, but many of his friends painted him, such as SargentJohn Singer Sargent and Renoir Pierre-Auguste Renoir, both painted scenes of him painting outdoors.

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Claude Monet Painting by the Edge of a Wood, John Singer Sargent

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Claude Monet painting in his Garden at Argenteuil, Pierre-Auguste Renoir

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Portrait of the Painter Claude Monet, 1875, Pierre-Auguste Renoir

So I also studied his self-portrait issue, currently looking at There are two pictures that should be left here, and further research is needed here. The first painting was made in 1886, showing him wearing a beret with melancholy eyes. It is now in a private collection. Another dates from 1917 and is now in the Musée d'Orsay in Paris.

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Self-Portrait with a Beret, Claude Monet, 1886

In the self-portrait of 1886, Monet is 46 years old in the picture. The large brushstrokes in the picture are used to depict clothing, while the small brushstrokes are used to depict facial expressions and beards. The painting style is chic nature.

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Self-Portrait, Claude Monet, 1917

The style of painting in 1917 is more blurred, maybe because he is old, maybe because he suffers from eye disease. Monet, who is still struggling to paint at the age of 77, has an inspiring power.

[The sunrise comes and goes in the port of impressions/The light wakes up the sleeping flowers and leaves]

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Recently, Jay Chou's new song


Monet is also famous for painting the water lily pond in his garden in Giverny, and the paintings are large and small, including The four seasons change, and there are mornings and dusk. Speaking of which, the wallpaper in the MV is obviously lotus, and the connection with Monet is not strict. Lotus and Water Lily are still different.

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Water Lilies and the Japanese Bridge, 1897–1899, Claude Monet

And at that time, the water lily he chose was a new hybrid water lily cultivated, which should have come from Joseph Bory Latour-Marliac, and was different from the native French white water lily . Instead, it is a multi-colored variety of light yellow, pink, and deep red, which is a rare and rare herb. Impressionism expresses direct feelings. All painters have more or less traces of Impressionism. This is an instinct. Impressionism is only direct sensation. All great painters were less or more impressionists. It is mainly a question of instinct.

is not like the ending at the end

If we talk about it according to the history of art, the order of evolution of the above painters and schools can be roughly followed by Impressionism (Monet), Post-Impressionism ( Van Gogh ), then Expressionism (Munch), Fauvism (Matisse) and Surrealism (Dali, Magritte), you can also From this we can see the aesthetic changes in art from concrete to abstract, from depicting nature to expressing inner feelings.

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The song "The Greatest Work" may be understood differently by people who study music and humanities. For example, Xu Zhimo's "Farewell Cambridge" and "A Night in the Emerald Green" in the lyrics, in my opinion, Jay Chou's time travel The trip is also a super interesting art journey. Being able to travel through the past and chat about life and ideals with historical celebrities that you once liked may be the little dream of every one of us who is a little bit artistic.

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I have talked so much. I hope you like the short text I wrote. If you have any topics you want to talk about together, you are welcome to leave me a message. I hope you can also enjoy the small pleasure of viewing art.

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