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Strategic planning is the first step in business operations. Life without planning is "chaotic", and a business without planning is "gamble" "Strategic design is a company's navigator and telescope, guiding company operations along the path most conducive to success. Any company's success in the future must start with a strategic plan.

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Silicon Valley Iron Man" Musk has always dreamed of immigrating to Mars.

As now the chief operating officer of SpaceX, he proposed the core plan, Build an entire city on Mars

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Humanity is becoming a multi-planetary species

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You want to wake up in the morning and think that the future is going to be great - this is aerospace Civilization is all about it. It’s about believing in the future and thinking that the future will be better than the past. I can’t think of anything more exciting than going there or being among the galaxies.”

– CEO of SpaceX. Chief designer Musk

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Project progress

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Cryogenic liquid oxygen tank test:

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Engine test:

More than 1200 seconds of ignition, 42 main engine tests;

is a maximum of 100 seconds, a general 40-second Mars login test;

test engine runs in a 200 atmospheric pressure environment

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The Falcon 9 rocket (Falcon 9) landed perfectly 18 times

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The launch frequency is increasing year by year

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Dragon spacecraft Update:

Dragon 1 can automatically dock and dock with the space station;

Dragon 2 can dock directly without the help of a robotic arm;

The perfect heat shielding technology can withstand the extremely high temperature of re-entry

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Vehicle comparison: greatly increased BFR rocket load

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BFR is the abbreviation of Big Falcon Rocket, a large rocket planned to be developed by SpaceX.

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BFR basic physical data:

is 48m long and 9m in diameter;

has a hull net weight of 85 tons and a propellant mass of 1100 tons;

has a rising load of 150 tons and a typical return load of 50 tons.

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Functional introduction: engine, thruster, payload, delta wing

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pressurization amount & Mars transportation configuration

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thruster: fuel tank, oxygen tank, spherical tank (storage landing propellant), dome (separating methane and oxygen)

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Engine introduction: Raptor engine, 2 sea surface engines, 4 vacuum engines

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Refill utilization

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Rocket capacity comparison

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Launch cost comparison

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The value of recycling

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BFR function

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Send satellite

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Serve the International Space Station

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Perform lunar surface mission

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Serve Alpha Moon Base

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Mars plan

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Mars transportation building

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Mars entry & landing

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Initial Mars plan goals

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Steps to establish the base. This is the part that architects care about most.

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Successful businesses use tomorrow's trends to operate today, and failed businesses are all Use yesterday's experience to guide today, while "strategic design" is predicting tomorrow

Strategic planning can guide enterprises to achieve "one decade". Without a plan, you will do "ten years". If you work for the same ten years, the results will be very different...

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