Brigitte Lin, the eternal Chinese goddess, had a fire in her 4.2 billion mansion in the Mid-Levels of Hong Kong in the early morning of July 8. Lin Qingxia once said in her book "Clouds Go, Clouds Come" that the most abundant things in her home are books and works of art.

2024/06/1515:22:32 hotcomm 1210

Brigitte Lin, the eternal Chinese goddess, had a fire in her 4.2 billion mansion in the Mid-Levels of Hong Kong in the early morning of July 8. Lin Qingxia once said in her book

Forever the number one Chinese goddess Brigitte Lin , a fire broke out in the early morning of July 8 at a mansion worth 4.2 billion in the Mid-Levels of Hong Kong. Fortunately Brigitte Lin was not at home at that time. Lin Qingxia once said in her book "Clouds Go, Clouds Come" that the most abundant things in her home are books and works of art. After retiring from making movies, Brigitte Lin became a writer and loved reading. She had a whole wall of books at home and was surrounded by ancient and modern scholars.

Brigitte Lin, the eternal Chinese goddess, had a fire in her 4.2 billion mansion in the Mid-Levels of Hong Kong in the early morning of July 8. Lin Qingxia once said in her book

Brigitte Lin loves reading. There is a whole wall of books in her mansion home.

Brigitte Lin retired from the film industry after marrying Hong Kong businessman Xing Liyuan in 1994, but her "The Undefeated East", "The White-Haired Witch", " Six Finger Piano Demon ", "The Dragon Master", " The Red Dust ", " Ashes of Time ", " Chungking Express ", "Dragon Gate Inn", "I am a cloud", "The moon is hazy and the bird is hazy", "Daoma Dan" , "The Eight Hundred Heroes" and other movies, as well as the good friendship with Teresa Teng, Leslie Cheung, still make countless movie fans dream.

Brigitte Lin, the eternal Chinese goddess, had a fire in her 4.2 billion mansion in the Mid-Levels of Hong Kong in the early morning of July 8. Lin Qingxia once said in her book

Brigitte Lin, the eternal Chinese goddess, had a fire in her 4.2 billion mansion in the Mid-Levels of Hong Kong in the early morning of July 8. Lin Qingxia once said in her book

After Brigitte Lin retired and stopped making movies, the outside world was concerned about her love, marriage, and daughter, but she remained unmoved by all the rumors. He has transformed from an actor to a writer. He has published three books, "Inside and Outside the Window", "Clouds Gone and Clouds Come", and "In front of the Mirror and Behind the Mirror", telling stories about his feelings since becoming a movie and the stories that the outside world does not know. In "Clouds Go, Clouds Come", it is described that the most common thing in the house is books...

Brigitte Lin, the eternal Chinese goddess, had a fire in her 4.2 billion mansion in the Mid-Levels of Hong Kong in the early morning of July 8. Lin Qingxia once said in her book

Brigitte Lin: I opened the bookcase in confusion, wow! There is a whole wall of books, I am so happy to read them

Brigitte Lin's "Clouds Go and Clouds Come" describes the importance of "books" to her...

"Your mother used to live in an apartment in Hong Kong, and she couldn't find a single Chinese character at home because there were no books. There are no magazines or newspapers. Are there any Chinese characters on the instant noodles and snacks? But there is nothing to eat at her house. I really didn’t expect that she would write and publish a book now." After dinner, her two little daughters gathered around. Chatting with Aunt Nansheng. "But she has a script!" My daughters rushed to my defense. "Yes! Yes! Yes! You are so smart! Ha! Ha! Ha! Fortunately, I have a script." I seemed to have found a backer.

When I was in school, I didn’t have the habit of reading extracurricular readings. I was so busy in the film industry that I didn’t even have time to sleep. I had no time to read. One day I was bored and my friend suggested going to a bookstore. When I entered the bookstore, I didn’t know what to buy. What book? Just in front of me, a man and a woman were discussing about publishing a book. The lady saw me and stepped forward to introduce herself. It turned out that she was the writer Cao Youfang. She recommended "Freedom from the Known" and "Freedom from the Known" by Fangzhi Publishing House. "Things You Can't Want to Think About in Life". I took them on a trip and read "Freedom from the Known" in one sitting during the trip, and I had an enlightenment.

Brigitte Lin, the eternal Chinese goddess, had a fire in her 4.2 billion mansion in the Mid-Levels of Hong Kong in the early morning of July 8. Lin Qingxia once said in her book

As the author Indian master Krishnamurti (J.Krishnamurti) said: "Reading this book is equivalent to a journey of wisdom. During the reading process, don't ask why, and don't rush to find the answer. It's all the way. Read all the way to experience. "The book says that when looking at the scenery, you should not just look at it, but integrate yourself into the scenery. One night in Hawaii, I walked out of the balcony outside my hotel room. The sea breeze and the sound of waves blew my long hair and clothes. I blended into the scenery as the master said, and really felt that I was part of the scenery. , that feeling is extremely light and comfortable.

Reading "Things You Can't Want in Life", there is a sentence "If you feel pain, live with the pain, eat it, and the pain will disappear." This has a great effect on me. All worries and pains are gone. Eat all of it up to me.

After getting married, I have a lot of free time. Sometimes I write about my feelings about life. I always feel that I haven’t read enough books and my vocabulary is limited, so I bought the book after seeing it introduced in the newspaper. My friends also gave me books. At first, I loved reading about the soul. , EQ and philosophical books.Jin Shenghua gave me a copy of "Phaedo" translated by Yang Jiang. The book talks about Socrates's dialogue about death with his friends before he was tortured and drank poison. I was very shocked to see him facing death without fear and using his own life to bear witness to his belief in the truth. I bought dozens of copies to share with friends.

After writing the article, I met many friends in the cultural field and received more books. Now my living room, study room, bedroom, bathroom and mirror are full of "words".

I originally thought that clothes, bags, and shoes would be moved the most. After entering the new home, I opened the door and saw stacks of books piled on the wall. I thought they hadn't been put on the shelves yet, but the secretary said that the bookcases were full and the picture albums were temporarily placed on the TV cabinet. How could there be so many books?

I opened the bookcase in confusion, wow! There are books all over the wall, I am so happy to read them, like Li Bai , Li Qingzhao , Cao Xueqin , Shen Congwen, Zhang Ailing, Master Shengyan , Karmapa Karmapa and my friend Jin Shenghua, Qiong Yao, Zhang Yi He, Dong Qiao, Bai Xianyong, Long Yingtai, Jiang Xun, Ma Jiahui were all greeting me, asking me to listen to their thoughts, listen to their stories, and read their thoughts.

Brigitte Lin, the eternal Chinese goddess, had a fire in her 4.2 billion mansion in the Mid-Levels of Hong Kong in the early morning of July 8. Lin Qingxia once said in her book

Over the years, I have developed the habit of reading, and I have made some outstanding writer friends. Friends and publishers will send me books. Over time, I did not realize that the number is so considerable.

His fingers slid across the bookshelf and stopped on Jiang Xun's "Six Lectures on Loneliness". I remember that there is a photo of Qiu Jin in this book. She has her hair pulled up in a Japanese bun, dressed in a kimono, and holding a dagger in her black-gloved right hand. She looks very heroic.

It is said in the book that Qiu Jin has a poem "No expense is spared to buy a precious sword, mink fur can be exchanged for wine." The sword in her hand was bought for her by Xu Xilin and her friends, so she spent a lot of money to the point where she could not pay for it. In order to let everyone have a good drink, Qiu Jin even pawned her fur coat in exchange for drink money. There is revolution and love between her and Xu Xilin.

When she heard that Xu Xilin's uprising failed and was brutally cut open in the chest by honest officials and his heart was taken out as a memorial to the Manchus , she immediately revolted. Her uprising could be described as a form of suicide. After being tortured after being arrested and forced to write down a list of those who participated in the revolution, she first wrote the word "Autumn" to indicate that Qiu Jin was the only one, paused, and then left "Autumn wind and autumn rain are sad." of poetry. In the early morning of the next day, Qiu Jin was executed by beheading at the market entrance of , Shaoxing.

Teacher Jiang described her beauty as the beauty of living life to the extreme, which is really appropriate. After reading her story, I couldn't let go for a long time. I knew that Lu Xun's novel "Medicine" Xia Yu was based on Qiu Jin, so I quickly looked it up and read it, and I was even more shocked. The blood buns that Xiao Shuan, who was suffering from tuberculosis, ate, could not be the blood of Qiu Jin who was beheaded. The blood was still hot. It must not be the blood of Qiu Jin who "sprinkled it and it would still turn into blue waves"! How could the word "mourn" be used for such a fierce woman?

Brigitte Lin, the eternal Chinese goddess, had a fire in her 4.2 billion mansion in the Mid-Levels of Hong Kong in the early morning of July 8. Lin Qingxia once said in her book

My fingers slid across Lung Ying-tai's book, and I recalled the relationship she formed with me when she was teaching at the University of Hong Kong. In the process of dating, I saw her worrying about how to write "River and Sea 1949", and seeing her exhausted mentally and physically from running around in "River and Sea". When I read, I felt like big and small beads fell on the paper, and I fell in love with the dead souls she wrote. Tears, tears for the veterans who left their hometown and came to Taiwan. Her words deeply moved me.

There are also books by Zhang Yihe on the bookshelf. When I read "The Last Noble", I felt as if I was experiencing the catastrophe of the Cultural Revolution with her. Because I like her writing, when she came to Hong Kong, I got up early to listen to her speech. I admired her outspoken character. She told honest stories about Peking Opera dean Mei Lanfang and Cheng Yanqiu . The rise of Sometimes he will stand up and perform, which is very interesting.

I didn’t expect that after ten years of unjust imprisonment, she was still so cheerful and talkative.That night I was reading her first novel "The Liu Daughters" at the bedside. It was about the tragic stories of the women who were imprisoned with her. I was so attracted by the plot that I didn't even change my posture. I leaned on the bed and read it in one breath. It reads to completion. When I read the scene where Liu's daughter killed her husband, I was so frightened that my scalp went numb. Later, I curiously asked her how true the novel was. "One hundred percent," she replied without thinking. Her nickname is Xiaoyu, and I call her Sister Yu. We sometimes email her back and forth. Although she is very busy, she never hesitates to give me a few words after reading my articles.

These leaders in the cultural field are constantly publishing new works. I am also happy to receive good books and can ask for advice in person after reading them. Looking at the rows of books on the bookshelf, I feel regretful that I couldn’t be born in the era of Li Bai, Li Qingzhao and Cao Xueqin and chat with them over wine, but it’s not bad to be born in this era. I also have many close friends in the cultural circles, and I often talk with them over wine. .

Brigitte Lin, the eternal Chinese goddess, had a fire in her 4.2 billion mansion in the Mid-Levels of Hong Kong in the early morning of July 8. Lin Qingxia once said in her book

"This emotion will still flow in your heart" fans will always care about Brigitte Lin

Brigitte Lin loves reading (20210801).........

I went home after dinner that day and received a big book. I opened it and couldn't put it down immediately, backpack Throwing it on the ground, I sat down at first, and then just leaned over the bed and kept reading. The birds are chirping non-stop, and at dawn, they are still watching. A few hours passed before I knew it. When I closed the book and looked at the clock on the table, it was already 7:39 in the morning. The author is Pan Yaoming, editor-in-chief of Ming Pao Monthly. The title of the book is very long, "This emotion will still flow in your heart" - the story behind the handwriting of famous people. Why did you choose such a long name? There are also many words - 400,000, and each article contains letters from great writers. However, you don’t have to read it from the beginning, it will be interesting to any page you turn to. I believe that people who like to read the calligraphy of great writers and read their stories will continue to gain insights. So I can’t help but introduce it to everyone.

"The more serious life is, the more humor is needed", "The so-called humor is when the fat duck in your mouth actually flies away and you can laugh it off", "The inner root of humor is not joy, but sadness; there is no humor in heaven" I smiled knowingly after seeing it, wise!

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