Taiwan’s Academia Sinica recently issued an announcement stating that from August, full-time teachers at mainland universities will be prohibited from concurrently serving as researchers at the Academia Sinica. For overseas perspectives and China's stance, log on to the official

2024/06/1514:27:32 hotcomm 1873
Taiwan’s Academia Sinica recently issued an announcement stating that from August, full-time teachers at mainland universities will be prohibited from concurrently serving as researchers at the Academia Sinica. For overseas perspectives and China's stance, log on to the official  - DayDayNews

The picture shows the library of the European and American Institute of Academia Sinica in Taiwan

Overseas Network, July 3rd After Taiwanese high school graduates were blocked from going to mainland universities to study, is it illegal for Taiwanese teachers to teach in mainland universities? Taiwan's "Academia Sinica" recently issued an announcement stating that from August, full-time teachers at mainland universities will be prohibited from concurrently serving as "Academia Sinica" researchers. Taiwanese media lamented that "the highest academic palace should not set restrictions on itself."

According to the "United News Network" report, Liu Kongzhong, a former researcher at Taiwan's "Academia Sinica", revealed to the media that the "Academia Sinica" issued an official document in June and began to prohibit Taiwanese who serve as full-time teachers in mainland universities from concurrently serving as "Academia Sinica" scientific researchers in August to avoid violating the regulations. The Mainland Affairs Council's "Regulations on Cross-Strait People's Relations" stipulates that "Taiwanese are not allowed to hold positions or members in mainland party affairs, military, administrative or political agencies (institutions) announced by the Mainland Affairs Council."

Liu Kongzhong told the media that if the Academia Sinica’s interpretation is followed, it is illegal for Taiwanese to serve as full-time teachers in mainland universities. Currently, there are at least hundreds of scholars in Taiwan violating the law. Liu Kongzhong said: "'Academia Sinica' misinterprets the Mainland Affairs Council announcement. The government agencies and education-related persons mentioned in the announcement should be the Ministry of Education and special agencies, public institutions, and offices directly under the Ministry of Education. It does not include universities at all; mainland universities Including public and private institutions, not all are affiliated with the Ministry of Education in the mainland. "

In response to the doubts, the Academia Sinica issued a statement on July 2 arguing that it was "administered in accordance with the law" and stated that it had consulted the Mainland Affairs Council and confirmed that the Taiwanese people were They are not allowed to hold positions under the Ministry of Education and governments at all levels in mainland China, and after consulting the practices of many universities, it was determined that such personnel are not suitable to be employed as part-time researchers at Academia Sinica."

"Academia Sinica" was very convincing, but was slapped in the face by the Mainland Affairs Council that night. The Mainland Affairs Council hastily responded that the selection and recruitment of part-time personnel from academic institutions and universities in Taiwan is not within the scope of application of the "Cross-Strait Regulations." "Academia Sinica" had to give up on July 3 and stated that the relevant regulations were based on the Mainland Affairs Council's statement.

"Academia Sinica was slapped in the face by the Mainland Affairs Council. In addition to misinterpreting and expanding legal interpretations, the more serious problem is probably to set academic self-restrictions." Taiwan's "United News Network" commented: "Under the current cross-strait relations, Taiwan Scholars are invited to the mainland for short-term teaching or to serve as visiting professors, which is close to the level of self-confidence. They are afraid of stepping on the Tsai administration's red line. Now, the Academia Sinica has stepped up its efforts and used self-interpretation to restrict scholars who go to work in the mainland. It is inevitable that This has caused the outside world to think about the trend, and it has also brought dust to Taiwan's highest academic research institution. "

Taiwanese media pointed out: "The Tsai administration has recently restricted people's rights in the name of security, ranging from the extension of restrictions on visits to the mainland by retired senior officials, to the mainland. Community Director Assistant , who serves as a village chief in Taiwan, has been fined. In this context and in a chilling atmosphere, it is not surprising that the Academia Sinica issued this document that is completely "politically correct" but self-castrating. "If there are good people at the top, they will be worse at the bottom." Don't be too surprised if Academia Sinica is like this. "

An Fengshan, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, previously said in response to the "DPP's investigation of scientific researchers working in the mainland." , the mainland has been actively working to create better conditions for Taiwan compatriots to share development opportunities on the mainland and benefit Taiwan compatriots. However, the DPP authorities have made up various excuses to constantly obstruct it, set up obstacles at every turn, and even arbitrarily fabricated charges and threats and intimidation. This is standing in the opposite direction of Taiwan compatriots, undermining the rights of Taiwanese people to pursue a better life, and hindering Taiwan compatriots from realizing their own betterment. opportunities for greater and better development will only further harm the interests of Taiwan compatriots. (Overseas Network Zhu Huiyue)

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