Anyone who is familiar with Chairman Mao knows that when Chairman Mao goes out for inspections, he does not like to fly, but prefers to take a train. The main reason is that the train can stop at any time, and Chairman Mao can talk to local leaders at any time along the way to un

2024/06/1512:04:33 hotcomm 1710

Anyone who is familiar with Chairman Mao knows that when Chairman Mao goes out for inspections, he does not like to fly, but prefers to take a train.

The main reason is that the train can stop at any time, and Chairman Mao can talk to local leaders at any time along the way to understand the local situation.

However, this also has a hidden danger, which is safety issues. For example, in 1955, Chairman Mao encountered an unexpected "attack" when he was taking a train out.

Anyone who is familiar with Chairman Mao knows that when Chairman Mao goes out for inspections, he does not like to fly, but prefers to take a train. The main reason is that the train can stop at any time, and Chairman Mao can talk to local leaders at any time along the way to un - DayDayNews

At 19:10 on June 18, 1955, at the request of Chairman Mao, the train originally planned to depart at 19:30 departed early. In addition to Chairman Mao on the train, there was also Malenkov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers from the Soviet Union.

After setting off from Hangzhou Railway Station, everything went smoothly at first, and Chairman Mao and Malenkov also had a pleasant conversation. But at 19:45, when the train passed the west gate of Xiaoshan , a sound suddenly came from the carriage " "Crack", like the sound of glass being smashed.

Wang Fang, the director of the Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Department who was on the train, immediately realized the danger. Years of experience told him that the train might have been attacked!

Wang Fang immediately became vigilant and checked each carriage one by one. Finally, he found a smashed gap in the glass of the sixth carriage, which looked like it had been broken by a bullet.

Anyone who is familiar with Chairman Mao knows that when Chairman Mao goes out for inspections, he does not like to fly, but prefers to take a train. The main reason is that the train can stop at any time, and Chairman Mao can talk to local leaders at any time along the way to un - DayDayNews

Wang Fang’s first thought was that this was probably done by a Kuomintang spy! If Wang Fang was here alone, he wouldn't feel scared, but Chairman Mao and Malenkov were also on this train. What should they do if something unexpected happened to them? Therefore, Wang Fang did not dare to be careless for a moment during the rest of the journey, and ordered all security personnel to remain vigilant and respond to dangers that may occur at any time.

Fortunately, nothing happened when we finally arrived at our destination.

After arriving at Xiaoshan Railway Station , Wang Fang immediately informed Deputy Director of the Zhejiang Provincial Public Security Department Lu Jianguang and told him what happened on the train. After receiving the notice, Lu Jianguang realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately left for Xiaoshan. He also notified Pan Zhenduo, director of the Xiaoshan Public Security Bureau.

After discussion between Lu Jianguang and Pan Zhenduo, they decided to launch a blanket search, starting from the Ximen intersection of Xiaoshan to Bailutang Station. Suspicious persons in the villages along the way were the targets of the search. For this reason, all units of the Xiaoshan Public Security Bureau, except for a small number of personnel who need to look after the house, have all been dispatched!

Anyone who is familiar with Chairman Mao knows that when Chairman Mao goes out for inspections, he does not like to fly, but prefers to take a train. The main reason is that the train can stop at any time, and Chairman Mao can talk to local leaders at any time along the way to un - DayDayNews

Lu Jianguang and Pan Zhenduo also went to Hangzhou together to report the matter to Jianghua , secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, and Tan Zhenlin, the deputy prime minister who was working in Hangzhou. However, Jiang Hua and Tan Zhenlin happened to be away on business and had not returned yet, so Lu Jianguang and Pan Zhenduo reported the matter to Xu Jianguo, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security who accompanied Tan Zhenlin.

html On June 20, Xu Jianguo came to the scene of the crime and personally participated in the investigation. However, after checking the hole in the carriage glass, Xu Jianguo discovered two doubts. First, if the gap in the carriage glass was caused by a bullet, then why was there no bullet in the carriage? Second, if it was really the KMT spies, why didn’t the other party take the next step?

These two doubts made Xu Jianguo puzzled. After looking at the gaps in the glass, Xu Jianguo found that the cracks around the gaps were unevenly distributed. They were broken by stones rather than bullets.

Therefore, Xu Jianguo made a bold guess: This incident was not caused by Kuomintang spies, but was caused by villagers throwing stones at the train when the train passed through villages along the way.

The reason why Xu Jianguo speculated like this is because there is precedent for this kind of thing, which has happened many times before.

Anyone who is familiar with Chairman Mao knows that when Chairman Mao goes out for inspections, he does not like to fly, but prefers to take a train. The main reason is that the train can stop at any time, and Chairman Mao can talk to local leaders at any time along the way to un - DayDayNews

After carefully listening to Pan Zhenduo's report, Xu Jianguo issued a series of orders. First, he canceled the 24-hour limit on solving crimes, and at the same time asked the Xiaoshan Public Security Bureau to expand the scope of the search. They could not just focus on the possibility of Kuomintang spies. Train The villagers in the villages passed along the way are also targets of investigation.

Finally, through the unremitting efforts of the public security personnel, a person who was most likely a suspect target was discovered in Caojia Village - poor farmer Cao Wensheng.

In order to understand the truth of the matter, Pan Zhenduo personally brought people to Cao Wensheng's home and took Cao Wensheng to the Public Security Bureau for interrogation.

In the interrogation room, Cao Wensheng, who had never seen the world, was so frightened that he could not say a word. Pan Zhenduo could only calm down his emotions and let Cao Wensheng calm down. After Pan Zhenduo's enlightenment, Cao Wensheng finally calmed down. Through his explanation, Pan Zhenduo finally understood the truth of the case.

Anyone who is familiar with Chairman Mao knows that when Chairman Mao goes out for inspections, he does not like to fly, but prefers to take a train. The main reason is that the train can stop at any time, and Chairman Mao can talk to local leaders at any time along the way to un - DayDayNews

It turned out that that night, after Cao Wensheng finished his day's work, he was chatting with a friend beside the train track. At this time, a train happened to pass by. Cao Wensheng was stupid and threw a stone at the train, which unexpectedly broke the train's glass.

During the explanation process, Pan Zhenduo discovered that Cao Wensheng kept emphasizing that his friend Cao Peixing knew about the incident. This made Pan Zhenduo feel that there might be something hidden in it, so he decided to interrogate Cao Peixing as well.

Unexpectedly, Pan Zhenduo's interrogation made him dumbfounded.

It turns out that Cao Peixing also confessed to Pan Zhenduo that it was not Cao Wensheng who threw the stone, but himself.

What's going on? There were so many people in the Public Security Bureau who couldn't find the murderer before, but now two of them suddenly appeared? Which of the two is the one who threw the stone?

In order to find out the truth, the public security officers specially separated the two people and interrogated them separately. After analyzing the testimonies of the two people, they determined that the person who threw the stone was Cao Wensheng.

Anyone who is familiar with Chairman Mao knows that when Chairman Mao goes out for inspections, he does not like to fly, but prefers to take a train. The main reason is that the train can stop at any time, and Chairman Mao can talk to local leaders at any time along the way to un - DayDayNews

So, why did Cao Peixing lie?

After some ideological work, Cao Peixing finally told the truth. It turned out that after Cao Wensheng was taken away by Pan Zhenduo, his wife knew that her husband had caused a big trouble, so she quickly found Cao Peixing, hoping that he would take the blame for her husband. Because Cao Peixing is a party member and served as a township head in the past, if his superiors knew that Cao Peixing did it, they might not severely punish him.

Seeing Cao Wensheng's wife kneeling on the ground crying, Cao Peixing, who had always been soft-hearted, couldn't bear it, so he gritted his teeth and decided to take the blame for Cao Wensheng. The truth of the

case was finally revealed, and Cao Wensheng was also imprisoned.

However, what everyone did not expect was that after Chairman Mao learned what happened, he actually interceded for Cao Wensheng himself!

Anyone who is familiar with Chairman Mao knows that when Chairman Mao goes out for inspections, he does not like to fly, but prefers to take a train. The main reason is that the train can stop at any time, and Chairman Mao can talk to local leaders at any time along the way to un - DayDayNews

Chairman Mao believed that Cao Wensheng was just a poor peasant who had never seen the big world. He thought the train was new and threw a stone out of curiosity. There was nothing wrong with it. Since no major accidents were caused, it was enough to criticize and educate him. There is no need to use any thunderous tactics.

Finally, after a verdict by the Xiaoshan Court, Cao Wensheng was sentenced to three years in prison with a suspended sentence.

With Chairman Mao's intercession, Cao Wensheng did not suffer much during his imprisonment. He was released after more than 20 days of imprisonment.

This is the greatness of Chairman Mao. After the train was attacked, he did not worry about his own safety. Instead, he interceded for the perpetrators. Look at some people today, their realms are beyond heaven and earth!

(Reference materials: "Qianjiang Evening News", " Qilu Evening News ", "Witnessing the Past of the Republic")

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