Special commentator Guan Yao: According to Article 13 of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the chairman of the Hong Kong National Security Committee is the chief executive. Other members include the director of the core department of the Hong Kong government and the head of th

2024/06/1510:51:33 hotcomm 1981

Special commentator Guan Yao: According to Article 13 of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the chairman of the Hong Kong National Security Committee is the chief executive. Other members include the director of the core department of the Hong Kong government and the head of th - DayDayNews

The State Council decided on July 2, 2020: to appoint Chen Guoji as Secretary-General of the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Direct news: The State Council appointed Chen Guoji, director of the Hong Kong Chief Executive's Office, as secretary-general of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's Committee for Safeguarding National Security. Chen Guoji was sworn in in the morning. Mr. Guan, do you have any special observations on this?

Special commentator Guan Yao: According to Article 13 of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the chairman of the Hong Kong National Security Committee is the chief executive. Other members include the director of the core department of the Hong Kong government and the head of the discipline and security department. The director of the Chief Executive’s Office is also the national security committee member. Member, Chen Guoji was once again appointed as the first secretary-general of the National Security Council. He has many posts and a heavy burden on his shoulders.

Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor expressed her confidence that Chan Kwok-kee has the ability to hold the post concurrently and will lead the secretariat to support the Hong Kong National Security Committee in shouldering the important responsibility of safeguarding national security. We also hope and wish that Chen Guoji will live up to his trust and fulfill his mission during his tenure as Secretary-General.

The Hong Kong National Security Committee has a special setting, that is, the national security adviser stipulated in Article 15 of the Hong Kong National Security Law. In my opinion, this is an innovation in the management system for safeguarding national security in Hong Kong. The National Security Adviser is appointed by the Central People's Government to attend meetings of the Hong Kong National Security Committee and provide advice on the performance of his responsibilities. I believe we will also see relevant notifications soon.

However, it is necessary to remind that according to the Hong Kong National Security Law, the work information of the Hong Kong National Security Committee is not disclosed because its relevant members possess a large amount of state secret information, and many of its relevant decisions also involve state secret matters. Moreover, once the Hong Kong National Security Council makes a decision, it will not accept Hong Kong judicial review. This also highlights the central government’s full trust and authorization in it and ensures the decision-making authority of the Hong Kong National Security Council.

Special commentator Guan Yao: According to Article 13 of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the chairman of the Hong Kong National Security Committee is the chief executive. Other members include the director of the core department of the Hong Kong government and the head of th - DayDayNews

Direct News: However, the United States is also launching a legal battle against the Hong Kong National Security Law. After the Senate passed the so-called "Hong Kong Autonomy Act" and the House of Representatives also passed it with a high vote, members of both parties also proposed the cross-party "Hong Kong Safe Harbor Act" to play the so-called "refugee card." What do you think of this?

Special Commentator Guan Yao: Last week, the US Senate passed the so-called Hong Kong-related autonomy bill. In response, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian made it clear that it was "a piece of waste paper." Now the so-called "Hong Kong Autonomy Act" in the House of Representatives will merge the texts of the two houses and then send them to the White House for signature. I have also analyzed in the program before that even if the "Hong Kong Autonomy Act" is signed and passed, it cannot be an independent bill and will be packaged The "National Defense Authorization Act" stuffed into the new year has more symbolic meaning than substance. The bill promotes so-called comprehensive financial sanctions, especially the so-called "sanctions" against foreign financial institutions that have "significant transactions" with China's "sanctioned individuals" ", it is more difficult to "implement it." Therefore, the "Hong Kong Autonomy Act" will not escape the essence of the "pocket bill" and the "drawer bill" in the future. It is what Zhao Lijian calls "a piece of waste paper."

targeted it at 11 o'clock last night The Hong Kong National Security Law that has come into effect is regarded by some in the United States as a thorn in the side. Not only is Congress engaged in a so-called "legal war" and enacting various "pocket bills", the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce and other administrative departments are also engaging in various so-called "pocket bills". Administrative retaliation, such as visa restrictions, etc. However, since the United States has been playing the "Hong Kong card" so far, at least these few facts are completely confirmed: Just like it cannot prevent the "Hong Kong National Security Law" from being passed by the National People's Congress, the United States cannot at all. The full implementation of the "Hong Kong National Security Law" in Hong Kong cannot be prevented, because as Zhao Lijian said, China is not intimidated.

Even if the United States imposes various sanctions in the future, Hong Kong's sky will not fall. It determines Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability. It is the spirit of Hong Kong people under the Lion Rock and the support of the great powers behind Hong Kong.Today is the third day of the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, and it is also the first day that Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect resume trading. Today, Hong Kong's northbound funds set a single-day transaction record, approaching 150 billion yuan. Isn't this just real money being used? Vote? The most controversial term in the American media, including American academic circles, is the so-called "Great Decoupling." Not to mention whether this theory of decoupling can be established, what needs to be asked is, even if the United States is truly decoupled, does it mean that A decoupled world? Can the United States really represent the world? A historic phenomenon will occur in the second quarter of this year. The U.S. economy, which has been hit hard by the epidemic, will most likely have a GDP lower than China's in that quarter. This is the first time in more than a century. The United States will forcefully break away from China. Isn’t it also in a decoupled world? Decoupling larger global markets?

Special commentator Guan Yao: According to Article 13 of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the chairman of the Hong Kong National Security Committee is the chief executive. Other members include the director of the core department of the Hong Kong government and the head of th - DayDayNews

Zhao Lijian said that the British side ignored China's solemn position and insisted on changing its policy to provide a path for relevant personnel to reside and naturalize in the UK. This seriously violated its own commitments, international law and basic norms governing international relations.

Direct News: The British government is also taking issue with the so-called BNO, which is the "overseas passport", threatening to amend the law to allow Hong Kong people holding BNO to have the opportunity to become British citizens. Today, the Chinese Ambassador to the UK and Zhao Lijian both made strong reactions. How do you analyze this?

Special Commentator Guan Yao: The responses, including those from Ambassador Liu Xiaoming and spokesperson Zhao Lijian, made these three points clear: First, the so-called identity issue of Hong Kong residents holding BNO emphasizes that they are all Chinese citizens. Secondly, the relevant statements made by British Prime Minister Johnson and Foreign Minister Raab are all refutations and violations of the British side's previous legal commitments. China and the UK have previously reached an agreement, and the UK has promised not to grant the right of abode in the UK to Hong Kong Chinese citizens holding BNO. Third, China strongly condemns the British remarks and reserves the right to make further reactions.

Speaking of "BNO passport", although it is euphemistically called "passport", some people have long seen through that it is at best a so-called travel document with limited value. As for the so-called release of "BNO passport" holders to become British citizens, it is tantamount to British politicians telling lies. Why should the UK leave the EU? Isn’t one of the main motivations the high suspicion of immigration? How could it be possible to fully open the gate to 350,000 people? Which British politician dares to make a decision on this?

I would like to remind you that the god of gambling Buffett has a famous saying, don’t short your own country. At the shareholders’ meeting during the epidemic, he reiterated this view again and don’t make the wrong bet on the United States. In the face of all kinds of noise and confusion from external forces based on their own interests, regarding Hong Kong's national security law, especially on issues of residency and even immigration, I especially hope that Hong Kong citizens will be more discerning and more determined in this regard.

When Hong Kong returned to China, some Hong Kong people embarked on the road of immigration. However, not long after the return, Hong Kong witnessed the "return wave" again. Tan Huizhu, deputy director of the Hong Kong Basic Law Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, said that the implementation of Hong Kong's national security law should be an opportunity for Hong Kong people to "return" for the second time. Regarding the deception of Johnson and Rab, I hope that those Hong Kong people who hold BNO can be more considerate. , "Second regression" is the real benefit maximization.

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