Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f

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htmlFor many years, movies adapted from true stories can often touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome fans to make additions to facilitate more fans to watch the movie.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews. Untouchable

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

After a skydiving accident, Philippe, a wealthy aristocrat. High paralysis, unable to move below the neck. He could only sit in a wheelchair and couldn't take care of himself. He needed helpers to take care of him, so he launched a recruitment drive. Driss, a black young man, was born in a slum and had just been released from prison. He was living on government unemployment subsidies. In order to issue a certificate that he had participated in the recruitment process, Driss approached Mr. Philip. He had never thought about getting a job. During the conversation, he may have touched Mr. Philip's thoughts and gave Dirss a chance to have a job probation period. It was simple. He is the most unsuitable candidate for the job. Opportunity caused the two worlds to collide and merge with each other, and an incredible and wonderful friendship was born. Something in the movie always touches me. Like a documentary, watching each other slowly makes positive changes in each other's lives, making both parties "optimistic" in their outlook on life or values. If you give sincerely, you will gain more than friendship..

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews. Inspur

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

is a 2008 German movie. The story tells the story of Ron Jones, a history teacher at Cooperley High School in Palo Alto, California, in April 1967, in order to teach the subject: dictatorship. An ingenious experiment was designed to allow students to experience the horror of the Nazi totalitarian movement. The students were allowed to imitate Nazi party members and launched a micro-totalitarian movement in the class. Within 6 days, more and more students joined it. , and later everyone gradually fell into a kind of totalitarian fanaticism that was difficult to extricate themselves from, gradually distorting the teacher's original intention, and embarked on a path of no return.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews. Hoh Xil

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

Hoh Xil, where the story of the movie "Kekexili" takes place, is located in the west of China and in the center of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Before 1985, there were about one million precious plateau animal Tibetan antelopes living in Hoh Xil. However, as the demand for Shatoush shawls increased in the European and American markets, the price of its raw material Tibetan antelope cashmere skyrocketed, and there were no Tibetan antelopes in Hoh Xil in China. A bloody massacre of Tibetan antelopes broke out in the human area, and poachers from all over the country flocked to Hoh Xil to hunt the antelopes. In just a few years, millions of Tibetan antelopes were almost wiped out, and now there are less than 20,000 Tibetan antelopes left in Hoh Xil.

Since 1993, Tibetans and Han people in the surrounding areas of Hoh Xil, under the leadership of captain Suonandajie, have formed a mountain patrol protection team called the Wild Yak Team, volunteering to enter Hoh Xil to carry out anti-poaching operations. For more than five years, the wild yak team fought countless bloody battles with poachers in the hinterland of Hoh Xil. The two captains, Sonam Dajie and Zhaba Dorje, died successively.

4. When Happiness Knocks on the Door

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

Chris Gardner, who was nearly 30 years old, met his father for the first time when he was 28 years old, so at that time he made up his mind to make a baby for his child after he had it. Good dad. However, his career was not going well and his life was poor. He could only travel to major hospitals every day and make a living by selling bone density scanners. An accidental opportunity brought him into contact with the securities industry. At the same time, various difficulties and life pressures came to him, but Chris Gardner has always been optimistic and taught his son not to be discouraged. Under the pressure of life and his own efforts, Chris finally succeeded and later founded his own company.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews. The story of the loyal dog Hachiko

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The prototype of the movie is that the Akita dog Hachiko was brought to Tokyo by his owner Hidesaburo Ueno in 1924. Every morning, Hachiko watched Ueno Hidesaburo go to work at his door, and then went to the nearby Shibuya train station in the evening to welcome him home from get off work.One night, Ueno Hidesaburo did not return home as usual. He suddenly suffered a stroke in college and died after ineffective rescue. He never returned to the train station, but Hachiko was still waiting for him faithfully.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews. Public Enemies

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The film describes the true events of the famous bank robber John Dillinger in 1930.

tells an epic gangster legend, focusing on the famous bank robber John Dillinger. A short life full of dangers. The two leading actors are both my favorite actors, and they are also actors who have been popular on the screen in recent years. It seems that each actor fits the temperament of the historical characters exactly.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews. Schindler's List

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The 66th (1994) Oscar Best Picture - "Schindler's List" is based on "Schindler's List" written by Australian novelist Thomas Corneares. Adapted from "The List". It truly reproduces the real historical event of German entrepreneur Oskar Schindler protecting more than 1,200 Jews from being killed by fascists during World War II.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews. Rwanda Hotel

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

Paul Luce Sebergina opened a hotel in troubled times. In a world full of killings, this hotel is like an oasis for people to rest and save people's lives. The incident stemmed from the deaths of the two heads of state: they were the leaders of the Hutu and Tutsi tribes, and they were on the same flight, but they were accidentally shot down. As a result, the suspicion and fighting between the two tribes began, and the Hutus began to kill the Tutsis crazily.

And Paul is a Hutu who has a Tutsi wife and friends. In order to save the people around him and save a nation, he struggled to save the lives of 1,000 refugees in an increasingly serious situation. The Rwanda Hotel staged A series of touching stories.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews. Titanic

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

is a disaster movie that focuses on love, which truly explains love and is sobering.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews0. The Assassination of Bin Laden

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

This video is based on first-hand real information from the 911 incident.

After the September 11 incident that shocked the world in 2001, the United States launched a pursuit and killing operation, targeting Osama bin Laden, the number one figure in Al Qaeda. Maya (Jessica Chastain) is a capable and tough female CIA agent. She was sent to work at the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan. Her only mission is to find bin Laden. Although she could not bear the torture used to interrogate terrorists by the bureau at that time, she firmly believed that the prerequisite for obtaining important information was above all else. She devoted 10 years of her life to one thing: finding a straw from the vast sea of ​​counter-terrorism intelligence, and then using it to break the camel called bin Laden. In the end, her efforts paid off - on May 1, 2011, the U.S. Navy SEALs sneaked into Pakistan based on her intelligence and carried out a beheading operation, successfully killing Osama bin Laden.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews1. "The Melting Pot"

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

This film is based on real events in a school for the deaf and mute in Gwangju in 2005, and is adapted from the novel of the same name by Korean writer Kong Ji Young.

Inho, a mute art teacher from Seoul, came to Wujin and applied for a school for the deaf and mute. When heavy fog fell, he accidentally crashed his car. During maintenance, he met Rou Zhen, a member of a human rights organization. Renhao's wife died young and his 8-year-old daughter was born with asthma and was taken care of by his grandmother, so he worked tirelessly to find a job to support his family. However, the twins' principal and dean actually forced Inho to ask for a bribe of 50 million won. At the same time, Renhao gradually discovered that the school was enveloped in a tense and depressive atmosphere, which was suffocating. There are three children in particular who attract attention: the smart Jin Yandou and the gluttonous Chen Youli are always dodging. Quan Minxiu's younger brother committed suicide and his face is always covered in bruises. After class, Renhao also heard shouting and crying in the women's toilet, but he did not go into details when the guard stopped him.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews2. Lake Eden

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

A couple stayed away from the hustle and bustle of the city and went to a remote and quiet lakeside for vacation. They unexpectedly clashed with a group of homeless teenagers. When the two tried to cross the jungle to a nearby town for help, they were brutally and mercilessly attacked by teenagers.The ultimate fear that strikes people's hearts, the bloodthirsty index is catching up with "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", completely challenging the strength of the heart. Newlyweds Jenny and Steve plan to spend a romantic weekend vacation at a quiet and beautiful lake, but they are brutally attacked by a group of thugs and teenagers nearby.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews3. I love you Morris

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

Steve Russell is a paid adopted child. In order to find out his biological parents, he became a policeman. However, when he came to his mother's house, he got But it was closed door. Fortunately, Steve still has a happy family. He and his wife have a daughter. The devout couple prays every day. However, these are just appearances. In fact, Steve is a homosexual. He deceived everyone with endless lies. Finally, after a car accident, Steve realized that his previous life was worthless, and he disclosed his sexual orientation. And went to Florida to find happiness. Years of deception gave Steve an extraordinary ability to deceive. Soon after the incident came to light, Steve was imprisoned, but in prison he met the love of his life, Maurice, to whom Steve dedicated his life. With all their passion and courage, the lovers who walked out of prison left behind a legendary story.

This film is adapted from the true story written by Steve McVicker..

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews4. Memories of Murder

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The film is based on the serial murder case in Hwaseong, South Korea, which plunged Korean society into panic in the mid-to-late 1980s. It was first filmed as a stage play 'Come and See Me' by director Kim Kwang Lim in 1996 and based on actual investigation data and interview records, it was officially put on the screen in 2003. However, since it has only been ten years since the incident occurred, Hwaseong, the area where the incident occurred, the people involved at the time, and the families of the victims are still very sensitive. In addition, the case has not yet been closed, especially because it is based on real people and true events. This undoubtedly shows that this is a sensitive matter. Material with a high index. Therefore, the director responsible for the filming was also deeply embarrassed. The movie mainly describes the investigation process and the attitude of the police who track down the murderer, and reflects the attitude of the surrounding people towards the major incident and the impact they have received.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews5. 300 Spartans

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

This movie describes one of the most brutal wars in human history: the Battle of Thermopylae. In 480 BC, King Xerxes I of Persia personally led an army of 300,000 to conquer Greece. Various Greek city-states quickly sent out troops to form a coalition to prepare to resist the invasion of the Persian army.

The front line of the defense line is located at Thermopylae in Greece. It is guarded here by King Leonidas of Sparta, who leads the city's 300 elite soldiers and more than 4,000 coalition forces. Due to the betrayal of the traitors, the Greek army was copied behind the Persian army and formed an encirclement and suppression campaign. In order to preserve the strength of the coalition forces, Leonidas allowed the coalition forces to retreat first, and he led 300 elite soldiers to defend the hot springs after they were closed.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews6. Pianist

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

Sibman is a pianist at a Polish radio station. When World War II was about to break out, the family was forced into the Jewish Ghetto in Warsaw. In the ups and downs of the war, his family and relatives were eventually killed by the Nazis, and Biaoman himself suffered all kinds of humiliation and torture. Fortunately, he got help from a friend and found a temporary hiding place. The war became more intense, and his friends had to leave him behind and return to his hometown to find a safe place to raise their children. At this time, Spielman was suffering from a serious illness, but he still had to flee during the search. In the attic of the ruins he met a German officer, and at the officer's request he played piano music.

The film is adapted from the autobiographical novel "Dead City" by Polish pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews7.Black Hawk Down

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

In 1992, years of tribal wars destroyed the mountains and rivers of the East African country of Somalia, and the people were in dire straits. The resulting famine caused 300,000 deaths. The dictator Mohammed Farah Aidid, who controls the capital Mogadishu, stole relief supplies from international organizations, a move that aroused public outrage around the world. The frantic Aidid declared war on international peacekeeping organizations, and the United States sent 160 special forces members to Mogadishu to overthrow the Aidid regime.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews8. A Beautiful Mind

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

This film is a biopic about the great 20th century mathematician John Forbes-Nash Jr.

John Forbes-Nash Jr. published the famous game theory when he was a graduate student. Although the theory was only 26 pages long, it had a profound impact on economics, military and other fields. But just when John Forbes-Nash Jr. became famous internationally, his outstanding intuition was troubled by schizophrenia. However, this did not stop him from marching to the top academic level. With the help of his wife Alicia who loved him deeply, With encouragement and help, although he walked slowly, he never stopped. In the end, with more than ten years of unremitting efforts and tenacious will, he got what he wanted.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews9.Call Me Number One

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The film is adapted from the true story of Brad Cohen.

BoBo was born with Tourette's syndrome, a severe spasm that causes him to uncontrollably twist his neck and make strange noises. And this kind of weird behavior made him not understood by the people around him since he was a child. Teachers often criticized him in school, and his classmates even ridiculed him. Even his father was deeply disappointed in him. Only his mother has always been his solid arm. Her persistence and encouragement have enabled him to move forward in a normal life. However, facing a world that does not understand him, BoBo has been struggling in the whirlpool of pain. It wasn't until a school-wide meeting that the principal cleverly let everyone know BoBo's true condition in front of everyone, allowing him to have a firm dream of becoming a teacher who cares for students, even though this disease made BoBo suffer obstacles on the road to pursuing his dream of being a teacher. Although everyone doubted him and suffered setbacks many times, he always persisted in his dream.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews0. The Suspicious Cloud of Changing Sons

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The story took place in Los Angeles in 1928. Christine Collins, who worked at the telephone station switchboard, raised her son Walt alone. , the life of mother and son is simple and happy. However, their lives were soon disrupted. One day when Christine got off work, she discovered that her son was missing.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the corrupt Los Angeles police recovered Walt five months later, but Christine discovered that he was not her biological son. She repeatedly asked the police to clarify the facts and help her find the real Walter, but she was repeatedly obstructed and criticized, and was even sent to a mental hospital for obstructing police duties. Pastor Gustav Brigrab, who has always been committed to exposing police brutality, campaigned for this poor woman's misfortune.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews1. Rabe's Diary

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

"Rabe's Diary" is a true record of the Nanjing Massacre made by a German friend who was in Nanjing that year. On the 60th anniversary of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, which marked the beginning of China's all-out war of resistance, it is of great significance that this long-shuttered but valuable historical material is published for the first time.

In 1937, German businessman Rabe and his wife Dora, who had lived in Nanjing, China for many years, were preparing to return to China. He handed over his position at Siemens China Branch to his successor. However, at the farewell party that day, the Japanese army began to bomb the city of Nanjing, burning and looting everywhere, causing a riot in Nanjing.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews2. Bank Robbery

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

In 1971, Michael British MI5 staff member Tim was ordered to retrieve these photos stored in a bank in London.

Tim found Martine, a drug dealer, and threatened her to rob the bank to get the photos for himself. Martine quickly formed a gang with several semi-professional criminals or newcomers headed by Terry who planned to dig tunnels and rob the vault.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews3. Zodiac Killer

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

In the 1970s, a murderer who called himself "Zodiac" appeared in San Francisco. After killing people, he sent a letter to the media, leaving passwords and clues, and provoked the police many times. A strange combination of circumstances brought the case to a deadlock, and the police were gradually helpless. The serial murder case also attracted the attention of "San Francisco Chronicle" reporters Robert and Paul. With the help of police officer David, they began to investigate this series of serial murder cases. While fighting the "Zodiac" killer, they At the same time, they also face great challenges in their personal lives.

"Jack Tarrance, who died in 2006, was found to be consistent with the blood left at the crime scene by the US FBI on June 26, 2009. After more than 40 years, the real murderer was Jack Tarrance." But in 2010 In April, the DNA test results were overturned, and some accused the Los Angeles police of improperly storing and testing the DNA results. However, Los Angeles still identified him as the biggest suspect after repeated attempts.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews4. Sins under the beautiful countryside

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

Because her parents, who work in an amusement park, are busy with their affairs, the girl Sylvia and her sister Jenny move into the home of Gertrude Baniszewski, a single mother with seven children. Gertrude's eldest daughter, Paula, became pregnant out of wedlock. Sylvia overheard the news and told her classmates, not wanting the news to leak out. Paula angered Sylvia, causing her to be physically punished by Gertrude. After that, the alcoholic Gertrude attributed all family problems to Sylvia's arrival, imprisoned her in the basement behind the townspeople's back, and encouraged her children to torture Sylvia. Not only that, but other children in the town also participated in this brutal torture, and together they committed one of the most serious crimes against an individual in American history.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews5. The Rainmaker

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

tells the story of Rudy Baylor, a novice who has just entered the lawyer profession. Of course, he wants to make great achievements as soon as possible and make achievements in this field that he has longed for. However, what he encountered was muddy water, completely different from what he had originally imagined. Fortunately, the tenacity in Rudy is still there. With his conscience, he wants to speak for ordinary people like his mother who claims insurance from the insurance company and the abused young married woman, and be a rainmaker delivering water to dry land. According to the director's explanation, Rudy is a modern knight who is simple, idealistic, and wants to help all people in trouble. However, his own situation seems embarrassing and ironic.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews6. First degree murder

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

In 1938, the prisoner Henry tried to escape from the famous Alcatraz prison, but ultimately failed. Warden Glenn hated Henry for threatening his status and threw him into a closed dungeon for three years, during which he was beaten countless times. Henry was finally able to leave the dungeon, but the first thing he did was kill the prisoner who betrayed him with a spoon, and he was charged with first-degree murder.

Another courtroom film, whether it is the story theme or the acting skills, it is a form of artistic expression

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews7. Cat and Mouse Game / How to Get Away with Murder

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

Frank is the youngest wanted criminal in the history of the FBI. His criminal skills are vast and his ability to disguise his identity is extraordinary. He has left his criminal footprints almost all over the United States. Pretending to be a doctor, a lawyer, or a pilot are all his former identities. Of course, Frank used this "skill" to defraud millions of dollars.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews8. Weakness

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

Black Oher’s parents divorced since he was a child and he is homeless. However, despite being dull, he was lucky enough to enter an orphanage because of his strong physical condition and athletic talent. Although he scored zero points, some details made him stand out. After a volleyball match, he took the initiative to clean up the trash, which attracted the attention of the Taosi family. So, Mrs. Taosi decided to adopt Oher and train him to be a rugby player. Mrs. Taosi made him feel the warmth of family. At the same time, Taosi's son also helped Oher train, so that he quickly integrated into the life of the rugby team and continued to stimulate his sports potential.

This film is based on the extraordinary experience of Michael Oher, the top pick in the 2009 National Football League draft. Won the 82nd Academy Award for Best Actress (Sandra Bullock).

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews9.127 hours

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The film tells the story of Aron Ralston, an American mountaineer who broke his arm to save himself.

In May 2003, while climbing in a canyon in Utah, American mountaineer Aaron Ralston was trapped for five days and five nights when his right arm was pinned down by a rock. In order to escape, he endured the severe pain and spent more than an hour. time, he broke his radius and ulna, used his sports shorts as a temporary tourniquet, and then used a knife to cut off his right forearm from the elbow. After escaping from the rock, he climbed through the narrow and windy canyon with superhuman perseverance in order to fight against the blood loss, rappelled down to the 60-foot-deep canyon, walked another 5 miles and met the rescuers, and finally survived.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews0. That guy's voice

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The prototype of the story "Lee Hyung-ho" was abducted in a park near his home on January 29, 1991. His parents were threatened and extorted by phone for 44 days, and the gangsters also received a ransom of 200 million. Lee Hyung-ho's body was found However, he was found in a sewer of the Han River. Police investigation results showed that Lee Hyung-ho died on the second day after being abducted. He was only 9 years old at the time.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews1. Wilderness Survival

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

Christopher comes from a wealthy family and is a top student at Emory, a prestigious private school in Atlanta, with a bright future. However, after graduating from school, he chose a completely different life. He gave up his enviable job, donated his savings to charity, and went to Alaska to find himself. Amid the dissuasion of his family, he embarked on a long and slow journey back to nature and became a veritable wanderer.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews2. Children/Missing Frog Boy incident

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

March 26, 1991, Daegu, South Korea. Five boys who studied at Chengxi Primary School went up the mountain together and never returned. The incident caused an uproar. Although the police deployed tens of thousands of search personnel, nothing was found. The whereabouts of the children became a mystery that was difficult to solve. One day four years later, the famous TV producer Jiang Zhisheng was exiled to the remote Daegu by his headquarters on suspicion of fraud. He was arrogant and arrogant and found that the local people were still paying attention to the "Missing Frog Case" that many people had forgotten. .

This film is adapted from a real case that occurred in Daegu, South Korea in 1991. This case is called the "Missing Frog Boy Case" and is one of the three major unsolved mysteries in South Korea. The body of the missing boy was discovered in 2002.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews3. Never compromise

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

Erin Brockovich is a typical unlucky person. She married twice, but each marriage did not bring her happiness. Instead, she became a single mother with three children. Unfortunately, after she was involved in a traffic accident, she even lost the compensation lawsuit she was determined to win.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews4. Escape from Tehran

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

"Escape from Tehran" is adapted from the 1979 Iran hostage incident. It tells the story of the CIA agents who successfully took six American diplomats out of Tehran when the Islamic Revolution broke out in Iran and the U.S. Embassy prepared for war. story.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews5. Coach Carter

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The Richmond High School basketball team had never won any competition originally and was a team that suffered repeated setbacks. All this changed after Coach Carter coached. He believed that this team could become the best basketball team under his leadership, so he asked the players to sign an agreement with him, agreeing that if the team was not united or performed poorly, they would not continue to participate in any competition. Under his leadership, this team began to embark on an uphill journey, and finally became the unrivaled victorious king. But at the 1999 National Championship, the players' performance was extremely unsatisfactory, which frustrated Coach Carter so much that he actually closed the training gym and prohibited the team from continuing to participate in any competitions. This move caused great repercussions, and he became the focus of public discussion for a while. Some people praised his character of treating basketball as his life, but more people expressed confusion and even criticism about his move.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews6. The Kuling Street Teenage Murder Case

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

A film adapted from the real murder case of Taiwanese teenagers

Before meeting Xiao Ming, Xiao Si was a typical good boy, the hope of his parents and the pride of his siblings (the family expected him to be admitted to a prestigious university in the future) In order to improve the social status of the whole family), he has a good friend who calls himself "Elvis" who likes rock music. Although the two of them would go to the woods to watch people and have trysts, their lives were completely different from the many young people around them who were hanging out in "small parks". Two lives.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews7. Sister Tao

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The story of Sister Tao is based on the producer of this film and his old servant.

Sister Tao is an old servant who has served the Li family for decades and raised the second-generation young master Roger. Roger is a film producer and is still single in his fifties. Sister Tao also continues to take care of Roger, which has become a habit... One day, Sister Tao went to the market to buy vegetables as usual, then returned to her apartment to make soup and prepare a full table of meals. , while waiting for Roger to return home from a business trip in the Mainland, Sister Tao looked at the street scene outside the window to pass the time, and unconsciously fell unconscious on the ground... When Sister Tao woke up, she found herself in the hospital. Sister Tao had suffered a stroke! If one arm cannot move freely, physical therapy must be used to restore mobility as much as possible.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews8. Lord of War

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The prototype of "Lord of War" Yuri Orlov, a former member of the KGB, was wanted by the United States after 911, but the airline he owned actually transported troops to Iraq for the GLA two years ago, and Emirates was also founded by him. of.

It turns out that American immigrant Yuri's family business is to open a restaurant. But an accidental opportunity led him to enter the arms business, and he began his "career" in selling weapons. Yuri is quick-witted, bold and careful in situations, which not only allows him to successfully capture the heart of the beautiful Eva, but also makes him become more and more courageous in the underground arms business.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews9.Sediq Bale

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The story of "Sediq Bale" is adapted from the "Wushe Incident" in Nantou, Taiwan in the 1930s. It is an aboriginal uprising and "out of grass" that occurred during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan. Action, the cause of the incident was that the Seediq people who believed in the rainbow united in an uprising because they were dissatisfied with the oppression of the Governor-General's Palace and killed 134 Japanese at the Wushe Games. They were then attacked by the Governor-General's Palace, and nearly a thousand indigenous people died. Except for the suicide of Mona Rudo, an important figure in the incident, almost all the tribes participating in the operation were brutally exterminated, and the remaining survivors were forcibly moved to Kawanaka Island.

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews0.Elephant

Over the years, movies adapted from true stories have often been able to touch our hearts more vividly and give us deeper resonance and emotion. The storyline comes from life and is full of more real emotions. Here we take stock of such films that we know about. We also welcome f - DayDayNews

The movie is adapted from the Columbine High School shooting in the United States that shocked the world in 1999...

The story tells the story of an ordinary day in an ordinary high school in the United States. John, who failed to skip class, returned to school under the pressure of his father. ; Elias, who likes photography, took some pictures of people and scenery inside and outside the campus, and then came to the school darkroom to develop the photos; Jordan, who has a new girlfriend, is being discussed by the girls he has had a relationship with; being left out feels abnormal Michelle, who was depressed, came to the school library to help with work.

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