According to Taiwanese media reports, Hsinchu Mayor Lin Zhijian was recruited to run for the Taoyuan mayoral election last week. In an exclusive interview with an online program, he bluntly said that the People's Party's criticism of him as a "runaway mayor" was political manipul

2024/06/0705:54:32 hotcomm 1283

According to Taiwanese media reports, Hsinchu Mayor Lin Zhijian was recruited to run for the Taoyuan mayoral election last week. In an exclusive interview with an online program, he bluntly stated that People’s Party ’s criticism of him as a “runaway mayor” was political manipulation. He also believed that "An opponent's attack on you leaves scars on your body. That is a medal, how can it be a label?" Lai Xiangling, a candidate for Taoyuan mayor of the Taiwan People's Party, said on Facebook today (1) about the incident in Taipei City 4 years ago. Regarding the past attack on the Office of the Director of Labor, I asked Lin Zhijian, "Who gave you the scars? Who gave you the medal?"

According to Taiwanese media reports, Hsinchu Mayor Lin Zhijian was recruited to run for the Taoyuan mayoral election last week. In an exclusive interview with an online program, he bluntly said that the People's Party's criticism of him as a

Lai Xiangling

Lai Xiangling said on Facebook that she saw the news from a friend: "Runaway mayor? Lin Zhijian" : It’s a scar, it’s a medal.” Mayor Lin Zhijian said: The runaway mayor said it was political manipulation by the People’s Party, likened criticism of him to cooking fumes in the kitchen, and said internal polls showed that Taoyuan people They didn't think he was airborne, and Hsinchu residents didn't agree that he was running away. This is obviously different from what most people understand. Why doesn't Lin Zhijian announce the poll? This statement is surprising.

Lai Xiangling said that the scar under her left eyebrow did not leave any obvious sequelae, but the pain left a mark on her, as well as on the hearts of her colleagues in the Taipei City Labor Bureau and partners in the labor community who worked together at the time.

She said that anyone who has worked in the public sector knows that it is inevitable that citizens will encounter difficult problems that cannot be solved as expected. Responding to repeated complaints is a chore for many civil servants. Although regulations allow for such cases, the agency can sign approval not to respond to repeated petitions, but she has always asked colleagues in the Labor Bureau to send all such cases to the director's office for detailed review before approval. As long as a citizen comes forward with a little bit of new evidence, it will be investigated again and treated as a new case. At that time, the Taipei City Labor Bureau won the title of "the only labor bureau in Taiwan".

As a social activist, she has always believed that the icing on the cake and the applause of the crowd are not her turn, and promoting reforms will always make some people worried or dissatisfied. As a promoter, she should be responsible for communication and accepting blame. She never distanced herself from the public for reasons such as safety or nuisance, not even after being injured.

Lai Xiangling said that the scar would still twitch occasionally, but she knew she was on the right path. She asked: "Lin Zhijian, who gave you the scar? Who gave you what medal?"

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