According to Agence France-Presse, after US Treasury Secretary Yellen and Secretary of State Blinken went to Europe last month to persuade EU countries to "correctly understand the adverse effects of trade with China," at the G7 summit last week, Britain, the United States and ot

2024/06/0422:03:32 hotcomm 1515

According to Agence France-Presse, after US Treasury Secretary Yellen and Secretary of State Blinken went to Europe last month to persuade EU countries to

According to Agence France-Presse , after the US Treasury Secretary Yellen and Secretary of State Blinken went to Europe last month to persuade EU countries to "correctly understand the adverse effects of trade with China," the G7 summit last week The United Kingdom, the United States and other countries once again listed a number of "crimes" against China's economic field, including "interference in the market," "economic coercion," "challenging free trade rules," etc., and announced that they would "promote diversification and the ability to withstand economic coercion." , to reduce economic dependence on China. Obviously, the United States is very urgent in asking the EU to reduce or even cut off trade with China in the future.

According to Agence France-Presse, after US Treasury Secretary Yellen and Secretary of State Blinken went to Europe last month to persuade EU countries to

The report also mentioned that European countries have very complicated attitudes towards whether to decouple from China (or start to implement related policies) in accordance with the requirements of the United States, and the most prominent one is Germany; Germany not only stated that it would "prevent the formation of a world with the West as one side and one with the West as one side". China and Russia are groups on the other side." In his concluding speech at the end of the summit, he only mentioned confrontation with Russia and refused to mention China. In addition, a previous report by the US media "Aviation Weekly" mentioned that this year the European Airbus and the American Boeing Company have an order competition in China, which may involve a "large amount", which is very disturbing in the context of the difficult development of Sino-US trade. People worry.

According to Agence France-Presse, after US Treasury Secretary Yellen and Secretary of State Blinken went to Europe last month to persuade EU countries to

htmlOn the 1st, China Eastern Airlines, Air China , China Southern Airlines three airlines announced purchase orders respectively. They purchased a total of 292 Airbus A320NEO aircraft from the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus . The total purchase price was As high as US$37.257 billion. This was originally a normal purchase contract, but on the afternoon of the 1st, the US media Bloomberg reported directly that China "unilaterally purchased 37 billion US dollars of jets from Airbus and has already given to Boeing. It has had a significant impact." The dissatisfaction of this newsletter is evident.

According to Agence France-Presse, after US Treasury Secretary Yellen and Secretary of State Blinken went to Europe last month to persuade EU countries to

Later, Boeing came forward to express its position. They expressed "extreme disappointment" at the loss of this order, believing that geopolitical differences mainly affected China's procurement. The company also hopes that China and the United States can reach fruitful dialogue in the future. Some analysts believe that this is just an ordinary order procurement task from China. Originally, Airbus and Boeing were in a competitive relationship. Airbus A320NEO single-seat fuel efficiency was 20% higher than the A320 series. Cabin optimization and engine upgrades made them Compared with Boeing, it already has an advantage. It is normal for Boeing to lose orders; but when it comes to American media and American companies, the first thing that comes to mind is "unfair geopolitical competition."

According to Agence France-Presse, after US Treasury Secretary Yellen and Secretary of State Blinken went to Europe last month to persuade EU countries to

It is worth mentioning that in order to cover up the failure of losing orders, the United States even smeared Airbus. In a report on the US media "Politician" website last month, it suspected that "Airbus has a deep relationship with the Chinese military industry." ", guessing that they learned that Boeing's order competition failed. Some Chinese netizens commented on this: "The United States always seems unwilling to face failure. Their failures all have excuses; comparing Airbus A320NEO and Boeing, no buyer will hesitate between the two, let alone Under the leadership of the Biden administration, the trade environment is no longer easy. The logic of US companies not blaming their president or themselves for the first time, but blaming China and Europe is hard to understand.”

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