"The probability of recurrence is less than 5%, but in Yao Beina's case it has become 100%." ​​As Yao Beina's attending physician for breast cancer, Cao Yingming, deputy chief physician of breast surgery at Peking University People's Hospital, said sadly that Yao Beina's death ha

2024/05/2713:16:33 hotcomm 1559

"The probability of recurrence is less than 5%, but it has become 100% in Yao Beina's case."

As Yao Beina's attending physician for breast cancer , Cao Yingming, deputy chief physician of breast surgery at Peking University People's Hospital, said sadly, Yao Beina's His death was a huge blow to him. He did not expect that Yao Beina, who was in the early stages of breast cancer, would develop recurrence and metastasis three years after surgery and chemotherapy, and die at a young age.

It is said that the earlier cancer is discovered, the better. Early cancers are the most curable. Why did Yao Beina relapse so quickly after she had already undergone surgery and chemotherapy?

1. Yao Beina, a talented and envious talent, died of cancer at the age of 33

. At the age of 29, she was accidentally diagnosed with breast cancer

At the age of 29, Yao Beina had a local skin depression in her left areola. After going to Peking University People's Hospital for examination, the doctor recommended immediate treatment. Surgery, highly suspected to be breast cancer.

Yao Beina went to other hospitals for examination out of caution. The diagnostic results given by other hospitals were inflammation, fibroma, and even normal results. After two weeks of tossing and turning, she decided to go back to Peking University People's Hospital for surgery. The pathological test after surgery was confirmed to be breast cancer.

. In order to seek a radical cure, chemotherapy was performed after the operation.

After the operation, Yao Beina's various indicators were very good. But she was too young, so the doctor still recommended that she undergo chemotherapy after surgery, and Yao Beina also accepted the suggestion.

. Unexpected recurrence and multiple metastases

After the treatment, Yao Beina became famous for participating in TV programs. As she became more and more busy, she often forgot to review. Her relationship with the doctor seemed to be reversed, and she often had to be urged to review by the attending physician.

On June 27, 2014, Yao Beina took a day to go back to the hospital for a review. The results were beyond everyone's expectations. Cancer metastasis was found in her liver and bones!

The doctor suggested that she continue chemotherapy, but Yao Beina rejected this suggestion. She loved her career too much and would rather sacrifice her health... This decision also prevented her condition from being effectively controlled and brought her closer and closer to death. .

On January 16, 2015, Yao Beina sadly passed away in Shenzhen Hospital. Yao Beina's death is regrettable and has caused confusion among many people, because she was initially diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer , and she also underwent chemotherapy after surgery. How could she relapse and die so quickly?

2. Why does breast cancer recur even after surgery and chemotherapy?

Last year, a research team from the University of Basel revealed the mechanism of cancer recurrence in the famous international journal "Nature". Through the study of breast cancer mice, it was found that cancer cells are very cunning and have the ability to sleep, even in After surgery, there will also be some disseminated tumor cells in distant tissues, and these cells are the "seeds" for future cancer metastasis.

The NK cells in the body can maintain cancer cells in a dormant state. When liver damage and other tissue homeostasis are disrupted in the body, it will interfere with the expansion of NK cells. When the activity and proliferation ability of NK cells decrease, the dormant state of tumor cells will be broken, causing cancer cells to metastasize.

The study authors believe that aging, reduced immunity, repeated infections, and lifestyle-related injuries (including alcohol stimulation, obesity, smoking, etc.) may trigger the destruction of tissue homeostasis and break the dormancy of cancer cells.

Yao Beina’s cancer metastasis is inseparable from long-term high-intensity work and depression.

. High-intensity work

After becoming famous, Yao Beina's work schedule is full. You may not imagine how intense Yao Beina's work is. According to media reports, in the summer of 2014, she once attended three events a day. During the recording of the show, she even had hemoptysis on the spot and said it was okay, and she still finished the show despite being sick.

A research paper published in the international journal "Cell" pointed out that long-term excessive stress will not directly damage the body, but it will weaken the function of human immune cells (T cells). Under normal circumstances, T cells can stimulate a powerful anti-tumor immune response, but under long-term stress, this response will fail, and the risk of metastasis will also increase.

. Depression

According to Yao Beina's self-report before her death, before she got cancer, she was a mean-spirited and angry person who often did things she didn't want to do. After doing it, I started to compete with myself again, and my heart was very uneasy.

Zhao Weiwei, director of the Comprehensive Treatment Department of Fudan University Cancer Hospital, said that being in a bad mood for a long time will cause adrenaline levels to remain at a high level. As a result, the anti-cancer protein loses its activity and cannot perform its normal function of killing cancer cells. The human body's immune surveillance mechanism is greatly weakened, increasing the risk of cancer recurrence.

People suffering from cancer have been "reborn" after treatment. If they want to continue their lives, Xiao Ai gives you 5 suggestions.

3. What should I do if I don’t want the cancer to recur and metastasize?

. Adhere to standardized treatment

After a cancer is diagnosed, standardized treatment must be carried out, whether it is staged treatment or continuous treatment. Never interrupt or stop treatment or rely on folk remedies without authorization.

. Pay attention to rest and improve the body's immunity.

Enhancing one's own immunity is of positive significance in preventing recurrence. Cancer patients need to maintain adequate rest after treatment so that the body's immunity can be improved.

. Maintain an optimistic attitude

An optimistic and healthy attitude can keep the immune function at its best, help prevent recurrence and accelerate recovery.

. Strengthen nutrition

In the diet, pay attention to balanced nutrition, a combination of meat and vegetables, consume more fresh fruits, vegetables and high-quality protein, and try to use light cooking methods.

. Keep exercising

Exercise also has a positive effect on improving the body's immunity. Keeping exercise can improve the body's immunity and accelerate metabolism.

We all know that the earlier cancer is detected, the greater the possibility of cure, but this does not mean that there is no possibility of recurrence. Even for early-stage cancer, the above-mentioned measures must be taken after treatment to avoid recurrence. The death of Yao Beina is regrettable, and we hope that as ordinary people, we can pay more attention to our health in our daily lives. #HealthStar Plan# #Health2022#


[1] "If the cancer cells cannot be killed, let them sleep forever". Medical Tumor Channel. 2021.6.28

[2] "Confirmed! Too much pressure can promote the spread of cancer cells! If you have these symptoms, you need to reduce stress》.Guangming.com.2021.5.8

[3]《Be happy! Emotions are really related to tumors". Guangming.com.2021.8.27

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