According to Chicago Police Department statistics, as of November 1, 2021, 678 people were murdered and 3,766 people suffered gunshot wounds in the city. These numbers are significantly higher than in previous years.

2024/05/2702:03:33 hotcomm 1527

Another shooting! Again in chicago ! Another Chinese died on the streets!

On December 7, local time, a 71-year-old Chinese man named Xie was walking on the streets of Chicago's Chinatown when he was suddenly shot 18 times by a man. The old man died after being sent to the hospital.

According to local police, around 12:00 that afternoon, a Chinese elderly man was walking on the sidewalk opposite Xing's Elementary School on 23rd Street and Princeton Avenue in Chinatown. At this time, a man suddenly shot at the victim from a silver car. The murderer He then rushed out of the car, shot the victim 18 times, and then drove away.

The police arrested the suspect that day. According to reports, since the deceased and the murderer did not know each other at all, the police initially determined that it was most likely a random killing.

According to US Chinese TV reports, the Chicago police held a press conference on the 8th to charge the suspect Alphonso Joyner (23 years old) with first-degree murder. The suspect Joyner will appear in court on the 9th.

The murdered man immigrated to the United States for 50 years

He ran a restaurant until his retirement

According to reports, the murdered man, Mr. Xie, immigrated to the United States from Kaiping, Guangdong 50 years ago and has been engaged in restaurant-related work. Later, he opened a restaurant in the suburbs until he retired nine years ago. Cai and his wife moved to Chinatown from the suburbs where they ran restaurants.

The old man is also the former president of the Chicago Chinese Table Tennis Association.

According to Chicago Police Department statistics, as of November 1, 2021, 678 people were murdered and 3,766 people suffered gunshot wounds in the city. These numbers are significantly higher than in previous years. - DayDayNewshtml Mr. Xie, a 71-year-old Chinese man. (Provided by family members)

According to the old man’s son, on the day of the incident, his father and mother had lunch together. Originally, they were going to go to the street to buy newspapers, but the father said it was too cold outside and he could buy it himself. Unexpectedly, something happened. Unfortunately, the family still can't understand why the murderer would do this to the innocent old man.

"He is very kind. He patiently plays with and guides every member. He is the best president in my heart." Li Lisa, who is also a table tennis enthusiast, said that when she heard the news that the old man was brutally shot, "I was so shocked. It’s really unacceptable.”

Vicious cases occur frequently

Local security is in red light!

According to Chicago Police Department statistics, as of November 1, 2021, 678 people were murdered and 3,766 people suffered gunshot wounds in the city. These numbers are significantly higher than in previous years.

Less than a month ago, 24-year-old Chinese student Zheng Shaoxiong was shot dead by gangsters near the University of Chicago.

It is worth noting that on the 7th, the local police station recorded multiple criminal incidents near Chinatown.

In addition to the murder of Mr. Xie, an elderly Chinese man, serious crimes such as carjacking and robbers stealing cash from the checkout counter also occurred that day.

Chinatown residents:

Shocked, angry and worried!

According to reports, there happened to be a primary school near the location where the shooting occurred. Mr. Xie’s daughter taught in that school, and more than 10 gunshots once caused the school to be on high alert.

After the news of the old man’s murder came out, the Chinese people were shocked and worried about the security of the local community.

According to the "Chicago Chinese Tribune", after the incident, the Overseas Chinese Association of Greater Chicago contacted the Chicago City Government, the 9th Precinct of the Police Department and the Office of the Mayor of Chinatown District 25, requesting government departments to strengthen police presence in Chinatown and severely punish them. The murderer seeks justice for Mr. Xie, who suffered an innocent misfortune.

Some people in the overseas Chinese community believe that the innocent shooting of a 71-year-old man shows that Chinatown's public security has repeatedly shown red lights and cannot be tolerated. An emergency public security meeting should be convened immediately with the participation of representatives from the municipal government, police, associations, residents and business firms to unite as one and discuss countermeasures.

Wang Feng, a Chinese media person in Chicago, suggested that a city government petition should be held on a certain date; a call should be made to crack down on the criminal stolen goods industry chain; and an anti-crime alliance should be organized.

No matter what method is adopted, we hope that Chinatown residents can unite and protect themselves!

hopes that similar tragedies will never happen again!

column editor: Zhao Hanlu, text editor: Song Hui, title picture source: Shangguan title picture, picture editor: Shao Jing,

source: author: China Overseas Chinese Network

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