Set "Voice of Zhejiang" as a star to make it easier to find us~ Yesterday, sad news came that Li Yong, the former host of CCTV, died of cancer in the United States at the age of 50.

2024/05/2700:24:33 hotcomm 1320

Set "Voice of Zhejiang" as a star to make it easier to find us~

Yesterday (29th), sad news came that the former host of CCTV Li Yong died of cancer in the United States at the age of 50. According to media reports, Li Yong’s funeral was held at the Franklin Campbell Funeral Home in New York at 10:00 U.S. time on October 28 (22:00 Beijing time on the 28th).

Prior to this, many famous speakers also died of cancer.

In 2009, the famous CCTV host Luo Jing died of lymphoma at the age of 48.


In 2013, CCTV host Wang Huan died of breast cancer at the age of 41.


In 2015, CCTV host Fang Jing passed away due to stomach cancer and liver metastasis. She was only 44 years old.


In 2017, CCTV host Xiao Xiaolin died of rectal cancer metastasis at the age of 55.


There are also many familiar artists -

At about 5 pm on January 16, 2015, singer Yao Beina, who was well-known to the public for "The Voice of China" , suffered from the recurrence of breast cancer and eventually died of multiple organ failure at the age of 33 years old.


At 4:56 a.m. on September 28, 2018, Zang Tianshuo died of liver cancer at the age of 54.


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In addition, Zhao Lirong, Anita Mui, Luo Wen, Gao Lingfeng, and other celebrities all died of different cancers...

The death of celebrities due to cancer has once again shocked the public's nerves.

Set 1/ The truth about cancer you don’t know

How to prevent and treat cancer? Can cancer be cured? On October 29, at the launching ceremony of Guangdong's 2018 "National Safe Medication Month" and "An An Appointment - Food and Drug Science Popularization Lecture", Li Zhizhong, a doctor of cancer biology at Duke University in the United States and a cancer science popularization writer, made popular science for the public "The truth about cancer you don't know."


Li Zhizhong, a doctor of cancer biology from Duke University in the United States and a popular science writer on cancer.

Cancer is a “senile disease”?

Li Zhizhong said that according to the "2015 China Cancer Statistics", China had 4.3 million new cancer cases in 2015, and 2.8 million people died from cancer. According to this data, more than 8 Chinese people will be diagnosed with cancer every minute, and 5 people will die from cancer.

But what is different from ordinary people’s imagination is that China’s cancer incidence rate is not among the highest in the world. At present, China's cancer incidence rate ranks more than 70th in the world, and the top 20 countries are almost all developed countries in Europe and the United States. With China's rapid economic development and its approach to developed countries, "there will be more and more cancer patients in China in the future." Li Zhizhong explained that the core reason is that the biggest risk factor for cancer is lifespan. As the economy develops, life expectancy continues to increase, and the immune system and the ability of the elderly population to resist cancer cells are also weakening. "The emperors in the past never got cancer. It was not because the imperial doctors were good at it, but because of their short life span."

The core of cancer occurrence Factors, first of all, are genetic mutations. All cancers are the product of genetic mutations. But genetic mutations can only bring about cancer cells, not cancer. Everyone has cancer cells, but very few people get cancer. The reason is that the vast majority of mutated cells will be "killed" by the immune system. The mechanism that causes mutations to turn into cancer is immune escape, that is, mutated cells escape the "pursuit" of the immune system, leading to the occurrence of cancer.

But Li Zhizhong said that genetic mutation takes time, and so does immune escape. Under normal circumstances, it takes 20 to 30 years for a cancer cell to develop from a normal cell into cancer. "So, cancer is a disease of the elderly." How to prevent and screen


Prevention, screening and treatment

"Prevention is greater than screening than treatment", Li Zhizhong ranked it this way.

Li Zhizhong said that to prevent cancer, it is necessary to reduce environmental factors that cause genetic mutations and immune escape. “It is now believed that 50% of cancers can be prevented."

There are many risk factors for cancer, including tobacco, alcohol, lack of exercise, poor eating habits, lack of dietary fiber, chronic inflammation, ionizing radiation, infection, immune deficiency, environmental pollution, etc.

Take lung cancer as an example, which is China's The number one cancer "killer", with the highest incidence and mortality rates in the world. Although China has only 20% of the population, more than one-third of the world's lung cancer occurs in China. The biggest risk factor is smoking. “China’s smoking population is so huge that it exceeds the total of the 29 countries ranked 2nd to 30th, accounting for 1/3 of the world. "


The lung cancer mortality curve in the United States has also fluctuated with the smoking rate. It was 20 years after the smoking rate dropped significantly, that is, in the 1990s, that the lung cancer mortality rate in the United States began to decline. "China's smoking volume has not declined, so In the next two to three decades, the number of lung cancer deaths in China will not decrease. "

takes five special cancers as an example. Their incidence rate in developing countries is higher than that in developed countries. They are called "poor people's cancers", namely nasopharyngeal cancer, , gastric cancer, cervical cancer, esophageal cancer and Liver cancer. "The fundamental reason is that their main causative factor is not age, but the environment. "For example, gastric cancer is closely related to eating habits and Helicobacter pylori infection.

In addition to environmental factors, the genetic gene is also a risk factor.. If the susceptibility gene in the family is inherited, the offspring may have a higher chance of developing cancer. American movie star Angelina.Jolie had both breasts surgically removed to prevent breast cancer. The reason is that her family and herself have BRCA1 gene mutations. “In fact, most cancers are not hereditary. "

" The five-year cancer survival rate in the United States shows that the survival rate for stage 1 and stage 2 cancer is very high, and even for stage 3 cancer, it is not bad. But in the fourth stage, when it metastasizes widely, it becomes more difficult, so early detection through screening is a very important method. "

Li Zhizhong said that some tumors have reliable screening methods, such as colorectal cancer, which can be screened through colonoscopy and fecal occult blood testing. "In China, everyone believes that people aged 50 to 75 must have a colonoscopy for screening. Screening can be considered for those over 40 years of age. "Breast cancer can be screened through physical examination and mammography. Lung cancer can be screened through low-dose spiral CT.

Can cancer be cured?

More and more cancers will transform into chronic diseases

Li Zhizhong said that in the history of cancer treatment, , three huge revolutions have taken place in human understanding of cancer. When humans learned that cancer cells grow out of control, they used chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other methods to kill tumor cells, and targeted therapies emerged. After the immune evasion mechanism, immunotherapy came into being.

“There will be more and more cancers, and we can’t escape them. "But Li Zhizhong said that more than 35 million people around the world are living with cancer. With the advancement of prevention, screening, and treatment methods, more and more cancers will be controlled, thus turning into chronic diseases and no longer becoming chronic diseases. Terminal illness.


Screening methods for different cancers.

"According to predictions, the top ten anti-cancer drugs in Europe and the United States by 2020 will all be targeted drugs and immune drugs. "Li Zhizhong said that at present, the biggest "side effect" of new drugs is "economic toxicity", that is, the price is too high. A study in "The Lancet" on the economic burden of disease in Chinese cancer patients has attracted attention. Survey It shows that the average annual household income of 14,000 Chinese patients is US$8,607 in US dollars, and the per capita medical expenditure of cancer patients totals US$9,739. “Reducing the burden on families requires the joint efforts of the state and individuals, including lowering drug prices, arranging insurance, and avoiding scams. wait. "

Explanation of Doubts

1. Why Mr. Wang next door smoked all his life and never got lung cancer, but women who don't smoke can also get lung cancer?

Li Zhizhong said that smoking is not an absolute factor in developing lung cancer, "Lao Wang next door is very lucky. "

Air pollution may be one of the reasons why women get cancer even if they don't smoke. More than 2 million people around the world die from air pollution every year, of which more than 200,000 are lung cancer."Polluted air itself contains carcinogenic compounds. After PM2.5 enters the capillaries, it will also cause damage and increase the probability of genetic mutation."

In addition, second-hand smoke, solid fuels, kitchen fumes, barbecues, etc., may all cause lung cancer. risk factors.

2. How to avoid scams?

"A lot of our money is spent on things we shouldn't spend," Li Zhizhong said. Cancer patients usually have tried some folk remedies.

He said that there are two major types of liars around Chinese cancer patients. One type is liars who pretend to be advanced foreign countries, such as the Wei Zexi incident. One type is liars under the banner of Chinese tradition.

"The cancer of Mr. Wang next door has been cured, but your tumor is different from that of Mr. Wang next door." How to prevent being deceived? Li Zhizhong believes that you should not believe in individual cases because it is impossible to know whether there are hundreds or thousands of failure cases behind the success of an individual case. Secondly, don’t believe in stories. Many people like to tell stories, but they cannot verify them. The only thing they can believe is data and documents. "Because these things have withstood the test of scientists and society."

Set 2/WHO-related agency’s list of carcinogens

In fact, Nandu reporters learned from multiple research reports and interviews with domestic and foreign experts that the occurrence of cancer is a combination of factors. As a result of interaction, a single factor cannot play an absolute role. Among them, eating habits are one of the important factors. Many people talk about cancer, but they indulge themselves in diet in daily life.

In 2017, the State Food and Drug Administration reprinted and released the "World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer List of Carcinogens", which contains four levels, namely Category 1 carcinogens, Category 2 possible carcinogens, Category 3 unknown and Category 4 possibly not. Four levels of carcinogenesis. Among them, "Chinese-style salted fish" also appears on the list of Class I carcinogens.

Detailed list


Set Set

Class II carcinogens refer to substances whose evidence of causing human cancer is unclear. To put it simply, they may cause cancer but they do not necessarily cause cancer!


The China Institute of Food and Drug Control's Safety Evaluation Institute has initially compiled the list of carcinogens published by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer on October 27, 2017.

The evidence that the three types of carcinogens cause cancer in animals and humans is not clear. In fact, the possibility of this type of causing cancer is very small. Main representatives: Sudan red , printing ink, hypochlorite, mercury and mercury organic compounds, polypropylene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, glass fiber, tea, theophylline, saccharin, static magnetic field, vitamin K, cholesterol, Benzofuron et al.

However, one thing to note is:

Don’t think that just one type of carcinogen is all powerful. The classification of carcinogens only depends on whether the evidence of carcinogenesis is sufficient, not on whether it is capable of causing cancer.

This does not mean that you will definitely get cancer if you eat the foods on the list, or that you will avoid cancer if you don't eat them at all.

We still need to exercise more, strengthen our physique, and eat a healthy and balanced diet.

Set 3/Scientific cancer prevention, self-examination on the table

Many experts said that cancer is a major public health problem affecting human health and cannot be solved through treatment alone. Prevention and early treatment must be strengthened.

Regarding how to prevent cancer, Qin Qingliang, director of the Radiation Therapy Department of Shanghai Oriental Hospital , believes that the goal of cancer prevention is to reduce the occurrence of cancer. includes reducing exposure to carcinogens, changing diet and lifestyle habits, or advances in medical technology, such as early diagnosis and treatment, ultrasound, MRT or CT scans and other tests.

"Many ideas for cancer prevention are based on epidemiological studies. Analyzing patient data can reveal that lifestyle or exposure to some environmental risk factors are indeed related to the incidence of specific cancers." Qin Qingliang said that more and more people There is evidence that cancer incidence and mortality can be reduced based on recommendations from epidemiological studies. "For example, should keep a variety of food, drink in moderation, avoid excessive cholesterol, eat more foods containing enough starch and fiber, maintain an ideal weight, exercise regularly, not stay up late, and pay attention to developing good living habits."

Qin Qingliang reminded that for people at high risk of cancer, such as those with family history or those living in polluted environments, genetic testing can be done, and more in-depth and careful examination and analysis can be done, and preventive drugs can be taken. People who are determined to have cancer-related gene mutations, Preventive surgery can be used to reduce the chance of cancer.

Cancer self-examination symptom list

Nasopharyngeal cancer: Nasal congestion, nasal mucus with a small amount of blood, tinnitus, headache, spots on the oral mucosa, or chronic ulcers on the mucosa and skin that have not been present for a long time.

Gastric cancer: Gastric discomfort, bloating, loss of appetite, and black stools after meals.

Liver cancer: Significant loss of appetite, abdominal distention, indigestion, and sometimes nausea and vomiting; dull pain in the right upper abdomen.

Prostate cancer: Frequent urination in men, frequent nocturnal urination, thin urine flow, and difficulty in urination.

Esophageal cancer: Swelling of the sternum after eating, difficulty in swallowing.

Lung cancer: Cough that does not heal after a long period of time, and occasionally there is blood in the phlegm or phlegm. Chest tightness, especially if you are a heavy smoker.

Breast cancer: Hard lumps are found in the breast, or nipples bleed, or yellow watery fluid.

Cervical cancer: Sudden vaginal bleeding in postmenopausal women. . Excessive menstrual blood, irregular vaginal bleeding outside menstruation, etc.

Colon cancer or rectal cancer: Changes in bowel habits, thinning, black stools, or mucus and blood in the stools do not mean that you have the disease. Cancer, this is just a warning from the body, please take care of yourself and seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Are you among these high-risk groups?

Lung cancer: Men who smoke and work in closed environments for a long time are often at high risk for lung cancer. Population;

Breast cancer: People over 40 years old, unmarried, not pregnant and not breastfeeding, women over 55 years old after menopause, and people with a family history of breast cancer are often high-risk groups for breast cancer;

Liver cancer: Severe fat Liver patients, those with a family history of liver cancer, and those with a long-term history of heavy drinking are high-risk groups for liver cancer;

Colorectal cancer: People with unhealthy diet and lifestyle are high-risk groups for colorectal cancer;

Upper gastrointestinal tract cancer: There are People with stomach diseases such as chronic atrophic gastritis, gastric ulcers, and gastric polyps, as well as those with a family history of gastric cancer or patients with digestive tract tumors in their families are at high risk for upper gastrointestinal cancer.

Finally, remind everyone:

Reduce exposure to environmental carcinogens by changing your lifestyle

Reduce the incidence of cancer

Avoid promoting the rapid development of tumors through dietary control

Once a tumor occurs

it must be diagnosed and treated early!

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