Reading guide: The wind direction on the island has indeed begun to change. Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, who once disparaged the "1992 Consensus," could not withstand the pressure and changed his tune, saying that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait should have d

2024/05/2509:45:32 hotcomm 1343

author Chang Youli

reading guide: The wind direction on the island has indeed begun to change. Zhu Lilun, the chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang who once derogated the "1992 Consensus", could not withstand the pressure and changed his words, saying that the two sides should have dialogue and exchanges.

According to China Taiwan website , the Chinese Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun, who recently visited the United States, chaired the Kuomintang Party Central Committee Standing Meeting on the afternoon of June 22 after returning to Taiwan and completing his home quarantine period. At the meeting, Zhu Lilun said that he made it very clear to the Americans that the Chinese Kuomintang wants to "peacefully protect the platform" and hopes that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait can avoid conflicts and wars through dialogue and exchanges. This is the Chinese Kuomintang's biggest niche. Zhu Lilun's speech once again pushed him to the forefront of public opinion, because his speech had a huge change from his attitude when he visited the United States. Which part of the song was he singing?

Reading guide: The wind direction on the island has indeed begun to change. Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, who once disparaged the

Chinese Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun

During his previous visit to the United States, Zhu Lilun made a subversive speech on cross-strait relations, the content of which puzzled both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Not only did he emphasize that the Kuomintang's pro-American line would not change, he also claimed in front of American officials that the "1992 Consensus" was a "consensus without consensus." Previously, only the Democratic Progressive Party authorities that adhered to the "Taiwan independence" line would do such a thing. Zhu Lilun's speech was tantamount to him denying the basis for cross-strait exchanges. What is even more shocking is that Zhu Lilun even directly made rude remarks to mainland China in the United States, claiming that "the exchanges between the mainland and Taiwan must be based on principles. If a war breaks out, it will not be good for both sides of the strait." He even gave "three directions", namely holding joint military exercises with countries "friendly to Taiwan", purchasing weapons from the United States and other Western countries, and reforming Taiwan's reserve system. Each of these three articles is preparing for war and at the same time attracting other countries to interfere in China's internal affairs. It can be said that what Zhu Lilun said shows that his attitude has been moving closer to the line of the DPP authorities. The result has naturally triggered strong criticism from people from all walks of life on the island.

After hearing Zhu Lilun's fallacy, the " unification faction " politicians on the island stepped forward to criticize him. People including Wu Rongyuan, chairman of the Taiwan Workers' Party, and Wu Chengdian, chairman of the Taiwan New Party, all stood up one after another and denounced Zhu Lilun's absurd remarks. Wu Rongyuan said that some people have made absurd arguments in order to please the United States, and the United States can only be used as a "chess piece" and "cannon fodder." Americans do not care about the well-being of Taiwan at all. Their threats to blow up TSMC and Taiwan's important infrastructure are a clear signal. . If the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces harbor the illusion of "rejecting reunification by force", then they will not end well. Wu Chengdian also believes that the path of "Taiwan independence" will not work, and "rejecting reunification by force" will be a dead end. Only returning to the line of "peaceful reunification" is the right path for the future of the Taiwanese people.

Reading guide: The wind direction on the island has indeed begun to change. Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, who once disparaged the

Taiwan New Party Chairman Wu Chengdian

In addition to the pressure from other parties, there is also strong opposition to Chu Lilun's remarks within the Kuomintang. Xie Zonghuang, Chairman of the American Southwest Branch of the Chinese Kuomintang, and Zhang Xuehai, a member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, have recently resigned from their relevant positions in protest of Zhu Lilun's remarks. Both Xie Zonghuang and Zhang Xuehai said that Zhu Lilun called the "1992 Consensus" a "consensus without consensus" without intra-party discussion and when there was no consensus in the whole party, which was disappointing to some members of the Chinese Kuomintang overseas. They were angry, even angry, and it was really regrettable, so they resigned in protest. It was not just the two of them who were angered. Three former leaders of the Kuomintang, Ma Ying-jeou, Hong Xiuzhu and Jiang Qichen, also said that Zhu Lilun's speech was extremely inappropriate. Ma Ying-jeou stated through his foundation that the "1992 Consensus" is the basic principle of the KMT's interactions with the mainland, and it has been written into the KMT party constitution. When Zhu Lilun took office, he also promised to abide by the KMT's policy platform, but now he has made a speech denying the historical status of the "1992 Consensus". This is a major setback for the KMT in cross-strait relations.

At the same time, Ma Ying-jeou also warned Zhu Lilun not to forget the fundamental principles of handling cross-strait relations, otherwise there will be serious consequences.At the celebration of the 98th anniversary of the founding of the Huangpu Military Academy, Hong Xiuzhu loudly denounced Zhu Lilun's absurd views. At the same time, she also emphasized that the "1992 Consensus" is the anchor of cross-strait peace. If the Kuomintang loses these beliefs, it will surely perish. Jiang Qichen believes that Zhu Lilun's attitude during his visit to the United States was "too flattering", which will not only make Americans look down on him, but also his "anti-China and pro-American" policy will make Taiwan lose room for maneuver, and his approach is "very inappropriate." ”

Reading guide: The wind direction on the island has indeed begun to change. Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, who once disparaged the

Xie Zonghuang (left) and Zhang Xuehai (right)

Under strong pressure, Zhu Lilun knew that he was in the wrong, so his attitude at the Kuomintang Central Committee meeting also restrained a lot. However, it must be pointed out that although Zhu Lilun emphasized that he "hopes that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait can avoid conflicts and wars through dialogue and exchanges," he did not mention his previous denial of the "1992 Consensus," and he also did not mention it in his speech. The one-China principle was not mentioned. It can be said that his so-called "easing relations" speech was quite insincere, and perhaps just a vague statement that he had to make under tremendous pressure. However, the trend in Taiwan has already begun to change, and calls for peaceful reunification are getting louder and louder.

As the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said in its previous response: We hope that all political parties, groups and individuals on the island who are committed to developing cross-strait relations and maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait will always stand on the right side of history and work with us to resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence" separatism and interference from external forces, promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, safeguard peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, benefit compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and safeguard national interests.

This article only represents the author's own views, and the author is solely responsible for the article.

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