The Party Committee of North China Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus infection, conscientiously implemented t

2024/05/2422:50:34 hotcomm 1925

Let the party flag shine in winning the battle against epidemic prevention and control

- Huayao Group goes all out to do epidemic prevention and control and production and operation work


The Party Committee of North China Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus infection, conscientiously implemented t - DayDayNews

Chairman Yang Guozhan went to the production line to supervise the production and epidemic prevention situation during the Spring Festival , and expressed condolences to front-line workers

Since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus, the Party Central Committee has always attached great importance to it. General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions on many occasions and put forward clear requirements for party organizations at all levels and party members and cadres to fully play their roles. The Party Committee of North China Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Huabei Group") has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus infection, and conscientiously implemented the decisions of the Party Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government, and the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. Deploy, strengthen the overall coordination and command of the party organization, regard epidemic prevention and control as the most urgent and important political task at present, and call on the majority of party members and cadres to improve their political stance, not forgetting the original intention, keeping the mission in mind, taking the lead in setting an example, taking the lead from above, and giving full play to The party organization is a battle fortress and party members and cadres play a pioneering and exemplary role, actively doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control and production and operation, uniting and leading the broad masses of employees to resolutely win the battle against epidemic prevention and control.

The Party Committee of North China Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus infection, conscientiously implemented t - DayDayNews

Party members spontaneously organized loading

Party building led the way in implementing precise policies and implementation

The epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility. Since January 20, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made many personal deployments and issued a series of important instructions on the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus infection. The Party Committee of Huashan Pharmaceutical Group has improved its political position, strengthened the "four consciousnesses", strengthened the "four self-confidences", and achieved "two safeguards", and resolutely unified its thoughts and actions to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and to the Party Central Committee In the spirit of the "Notice" of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, we resolutely shouldered the political responsibility for epidemic prevention and control. Party organizations at all levels and all party members and cadres charged forward, bravely dedicated, and fulfilled the original aspiration and mission of Communist Party members with responsibility and responsibility. .

Establish leading organizations for prevention and control work at all levels. After the outbreak of the epidemic, Huayao Group quickly established a leadership group with the party committee secretary, chairman and general manager as team leaders, and members of the group company's leadership team as deputy team leaders. It clarified the members of the subordinate offices and their corresponding responsibilities, and formulated the "Three "Aspects and Seven Measures" to effectively guide the epidemic prevention and control work of all units. Party organizations at all levels at the grassroots level have also established organizational structures for epidemic prevention and control, with clear leaders, responsible departments, and division of responsibilities. The mobile phones of leaders in charge at all levels are open 24 hours a day, and the responsible departments for epidemic prevention and control at all levels are on duty 24 hours a day, with overall dispatch and unified coordination, so that all work is carried out in an orderly manner. From New Year's Eve to February 2, all units at all levels have personnel on duty to keep government orders flowing and coordination in place. Among them, the New Preparation Branch Factory, Beiyuan Branch Factory, Huamin Company, Huanuo Company and other relevant preparation production units, during the holiday During this period, we have been working hard to schedule production and produce clinical drugs needed for new pneumonia.

quickly launched a comprehensive investigation. Seriously follow the requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government and the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission's "Notice on Further Strengthening the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia Epidemic of New Coronavirus Infection" and other requirements, seize key points, key personnel, and key links to conduct inspections, collect, organize, and compile daily , Report epidemic trends and information, fill in the "Fever Personnel Investigation and Statistics Form", collect statistics on the physical health of on-the-job and retired employees, and implement a "daily report" and "zero report" system. So far, more than 14,000 employees and more than 9,000 retirees have been investigated, and there are no suspected or confirmed cases.

Strengthen public opinion guidance and publicity of typical deeds. The "Notice on Strengthening Propaganda and Online Public Opinion Guidance During the Epidemic Prevention and Control Period" was issued, and the deputy secretary of the Party Committee was appointed as the team leader, the responsible comrade of the Party Committee Propaganda Department was the deputy team leader, and the secretaries of party organizations at all levels were members of the public opinion work leadership The team has also identified a spokesperson, strengthened external publicity and public opinion monitoring work, improved the ability to analyze and judge public opinion, and ensured that public opinion can be managed, controlled, and handled in a standardized manner.At the same time, the company's internal network has been further improved, using new media platforms such as WeChat, Douyin, micro-video, and mobile APPs to promptly release official information on epidemic prevention and control, and distribute "Huayao Group's New Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Prevention and Control Knowledge" to employees. "Handbook", which popularizes new coronavirus prevention and control knowledge from five parts including work area protection knowledge and personal protection knowledge, strives to spread positive energy, discovers front-line advanced figures, promotes the main theme, and guides employees to view the epidemic situation correctly and rationally, do not believe in rumors, and do not Spread rumors, do not panic, enhance self-prevention awareness and protective capabilities, and strengthen the confidence and determination to defeat the epidemic.

The Party Committee of North China Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus infection, conscientiously implemented t - DayDayNews

Complete loading and dispatch as quickly as possible

Remain true to our original aspirations. Party members and cadres rush to the front

Party flags are waved, and party members arrive at their posts. The majority of party members and cadres of Huashan Pharmaceutical Group have shouldered the heavy burden of epidemic prevention and control, actively adhered to their posts, and played an exemplary and leading role. The excellent qualities of Communist Party members shine on the front line of the fight against the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus infection. The party flag is in the epidemic The front line of the prevention and control battle is flying high.

plays the role of a fighting fortress of grassroots party organizations. The party organizations of each subsidiary of Huayao Group took the initiative to shoulder the main responsibility for epidemic prevention and control. While taking "prevention from external imports and prevention of internal spread" as their top priority, they also adopted a variety of measures to fully guarantee production and operations. During the epidemic prevention and control period, party organizations at all levels established 36 party member responsibility areas, 12 "pioneer posts" for party members, and 54 service teams. At the same time, more than 10 party organizations, including the Party Committee of the government agency, the Party Committee of Huamin Company, and the Party Committee of the New Preparation Branch Factory, immediately issued letters of initiative and mobilization orders to all party members, calling on all party members to take the initiative to fulfill the mission of Communist Party members and with full spirit The situation forms a powerful synergy of group prevention and group control, contributing to the final victory in the battle against epidemic prevention and control.

Give full play to the exemplary role of party members and leading cadres. The main responsible comrades, party organization secretaries and leadership team members of each subsidiary stick to their posts and take command from the front, implement the system of leading cadres on duty, and make every effort to organize and direct the epidemic prevention and control and production operations, so as to ensure that they are responsible for protecting the territory and taking responsibility for the territory. Keep your land and do your duty. Wang Yongjie, Party Secretary and Chairman of Huanuo Company, has been working non-stop since the 30th of the twelfth lunar month to promote the production of "Bai Bening" antibacterial agent and use this variety for epidemic prevention and control in advance.

give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of the party members. During the epidemic prevention and control work, the majority of party members took the initiative to identify themselves as party members and formed a party member commando team to undertake on-duty inspections, disinfection and epidemic prevention work. At the same time, they wore party emblems on duty, took the initiative to accept the supervision of the organization and employees, and took the lead in going all out to promote production and ensure growth. . New Preparation Branch, Beiyuan Branch, Xiantai Company and other units insist on ensuring both epidemic prevention and control and production and operation. More than 1,600 party members stick to their posts (the whole group has a total of 3,273 party members) and do their best in the face of urgent, difficult and dangerous projects. to "I am a member of the Communist Party, I go first." A volunteer team of more than 30 Party members from the Preparation Pharmaceutical Division gave up their Spring Festival vacation and loaded the trucks themselves. In less than 48 hours, the approval, goods transfer and document making processes were completed, and 3,000 pieces of medicine were sent to the epidemic area. Cao Bin, a 58-year-old veteran party member of the New Preparation Branch Factory, volunteered to be responsible for receiving raw materials in the warehouse, supplying materials for workshop production, shipping finished products, and scheduling the central control room of the multi-temperature three-dimensional warehouse. He had no rest during the Spring Festival and was so tired that he could not stand up when he returned home. However, they still stuck to their posts and effectively guaranteed the supply of materials with practical actions.

plays the role of group organization cohesion. The trade union and the Communist Youth League launched initiatives to publicize and mobilize the majority of employees, effectively gathering the backbone of young people. The labor union has set up a special fund of 500,000 yuan for epidemic prevention and control, and the group party committee has also allocated more than 200,000 yuan in party fees for the company's special fund to fight the epidemic and provide care for front-line employees.

The Party Committee of North China Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of the important instructions given by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus infection, conscientiously implemented t - DayDayNews

Loaded with goods and ready for departure

Stick to the post to resist the epidemic and ensure production

General Secretary Xi Jinping has mentioned "joint prevention and joint control" many times to strengthen the supply of relevant drugs and materials. In this smokeless battle to prevent and control the epidemic, the Party Committee of Huayao Group has made unified arrangements. While doing a good job in internal prevention and control work, it has given full play to its own advantages, actively fulfilled its social responsibilities, focused on ensuring the production of epidemic prevention and control drugs, and demonstrated State-owned enterprises take responsibility.

Step up the production of epidemic prevention and control drugs.As a manufacturer of anti-infectious drugs to fight the epidemic, Huayao Group has bravely shouldered its social responsibilities, canceled vacations as soon as possible, resumed production, worked overtime, and made every effort to produce anti-epidemic drugs. On January 22, the business staff of the Hubei Office received an emergency call from local customers and hospitals. The Amoxicillin Sodium and Clavulanate Potassium for Injection of Huayao was out of stock, and 160,000 spare doses were urgently needed. The production staff of Huayao related products worked overtime to produce; 1 Starting from March 27 (the third day of the first lunar month), Yang Guozhan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Huayao Group, and other major leaders went to grassroots units to arrange and deploy epidemic prevention and control and drug supply work. As of February 2 (the ninth day of the Lunar New Year), 14 epidemic prevention-related drug manufacturers including Huamin Company, New Preparation Branch Factory, Beiyuan Branch Factory, and Huanuo Company have all resumed production, with more than 4,000 employees on the production line. It will help ensure the production of drugs related to epidemic prevention. As of February 11, nearly 30 companies under Huabei Pharmaceutical, including Huamin Company, New Preparation Branch Factory, Beiyuan Branch Factory, and Huanuo Company, have resumed work, with more than 5,800 people returning to work. Currently, Huayao Group has 22 commonly used antibacterial drugs for secondary infections, 1 immunosuppressant and 1 disinfectant that can be used for novel coronavirus infection prevention and secondary infections. Among them, the production of major epidemic prevention-related drugs such as amoxicillin sodium and clavulanate potassium for injection, cyclosporine soft capsules, ceftriaxone sodium for injection, and "Baibening" brand bacteriostatic agents are being stepped up.

Ensure that anti-epidemic drugs are fully guaranteed. Under the unified leadership of the Party Committee of Huayao Group, Huayao Group scientifically organizes production, coordinates and links based on the comprehensive guarantee level of production capacity, equipment, environmental protection, supply, sales, etc., and goes all out to support epidemic prevention and control nationwide, especially in Wuhan City and Hubei Province. Medicines required. Up to now, a total of more than 160,000 pieces of antibiotics, immunity, antipyretic and analgesic products have been shipped to all parts of the country. Among them, products urgently sent to Hubei (main products include amoxicillin sodium and clavulanate potassium for injection, norvancomycin for injection, cyclosporine soft capsules, cefoperazone sodium and sulbactam sodium for injection, meropenem for injection, etc. ) A total of 12,133 items; since January 30, more than 50,000 medicines such as amoxicillin sodium and clavulanate potassium for injection and penicillin sodium for injection have been distributed to front-line epidemic prevention hospitals such as Huoshenshan Hospital, Leishenshan Hospital, and Fangcang Hospital. payment, completing 83.3% of orders.

actively engages in scientific research. The "Mechanism and Clinical Research of Injectable Bee Venom for the Prevention and Treatment of New Coronavirus Pneumonia" undertaken by Huayao Huakun Company was listed as an emergency scientific research project for the prevention and control of new coronavirus infection pneumonia by the Hebei Provincial Department of Science and Technology. It is currently relevant Research is ongoing.

actively fulfills its social responsibilities. While ensuring medicines, the Party Committee of Huayao Group actively fulfilled its social responsibilities and donated 211 urgently needed medicines such as cyclosporine soft capsules and amoxicillin capsules to the Wuhan area through the Red Cross Society of China, worth 1 million yuan; to the Zhong Nanshan Medical Foundation Donated 10,000 bee venom injections with a market value of more than 2 million yuan; donated more than 20,000 bottles of "Baibening" bacteriostatic agent to Hubei Province through Hubei Provincial Red Cross and other institutions, with a market value of more than 1 million yuan; through Shijiazhuang Chang'an The district government donated 8,000 bottles of "Baibeining" antibacterial agent and VC tablets to front-line epidemic prevention staff in Chang'an District, with a market value of more than 300,000 yuan; a total of more than 4.3 million yuan of medicines have been donated, contributing to winning the battle against epidemic prevention and control.

Concentrate on epidemic prevention and control in enterprises

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that “epidemic prevention and control must adhere to a nationwide game of chess.” Adhering to a national game of chess must be based on the premise of implementing the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and ensuring the smooth realization of the goals, tasks and strategic arrangements set by the Party Central Committee. The Party Committee of Huayao Group always puts the safety and health of employees first, giving full play to the role of party organizations and party members at all levels to ensure the supply of anti-epidemic drugs while making every effort to prevent and control the enterprise's epidemic. At present, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government and the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Huayao Group has made unified arrangements for further epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production, focusing on epidemic prevention and control on one hand and resumption of work and production on the other. It is being carried out vigorously and orderly.

Implement the organizational leadership of prevention and resumption of production and work, including joint supervision.Fully implement the responsibilities of the epidemic prevention and control working group, tighten the responsibilities for epidemic prevention and control, formulate a detailed epidemic prevention and control work plan, and clarify the return to work statistics team, daily diagnosis and inspection team, office hygiene and disinfection team, etc. 5 Each task group is divided into two groups to comprehensively carry out epidemic prevention and control and safety production organization for enterprises to resume production and work. Normal production and business units should focus on scientific protection of front-line workers and maintain the stability of the workforce. Company leaders and heads of functional departments strictly implement the epidemic prevention and control and production and operation work contracting system, implement the contracting responsibility, strengthen supervision and inspection of the epidemic prevention and control work and production and operation work of 44 grassroots units, and coordinate to solve practical problems. Members of the leadership team at all levels take command from the front, implement detailed inspection and supervision responsibilities, and ensure that epidemic prevention and control and production and operation work are carried out in an orderly manner.

details the prevention and control work during the epidemic. Based on the actual situation, we formulated and issued the "Implementation Plan for Resumption of Work and Production", "Work Plan for Epidemic Prevention and Control" and "Emergency Plan for Epidemic Prevention and Control". Based on the investigation of all employees, we focused on strengthening the investigation of those who have returned to work. Strictly implement the "daily reporting, zero reporting" system for epidemic information, and ensure that personnel enter the factory, have temperature checks, and allocate epidemic prevention supplies. Temperature detection points are set up at the entrance and exit, and dedicated personnel are on duty 24 hours a day. Employees who return to work after the holiday are inspected. Body temperature measurement, health screening and registration are required. Personnel entering the factory are required to wear masks and undergo temperature checks. Scientific management and control will be carried out to minimize the gathering of people. Optimize the work process and personnel organization, adopt a variety of flexible working methods such as off-peak hours and remote working, and adopt time-sharing and separate dining modes to effectively reduce the gathering of people. Carry out sanitation, disinfection and safety protection in public places. Arrange dedicated personnel to carry out sanitation and disinfection work in production workshops, offices, canteens, dormitories, shuttle buses and other areas prone to cross-infection three times a day in the morning, noon and evening. At the same time, a special collection box for discarded masks has been set up for centralized disinfection and disposal.

strengthens the safety management and risk identification of major risks and high-risk operations. It is clear that units involving clean production areas and closed working environments must resume work and production in accordance with professional requirements for process, quality, and equipment, and do a good job in safety and fire protection; units with major risks (Beida liquid ammonia tank farm, oxidation process positions, Huamin solvent tank area, Aino hydrogenation positions), increase the intensity and frequency of inspections, and ensure that parameters such as tank liquid level and pressure, as well as flammable and toxic alarms are in normal working condition. Strictly implement the leadership system for resumption of production units such as Huamin Company, Beida Branch Factory, Huanuo Company, etc., strengthen daily inspections and abnormal records, and ensure that all levels of security and staff are on duty.

Strengthen drug quality and people's drug safety. Protect people's health with high-quality products, strengthen the control of raw material procurement, production process management, finished product inspection and release, stability inspection, etc., conduct timely assessments, adhere to the bottom line of quality, and ensure the quality of products on the market. At the same time, quality management and inspection personnel are reasonably arranged according to the production schedule to ensure that quality management and inspection work are carried out effectively and orderly. Clarify the contact person for prevention and control. For drugs produced and sold during the epidemic prevention period, especially those donated and sold to Hubei and other severely affected areas, focus on the collection and reporting of quality complaints, adverse reactions, GMP inspections, emergency random inspections and other information. Every Information related to products sent to the Wuhan area will be reported on a daily basis to ensure that relevant information is fed back and processed in a timely manner. At present, the donated medicines have passed the Hebei Provincial Food and Drug Administration sampling test and all have passed the test.

(Contributed by the Party Committee Office of North China Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.)

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