Foreword: "Life is Beautiful" is a black comedy film set during World War II, written, directed and starred by the famous Italian comedian and director Roberto Benigni. The title of the movie "Life is Beautiful" comes from the words of Trotsky, a veteran Russian revolutionary, be

2024/05/2408:22:33 hotcomm 1409

Foreword: "Life is Beautiful" is a black comedy film with the background of World War II, written, directed and starred by the famous Italian comedian and director Roberto Benigni. The title of the movie "Life is Beautiful" comes from the words of Trotsky, a veteran Russian revolutionary, before his death. When he learned that Stalin was going to carry out an assassination, he said to his wife: "No matter what, life is beautiful." Douban of the film It scored 9.5 points and ranked fifth on Douban Top 250. The film won three awards at the 71st Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film, Best Actor, and Best Original Film Music. The movie

tells the story of the Jewish young man Guido and his friends who came to a small town to open a bookstore. On the way, they met Dora, a beautiful female teacher. After getting along repeatedly, the two finally got married. But the good times did not last long. Guido and his son were forcibly sent to a concentration camp because of their Jewish ancestry. In order to be with her husband and son, his wife Dora resolutely chose to pass and was detained separately in the concentration camp. In order to protect his son's beautiful childhood, Guido lied to his son that this was a game in the inhumane concentration camp.

Today, I will analyze the difference and beauty of this World War II absurd comedy movie from the two levels of love and family affection in the film's story.


01. The encounter between Guido and Dora: Have you found the person who makes you stop hiccups?

At the beginning of the film, Guido and his friend’s car ran out of gas. When he went to get gas, Dora happened to fall onto him from upstairs. In his arms, he looked at Dora in his arms and said to her for the first time, "Good morning, my princess."

Later, when he was being chased, he met Dora again by chance, and learned that Dora was When he was asked to be a teacher in elementary school, he came to the school in a different way just to meet Dora. When he learned that Dora would go to the opera on the weekend, he began to make a small calculation. At the Opera House, Guido "arrived as promised". He looked lovingly at her sitting on the upper left. Every time he saw this scene, a sentence would come to his mind.

You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery

The people watching the scenery are watching you upstairs

The bright moon has decorated your windows

You have decorated other people's dreams

The opera ended, but it started to rain in the sky. In the crowd, Dora and her fiancé quarreled. To resolve the conflict, she told her fiancé that she did not want to go to the director's house for dinner and that she did not like such an occasion. Dora would hiccup every time her fiancé forced her to do something she didn't like. The fiancé agreed, but because of the director's invitation again, he could only flatter him. The fiancé went to drive, but Dora got into Guido's car by mistake without knowing it. In fact, what she wanted was very simple, a chocolate ice cream and a walk together, which was already good.

Guido can always create surprises for Dora. This was his first time driving. It rained heavily and his car broke down. In order to prevent Dora from getting wet, he simply turned the seat cushion into an umbrella. In order to protect Dora's To keep his shoes from getting wet, he used the awning as a red carpet. Guido's actions are so gentlemanly. How can we not be tempted by a girl who is ignorant of the world and longs for simple love.


If you are used to having men treat you like this, you will marry a better man in the future.

At the engagement party, Dora's "take me away" was not only an "I do", but more of her firm determination.

Why did Dora give up her rich, powerful and powerful fiancé and choose Guido, who was penniless, greedy for petty gains, glib and of a different race?

If a person who loves lying is defined as a liar, then there is no doubt that Guido is a liar. From the first time he met Dora, he began his journey of deception. He said he was a prince and she was a princess. Fortunately, this liar deceived Dora for a lifetime.

This is the first half of the story. Later, the princess and the prince had a little prince, and their family of three lived happily together.


02. Guido’s Lie: I will exchange 1,000 points for your wonderful childhood.

If the story ends here, we can view this film as a romance film similar to "Roman Holiday". It not only has a red carpet, but also There is a "white horse".

We don’t know which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident. When Dora's mother finally let go of her daughter's original choice and came to celebrate her grandson's 5th birthday, on this day, Guido and his son were pulled onto a train to the concentration camp because of their Jewish identities.

When Dora learned that her husband and son had been taken away, she pursued them without hesitation. and told the officer that she was going to get on that train. The sentence "Let me go" is so firm, just like that time "Take me away". No matter it is the end of the world or the end of the world, she will go, because where her husband and son are, she will be there.


In order to prevent his son from being afraid, Guido told his son that this was a game trip, and if he got 1,000 points, he would be rewarded with a tank. When the officer was looking for a translator, Guido, who did not speak German, risked his life to "forcibly" introduce the rules of the game to his son. "First, I can't find my mother. Second, I can't eat bread." This made the son even more convinced that this was a game.

Guido was exploited for a day in the concentration camp and was so tired that he could hardly stand on his feet. However, he held his son in his arms and gave his son the "fine" white steamed buns he had secretly hidden.

Once, Guido and his son passed by the broadcasting room. He walked in, picked up the loudspeaker, and reported to his wife that she was safe. This is undoubtedly a ray of light in this hell on earth, which warms my wife and gives her hope of living.

Even in this hell, Guido seized every opportunity to surprise his wife. When he was helping in the restaurant, he accidentally saw a big speaker. When no one was paying attention, he moved the speaker to the direction of his wife and played their love song. What should the happiest family look like? It shouldn’t be about living in a villa and driving a luxury car, but that dad loves mom, mom loves dad, and mom and dad love their children.


03. Even if life is a clown, we can still be beautiful.

We will never forget Guido’s last lie. On the eve of victory, military officers called for the killing of all Jews in concentration camps. If Guido wanted to run away directly with his son in his arms, it would be easy for him, but he had to save his wife.

Guido hid his son in the trash can and told his son to wait until no one was outside before he could come out. This was a crucial night. As long as he was not discovered, he would get 1,000 points and have a tank! The son blinked his big, bright eyes, convinced of his father's words. In the process of searching for his wife, Guido was unfortunately discovered by the officer. He was hiding on the wall, but he was always illuminated by the light of a flashlight. At this moment, he finally realized that death was coming.

Guido was escorted by the officer and walked in front. When passing the trash can, he smiled and winked at his son, imitating the clown's walk in an exaggerated way, making his son laugh. The gunshots that came immediately indicated that no miracle happened, and Guido failed to save himself.

"The mother's role is to give the child a sense of security in life, while the father's task is to guide the child to face the difficulties he will encounter in the future."

At dawn, the son came out of the trash can and saw a brand new car. The tank stopped in front of him, and he cheered excitedly, "I won!" He didn't know it at the time, but his father had paid for it with his life. Guido saved his son's childhood from a disaster, and he protected his son's childhood with a game.


04. The “magic curse” that each of us needs

I still remember the words of Guido’s friend at the beginning of the film: “Willpower conquers all.” It can be said that this sentence runs throughout the film and makes us believe in the story even more. Authenticity.

On the bed, Guido woke up his sleeping friend; in the opera house, Guido muttered a "magic spell" to make Dora look at him; during a walk, Guido asked the person upstairs to throw the key; when he was dying, Guido asked the military dog ​​standing outside his son's trash can to go away... The most important thing is that Guido made his son believe that this was a game. He believed it, and we believed it.

There is a "law of firm belief" in psychology, which basically means that if you believe in something 10,000%, it will eventually become a fact.


At the end of the story, the son finally knows his father's good intentions. What he desperately defends is not only his childhood, but also the beautiful life between him and his mother.

The power of willpower is powerful. The reason why Guido is so convinced is that it all stems from his love, his love for his wife, and his love for his son. Even if there is a wall full of corpses in front of you, you should live toward death.

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