The leader of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that "China has started research on the timetable for the suspension of production and sales of traditional energy vehicles." This means that at some point in the future, all cars running on the street will be

2024/05/2405:47:32 hotcomm 1842

The leader of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that

In the past two days, new energy vehicles have been a hot topic, very strong.

stocks are soaring!

’s latest boost comes from a piece of news over the weekend. The leader of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that “China has launched a study on the timetable for the suspension of production and sales of traditional energy vehicles.”

means that , at some point in the future, all cars running on the street will be new energy . Thinking about this market space, it is a bit scary.

feels that this news is not groundless.

html In mid-August, I had a meal in Shanghai with a distant cousin, and we talked about new energy vehicles. My cousin is currently working for a domestic listed automobile production company, and he mentioned that their company will be launching one in a few years. After the year (I won’t say the specific year, for fear of leaking confidentiality), the production of traditional energy vehicles will be completely stopped.

In addition, I like to read Essence Securities . It began to recommend new energy in early July, and even believes that the new energy vehicle sector will be the soul of growth stocks in the next ten years.

The leader of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that


Can new energy vehicles continue to develop?

I think it can. There are two most basic and important supporting factors:

The first is the most important policy support.

Whether it is studying the traditional car production suspension schedule or the upcoming new energy vehicle points policy, etc., it shows that the management supports the development of new energy.

When investing in China, you must definitely follow the policies. The general policy direction is the general trend. If you follow the trend, you will not lose money; if you go against the trend, you will often be miserable.

The other one is not about deep-seated issues, but from the aspects that we can actually feel in our lives.

In the past few years, I have gained a deep understanding of financial investment, which is to discover high-quality investment targets from your life, the most intuitive Tencent . Everyone around me is playing Tencent games and using Tencent products. In this way For a company with high acceptance, the stock price will inevitably rise. Those who win users will win the world, and users are the guarantee of performance.

Back to new energy, new energy vehicles are more environmentally friendly than traditional vehicles.

In recent years, environmental protection issues have become serious, very serious! Smog has seriously troubled everyone's lives. As for why smog occurs, some experts have previously said that too much car exhaust is a big reason.

To solve environmental problems, developing new energy vehicles to reduce vehicle exhaust is a good direction.

From this perspective, the development of new energy vehicles has a good basic support.


New energy has increased so much, can I still buy it?

Whether you are buying stocks, houses, or funds, everyone will encounter this situation. You are optimistic about a target and want to buy it, but you do not buy it in time. The price of the target rises, and then you start to struggle with whether to pursue the purchase, but you think it was cheaper before. I didn't buy it then, but now it's too expensive. But I feel like I'm losing money if I buy it, but I'm afraid it will continue to rise, and I'll lose money if I don't buy it...

I'm confused, I'm really confused.

Behavioral science calls this psychology anchoring psychology .

We are always accustomed to taking what we have just experienced as the standard and then judging new changes based on it. This standard is the "anchor".

The market has risen from 2000 points to 3000 points. We will feel that the increase has been too much and we are a little afraid to buy. At this time, our reference standard is 2000 points.

Later, the market pulled back from 3000 points to 2500 points. We will feel that it is very cheap again and can buy in large quantities. At this time, our reference standard is 3,000 points.

But you have to know that 2500 points is much higher than the original 2000 points.

actually has too limited vision.

Take the new energy vehicle industry chain as an example. It has indeed risen a lot recently, and many people think it is a high level. However, the horizon is 10 years ahead.


So, how to invest in the new energy vehicle sector in the best way.

still recommends using funds to invest in and new energy theme funds in . This is also an investment strategy I am currently implementing.

Friends who have read my previous articles should know that my fixed investment is: Cathay New Energy Vehicle (LOF) 160225.

In addition, there are many funds investing in new energy on the market.

I checked it and made a simple table. You can take a look at it. First, let’s look at a dehydrated simplified version:

The leader of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that

Click to enlarge the view

There are so many funds, so which one should you choose?

previously wrote an article introducing how to choose funds "Strategy!" Teach you a trick to pick out the fattest "base" from more than 3,000 funds." You can take a look.

Regarding new energy funds, I first excluded hybrid fund products when selecting them, and the allocated positions were relatively low.

mainly selects from stock types and stock index types, and compares various factors such as scale, income and fund managers:

stock type is the first choice, ICBC New Materials and New Energy stocks 001158, the top ten stocks are:

The leader of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that

stock index Type, the Thai Securities New Energy Vehicle Index I am investing in is 160225, which is good.

The top ten heavy holdings of new energy vehicles in the China National Securities Securities:

The leader of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that

There is another one, BoCom National Securities New Energy Index Fund is also good . In the long run, these 3 funds can be invested for the long term.

The picture above is a simplified version. I deleted the A and B categories of the fund, and finally made a comprehensive version. It may also be useful to some people:

The leader of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that

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